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Want to learn something new?

The /int/ Wiki is a language learning guide created by /int/ users like you.

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Har ni pass? har ni tillåtelse att lämna Sverige AB?
Man behöver inte pass för att lämna sverige.
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suedikino 2
länder finns inte och man kan bara gå från land till land
Någon som vet om där finns en samling av latiolajban avsnitt?

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these clowns are destroying my country
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I hope the government is willing to spend a lot of money in the near future on financial literacy campaigns
I am worried that a lot of poor people won't know how to deal with the new situation
wtf, I love MiLEL now
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please just explain Milei's sideburns though. I want to understand but I cannot comprehed the average Argie's brain
he doesn't give a fuck about looks.
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Sideburns are a must if you want to gobern anything in Argentina

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Purple Aki edition
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Me any my mate were walking alongside the river the other day, it was lovely and sunny. Ahead of us a couple had stopped and were kind of gazing together in that way people do when a crowd might start to form. So we keep walking until we can see what they're looking at. They've stopped because just in front of them is another couple with a pitbull, no lead. Why do they do this?
looool sent that Tarq to Alpha Centauri
phwoar look at the gnashers on her
Cocktails x

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In Brazil, speaking proper portuguese is considered faggy and gay. I deliberately speak broken portuguese so I'm not made fun of.
Does this happen in any other language?
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>“Estou sabendo” instead of “tô ligado"
Exactly! This pisses me off so much. It's like people making fun of an anglo for saying "I'm aware". It physically hurts me having to talk to other brazilians.
Blacks are notorious for considering any of their brethren "white" (that's a bad thing) if they speak properly.
There are no "proper" or "broken" versions of a language.
There's always "superior" and "inferior"

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I am an incel in Latin America because I was never involved in the normie culture of reggaeton, alcohol and drugs
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>they are annoyed by retards that think hobbies are a personality
Then what is?
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>t. Brayan
I am decent, educated, cultured, highly intelligent young gentleman. Just the fact I speak English perfectly means I am part of the 10% elite in this country
It's you being yourself and not giving other people the ick
>I am an incel in Latin America because I was never involved in the normie culture of reggaeton, alcohol and drugs
Literally me but i try to involved into normie culture but they reject me and see me as a freak for trying...
Is being yourself and having a hobby mutually exclusive?

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Many of you aren’t autistic you’re just have low empathy and anxiety. Every autist I’ve known has had poor social skills but they were definitely NOT shy they’d always be delighted to speak at length about their nintendos or whatever
Autists are either like that or they're dead quiet

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Cuz they aren't honey, doesn't have sweetheart, or Darling any longer in this modern world.

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What is the answer in your cunt?
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>i ever saw
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My gay cousin and his husband have adopted a boy and a girl
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Why would you ever want a female child
Why would you ever read books to the elderly or homeless or sick people, they're not children retard

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kako li je jaran reko, srbe na vrbe, e pa svakog srbina na vrbe ako je cetnik. sve jebene cetnike cu sjebat i prozvat cete me ustasa, al neka, ko meni zeli smrt, zelim i ja njemu smrt.

ostale normale srbe mi ne dirajte.
ma ti si kurcina narkomanska.
Nema više mrdanja, dretva je stala, umrla je nada.

Nije ni 300, pičko glupa!
Ovo, ali ne kurac nego pička.

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>twin tails are banned in Japan
what exactly is the rational behind this? Its not like this is office job
Because it seduces men to grab her pigtails from behind and rape her while pulling her hair. Vain harlot.
I'm the one who banned twin tails from her job.

Source: ponytail is better.
That shit could get stuck in shit like rotating couplings; it's a hazard.

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How is racemixing seen in your cunt? Do people stare?
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fuck timmy gon do?
>blacks are copying woman failure suicide """attempts"""
kek, how embarrassing
>see tons of people online loathe WMAF couples
>get an Asian gf
>nobody gave a fuck irl and if some did they didn't have the balls to say anything to us about it
wow it's fucking nothing
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If you guys want serious insights from a giga-racebaiter that actually reads books on the issue (I am insane), then read this book. It's about ethnic stratification across the world, and how a lot of the push for nationalization and socialism in thirdie countries is due to racial envy. The United States during the cold war didn't realize this, and confused commieshit with what was actually an ethnic conflict under the hood.

If anything, outside of western bubbles, people are more fixated on race and have a complex about it. "Pigmentocracy" exists in Latin America, the Chinese in SEA are all significantly more wealthy and powerful than the natives in the countries they live in like in Burma. With Filos I know you have them either wanting to fuck Chinese girls or to kill the Chinese, there's literally no in between.
this guy is such a raging faggot

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edycja prawiczków 30letnich bez prawka
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od marihuany ludzie lądują w psychiatrykach albo się wieszają albo spada im iq do 0
to narkotyk dla murzynów
jak jesteś debilem to się przewrócisz na ulicy i samochód cie jebnie na pasach.
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Where's that dude who's always PRing Poland 24/7? "Look, we're not a beggar shithole, the Germans gave us money to build a couple nice houses".

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Which urinal would you choose in your country
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I am a cisgender woman unironically I think peeing with my penis out to the whole world is one of those things I will never ever get to experience.

I will pick the one in the middle. Why not.
the middle and as I unzip I say "fellas"
First, then you can turn halfway toward the wall and hide your dick and not see anyone else's

Are you?
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I could easily beat you up and rape you.
>this screenshot of someone who's obviously getting off to it
>needs to put white man in the file name
You and your masters are the most fragile and insecure faggot boys
iirc that guy makes like a billion alt accounts to shoehorn is fat fetishism onto every subreddit
nope, my calves are actually very decent
a leafoid could never lay hand on me and keep them
also im taking self defence class tomorrow at work so you're cooked

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