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Ruby chocolate is great.
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It's not.
You should change your mind again.
It looks like the little yogurt drop treats i'd sometimes have stolen from me
This board goes back and forth on food faster than my sexuality when I see a nerdy guy with messy hair and I'm torn between hating him and hating myself
Not as fast as The Science™ flip flops on if eggs/coffee/chocolate is good or bad for you.
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we have so much in common girl!
i flipflop on bringing bread on my salon trips fr tho

I have recently gone (mostly) vegetarian in order to lose some weight, and while I'm happy mostly sticking to steamed veggies and soup, I would like something a little more substantial in terms of chewing. So what is a good meat replacement in terms of texture and taste that ISN'T tofu or fake meat?
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>It's the secret additives that make you fat.
It's typically processed food that makes you fat. Refined carbs and refined oils specifically, and that's what most junk food is made up of.
I love both but the idea of the two together seem as disparate as chocolate covered mushrooms. Just doesn't work in my mind but I'll take your word for it.
>protein powder
How fucking stupid am I that I forgot protein powder exists? He drinks milk daily as do his mother and I so this is really good advice, thanks.
The doctor was just suggesting more meat or lentils, which seems impractical because we simply don't eat that much altogether.
Shiitake mushrooms are chewy as fuck, you can usually get a giant bag of them dried from a Chinese place. Enoki mushrooms are quite fibrous, lotus root is crunchy, bamboo shoots have a firm dense texture, and while you're there pick up some fried tofu or tofu pok as well, it's puffed up and more toothsome. None of those things are like meat, but might satisfy the textural craving. Artichoke gets you the pulling things apart with your fingers and gnawing at them experience, but it's a bit of a pain in the ass to prepare.
>pain in the ass to prepare artichokes
Two cuts, a little trim and scoop out the center. That's it. wtf are you doing differently?
>The doctor was just suggesting more meat or lentils, which seems impractical because we simply don't eat that much altogether.
I struggle to eat much meat too and don't feel entirely satisfied from lentils, their protein content and quality isn't really that great. Though they're tasty.

Protein-based desserts could be another good addition. Like a ricotta cheesecake (not cream cheese which is mostly fat), or egg and milk custards. You can reduce the amount of sugar in them if you want, or use something like honey which is a little healthier.

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What is the best topping combination in your opinion? Do you eat them open face or sandwich style? Is it worth making your own or is just a meme?

Pic related, what I had today, kept it simple. Cream cheese, smoked sockeye salmon, capers and a squeeze of lemon. Might have some diced onion next time.
Open faced, whipped cream cheese, like half a pound of smoked Atlantic salmon, and paper thin red onions.

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Lose the olives but yes. Also canned refried beans and use Doritos to make it a taco salad.
mom hates cilantro
We use ground turkey meat instead of beef, that costco brand mexican cheese, soft taco shells, and none of the other stuff in your image
I prefer the anericanizec stuff over the authentic
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mexi-jak memes are so hot right now
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british people eat the super monkey ball bonus stage?

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do you ever take inspiration from the slop that is fast food, /ck/?
Yep. It inspires me to hate poors and fatties more than ever.
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I only take inspiration from 4chuds and booru.soy gems
Sure. Sausage, egg and cheese on some kind of bread are going to taste good no matter who inspired you to make it.

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>buy bag of potatoes
>4 days later every one has eyes
>throw out untouched bag
so fucking sick of buying potatoes
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checked and good post. nice quads, kill trannies, potatoes now officially for troons

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I don't recall allowing you to (You) me

taters easy to shape and turn into cramming devices
The heat of the colon cooks the potatoes
I keep mine in some brown paper in a cardboard box in a drawer. They stay fine for a month at least. Keeping other veggies nearby can offgas some stuff to make them bad, I read.

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What's your food guilty pleasure?
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>What's your food guilty pleasure?
foods i like
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what will come out of me telling you?

anyway, I like apple pie, but hold the butter and sugar

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Jalapeños are great tastelet filter
>oh wowwee so spicy!
Filters flyovers
>’ackchually this would be better with a naga chilis, you have to feel the heat! i guess you could just sub a pound of habaneros but it’s not the same bro!’
Filters retard and smokers.
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Smoking doesn't increase spice tolerance.
No but it reduces the ability to taste, so you think the only point of a jalapeño is to add heat.
why didn’t you just say that in the original post my good sir
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theres a specific reason for these, if you cant figure it out on your own youre a fucking moron
I briefly had hope in humanity, that people might be smart. This, a mistake.

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Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics

Poor over edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're old and confused, make any machine code recently?

Previous thread:>>20394870
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>coffee time general
more like faggot time general
coffee is for caffeine, nothing more. anything else makes you a fucking faggot
You can tell she has brain damage from the chemex.
You can tell she has brain damage from how fat she is.

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Is deliberately burping on command after eating to release gas good?
Should I do that? I eat a lot to bulk, so I've been burping a lot. My esophagus or whatever does the burping doesn't really burp on its own, so I do it deliberately because I tend to bloat up.
It's not bad for you, right?
Is it just from swallowing air? It's probably fine as long as it doesn't feel like anything is burning when you burp. If anything is burning it means stomach acid is hitting something it shouldn't be.

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Just had these for the first time, they're spicy as fuck and I could barely finish them (and this is coming from a guy who usually loves spicy food). They're very tasty and flavorful, tho.
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I just hate Korea desu. They're not a refined culture.
Just takes practice, anon. You don't quite build a tolerance to capsaicin the same as you would for drugs and alcohol, but you do learn to enjoy the burn more and push past your limits. That's how you get the endorphin dump which is a very unique kind of buzz, closer to a runner's high than anything else.
Fucking loser
The only dump I'm having is the one at 3 in the morning where asshole is on fire
your ability to tolerate spicy food is what defines your masculinity, never forget that

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How do i cook food for this mammal
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Alr but who has the most unfunniest cat jokes? Ill start

>soylent? No thanks, im a cat.
Don’t. Cooked food is bad for cats.
What did the cat say to the other cat?

Cat we all just get along
You really don't have to go out of your way, cats will eat just about anything. If you're preparing some kind of meat or fish for dinner, just give them some of that raw in addition to their regular food
There are four cat personality types, like the four humors

Den cat

Bruisers maintain the hierarchy and take food from other cats
Den cats raise kittens and clean the cat colony
Hunters be hunting, they kill for food and for sport
Mavericks go outside of colony territory and sometimes move between colonies, they also hunt when bored or to gain favor with a colony
I have so many cats, bro, it's somewhere between fucking annoying and also hilarious
Humans have cohabitated with cats longer than with dogs, because watching people fail on Youtube is brand-new; watching cats fail has been timeless before time recorded history
Anyway they're obligate carnivores so they should only eat meat and fat or they can develop pancreas problems

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Itt I respond to last week’s thread: https://boards.4chan.org/ck/thread/20390154#top

Going to La Guelaguetza Mexicana Restaurant tonight for birria pizza and mole.

Tomorrow morning going to Frontier for breakfast you guys can decide my order by submitting an order here and I’ll use a random number generator to choose from your REASONABLE suggestions.

Frontier: https://www.frontierrestaurant.com/
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Did you go to Dion's for pizza and subs? Go there or regret it for life.
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God I hate going out in public so much. Look at these fucking people
What's wrong with them
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What CAN'T you mix with ranch dressing?

It just works with anything you dip into it.
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Chocolaté éclaire. Just don’t, trust me.
True fact: Roast beef with chocolate sauce is a surprisingly good combination.
This isn’t surprising at all. People slather sweet shit on meat all the time.
>Homemade looking picture
What I really care about is the recipe for the ranch dressing. Variations of the ranch for more diverse offerings.

Like what do I replace the mayonnaise base in ranch dressing with? Do thickened cream sauces achieve an acceptable consistency. I just don't want to make my own mayo.
i like ranch but the bleach companies have been pushing this shit to be breakfast food for the last few years and its disgusting.

Get ready for ranch on hashbrowns getting shoved down your throat soon. I'm serious btw next few years we will see a major film where a character eats breakfast and uses ranch as a breakfast condiment.

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>Hits different at 4 AM after long drive
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>hits different
imagine 1) talking like this & 2) not taking the $10 you spent for this at 7/11 and buying actual food
Who are you quoting

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