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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

So now that I know I've been injected with fluoride what the fuck do I do now? Voices are gone but it's not that before were persistent, I only got them in the city near the fucking 5g towers, got mind controlled into walking to the hospital with my own legs. Any way to remove this shit from my brain? It's detoxing I feel better but not as before
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you shouldn't play with the material on its like this, the ability is fundamentally outside of it and does not have to respect it.
also, I too have bwain damage! From the methods I used to gain my knowledge :3 Hello fren. Anyway
So, basically, my method of doing this is just simulating what happens during a normal hypnosis session with your own abilities, it's, sort of? Closer to meditation than hypnosis but w/e. Anyway, as such, I suggest using a normal hypnotic file from somewhere online to get an idea of what you're supposed to be mimicking, but that's mostly unnecessary.
It's going to be a bit difficult for me to describe, but: You want to temporarily identify a separate consciousness or will, that will basically act as the hypnotist, and you will work through to effect urself. You, then, want to identify your own will, and the other's will. Make yourself and your will meditate, just relax and focus on peace, if thoughts enter that distract from this, return to focusing on emptiness. Then, act through the other's will. You want to supplant your will with the other's, alongside ordering your consciousness and your will to release all tension of thought and -being-. Any tension you feel from your will going against this subversion, take time to focus on it and spread the peace and loss of tension unto it. You're basically just temporarily replacing your state of consciousness with one that's fully subservient to you, instead of to itself.
If you find yourself thinking about the situation or having reactions to it, identify it, and spread the peace and lack of tension unto it, and bring it under the other's will. Once you feel you're sufficiently -down-, you can basically do whatever you want, by giving your consciousness orders. You should identify a trigger for the purpose of returning you to this state.
I personally use this for things like, erasing hunger to make fasting easier! Or, having more control over desire, or forcing me out of laziness. You can also use it for anomalous things, as your consciousness has access to its abilities while in this state.Anything you want.
I hope this explanation is sufficient, please tell me if it is naur.
Also, as with any ability, use it to increase itself and yourself before anything.
do you have psychic powers?
anyway, I wrote these explanations for the curious lurkers here, I don't h ave very many opportunities to share, if anyone has questions pls ask.

Hello all

I hope the transit we just had was more tolerable than terrible for you all, Moon in Virgo opposed by two malefics is simply a bad time. A retrograde sign ruler for the moon too? So bad it just becomes funny.

I have new sets of emblems to use, and I'd like to know if any anons from the last thread had any results or notable experiences they wanted to share when using them.

Ask questions or ask for an emblem. I have no plans for tonight except to pass out, so I'll be in and out of the thread.
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>That could very well be true.
That's all that needed to be said. Teach a man how to fish. Better to read the books you read on sigil construction than to use your sigils.
Godspeed on your imminent reads, then
Hope you’re doing well. I survived from getting fired and losing my home, so I’m good. My fungus is getting itchier. So not good? Got a sigil for me?
Can you elaborate *<|:0}

good evening bro

do you happen to have any sigils for good luck? don't need to be specific, just for a day of things going my way and overall good vibes

thanks in advance

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Spirit Love General, "UFO Disclosure Edition"

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>37690789
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.

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Ahh two years ago when i first found this board... this one of the last threads. Ishtar, lilith, cosmic fungi, and others are gone. I miss it. People called that version of /x/ bad. damn it must've been good. to bad i was in middle school then
become bbc
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Also, on the topic of UFO disclosure, does anyone know that the US navy sent a submarine after a ufo that hit the water?
Like tracking it down with sonar and everything.
Happened after an incident off the side of the USS Omaha.
Can you imagine that phone call?
Destroyer captain: "Get me the sub captain now."
Sub captain: "Hello, Omaha, I hear you loud and clear."
Destroyer captain: "That damn UFO crashed in the ocean, captain. Your job is track down that got-damn sonovabitch before the pentagon launches an investigation so far up our collective ass that preparation H, I, J, K, L, M, N, and O won't be enough to cover it. AM I CLEAR?"
Sub captain: "SIR YES SIR! We'll catch that Yew-Ay-Pee. You can bet on it."
I will repeat. The US navy sent a SUBMARINE after a fucking YEW-EFF-OH to track it down after it went underwater.


Not sure what this has to do with love spirits, but I can't stop thinking about it. This is real. It actually happened! The US navy is hunting UAPs with their subs.
maybe she was pissed you binded her to something
your supposed to treat them like people
because they are
i would cut your dick too if you did that shit to me
other books were easier to burn through but the nature of new energy ways has slowed me down considerably as has external factors that make inner peace difficult. Trying to make a routine of doing at least one exercise a night. I can already see how it's effective in a psychic physical therapy sense. I think I should suppliment it with something else coccurently

I asked Lilith to give me more of that kind of energy. Unironically got the impression she would be down with that. I think 80/20 is more accurate since I'm not doing this for AGP or GD reasons which probably makes me either an outlier or a liar.

I have some nice scented candles to play with. I must say the olfactory should not be neglected in this sort of thing as should natural ways of lighting a flame. I wish I didn't live around subhumans or have to work or have a nicotine/caffeine addiction because it makes concentrating on this sort of thing difficult at times.

I also have some rough unpolished carnelian right next to me atm. Something about it just screams this sort of thing.

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This creation is meant to be imperfect and suffering is supposed to be rampant. It's so that you will be appreciate the real paradise knowing full well there is worse.
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>world is imperfect
>posts perfect girl
Losing credibility here.
I shared the nudes girls gave me in highschool with my classmates and now I feel bad about it :(
sexxxxooooooo drawing. I want to have SEX with that DRAWING. WOOOOOW TUMMMYYYYYYY

Welcome the Gnome General.


Every culture's got tales of giants and little people (gnome/goblin/leprechaun/nazca little people). It ain't a coincidence. Gnomes were real, and some are still out there. Some live in caves, others live in more rural areas, etc. South America and Europe appears to be a hotspot for these small beings.

Share any:
> Cool knowledge/evidence on the topic
> Stories you have (or from someone you know) who's seen these little beings. Describe the encounter.
> Know how to hunt them? Any tips on how to lure them?
> Stuff related to gnome/goblin/leprechaun/nazca little people

Popular sightings:

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There's a city in Alaska that is entirely populated by gnomes.
Latin American here. In my country, it is a kind of common knowledge in some small towns that these beings exist.
There are many videos circulating since the 2010s, most famously the night gnome recorded by children around 2008, and let me tell you: Different from First World countries, most families only got access to a computer with shitty internet around 2007. There is absolute no way that a bunch of children from a shithole country like mine could hoax something like this with video editing. And considering that we don't have a Halloween tradition in Latin America, someone in a convincing costume is totally out of the way, since before the internet all we could get was a shitty plastic mask of a costume, or a shitty simple latex mask with a string. It was recorded with a Flip phone, popular here in the 2005s, so the video may be even older, since there was no internet.
As funny as a gnome is, these beings are real, and the meme factor of it is an actual glowie psyops so people doesn't take It seriously
One day I was at the kitchen sink looking out into my backyard when I saw a gnome between two trees. It was shadowy and about three feet tall with a cone hat. I could feel it staring at me even though I couldn't see it's face. It stood there for a few seconds and then moved behind a tree in a bizarre way that I can only describe as a weightless sideways frolic.

They're definitely fallen angels. I had a lot of encounters with a malevolent being around this time.
Do you recall where you learned that?

I have a secret I'd like to share after much trial-and-error.

Animal foods (primarily sugars and cholesterol) correlate with the ego ("bread and butter"). Alcohol and tobacco also correlate with it. In other words they make you feel charismatic and passionate, that has been my experience. And that's why they are demonized.

If you look at the average person today, they are sedated and docile. Pale complexion, no charisma.
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>It doesnt matter what you eat
It's funny because this is true. So the ego changes over time and the diet changes over time, assuming you're trying to get to purity instead of falling.

Like right now I think I might never eat meat again, it's been over a year that I ate meat. But I take the other animal foods like dairy and eggs. All cooked food, that's what works for me. Yes I take grains -home-made pancakes are a favorite of mine, and dry wine and smoking at the end of the day. This is where I am and this is where I need to be.
You might have a fungal infection. A human body with a fungal infection may subconsciously desire nicotine due to it being antifungal. In that case, a smoking habit is a way for the body to keep the infection in check.
what you eat day to day affects you subconsiously
heartier meals like you describe give you confidence, they make you feel wealthy
Definitely I have a fungus infection (candida). But you don't understand where I am right now. When you cure candida you also have a chance at ego-death since it is an extremely extremely spiritual experience to clear candida from the body using deliberate effort. Trust me, you will know 100% that the parasite worms are your own ego. This is okay and normal. Creepy, but normal. Yes, the parasites in your body are the ego and getting rid of candida and the parasites results in ego-death. BUT...

...Stop being obsessed with this. Go turn to God in a generic sense. If you want to become Muslim, or Atheist, or Christian, go do that. You're stuck with your own ego. It's not wrong to do things wrong, we are all doing things wrong and trying to figure things out.

On this topic of Enlightenment (Liberation) it really is black and white. You're either Enlightened or you're not. If I say to you that I'm close to Liberation, then I might be further from you.
Edit: At the end, I meant I might be further from you claiming Liberation than you are close to it.

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Kinda bored and looking for an /x/ convo and a thread that will last a few days(unlike the one posted yesterday).

So...do you anons got any true personal(or from another) stories about incidents online involving things like demonic activity and demon LARPing as human users, cults, rouge AI, creepy videos & pics, users that were sus, scary sites, creepy sides of 'normal' sites, and whatnot?

Thanks as always!
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>>that album in specific
The scorpion guy who made an album that sampled cp?
dubs deserves it

It happened some years ago (during the pandemic) on a music board (the whole forum was terminated some time later), some people were talking about that specific album after what happened here on 4chan. The thread was pretty "normal" with anons discussing and trying 2 deboonk its existence. Some hours later this anon posted a link (i think it was a soulseek link) that caontained that specific album. Some people downloaded it and said it was just a mix of conversations between a man (not sure if they said it was him) and a girl.
Everyone made jokes about youtubers making videos about it and discussing it was quality or not. But then some anon posted a youtube link saying that it was uploaded there. It was real, itwas posted on a channel and it was its only video. The channel names was somthing like ExXxAxMxPxLxEx (kinda similar to the abreviations used in gorenoise or pornogrind, it also had more letters). The channel was deleted later.
i think i have a screenshot of the channel in my old laptop but idk if can find it (i may get banned for this post too)
also sorry if my english is bad its not really my native language
More stories anons.
Fake. That's the story.

Here are 10 reasons why semen retention is definitely pseudoscience:

1. Lack of scientific evidence: There's a lack of empirical evidence from peer-reviewed studies supporting the claimed benefits of semen retention.
2. Anecdotal evidence: Much of the support for semen retention comes from personal anecdotes rather than rigorous scientific research.
3. Confounding variables: Many factors could contribute to reported benefits, making it difficult to attribute them solely to semen retention.
4. Placebo effect: Individuals may experience perceived benefits due to the placebo effect, where belief in the practice influences their perception of its effectiveness.
5. Biologically unrealistic claims: Some proponents claim that semen retention leads to increased testosterone levels or improved physical strength, which lacks scientific support.
6. Confirmation bias: People who believe in semen retention may selectively seek out information that confirms their beliefs while ignoring contradictory evidence.
7. Alternative explanations: Reported benefits of semen retention, such as increased confidence or energy, could be explained by factors unrelated to semen retention, such as changes in mindset or behavior.
8. Lack of long-term studies: Most studies on semen retention are short-term or anecdotal, making it difficult to assess the practice's potential long-term effects.
9. Neglect of potential harms: Proponents of semen retention often focus on perceived benefits while neglecting potential negative effects, such as increased risk of prostate problems or sexual dysfunction.
10. Lack of falsifiability: Many claims about semen retention are difficult to test scientifically or falsify, which undermines their credibility as scientific hypotheses.
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Is this just bait? I struggle to take any of the claims made here serious and that seemd by design.
Semen retention is old as dirt and in the mystery schools and arcana of all your favorite religions and the ones you hate. You are just a silly wounded child lashing out at everything related to the imaginary concept youve envisioned as your enemy.

Grow up.
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Dogmatic literalist polluting and gaslighting true sophia blessed chads. Our biology is a low resolution Image of the entire divine. Prolactin and cortisol after ejaculation wreck the body and hormone balance for a week. not having the vibrant sexual and creative energy under control to stay with you is litterally being lesser. You shouldnt be a drone with no drive. Thats not how any animal works.

The ideal is self control and balance for the masses. And celibacy for the mystics
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If you are married then you practice SR through white tantra. Not just fucking but using the attraction to truly be apart of your partner. Enter bio rythym where your heart beats and brain waves synch. By waiting a week or two inbetween sexual encounters you are never dulled sexually. Focus on eachother more as the buildup becomes routine and the fire is alive. Both motivated. Mentally sound and having the best sex of your lives.

The intense orgasms only provided by SR giga chads ensure intelligent healthy children and long lasting relationships. The honeymoon never ends.

If you arnt married or commited to a single partner. SR id the vital force that keeps you young, intelligent, full of divine experience and vibrancy of life. It ensutes you always have the oppurtunity to mate if u desire and by causality increases the quality of potential mates.

It is simply better living. This is ingoring the very real easily verifiable desire by thr system to promote the opposite of everything i just said. With that this becomes the greatest rebellion and proponent of spiritual rebolution.

Sr is also the thing that brings you balance with the divine femanine as that id kundalin/christos/shakti/qi

Yada yada
>The intense orgasms only provided by SR giga chads ensure intelligent healthy children and long lasting relationships.
How does that work exactly? Is precum insemination the only way?

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Is it weird that God takes all the credit and none of the blame?
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Who said the universe doesn't faulter...
I'll tell you who...
People of a church...
The streets say otherwise...
Your delusional state of mind is what's keeping you in the dark and hindering your progress. I feel sorry for you. I hope that one day you get the help you need. And when you do, become a contributing member of society.
alrighty, what's the test?

>am on pc now
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He should get both. He wrote the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10), so its all his will. We’ll see how it all plays out though. I’ll be chilling in the meantime. Glhf
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You're thinking of Yahweh who is to GOD what the drunkard on the street corner screaming at rats is to bring a global sovereign. Yes, those who bend the knee to the Jealous God of the Old Testament are rats. Some races have declared war on his False Light Demiurgy. That's why we're existentially hated.

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Every time I get on a good streak on semen retention, I have dreams about my neighbors girlfriend across the hall from me.

The first dream, about 2 months ago, it was just her waiting in front of her apt with her door open basically inviting me in..

Now this week, it's basically been a consistent thing. I dreamt about her like 3 nights in a row.

The first dream, I was in some kind of market and she was shopping around but also mysteriously searching for me, kept looking over her shoulder. Nothing overtly sexual though.

The second dream, our apartments were kind of interconnected but there was also a pier. I was at the pier looking out at the bay, and I could feel her behind me, like her chakra/anima sexual female energy feeling up on me. Her boyfriend jealous.

This is all weird to me. She's definitely better looking than me conventionally, and forsure older (30's?). Despite this, I'm not necessarily attracted to her like. She's also taller.

Today I actually ran into her as I was coming home from the gym and she smiled and said hi.

What's the deal anons? Is this some kind of inter connective mamajama? or am I reading into it too much? Or is it the universe just letting me know that the divine feminine is opening itself up to me, generally speaking?

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read the post fag
Her daimon is trying to claim ownership of your nocturnal emission. She does this from the Day of Judgment

>She does this from the Day of Judgment


Do you recall where you learned that?

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Post your spookiest /x/ greentexts.
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I finally confessed my love for my twin flame today. They are real. You feel the same energy. You are on the same wavelength. You automatically better each other without even trying.
Yes, a real twin flame will not be the first person you think it is. You need to have at least one person that you shared a lot in common with and shared some kind of connection. That first bond will make you feel a little sad at the back of your mind. The real one cannot do this - the bond is only positive. Most people that think they met their twin flame will most likely not meet their true twin flame in this lifetime. This is because it requires you to at least realize that the false positive's bond had a natural negative energy embedded alongside some positive energy. That is not to say you can never get sad or worried in a real one, but that the bond itself is only positive. The idea of the runner and the chaser only applies to fake twin flames. A real one has both people chasing each other, though it may take a little time for both people to fully admit to the extent of their feelings, depending on the couple. The idea that one twin flame will be more spiritually beyond the other is a misconception: you both bring what you know and help each other. Real twin flames exist to lift each other up rather than it being only an emotional, physical, or romantic relationship. Fake twin flames simply feel a more intense form of a normal relationship, accompanied by a bond of happiness and sadness.
I had known some of this by reading, but the rest I've learned in the last few days. Take this information as you will
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True twins almost never meet cause the world does anything to keep those apart

Thats why islam is based cause u neet ur twin in afterlife

Islam is just brahman tier highcaste hinduism but encoded and simplyfied so that a kid understands it

Islamic prayer is basic yoga for downies attached to a total submission hotline to the creator
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*kinda want to see relativity-boy explaining his theory to a 6 year old*
I've met so many girls that are eerily similar to me in so many ways, each time it gets worse, the current one looks like she could be my sister and acts exactly like I do. a lot of the time she outright imitates my random semi-conscious behaviors, like I start tapping on the table, she starts tapping on it about 5 minutes later, I look to the left upon hearing a sound, she does it as well moments after me. but I still don't think she's the one, I feel like she should be, but I also feel like she isn't. it's a feeling that honestly hurts, like rejection but with no words being spoken, and at the same time you aren't entirely sure which part of you is right, if she actually is or isn't, and part of you is worried somehow she'll turn out to be your twin flame after all but still want nothing to do with you because you doubted the energy you were clearly receiving from her, and after that you'll just be left with no one
it's like my whole life the world has just slowly building up to the moment where I meet my actual twin flame. but fuck, how many more times am I going to have to go through this?
That's exactly how I feel. I met someone who I thought was my twin flame on 3 different occasions, one was on the bus, in a restaurant she was working at, then lastly a parking lot. The sad part is I lost contact with her and I havent seen in her 2 years. Summer of 2022, May. We first met on the bus. I keep having signs that she is here but I just havent met her in the flesh at all yet. I met a women who I thought was like me in elementary school: She never gave a fuck about me and was a whore with high bodies. In Highschool I met another women who I thought was my twin flame but, again, she was a fucking whore who just wanted to suck my energy, she was an NPD BPD Dark Triad Psychopath. Now this 3rd women I dont even know where she is. Why is the universe like this? And the worst part is I'm scared I will get rejected by her aswell... The more I age the more I realize relationships are not fucking worth it.

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Hello a few weeks ago I made this post:

"What is your experience with the vampire community in and around /x/? How can I learn more about vampires?

I had a bad experience. I made a thread three weeks ago but never got closure. The owner of the vampire /x/ discord is horrible. I joined the server two weeks ago and it was horrific. He was rude and not classy. I entered the lobby and say hello he replies with "fat" and I shook it off because I thought maybe he was joking. As I tagged him with a message he posted a blank face emoji. I continued talking "I want to learn about vampires" I wrote. "I really want to meet a vampire". He replies to my words with "you'll die soon enough, fatty" and then added "obesity". I started crying I had never felt pain like this and he started posting laughing emojis and said "are you crying? Stop it. Stop it now"

I still can't believe this happened. I cried writing this. I wish this weren't true but the owner of the vampire discord is in fact; a horrible person. Thank you for reading this."

I have not recovered since then and I am still looking for answers about vampires. Help is appreciated.
fatphobic people are everywhere sorry bro

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Are you afraid of death /x/?
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Yeah, I am. Anyone that claims not to fear death is either lying to themselves, or a moron.
The older you get the more you welcome it.
I am afraid of death.
bad vibes bruh
I am "death" so no.

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