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Books you really want adapted (even if they would probably get ruined)
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fucking hell, anon
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I don't want any books I actually like to ever get adapted.
But this could be a comfy Europa Report style movie
Yeah it's the best part of the book. I was surprised when I found out most people hated the ending. It has me cautiously hyped for the third book too, because I'm curious see how he can continue the story from that point.
Cheers for that I'll give it a go
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Since the dust is never going to settle, what are your thoughts on winds of winter?

Personally i used to say that it would come out eventually but we would never see dream of spring. Now i doubt we'll even see winds....

ITT: Worst default outfits
>hey it's gta but with the gimmick you can control electronics
*fart noise*
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Who is that?

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Man, this movie is so horny and sweaty.

I love it

it's a shame that a perfect erotic thriller got 3 mediocre sequels
Only thing that sucked about it was we didn't get to see Neve's tits. Had to wait to another movie for that. And by that time i wasn't interresting anymore. Ok, thats a lie, but it was like too little too late.
they were bad and sad
Neve > Denise
this was prime Denise

>adapt Fallout universe into a series
>don’t have super mutants
>don’t have deathclaws
>only monster you show is from fallout 76
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>slather entire thing with disney+ looking ass camerawork
>make protagonist bubbly easily self-insertable character
In addition to what others have posted, there's also an assaultron buried in the sand in episode 2 and a Mr Handy seen on the movie set in episode 3, from what I noticed
none of the fallout games ever confirmed who dropped the first nuke. only thing we know is that it wasn't the US. this series confirms that it was vault-tech, which will never sit right with me
>adapt fallout
>no gore
You didnt watch lol a dude gets his lower leg shot off and they show the gibblets.

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Realistically speaking, what would you do in this situation?
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Epic frogposter stealing jokes from the bad scary movie flicks.
There's being adventurous, then there's being retarded.
I would have identified as a free man and walked away from the cuck rock.
Whats weong with white people
I would go deep into the Alaskan wilderness with zero survival skills

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What are some weedkinos?
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Become dead
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slit your throat
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>No such thing as "weed kino"
>People who smoke weed are the absolute fucking worst. Annoying fuckers only care about getting high and can't enjoy shit without getting high first.
>Fuck stoners. Worthless goddamned losers.
You aren't White, seth n harris
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For some reason, you thought that posting this would put you on the moral high ground.

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Crack Smoking Psychos edition

Previous >>198402290
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Not only did we see her ass, you could see strands of bush hair.
Imagine what her father thought.
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I don't really think of it as horror, but the kind of metaphorical style it goes for can make it lean in that direction at times. Great movie however it's categorized.
is this for real?
It's a suspense movie. Horror adjacent in the same way that Cape Fear (both versions) is.
Alright I'm finally watching It Follows, I'll let you guys know if it's kino when I'm done

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Here's the deal: We're gonna sell the white to yellow. With the green from that deal we'll go down to brown and ask him if black is still in bed with purple. And after that, the Sons are out of guns for good.

I love you brother
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Good on you.
Its a fucking soap opera.

Those bikes look like shit for characters that are supposed to be all about bikes.
Did someone say /MC/ content thread?!?
>Those bikes look like shit for characters that are supposed to be all about bikes.

They were all about organized crime justified by pretend vigilantism&honor
they were just criminal gang that rode bikes, I don't recall anything that would resemble actual MC activity in that show
was this Juice?
I don't remember why was he in prison, just him being Marilyn Manson's bitch

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What Aesthetic should Dune have?
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He was improving on the source material. Kubrick did the same for The Shining
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Also heres an Atreides soldier and a Sardaukar warrior

So is it safe to say we're never going to get any of this
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if you're not going to go full kirkbride why even bother?
Didn't they just announce four more movies?
just give me sovl
thats all i want
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>The worldbuilding in Rebel Moon is extensive, with detailed methodology, mythology and lore that spans 800 years
>none of this appears in the film
in their universe ypipo bad too

what's his best movie?
jack black if he lost weight
Lords of Dogtown
Alpha Dog
dunno but I recently watched Freaks (2018). It was bretty gud
Doesn't have one. All of his movies suck ass. All tied. Last place

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stealing from another thread, but I'm curious
why is the 3d homer episode so impactful and sticks in so many heads after all these years?
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It legitimately freaked me out when I was a kid
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It looks weird compared to the rest of the show. Also he enters the real world
teachers used this to teach gravity with
It was just novel back in the day
probably because it feeds the fear of being transported to another dimension without being able to return

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I don't really care about that, because Israel isn't in Europe.
Eurovision is for European countries, I don't even think Australia should be allowed in, because it's not a European country.
If they want to start a new singing competition where they can include all the beatiful little freaks from every corner of the globe, that's fine, call it worldvision or something stupid like that.
Eurovsion is for Europeans.
do europeans actually care about this shit?
Not the white ones.
Only the white ones.
Well Marina Satti is semi ironic traditional greek music turbofolk balkan Rosalia music

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It's gonna be kino and it will make chuds mald
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A buck breaking cock? What would her response be?
The first one wasn't very good and I'm sick of pretending otherwise
it was sexy.
that's funny coming from someone who's probably death-gripping for 20 years
>literally day dreaming and jerking off at the thought of little girls

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Have you ever won a filmmaking award?
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>mfw a woman, no matter what she does or how good she's at it, only gets attention for her looks
No one would care if she was an uggo.
you mean a DUTCH BRAID
negresses are generally either bald or have extremely close to the scalp wooly spouts. what you see on their heads is mostly some form of hairpiece or wig.
her looks are just a distraction to get simps to defend her, though. main point of contention are inflated or made up game credits she attributes to herself.
>hfw I start talking about my current football manager save
>wistfully thinks of his cock smeared around with hundreds of others in some literal who’s rancid snatch

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