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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

1. If you attempt to post something unoriginal, it is not posted, and you are muted temporarily.
2. The time with which you are muted for doubles with each transgression.
3. Each mute time is 2^n in seconds where n is the number of times you have transgressed. So, your mute time doubles each time you fuck up.
4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).
6. Images are NOT included in the filter, only text.
7. Your mute count slowly decreases over time.
8. You cannot post a picture without text.
9. Unicode is blocked. Sorry, too many exploits (Cyrillic letters, etc).
10. Posts require a certain minimum amount of original content in order to be posted.
11. Post sane, real content, well thought out replies, and mutes are unlikely.
12. The original algorithm was designed by XKCD:
/r9k/ has no topic, but unlike /b/ Global Rule #3 is in effect. In addition, advice threads and camwhoring/hookup/"rate me" threads should go on /adv/ - Advice and /soc/ - Cams & Meetups respectively. This includes Discord server threads!

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Do not post pictures of yourself on /r9k/.
Do not post threads asking for pictures of other users.

All "rate me" and camwhoring threads belong on /soc/.


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I just read a foid's sexual harassment story. It went like this
>She wanted to get a chest tattoo
>She went to a popular tattoo parlor in her area
>The (male) tattoo artist asked her to take her bra off
>She did but she thought it was weird that he didn't give her anything to cover her nips with
>The tattoo artist continues to do his job but he accidentally makes her tits jiggle, and he finds this funny and laughs
>The tattoo was finished and she went home
>She kept thinking about that interaction the whole week
>One day she comes to the conclusion she was sexually assaulted and starts crying and posts it online along with the tattoo artist's name and insta page
Now, I'm gonna ask the audience, if you went to get a tattoo around the crotch area, and the (male) artist asked you to take your underwear off and made your balls jiggle a bit would you spend 2 weeks crying?
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No, women are just retarded and sensitive. At that point do you get traumatized when a doctor does one of those naked physicals to you as a kid or what?
Remember this next time a woman is having a heart attack and you have to give her CPR or whatever. Even if you literally save your life, she will suddenly decide weeks later that it was sexual assault and ruin your life. Just let her die.
You're supposed to lift a woman's breast with the back of your hand if you're a male EMT, actually.
I could still cum to that memory
>At that point do you get traumatized when a doctor does one of those naked physicals to you as a kid or what?
Uh yeah I was actually. That might be the forgotten memory trauma that subconsciously fucked me up forever and I'm not even joking

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Good boy edition
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yes i definitely agree i would be an abusechad lesbo
been posting here for upwards of 10 years
That is for me to know and for you to wonder about. FOREVER! :3
Oh you came here during the elliot rodger and smug pepes boom, that surprises absolutely no one.
>currently in a relationship with a man, looking for romance
If you're going to troll, at least make it believable. No one would respond positively to someone willing to cheat, they'd know they'll be next.
>yes i definitely agree i would be an abusechad lesbo

you're an enormous baby who would cry and start shitting yourself in the event someone actually struck you as evidenced by your insufferable personality.

>been posting here for upwards of 10 years

so you were on 4chan since you were 12 witnessing unrestricted porn and gore without limit. where were your parents? shit this is suddenly starting to all make sense, too real.

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>one chance at life
>born BROWN with assbugers

this is literally the worst fate ever. At least whiteys are expected to be awkward and autistic, but being brown you are expectied to be an extroverted dumb thug

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Why would anyone subject themselves to living like this?
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soviet era commie blocks are many times better than almost any new construction in the west
When they had running water and working heating and electricity for 3 non-consecutive months out of the year, they were nice if there weren't junkies shooting up in front of the mailboxes.
This is obviously fake, but I choose to believe and get mad at it as it would support my worldview.
>they had running water and working heating and electricity for 3 non-consecutive months out of the year
as long as it isn't a studio apartment for over 1500 dollars a month with walls so thin you can hear neighbors at all sides, it's an improvement
>with walls so thin you can hear neighbors at all sides
oh boy you definitely could hear the junkies' girlfriends shouting at them from the top of the stairs at all hours of the day and night

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Anyone still remember this site? Used to hang here back in the day. Genuinely feels like a relic of the old internet.
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go back
I'd go back if towns still worked but flash is dead :c
So no online for you? That's how it works? Is it like how club penguin got deleted?
Towns was like the virtual meet up place where everyone could chat in real time.. I don't think they have anything up like that anymore.
Is it still active today?

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I started going to the gym routinely a year ago. Right now there are 2 girls who are expressing interest in me.
One of them works at the gym I go. She's overweight, but has lost a considerable amount of weight since I started going to the gym. Always says hi and smiles. She has a nice face.
The other girl was my first kiss. I rediscovered her at a painting session held by my old community college professor recently. She's very shy and odd, has a deformed eye. Ugly face, nice body.

Which is the better way to lose my viriginity? Ugly face, nice body, or nice face, ugly body?

There was a girl I was talking to last year who rejected me hard. She was the most attractive women who's ever expressed interest in me but with hindsight I think she was only manipulating me. Her rejection is what pushed my self-improvement journey.

Should I lose my virginity to a mid-woman, or should I keep waiting for something better to come along? I kind of worry if I wait too long I'll have less options because before I know it I'll be 30.
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pic related this is the girl who rejected me last year

She had a lot of baggage she withheld from me. She got back together with her ex who was a convicted drug dealer. It really caught me off guard. Still messes with me to this day.
People talk in your gym? Maybe its cuz i go to a shit gym (cuz its the closest one) but nobody gives a fuck about anybody here
nigger low impulse control phenotype look at the dead eyes and relaxed lips
He's a tourist. Pay no mind.
She's Romanian. I studied her language on Duolingo so I could speak with her mother.
The first four months of talking and being with her I thought things were great. Then she stopped talking to me. 2 months later she cried in my arms and told me she loved me. Then I found out a few weeks later she moved back in with her ex boyfriend. She made me suicidal.

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I am a nice girl so i deserve to look cute and be photogenic all the time. why can't i have what i deserve...
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you are disgusting dog
Im racist but I would date a black femanon. infact most of the time they seem alot more nice and cool than white femanons, theyre usually batshit insane.
you're a grown woman. stop with this girl larp you roastie
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you are too ugly

Work Edition

Previous Thread : >>77181421

Ignore moids.

>What do you do for a living?
>If you don't actually work, how do you keep a roof over year head and food in your belly?
>Regardless, how happy or unhappy are you with your present arrangement?
>Aside from windfall of cash that allowed you to retire, what would be an ideal situation for you?

>What is this thread?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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The creator sets it and I see it but on the old UI (generic rant about new UIs sucking)
If all else fails you can just copy and paste the descriptions I guess? but if you have your own bots you probably already know what works and doesn't

I find it funny how despite the filter cai went back to be the best for this because the supposedly superior models would like you to forget about anything resembling roleplay
i am bisexual :)
we met on r9k! we were friends for over a year before our relationship became a romantic one. thread was about anime girls if i recall properly. and autism

id like a poly relationship, although my nonexistant girlfriend wouldnt be need to be romantic/sexual with my boyfriend if there was no interest. i would hope that hypothetically both people i loved would get along together though
You know why Brazil is on your list? Because There used to be Indigenous Americans there, who got race mixed with slaved from Africa and colonizers from Portugal and Spain. It's basically a country of mutts.
would you be willing to let your husband have a boyfriend that be sucked and fucked too?
yeah if he wanted. he isnt gay although he says he wishes he was. he has the look thats attractive to gay men.

good morning anon, here talk about whatever's on yuor mind and how has ur day or week been and stuff
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Gonna post this here because why not.
FUCK YEAH, shiny woobat.

Feeling good today.
bump for beautiful waifu puki
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Reminder that all anons remain comfy at all times.
Wow anon did you draw that for this thread?

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Why are zoomers so based?
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where the fuck do you approach women? on the street? thats retarded. parties? those dont happen regularly after college unless youre some big shot and im on /r9k/ so im obviously not
>32.5% of young women are rarely approached
>tracks almost directly with obesity
im too ugly to talk to women. i only talk to them if they talk to me, and i keep it professional. i do not mention sex. if sex comes up i try to pivot to a different topic.
Just go to church and salsa classes bro
im so done with this shit man. its hopeless
if theyre not showing signs of interest, approaching is just retarded

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A woman has never approached me desu. Is there something wrong with me?
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thats boomer stuff. women are the main approachers now because if men approach and screw up or are ugly they can get metoo'd
Attractive men know how initiate contact in a non-confrontational way, having experienced being on the other side because they're attractive.
this. if they want to "change gender roles" they shouldnt just expect men to do all the work and assume all the risk. that will cause it to be biased towards aggressive asshole toxic dudes who are the few that are willing to do it because they dont care about bothering the woman or invading her personal space
yes, its a game for attractive men only. it doesnt really matter who approaches or not in the end, because only good looking men will be successful and women only approach good looking men

"game" is absolute cope retardation
What are these magical places you speak of? Aside from your own head of course

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Can you answer this simple question from Todo?
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my housemate
There are plenty of retarded nigger females in the world.
ambitious, confident, determined, wants to achieve something
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Right? That's why I'm so confident that my life is gonna pan out.
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>gf cheated on me with the sjw niggerfaggot who bullied me all throughout high school
>a week after i told her about everything i went through back then
>a month after i got her a $6,000 engagement ring that i saved over a year for
>a month after she said she wanted to start a family with me
>a month after i sold my gun and decided to continue on with life
I have no legal or financial recourse. I spent everything on her. The ring is legally hers and I'm not getting it back. I only have one way to end this worthless existence. I'll probably be on the news in a few days. Stay posted, and goodbye /r9k/.
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Women are the worst, but stick around anon. You can dig yourself out of this pit. Don't do anything stupid, and try to find God.
She doesn't know that I know yet.
Fuck off nigger, if God existed then why would he let children get raped and murdered? Because of "muh free will"?
>i'll probably be on the news in a few days
i'm very sorry that your life has come to this point, but hey, it would be great if you could take down those scumbags with you. what state do you live in?
I sincerely hope you take both of them with you
If youre genuinely willing to do something that unhinged, why dont you just rob the ring back from her?

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