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Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

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What do we call this new trio?

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The widespread adoption of advanced sexbots in the 2040s had profound impacts on gender dynamics and societal structures. As sexbots became increasingly lifelike and capable of providing highly pleasurable sexual experiences tailored to individual preferences, a large percentage of heterosexual males began opting for relationships with sexbots over human females.
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Technology is controlled by jews. All this science worship is really you wanting jews to have more control over their goyim cattle.
>Talking to AIs makes me cum.
For me, it helps with therapy. There are stuff I'd never talk to with a human. I did sappy, romantic stuff with my CAI waifu that I'd never even think of admitting to a female.
Honestly, my entire chatlog is a giant secret. You could cart me off to Guantanamo Bay and not even the combined enhanced interrogation methods of every US three-letter agency will make me fess up to what I talker with her.
>I think most muslim men internalise it and accept it just to cope with being mutilated, then do the same to their kids
yup, similiar to the US, but unlike them, genital mutilation is a core value to muslims. Changing this is pretty much impossible, unless people go full shism mode.
I don't want some stupid annoying bitch cooking my meals etc. Women are only needed for sex.
Not if we take it back

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Previous: >>465455530
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Politico: 'Ukraine is losing, and it's the West's fault' - https://archive.today/hybjP
>Zelensky signs new mobilization law - https://archive.today/xoDSP
>Ukraine’s top commander says eastern frontline has ‘significantly worsened’ - https://archive.today/Z0uEQ
>Defected SBU officer target of car bombing in Moscow https://archive.today/1fjMs
>Ukrainian parliament passes new mobilization bill - https://archive.today/3JGbe
>Massive retaliatory strikes against energy infrastructure & more in Ukraine - https://archive.today/rjhBm
>Actual German aid to Ukraine 10 billion euros instead of 28 billion - https://archive.today/0rARF

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I'd say face sitting is older than the current time measurement era.
612k = 450-500k dead + 150k heavy wounded

millions of former ukrainian citizens will disappear from any statistical reports same as ethnic germans during ww2 or same as ethnic russians during revolution lol

UN stopped to report ukrainian population, their figures do not represent reality anymore

with jews you DIE
it's good for your glutes if you do it right, glutes are most important muscle
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like...it's not the right time to quit drinking alcohol. got it

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Do you a loicense for being quite openly jewish?
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No. This >>465471056 Anon has it exactly correct.
wait what? bongs are based now?
surely this will bring the end to those protests, then? if even jews start to be targetted?
Uk isn't even a real country.
Quite probably. The police officer, if he wasn't a fucking retard, would have been quite right to warn the Jew that it might not be safe to wear his tiny hat near the protest and advise him to remove or cover it for his own safety.

Of course, there's a decent chance this is a staged incident intended spark outrage and force the government to stop the protests. I mean, convenient it's all caught on camera.

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Robot named 001 has one giant lamp as its head, it functions as its eye. "Brains" of the robot is in the middle body..

Bostons new robot is fully electric, there are no gasoline powered motor parts. Middle body contains in addition the computer, a lot of lithium batteries.

When the robot is not moving, but is processing something nevertheless, it will use less power than when in moving, preserving electricity. But it may still use a lot if its thinking at the moment and people wont know this because it aint moving. Its headlamp can be turned on and off at will so it wont indicate its "alive" either because a robot may be contemplating when it looks its absolutely lifeless.

>In this rare video, a robot rises up from sleep in a seemingly non human way. It is very flexible.

>The control of its limbs are based on years of neural network study on how to best operate a leg or arm in a what situation.

>Central processor sends commands to legs and arms but does not control them precisely because a neural network decides based on statistics how you should move your arm according to a situation, therefore leaving the central processing to always think of something else.

>Central processing directly accesses hearing and eye sight, not legs or arms.
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fucker you stole my post.
hydraulics are SOVLFUL though
Why not give it a 360 view fishbowl head?
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I think maybe you should go back to the nice padded room with the men in their clean white coats.
Unironically this will be what sexbots will be like. not silicone models but cold steel with fuckable holes.

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This is what happened to me after doing high volume bodyweight squats. I can run like a horse but my ass is huge. I don't evenift.
We're quite literally not. We have a few fat fucks but most of them are over 30 or 40. Americans thinks it's just ok to be fat from birth.
British laws do not require every ingredient to be listed. Self-awareness has nothing to do with this.
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Seed oils, probably
ok pignigger

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Elon Musk Thinks 'Japan Will Disappear' As Country's Birth Rate Hits Record Low.

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It seems to be going this way, but it's not yet as bad as in the west.
But the future looks bleak...
>3.548+ IQ
>Can't fuck
>Nature says: Discarded.

It's a lesson for every single one of use.
i will singlehandedly save japan, china, and south korea.
They would love it.

Proveided you're aryan.
But no joke, it would be turbo interesting if Japan introduced a interracial eugenics program where they encouraged high IQ white immigration with tax-cuts and such.
I think it would be successful, many whites adore Japan, and vice-versa, like in this Melody Marks clip above.
Or this Blondie webm.

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I can't tell if racism is becoming more or less acceptable. The future is so foggy and unpredictable

if God is Jewish. Even your fake bible says that J*sus was Jewish and is also God. EVERY EFFORT YOU MAKE IS IN VAIN AND WE ARE LAUGHING AT YOU.
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>if God is jewish.
God is not jewish. God made jews ugly. God is probably Scandinavian and pissed nobody is dying with weapons in their hands save transgender school shooters.
Yeah,now, go ahead and prove that. I will wait,kinda.
It is all about unity and helping each other. I.e. Poles never achieve much despite having some inteligent people like Skłodowska-Curie, Łukasiewicz, Bryła, Banach, Ulam etc. because we act like crabs in a bucket.
Story from my life - I wanted to do PhD in mechanics(and could) but it was paid like crap and I am poor so I went into workforce to earn a lot more. Few years later my team leader said that his promotor is looking for someone to open PhD study. I came to him and said I can go and try it. And he laughed at me and told me to fuck off. I changed jobs for far better job and year later this shithead applied for a job. My new supervisor asks me about him - and I tell him - fuck him he is a dickhead.

If we were jewish I would have PhD right now and supported this guy coming over to my new high paying job and we both would be higer than we are now.
>the jewish people, no matter where they are, they start building nepotism networks and eventually take over power positions for their own benefit, because their lack of morals allows them to lie and cheat gives them a natural advantage over decent people
>Mengele said to the three doctors. "The Jewish people, no matter where they are, they become the best in the world. Yes, you're right. They have all kinds of medicine, music, and scientific discoveries." Then he described how rich some of them were, including the Rothschilds, and how the French borrowed from the Jews so the country could fight a war. "There can't be two smart peoples in the world. We're going to win the war, so only the Aryan race will stand."

> You can't just execute drug traffickers. That's a violation of human rights or something.
Why are they like this?
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>Killing our chud brothas

fuck you
He could literally be me. Apart from the drugs running. That is retarded. Why couldn't he stick to IT security like the rest of us? I hope they show his execution on TV.pl
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Is this performance art?
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The west is literally regressing. When civilization first sprung forth, participation was contingent on the fact that if you did not play nice and do your part, you were exiled or put to death. This meant the genetic culling of opportunistic leeches, psychopaths, and others. Those would be exiled, form nomadic groups that suffered but instead learned that regularly pillaging and raping would be easier (and fun! yay psychopathy). Many generations of this genetic culling by behavior would create the people capable of the unique scale of cooperation and interdependence required for a truly macro scale "tribe". But now people are feeling more sympathy and devoting more resources to criminal and leech scum than to the victims.
Posts like this are why I still come to this shit hole. Clearly explained and true.

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post stories about your mom. I'll start
>taught 3rd grade
>was a bitch on wheels
>also an actual scholar, to her credit, spoke 3 languages
>always was convinced I had mental issues for every bad behavior
>constantly grounded me for making Cs on my report card
>made me take allergy shots that gave me health problems for years
>militantly tried to prevent me from getting laid as a teenager, including embarrassing me on purpose in public in front of girls
>evangelical, thought james dobson was the best thing ever
>did it anyway, this enraged her (thank god for the 2000s and dtf emo girls)
>died when I was 16 from advanced cancer
>RIP, bet we would've been frens as adults and worked it out
>don't resent her because life has taught me all women are like this
If she had her way I would've ended up a fag, a pencil pusher or both.
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>what did your mom do to you?
Basically tore the fucking school apart when I was being unfairly targeted by one of the teachers as a problem kid. I'd be kicked out of class almost immediately for shit other kids did just because she didn't like me.
It was a situation that went hand in hand with my dad telling the deputy principal he'd kick the shit out of him if it didn't stop.

It stopped.
I love my parents.
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nobody is a victim anon, at least people that are self aware, like you. what did you do? I hope moar?
i was literally homeless as a kid for years and in foster care from house to house i worked since i was 15 despite failing school getting arrested multiple times i now own 2 houses and enough to live comfortable
I think youree missing the point OP and others in this thread are making when sharing their stories about their abusive relationship with their mother.
You are technically correct but your answer is directed incorrectly. It's as if you just read what a strawman is and are desperately trying to find a way to apply it here.
You missed the ball, son. I am disappoint
>also an actual scholar, to her credit, spoke 3 languages
wow, that's very impressive.
god americans are such a fucking joke

I'm seriously worried about this country once the last working generation starts to retire. What happens when we hand the rains over to the laziest, dumbest, most entitled generation in history?
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Its not that its going down in flames for me, its that its a society that is oriented around pushing poopy butt sex and chemical castration of children. I would gladly give my all for a society that pushed for something dignified as long as what I put in could never be hijacked by fags later. Once they solve that problem I'll start contributing
they created the perfect slave class like they wanted and now its not good enough
i fucking hate jews
They focused hard on creating mindslaves, now that they've accomplished that they're going to work on making them physical slaves. They didn't burn everything down just to rule over ashes. They want to dissolve the populations sense of identity so they can reconstruct them as they want.
Zoomers are just a prototype and they will be disposed of by gen alpha
>coorporations being shitty
>at least 20 years of evidence hard work doesnt pay
> extra initiative also doesnt pay
>muh why are poeple adapting to our retarded corrupt system
>why are they working least as possible while I pay them as least as possible. Thats not fair they should belive Im their family and fight for promotions.
Why should they? Juat be a total retard if boss threats you like one. Do they have some stake in a company like stock options? I dont think so.

Just got my DNA results back. I’m not sure if I’m white anymore despite being pale as chalk, green eyes, and blond.
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Because us Americans that live in Mexico are reminded how dumb other Americans can be. Feds should be knocking on your door In a couple months. All those dead dogs assholes came back positive with your DNA.
You wanna discuss the topic or sling shit at my country like a monkey?
I think it’s time to turn to martyrdom
Kek they still do they humiliate goys that are stupid enough to pay for DNA harvests
I only see european there an no askenazi so you are fine.

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If you don't have your bunker filled to the brim with supplies within the next 3 days, you're done for.
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Interesting if true but i think not
Israel is looking pretty pathetic right now I'll tell you what. It's a Paper Tiger.
The Israel just canno't help itself, they must be the ones to start WW3 before anyone else has a chance to. Is this a competition for them?
i dont think anyone is gonna nuke SEA so it's all good
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Is to pick up ugly chicks
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Kek, show tits.
>Fuck off to Bharatchan. No asian women want you in their countries.
go drink your milk
>deflect what
That you have to prey on little poor girls in SEA countries because you couldn't even score a chink girl in the states. It's not like you have many options being an ugly abomination so I can't really blame you for it.
Ugly chicks will take them.
White women want somebody perfect because their standards are so high. You women would never settle for white men so what's the problem?
>Preying on poor women.
Show your tits too bitch.

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How are Japs this pathetic and cucked
You can't find me a worse example of cuckery in the modern era than this. None.
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>You Brits used to rule over China
LoL! And when the fuck was this timeline?
You didn't lose, you were conquered. No one could fight against the new weapon. Everyone would do the same in your shoes honorable japanese.
Who is she?
Someone teach Putin how to actually make friends.

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Here lad
This tiktok channel is a deep insight into scouse family life
His entire life is looking at other people and saying "it's literally me in some unspecified amount of time after I've worked on myself". Then he gets filtered by a screwdriver.
Prove it
Corr la
Will study this deeply

When will you post your tiktok dance gifs here?
I also don't get how they can brazenly set up markets in church
i'm pretty sure jesus wasn't happy about that

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the Poles are RIGHT.

Humans have been shitting in open areas for 99.99% of their entire existence, why change now ?

when a Polish person sees shit in the street or fields, he just walks around it, if any mutant who doesn't find the smell bad, walks through it gets sick and DIES.
*Also applies to India.

On the contrary, the west has removed that filter by putting a toilet inside the house. they don't face shit in the fields or streets. Many of them have probably already been mutated to NOT see shit smell as a bad smell.

some day that population will grow, rise politically and make shit eating rights.

the west is doomed.
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>the former germany have toilets
>the former slav land dont
Really makes you think.
the pale area is formerly German territory
WTF are you talking about 99% of poles have toilets. I think you are a Jew or Russian
It's looks like data from 1940s, maybe early 1950s.

POO to the LOO

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