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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to. BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc...
Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Books and Resources
"Models": https://ufile.io/bkoclee1
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
"Mystery Method": https://pastebin.com/cMHcY4dc (old pastebin)
"The Pussy": https://z-lib.is/book/the-pussy-

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LMAO this is how they percieve it.
Maybe friendzone isn’t the right term, we weren’t friends before
I’ll explain my situation, I met a girl a few days ago, I felt we hit it off, and last night she invited me to go out with some friends of hers. I walked her home, we made out, but she didn’t invite me in because she told me she had awkward situation with her landlord (the excuse is legit, but I know I should’ve just said to come back to my place). I took her out tonight, she seemed interested (greeted me calling me “guapo”), but I admittedly was too slow getting touchy again and I did suggest going back go my place but I probably just wasn’t forward enough. During the date I felt at some point she lost interest, I walked her home and just asked her and she said I was attractive, intelligent, but she only felt chemistry with me as a friend. What’s weird to me is she claimed she didn’t think of tonight as a date and already went in knowing she wasn’t interested like that, but to me it’s clear she lost interest during.

So I feel I know exactly what I did wrong, but it still confuses me. I made my intentions clear, sure I was clumsy about it, but everything else is great (she is insisting on getting together tomorrow) so I don’t fully get what happened
You Idiot, she didnt want to hook up, she wanted things to go slow and wanted a relationship, she got the vibe that all you wanted to do was fuck her, so she just looked fo a way to avoid you. Yeah you werent friendzoned, she just thought all ypu wanted was sex.
Maybe you’re right but I don’t think that’s the case, I’m in a city I’m only staying in for a month and she knows that. And I don’t think she’s avoiding me because she set up plans to us to meet tomorrow (let’s see if she follows through of course but I think she will).
I forgot what she said but at some point she referred to the fact that I didn’t say to go back to my place last night so I really do think it’s that
>you're a pajeet because you're an ESLcel
>I'm too big brained to deboonk your claims
ok faggot. Thx for teaching me how to strawman

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i want to leave this shithole. will i get bullied in wisconsin for being the only southern european?
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>only 33% white
i dont even bring up what i am anymore because i get harassed for it no matter where it's posted. /pol/, stormfront, /int/ or even here. my last name just makes it obvious
Nah, dude, I'm just messing with you.
NJbro here. Also same ethnicities you are. Just go to west nj/east pa. Even upstate is an option. Get away from urban areas. The suburbs and rural areas around nyc is a giant catholic ethnic state of Irish and Italians. I will never leave. I love it here and it is my home.

I know you won’t be used to it but you won’t be able to see everyone else’s back yard and actually have some privacy. Which garbage dump on SI do you live near?
midland beach

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So this thread, right?

This thread

This thread right here



For stuff
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I will never kill myself I love being alive
Wait a minute, do I know? Weren't you an old pal of mine? Departed from us far too early but now we're meeting a second time?
Had I come to it quicker, I could have said "the trench revolution"
What you do is get some celery, potatoes, carrots and onions and make a stew. Cook it in a crockpot. That's breakfast, lunch and dinner. That's how you lose weight, that's how you stay lean. You can also eat nothing but rice with onions sauce, that works too.
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I don't want to feel this way, but I have a growing apathy towards women. Yeah, hot women are hot, and I'm not gay by any means, but the more I am exposed to women, irl and online, the more I find myself not caring about them. Probably the biggest disconnects are travel and activity. I don't really care for travel because it stresses me out and takes an unnecessary amount of time and money to be myself, but in a different location. A beach is a beach is a beach, so why the fuck would I drop several hundred dollars to go to a beach? Yet all I come across are women who love traveling. OMG, it's a beach! wow...
Then we flip on activity. I love being active and doing things. Frisbee? Football? Gym? 50 mile bike ride because it's a nice day? Sign me the hell up! Conversely, so many of them like "rotting on the couch after work" or "rewatching [generic rom com or show] for the umpteenth time". Sure, I'll sit down every once in a while for some anime (loving Legend of the Galactic Heroes) but the most "anime" of them think ATLA is the hottest shit to hit the market screen.
The kicker is that, as the oldest, I was expected to be the example for the others, having a gf, getting engaged/married, maybe a kid on the way by now. As it is, I am the only sibling who isn't seeing someone and my parents have given up on asking.
Tell me why I'm supposed to give a shit about these overwhelmingly lazy, narcissistic, frivolous, party-going wastes of space? It's not even like I hate them all. I have several female friends. It's just, seeing the overwhelmingly childish behavior of most, the desire to tie myself to one of these adult children dies. And I've only had three beers so far tonight! Fuck!

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Post 1 of 2: I'm a full blown autist with no chance of ever finding a girlfriend. My sister thankfully didn't get the 'tism. She's 27 and I'm 28 and she's had several boyfriends whereas I'm still a virgin. She's recently moved in with me in order to save money because rent is so damned high. We were in my room a few days ago playing video games when the topic of my virginity came up. I told her all the reasons why I'll likely never have sex and for some reason I still don't understand I just point blank asked her if she'd give me a blowjob. I was horrified the minute I said it but she took it really well.

She was surprised of course and asked me if I was serious. I stammered and tried to backtrack but she interrupted me and said something along the lines of "Let's not make this awkward. Sure, I'll give you a blowjob if you want me to. It's not a big deal." Of course I excitedly said yes. It was super awkward but it felt great. I came really quick which was embarrassing but she didn't make me feel bad about it.

It was the weirdest boner and the most awkward orgasm of my life. It felt even weirder than trying to masturbate into a cup at the doctor's office but I can't deny it was the most intense physical pleasure I've ever experienced. Afterwards we went back to playing video games and the whole atmosphere felt surreal. My dick was still wet from her mouth as we sat next to each other playing and I just couldn't believe it actually happened.
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larp but if not do it, who tf cares desu
Kill yourself, subhuman
>Assuming this isn’t some fan fiction bs, look up microchimerism. Every woman keeps some of the dna of every man who has ejaculated inside their vagina.

That's not what microchimerism is, actually look it up FFS. For one it requires a pregnancy to occur.
That's enough 4chan for me today
Don't listen to these kh permavirgin incels OP

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Is therapy a scam?
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Idk maybe he’ll tell you to stop higing all your self worth on whether or not a woman will fuck you for a start.
Thanks Freud I feel better already. Do I take my SSRI and booster now or later?
Fuck no. SSRIs unironically make the therapist's job more difficult, the client can’t work through their emotional issues if they’ve got drugs suppressing them. The goal of therapy is the less drugs you require, the better, since it means you are getting better and don’t need them.
Pretty much yeah. Psychology was always a dubious field that attracted weirdos and radicals. In it's current incarnation it's feminized and politicized to the point that it's useless to men at best, and possibly damaging if they actually take it seriously.

>op is scared to waste "hundreds" of dollars

Ha, found the problem. You're life probably sucks because you're broke, aren't respected, and lack the resources to address your problems. $200 please
For most yeah

What ppl don't realise is that they need to find someone similar to them so they have a better understanding of their life dynamics.

Eg. A Vietnamese guy won't get much from talking to some white bitch who lived in a gated community all her life before landing the six figure therapist role straight after school that daddy paid for.

People don't really get this, they think yeah they're a professional they must be helpful but there will be nuisances to your life they won't understand like family dynamics that might be contributing to your issues. And tips to navigate and approach it.

For starters you need to at least tfind someone who is the same sex as you to understand you basic struggles and expectations that come with it, and hopefully same ethnicity so they get the dynamics. Or at least an ethnic person if you are a minority group as they tend to have had a similar upbringing .

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How do I tell my fiancee to give me some time alone in a way that she will actually respect? She's hovering around me 24/7, which while initally cute, is starting to drain me. I can't have 30 minutes to myself without her coming up to me and demanding cuddles or interaction, or just loudly telling me stuff. When I try to game, she'll say she'll leave me alone, and then sit on the couch next to me and read out pinterest shit to me. When I say I want some me-time and take a bath she'll walk in after ten minutes asking if I need anything. When I put on headphones and try to read while she cooks something she'll burn herself on the stove (Or pretend to) so I'm emotionally invested and have to run over. Today I wanted to play some vidya, and the instant the menu booted up she loudly yelled for me from the bedroom to help her make the bed (Something that we take turns in and is a fucking one-person job). I even called her out on it now, but she just said "Okay, I'll give you some space" and then went on to sulk and be pissy until I cuddled her and told her it's okay, she then told me "I just don't know what to do, it feels like you're not letting me in". Which would be valid if I emotionally shut her out, but I don't, I just want to have 30-60 minutes to myself without interruption or her trying to show me shit or talking to me.
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Bro your relationship sounds terrible what an ignorant and rude girl. I would have believed if you said 24 months but not 24 years old. Total crybaby. People like that need to feel the immanent dread on their skin she won't learn by just talking. She is used to getting pampered.
>How do I get this person to respect my boundaries
I really am talking to fucking teenagers here
I was in a relationship with the same type of girl. I had a bit more issues on top though, like accusations of cheating when I was not and stuff. I ended that relationship and it has been a bit hard desu. Don't know if I made the right decision but I also don't want someone who constantly demands help and attention. I also had suspicions of her doing all this shit to manipulate me in a very subtle way. Long story short she found a new guy in 3 months and told me It was my fault she did stuff with him and that she hates me because she constantly compares him to me.

Man just writing that shit made me tired and aware of all the little mind games I cannot even explain to a person outside the relationship. Idk about your thing but I think with enough work on both sides maybe you can figure it out together.
this is the number 1 reason i'm single. i love alone time and absolutely cannot cope if i am not allowed to have it
Sounds like female autism desu

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All the good looking women who would make great wives and mothers are taken in high school and college the latest. Whatever remains is taken shortly after they enter the workforce. There exist very few good looking (7 and above) women that are single and have a good heart, are modest, raised in a decent family, soft spoken and pretty. The window of opportunity when they are single is very very narrow. These are the 2% of women, the highest stock of females this wonderful creation can offer. If you don't frequent their circles or the events they attend you have no chance of meeting them. Women also don't go anywhere alone, so whatever hobbies women have or events they attend it is done with their husband or boyfriend and if they are single with their groups of friends.

tldr; there simply aren't enough single good looking young white women to go around for everybody, they are rare and exist mostly in very niche places where men without social circles (loners) can't get in to
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According to who? Age gaps were the norm for millennia. Only recently because of femcel/incel shaming (like you’re doing right now) has this changed. She is traditional and has no problem with an age gap
>the norm
No, the norm has always been to marry people around your age. Age gaps always existed, but they were mostly 2nd-3rd marriages between and older man and an undesirable girl who was married out by her family because she struggled to get married by her own means.
Let me guess you’re going to show us a statistic about medieval Germany and say it applies to the rest of the world?
Stop caring about looks, or at least stop dogmatically restricting yourself to whatever (((hollywood)))/(((anime))) notion of good looks you have lodged in your head. If she's not obese or disfigured or lacking basic hygiene, that's a good start.
If you find a woman who's into you, loyal, somewhat traditional and generally on your wavelength, LEARN to be attracted to her.

And unfortunately, white women are cancer. I you want a virgin, consider converting to Islam. No, I'm serious. Christianity is just as "middle eastern" in origin as Islam, and "converting to Christianity" to find a trad wife is somehow seen as reasonable. How is it suddenly weird and unacceptable when it's ANOTHER middle eastern religion? Throw these arbitrary cultural narratives in the trashcan.
>uses le joo echo
>also advocates racemixing and faking beliefs to find a wife

What are some activities to join in when you move to a new country so you can meet new people?
I'm ugly btw.

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Is it better to stay indoors rather than "touch grass" and be reminded that you're a social outcast?
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>It's futile when you still look like this.
Look like what?
Clearly a bored attention-whore. I'm sure you'll make this thread multiples times for years to come until you finally build courage to eat a bullet. Or you can also talk with other like-minded individuals right there >>>/r9k/. They'll love your threads for sure.
>I am only 5'11" tall and I think my nose is too wide
translated into Human

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Does anything help?
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CBT apparently helps
Chronic fatigue is possibly a brain response to enter energy conservation mode after experiencing something that triggers it, in order to turn this energy conservation mode you have to teach your brain to switch it off.

If you have ADHD stimulants utilize them when you need, you might have a general feeling of tiredness but at least you'll function.
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i need 12h+ of sleep a day to atleast be able to get out of bed. sometimes i sleep 14-18h in one go. when i leave my house for even a few minutes i am literally dead for the rest of the day.
lights, noises and social interactions fry me and leave me bedridden.

am i cooked?

yeah. I FUCKING HATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTE this fucking world for making me like this literally WHYYYYYYY DID I GET THESE GENES???? WH? WHAT DID I DO? what the fuck did i do in my past life to get born with this rng? these normie ass bitch ass motherfuckers live life normally and smile and laugh at eachother outside not aware of what they were blessed with. i hope they fucking DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
i wish for their deaths to be as tortorous and horrible and miserable as possible. i wish death and famine onto their entire bloodlines
No you don't.
I've been eating less than 20g a day for over a year. You need zero carbs per day.
Yeah, you are fine after a year, but this shit is literally making youe blood more acidic. You need at least 150 carbs to be healthy.
>Be young man
>Browse internet
>Scroll through phone
>Play videogames
>Go to work
>Look at more screens to perform job
>Ride the bus home, scroll through phone
>Go home
>Watch TV
>Play videogames
>Take a shit and scroll through phone
>Screens screens screens screens
>Constant stimulation to the retina and brain, non-stop. Mind overworking to keep up
>Feel exhausted all day

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I am 26 but haven't had a friend in about 15 years. I'd like to change that. The problem is that I don't leave home except for my wagie job and errands, and I don't know what people my age do or where they go.

I'm not an athletic person and I don't drink alcohol, so bars or sports groups aren't attractive to me. I truly don't know where to meet people and am at a loss for where to start. Are there websites that list events or clubs in your area?

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What causes women to give their sex to some guys but not others? How do I become one who has the sex?
Its called your sexual marketplace value

Guys almost always need to work on it for a couple years

By a time a guy is in his early/mid 30s hes finally ready to bang teenage sluts
You have to ask them to give you the sex. You can't get the sex if you don't ask.
Trust me, if you're on 4chan pre getting laid on the regular and not post, then you essentially have no shot. Thanks for playing.

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How are you supposed to resist the urge to touch them if she's riding you?
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Opinion discarded
Every woman i've been with loves getting their titties felt, some liked them getting slapped
It depends on the woman. Typically large titty women don’t like having their tits fondled too much, we’re talking girls with E cups and above. Their tits are constantly in pain usually.
>calling men "scrotes"
hnnng step on me, mommy
That’s bullshit, women with tits that large don’t exist. Unless you’re talking about anime?

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Do you think a friendship is sustainable on kindness alone, or do two people need to have more than just one thing in common?

I have friends, and they’re nice people. But they’re not into the hobbies I am into at all. It seems that we’re just friends because it’s convenient? Or maybe I am wrong to say that? I just want to be able to bond with people more. I feel lonely.
When I quit playing video games I lost touch with a majority of my friends because we bonded over video games. Sometimes it's hard to maintain a relationship when that bond is broken.
sounds like you need more. but you should keep your current friends while searching for others you vibe more with.
sometimes that kindness you already have is all you need, so keep that. but to flourish you need other friends.
i don't know though if it is only about hobbies though. i think deep bonding needs more trust and rapport. like having the same wavelength, philosophy, outlook, etc. so don't only search based on hobbies, although that is a good start.
also maybe you can get to learn more about your current friends still? maybe there is more interesting stuff hidden under the surface?

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>31 years old
>Applying for apprenticeship
The position is aimed at people just out of high school but they encourage people looking for a career change to apply too.
I've done a completely unrelated university degree as well as a handful of courses towards a degree in a related field. I don't know if putting that kind of thing on my resume is going to get me the trashman treatment or give me an advantage.

I'm thinking maybe it's better to leave it off my resume because my current work (shift supervisor at a fast food joint) should put me above any high school kid and putting anything else in there is a risk. But at the same time then I don't have anything else to put for what I've been doing the previous 10 years.
Find a way to turn your academic history into qualifications. For example, did you EVER help another student in anything? That's Executive Training. Ever write a term paper? That's Strong Communication Skills. Science labs? That's Precision Work.

There is no such thing as "useless" academic classes if you package them right.
What trade are you shooting for man?
Aircraft maintenance
I honestly don't know how you'd actually do this in a resume
>Aircraft maintenance
what's the unrelated degree and what's the partially related degree? without any other info, I'd probably put the shift supervisor work (shows you can be trusted with more responsibility) and the partial degree (technical relevance)

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