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What do women really think about people who are over 30 that never had any sexual partners? Would you ever date such person?
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this is going to be a concern with every girl. look, I've had celibate relationships with women. they don't work out. either you're fucking a girl and the relationship works out or it might not, or you're wasting you're time not getting your dick wet and learning how to lay pipe and satisfy a woman.

don't tell her ur a virgin, and just go for it after the end of a good date. you'll find that you're better at sex than you think you'll be. just spend a while with foreplay and rail her pussy.
>It’s the comparison itself that disgusts me, the non-exclusivity
Virgin girls compare you to guys more than non-virgins do. They have their checklist 50 pages long and they know they're a catch thanks to le heckin based and redpilled movement. I've been going to church for years and years in many different parish community. Church girls are the absolute worst and they are NOTORIOUSLY hard to date for those inside the community. Outside you have a much better chance because you might actually be able to fuck her. relationships don't work without sex, it's true.
Fellas, I'm 18 and I'm planning to see an escort this weekend to get this shit off my chest. My is question is how easy is it going to be? I'm in great shape I think I can handle it but I'm pretty nervous about finding the hole or thrusting. Share your experiences.
>this is going to be a concern with every girl
it wouldn't be a big deal if that anon also had better experiences with other girls... then they would be equal. But if he has only been with 1 girl, and she has been with 15 guys. He is not going to be the best shes had, yet she will be his "best". its unequal.

Couples need to be on the same experience level.
>if she is a virgin as well
Get that "as well" out of there. That's modernist, egalitarian bullshit. It matters 99x more if the girl is a virgin. Look up the definition of "virgin" in Noah Webster's 1828 dictionary. It only speaks of it in terms of female virginity. I tell you, modern Christian dialogue about virginity and sexual purity before marriage is incredibly tainted by modernist egalitarian thinking no matter how "trad" you get.
>Couples need to be on the same experience level.
Yeah, I think so too. Trips of truth anon. Thing is... there just aren't any female virgins that you'd want to date. They're insane. They are also going to date a millionaire because they're holding out for the best guy you can, not your 4chan using ass. That's why girls who've only had sex with long-term bfs are best. Even those are rare tho.
What skill? Penis goes in vagina. There you go you now know everything there is to know about sex. Everything else is just a game to get one or the other person horny. Notice how it's mostly older people that get into fetish stuff while teenagers will go at it like rabbits without any sort of toys or paraphilia? It's because when you're older you start to get bored of sex after having it so often.

If you strip a woman naked for the first time what do you think you'd do to her? Suck her tits? Eat her out? Eat her ass? It doesn't matter... that's called foreplay, and the intensity of your desire is what's going to turn her on.

Women are like mirrors, they reflect what you give to them. If you're into what you're doing to her, she'll be into it. Women's sexuality is based around the desire others have for them. If your desire for her is high, she'll find what you're doing sexy, whatever the fuck it is.

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She left two small kids behind ages 4 and 6 she was around 28. I heard it was due to mental breakdown. She got a divorce last year because of domestic abuse.
Her mom and brothers were there when it happened. She was pacing the room when she suddenly opened up the balcony door and jumped, her brother tried to catch her but he didn't manage to. I was told they were at a psychiatrist that day they gave her some medicine and were told to call an ambulance(free) in case something happens, I guess they underestimated how dire the situation was. A cousin of hers was called to the scene when it happened regrettably, He raised charges on her ex-husband that evening.
There are so many "what ifs" and I know that's not what is important but what happened that day feels like a bad decision after bad decision from the doctor not telling them how serious her condition is, the choice of an apartment, and the family underestimating her condition. I usually say that you realize that it's too a month after it was too late. But man I don't know what to think so many ifs that it seems like any one of them would be better. I can't imagine the regret
>causes domestic abuse
>still plays the victim

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I'm a 20 year old woman.
And I don't have anything in my life.
I have zero energy and motivation to do anything in my life.
I don't any have friends. I never went to party or anything like that.
My social life literally doesn't exist.
I don't have a job. Fuck I don't even go to university and I probably wouldn't be able to get into one.
And obviously I don't have a car.

I still live with my parents.
Rot in bed all day on 4chan and anime. I never do anything productive.
I'm basically a giga NEET.
This has been my life for last two years. I didn't left my house in last 6 months. My parents aren't happy about this.
I feel like a failure. Like I already failed in life.
And I have need to change but then I remember I live in shithole where is hard to get a job and I have zero money to do anything in my life (+ other issues). And after this, I lost my energy and just went back to rot..
Seeing girls I went to high school, already winning in life, having cars, friends, going to university makes me so fucking mad. Fucking whores.

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>Download dating app
>get paypig beta
>have him pay for everything including college
>dump him after you drained his wallet
>move on to the next
Ez pz. May even be able to do it if you're overweight.
It's okay, God loves you, you are still young. Don't try to rush things, just let things take their natural course and you'll find happiness. You are your own worst enemy it seems, you have far too many demons plaguing your mind. Just let them go, keep a positive mindset.

Don't become a whore to cope with loneliness. How much does it cost to change the past? Some things are worth more than money.
man up dude
> 'm a 20 year old woman.
> I feel like a failure. Like I already failed in life.
> Holy shit what should I do.
You have plenty of time as long as you don't continue wasting it.
First you need motivation... Nothing else will happen until you have some motivation.
So... You have to start with health, because your mental heath depends on your physical health. That means a good diet and daily exercise, away from 4chan and anime.
If you can get those 2 simple things sorted for a month then you can start making plans like getting a job, socialising.
Absolutely no I have morals. Just because I suffer doesn't mean others should + I'm not a whore.
>It's okay, God loves you, you are still young
Sometimes it really seems like God doesn't love me. But I still pray. Hoping that he will help me one day.
>Don't try to rush things, just let things take their natural course and you'll find happiness.
I don't think this can be fixed with that.
I probably should do something. But I don't know what, I'm in terrible situation.
>You are your own worst enemy it seems,
Yeah..me and my financial instability
>Just let them go, keep a positive mindset.
How? I'm 20 and I don't have nothing. All women my age already did something in their life. I'm just waste.

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Anyone else stop being friends with their siblings as they became adults? I was super close with my younger brother when we were teens but now it's like he's a different person completely and we kinda don't like being in each other's company which is actually really sad
Now you’re just being sarcastic. Are you really that threatened by a random femanon on your precious Mongolian, underwater basket weaving forum? If you are then you have my sympathies.
no, you genuinely talk too much and i think thats because you think you're the shit. maybe you should try expressing content and meaning instead of your blank perception of things. i don't see why me being ugly would matter in any way, shape or form
There is no reason to be insincere and disingenuous, like this. You seem really unhappy in life. Instead of lying to yourself, and everyone else, about how unhappy you are, just be honest. Honesty transforms.
Fuck, everyone's so nice to me all the fucking time, but when it comes to remembering a date...

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How do you get rid of a phobia? Mine is a serious problem and if there’s a general approach then I’ll try that first.
3 grams of phenibut, legal in most countries
social anxiety gone
What's the phobia

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to.
BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc...
Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Books and Resources
"Models": https://ufile.io/f/jrw9j (expired?)
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
"Mystery Method": https://pastebin.com/cMHcY4dc (old pastebin)

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All I want is to build a connection.
Basically get their number and not get immediately ghosted.

Never works for me I end up in sausage fests wherever I go. I have been trying to get a social life for like 7 years at least. Always end up in these cringy nerdy circles full of guys and no girls. I'm not cool enough to be accepted by the cool people who actually have activities/parties worth attending.
If you just want numbers then go to tourist places where the drunk girls on vacation go.
>Never works for me I end up in sausage fests wherever I go. I have been trying to get a social life for like 7 years at least. Always end up in these cringy nerdy circles full of guys and no girls. I'm not cool enough to be accepted by the cool people who actually have activities/parties worth attending.

And you think cold approaching women is going to go better for you despite not being cool enough to do normal things?

I got a life and am unique enough to come off as interesting.
I just don't have the typical Instagramable life. That's why I come off as boring on Tinder or if I were surrounded by the cool kids.

One on one I make a much better impression. I also don't want to do some cringy pick up artist routine. More like finding creative ways to chat up strangers "casually" and see if we hit it off.
>More like finding creative ways to chat up strangers "casually" and see if we hit it off.
There are just so few places women would be willing to do this (and take it beyond a casual chat and actually give you her number) that it's basically a waste of time. You could do that for a decade and have nothing to show for it.

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I'll try to keep this as concise as possible
>Had a lot of mental health issues growing up due to growing up in a dysfunctional family
>Tried jobs/college did not succeed due to shitty mental health/social issues
>spent ages 21-27 as a NEET did not leave the house, watched anime and browsed /r9k/
>2020 covid first time I ever felt normal because everyone was in a similar situation to me
>Get my first real job, WFH customer service/sales
>Have disposable income for the first time in my life, feel a sense of pride for the first time in my life
>2022 Alcoholic brother beats the shit out of me and then my mother takes his side and kicks me out of the house due to weird trauma bond/Oedipus complex they have together. I don't know I'm not a psychotherapist
>Move out rent a place
>Feels good, do things I always wanted to do but feel very lonely start drinking heavily
>Now 29 get first real girlfriend, I love her but also very dysfunctional and also drinks heavily
>Get made redundant April 2023 cash out with 12K never had this much money before
>Spend the rest of the year drinking and doing everything with her, I really loved her despite her issues
>Drinking gets really bad, I'm drunk by 1pm everyday
>September 2023 run out of money

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in order of green text:

forget about your family and go hug them and tell them you love them.

study something else if you want to, I'm sure you can handle it now

atleast now you have a powerfully imagination and had more fun than the people throwing up at clubs and don't even remember their youth

I missed COVID due to a skitzo perioud

nice, I still don't have a job that pays, working for free to get something behind my name. burdening my parents.


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forgot something:

move somewhere nice.

now you can think about how you want to spend the rest of your youth.

I know I should do it, I have a relationship of 3 years that shouldn't have started, we got together and I told her I loved her and gave her lots of attentions because I had no one around, I used to think that love was built so you should have just kept going because one day I would have fell in love too, she's really enamored with me and I don't have the heart to leave her alone while knowing it will hurt her a lot but I also know that I can't keep going like this, I want to fool around with other girls at least for a couple of years more but I don't have the balls to do it, how can I do the least of damage to this flower? I like her but I know I'm wasting both of our time here
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not saying you should stay in it if you're not feeling it but
>I want to fool around with other girls at least for a couple of years more
you seriously just want to have your ho phase?
Yeah, I think I will regret it and be somewhat angry at her if I don't do it now, I'm almost 27 and I'd rather not be a creepy old guy
What also makes me wanna leave is that I feel that I can't have female friends and my time and space is her property, I think she sees me as a safe space and only wants to hang out with me
I was in a similar position as you nine years ago. I broke up with her and never fucked any women afterwards, at least not for five years. And the few I had I wish I didn't have them. I didn't cherish what I had, grew weary and longed for loneliness, but after a few months I realized it is not what I wanted.

I am in a similar situation now, but I know whoremongering is never worth it.
Do you think you’d feel differently if she were more independent?
Maybe it's not but still, I'm recieving love and attentions by being fake with her, I know that's gotta stop
Probably but I think she's already independent enough, she wants to move and live together, has a job and is still studying, what I don't like is that she doesn't hang out much or make new friends so she's sticking w me all the time and it makes me behave differently when we're with my friends because I have to keep giving her attentions
my ESL ass is too tired to write better, sorry

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How do you play the game as the guy on the right
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If u can't win with your hand just cheat
or go to the fucking gym u lazy fuck
Guy on the left has broad shoulders and a slim waist, so he has that tapered look like with minimal effort. Dude on the right has shit genetics, so he'll never compare to left no matter how hard he trains.
Dude on the left also has the ugly caveman look that women do not find attractive. Dude on the right looks like an actual homo sapien from a civilized society and just needs to work out his scrawny ass and he'd be fine.
Cope. He clearly is at least active where as the right photo looks like he doesn't even go outside and couldn't lift 40 pounds above his chest.
If the guy on the right had been more active as a kid or tried going to the gym sometime in the last 30 years he wouldn't be "playing that hand" today. Stop with the cope.

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>Be me some years ago, 17 years old
>Have been bullied in the past, was always peaceful and forgiving, didn't like to escalate conflict at all.
>Decide that it's wrong to let it happen, that I should fight back and defend myself if it happens again.
>Normal day during school, was having a testosterone peak
>Student one year older than me who annoyed me in the past pushes me out of nowhere.
>I tell him to stop this, that I don't like this shit at all.
>He says "fuck off, nobody cares".
>Punch him in the face with all my strenght
>He looks at me scared, confused. Was not expecting it
>I throw 3 more punches
>I thought his friends would try to beat me which I didn't give a fuck about, but when I looked at them they all had scared expressions in their faces instead.
>One of them gently told me stop, so I that's what I did
>The student who took the beat down started crying

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You should train in kickboxing to learn self-control.
As you do sparring with gym bros you will learn to limit your strength and contain the fury.
You did the right thing, fuck that faggot. Way to many people are comfortable acting like complete cunts without getting their bell rung for it.

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I beg all of you. Please stop being a NEET. Stop being so depressive all the time. Go outside and touch grass, try to make friends, try to do something of value with your life.

Being a NEET drives you crazy in the long term, it drains your soul and do you even become more retarded.

Please guys live this site as fast as you can and never enter again here anymore. Give (You)rself a chance.

Listen to me or you will repent all of the rest of your life. Please.
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>stop being depressed
Omg I'm cured

When I go outside I'm just depressed outside.
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Being a NEET who isn't a homeless wreck requires you to be smart. Having a flow of money without a stable job requires ingenuity. And it requires restraint to not spend too much.
And as I mentioned, I hate women. I am disgusted by the idea of being in a relationship. Since sex is a basic need, I'll go fuck a hooker if I have some extra cash lying around. But actually making an effort to get laid, let alone being in an actual relationship is just weak and cringe.
I've been trying for a year and still can't do it. I really believe that it can't happen unless someone holds a gun to my head. I always find something important that needs to be done first or get sick/injured.
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I'll save you. Post address.
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you're wasting your time.

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How dangerous is it to be homeless?
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Depends. If you live on the street it’s a risk factor for many health conditions, and it exposes you to many psychosocial stressors and/or adverse experiences. If you manage to live in your car or have some kind of stable shelter situation it’s less dire (a lot of people sleep in their car and park it in a friends’/family member lot). There are some places in the city where squatting is not that dangerous, so that’s an option as well. Be aware of cops. They tend to mistreat or abuse homeless people independently of their status.
is that abbey road?
Cash job on local classifieds, cleaning yards or day labor on construction sites.
Very. Exposure, other desperate people who want what you have, unhygienic living conditions or food options. All of those things can kill you.

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Regular porn doesn't do it for me anymore. I've downloaded Tiktok and been watching softcore stuff on YouTube.
I'm scared to take extreme measures to find new pleasure. You know what I'm talking about. I don't want to end up doing sick things, or listing for forbidden stuff. I need help.
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When society does this they’re not doing you a favor, they are helping themselves. They will charge you 200k over your lifetime to basically perma castrate yourself. You will be labeled as one no matter what you did. If anyone knows they’ll kill you. You can’t have sex and thus conventional relationships are off the table. Every doctor that knows your condition will look down at you. They also report you to the police so you’re always a suspect. If anyone finds your meds in a cabinet or a bag can easily google it and see what it is. Coming forward to anyone is lethal, to doctors it’s just a slow death. Your family will never see you the same, if they even love you at all anymore. They won’t let you around the rest of the family. Any potential partner runs and tells everyone if you ever come out to them about this. It’s grim but really you are just screwed.
Yeah and all just because you're going through a rough patch.

it will blow over man, don't over think it.

besides, the legal age in some country's is like 15(Sweden), so don't beat yourself up.
comedy gold.
He’s looking for advice on how to get child sex abuse material you disgusting faggot.
you keep doing it because you can't think of anything better
seriously think about this
that's your problem

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Random stranger asks me what street he's on. I didn't quite hear him, so I say "what?"

Dude then immediately asks the person behind me the exact same question.

The fuck was that? Why ask me a question then not bother to find out the answer?
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What kind of a fucktard gets mad about that?
>murdered by some schizo that needed weed money
>>that anon?
>>it was me anon
>>don't do weed it could kill you(rself)
awesome kek
So he moved on to the next person. Why are you offended? He wasn't talking to you because he wanted to he needed some information and you were there.

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Do you have friends or socialize regularly with people? If so where did you meet them? Any advice for someone looking to branch out and make connections? I am 26, make good money. Also taking recommendations for new hobbies as I haven none

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