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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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We're tweaking the email verification system that we've been trialing over the past month. In order to post on /biz/ you will now have to do one of the following:

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Sidelined bros. How do you guys manage FOMO?
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Never heard of it.
manage expectations (Chad and Virgin is just absolutism)
grateful for what i do have (health, security, insight)
You are pretty safe to buy BTC now.
It's going to take a week until I can get money transferred to an exchange and by that time it'll be $75k.
Fuck Coinbase.
Just looked at the chart - maybe. There is a good chance of more bounce between here and 60k, but yea, it might break out if it hits 68.

Good luck anon

This stock isn't over by any means and I won't claim to know everything. I will say that if I was smarter I would've listened to my tinfoil hat on Friday expecting a dump to make the 100k+ in the money options expire worthless. It made complete sense in hindsight that market makers that sell retail options will do everything in their power to make them unprofitable. This stock only has options expiring once per month, so by surviving yesterday they hope this will blow over by next month and run off with everyone's money. This stock was already extremely shorted but they doubled down and shorted yesterday really hard. Now if everyone gives up on this stock the double down will work in (((their))) favor, but if this pops off again then they are even more fucked.
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It's owned by a Chinese con artist and they've literally only sold like 10 cars at most. The company has absolutely no value unlike GME.
The hedgies are right to short this one. Sell and move on with your few thousand, invest it into VOO.
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from r/ffie
Section 201 of SEC rules is in effect. if what we saw friday was short ladder attacks those will be very unlikely next week.
hope you are ready to go on an adventure
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There is still money to be made. This hasn't hit the fags at WSB yet, at a minimum when they hop in I'll hop out. I'll look into the company and see if they are the same from years ago because I've seen their negative earnings are drastically looking better, 60% increase since their last earnings. Regardless, they are heavily shorted so if retail makes it their goal to "screw the hedgies" that is another reason to pump.
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You first have to put together a business plan.
You first need a small loan of 2 million dollars.
What type of business do you want to start? How old are you? How old are you?

One of my parents died and didn't leave a will. But they said before they died that all their money should be given equally to me and my siblings.

I haven't informed the other parent yet and they recently saw how much money the dead parent has in their bank account (a lot relative to what the alive one has).

Has anyone gone through anything like this? I don't dislike my alive parent but they are old, have guaranteed income, and don't have their entire life ahead of them, so the money is a lot more valuable to me and my siblings. They are disorganised, aimless, and have wasted lots of money on third world lifestyle shit.

And my dead parent didn't dislike the other parent. But they said what should be done. And when they were alive and going to their job at 7.30 am every weekday morning, they sure as fuck weren't aiming to pay for the other one.
This nigga trying to justify robbing his widowed mother

>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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I bought the genetic rights to Marijauana from the US government just to smoke the gang out.
I'm gonna buy a cat and a rabbit.
"it's obvious now" is not a logical argument. You have provided no logic to prove "BBBY will go to 4 digits per share."
BBBY does not exist.
If you never bought the stock previously, you cant now. There is no reason to tell people in non-BBBY threads about BBBY because there's nothing anyone can do. Would you post about BBBY in any of the various link threadS? Or crypto threads in general? or in /smg/? No, you wouldn't, because those people can't do anything about the knowledge you posess.
So too does it bear no fruit to talk about BBBY in GME because no one here can buy BBBY. The only people who care about the price action of BBBY- which does not exist now- are those who bought it in the past, and they're all in the thread dedicated to BBBY.
GME does not need BBBY. If all BBBY posters are wrong, nothing changes with GME.
so basically bed bath and beyond is going to have dorito scented bath soaps?
Its going higher. Its an idiosyncratic risk that flew under the radar. GME 2.0
So why are yoi discussing it here instead of in it's own general?

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>get lucky years ago and make half a million dollaros from a shitty investment in a meme coin
>tell my friend who is like 50+ about it
>warn him not to invest in this stuff and be careful of scammers, repeat constantly that i got lucky and a million other people lost money for every guy like me that made any
>it's ok anon i won't!
>calls me randomly
>"hey can i borrow a bitcoin from you, i need it"
>what? did you short sell or something? what happened
>no my dealer says i need a bitcoin to get my profits from my previous investment
>how much did you invest?
>a whole bitcoin
i feel guilty because this poor man lost 30k fucking dollars (he did this when btc was at 30k) to a pajeet scammer
did i cause this? was he going to lose his money even if i didn't tell him?
he hasn't contacted me ever since i told him no to him borrowing a bitcoin
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Pic related but it was just my one friend who told other people that became like this
Many of them, I'd expect. It sounds fancy, but it's a pretty standard setup.
If you search for "25th word" + any hardware wallet, most of them will show something explaining how to set that up.
Some wallets will remember the 25th word for you and tie it to a different pin, while others will ask you to enter your 25th word manually each time you want to access that wallet. And some let you do either.
Ah.. So you're someone who actually knows what he's doing. Must be nice.
I'm not actually greedy, despite the net worth. I basically lucked into crypto, then as it climbed and anybody sane would have taken profits, I just didn't, which means I'm either an idiot or a genius. Then I sold some when I could live on the proceeds.
And now I'm keeping the rest because I'm afraid of it. It's not a great big masterplan. I'm just worried Bitcoin will actually end up trashing the financial world (see Citadel memes and other cyberpunk dystopian nonsense), so I'm keeping some as a hedge against itself.
Sure it'll be fun if the number continues to go up, but I'm okay with it going to zero too. In a way, that'd perhaps be better.
okay, what's ur financial goal then? we can have a friendly little challenge to see who will reach the big number first :)
Whoa I actually heard something similar a while back. Someone told me they met a good looking asian female that somehow convinced them to invest tens of thousands of dollars into a scam though some scam website. Then when he tried to cash out they said he needed to send them more money so they can send him money. Yeah I've never understood how that convinces people but I guess some people think it makes sense. I think about how like 10% of the population don't have an internal monologue and others can't visualize images.

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how much money would it take for you to never have to work again?
how would you use that money to ensure this?
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Seems like everyone but the boomer is conflating "never work again" with never work again at a job.

If your goal is $10 mil, is there really any value whatsoever to working at a $200,000/year job after $3 mil?

Yes, $120,000 pre-tax isn't exactly luxury, but would taking home another $100,000 net (from the $200,000 job) really make a difference to getting to $10,000,000?
>never work again
and what would be the point? what would you do with your life? just consume memes all day?
make yourself useful
i'm not telling you to be a slave to someone else
i'm telling you that work that you enjoy doing is good and honorable if it makes the world a better place
i used to think i'd need only 1-2 mil, but now im at 7mil and i want to hit 50mil now. the hedonic treadmill is real
A million + paid off house. Put the million in a mix of high to low dividends. That should grow between 10-20% yearly. And income should be $1k a week after taxes.

Learn to cook/eat. Buy the bare minimum.
Genuinely, what would you spend it on?

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>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

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>How much did dream on me pay for baby?
$15.5 Million. Sounds like a good deal for a IP worth billions.
so sue gove, the lying bitch, was absolutely unashamed to say she knows nothing about any acquisition rumors in the e-toro interview and now we get court documents confirming that Cohen offered to buy the company? kek dumbfuck executive boardies, you're about to get fucking destroyed in the fraud lawsuit
>absolutely unashamed to say she knows nothing about any acquisition rumors in the e-toro interview

Imagine saying this while planning to rush into bankruptcy after turning down $400m.
DOM's revenue, even if it was leveraged to fuck, was no where near enough for that purchase.
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Im oiled up right now slow stroking my cock.

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Why do I keep listening to you faggots
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I'm dying lol great job putting this together anon
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Very predictable
cuz you are dumb
Kek baggies

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All i heard for weeks was hype for this shit, and of course as soon as fomo sets in, le epic rug
Now sitting like a busted cargo ship at 400k and wont fucking budge
I will never financially recover from this
Also- Armenian dev larping as an American
Wtf, why do i ever listen to biz
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You now realize there was once a time when UBPS had 4x the market cap of Okayeg. Now, Okayeg has 30x the market cap of UBPS.

Let that sink in.

The reason Apu pumped? Whales.
The reason Okayeg pumped? Whales.
UBPS will not pump unless there's a whale backing it. Period.
Mailman the Armenian who larps as an American- that guy? Wtf is he going to do?
Add him to the list as well.
By mailmen I mean anon baggies.
You know what I find to be the funniest of all about this? You've got at least 20 UBPS people in the Rayquaza chat, and they're the reason Rayquaza dumped so hard. They're doing it for revenge because Dan jeeted UBPS.

So why aren't these people taking the money they earned from Rayquaza and reinvest it in UBPS? Really makes you think.
Ser how do i contact this whale?

Binance is delisting ROSE.

It's over, ROSE baggies.
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Stop trying to change the subject about how over it is for ROSE.

ROSE is over.

In fact, it's BEYOND over.

It's so over, it never even bean!
You didn't even read. It's futures, not the actual token retard.
>trading in a coins futures is so low that Binance closes down any more trading

yeah sure bud, first the futures then the coin, why would anyone want to own something that no one has any interest in trading?
That's hypothetical bullshit. Coingecko shows 29 percent of volume.

Keep funding though
>namefag tripfag glowniggers specifically fudding MY coin
>binance removes futures so no degen faggot gets obscenely rich off the pump
Price target lads? $1?

how are we feeling eg frens?
Next stop 20m mcap. Once we pass that disgusting meme roost, then we can take out that scam brett. There is no second best.
i sold 10m mcap.
hope it dips hard before 20m

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i bought the bottom then it bottomed again

More devs should follow the Okayeg formula.
>stealth launch
>no presale
>no launch on base or pump fun
>1 ETH starting liquidity
Sitting at 10mil now.
Okayeg is only pumping because a whale is in it and got in low. Don't kid yourself, its just a rug on a bigger scale.

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How do I buy crypto anonymously? No KYC bullshit. Is bisq good ?

Create a walking robot with encrypted AI

Tell it to go to the hood and buy monero. Then it will send you the monero over the interwebz, all anonymously

If the feds get your robot, it ain't saying shit to the fuzz because it is programmed that way, and nobody can break the encryption so you are good
Ahh, so you're retarded, gotcha.
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>No KYC bullshit
Only way to do it is over the counter. Which might lead to you getting shot or scammed, depending on how much you’re buying.

Just do the KYC. Or are you a pedophile?
>DOOD! Just give them your name, email, DOB, address, phone number, ID card, a selfie of you holding your ID card, a list of previous employers, a stool, blood, urine and semen sample! We need it to uh.. Uhh, fight anti-semet- I mean terror- uh I mean climate change!

Fuck you schlomo, not paying your tax or submitting to your kyc cuck show.

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surfing the great material continuum edition hehehehe


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

>Educational sites:

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My financial moves since starting to invest this year:
>DCAing into VOO ($250 a week)
>buying 5x NVDA at 450 and selling at 945
>buying 5x AMD at 150 and hodling too long
>absolutely nothing else
I'm not gonna make it, am I?
I have one stock VOO, when should I buy another? I'm new to this shit pls no buly
buy 8 shares of vxus instead
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While you guys were masturbating to cartoons, I was building an LSTM model on QQQ. I took close price, volume traded, open, high, and low values for every single day going back to 01/14/2016. I threw that shit in my magic 8-ball simulator and asked it for the opening price of QQQ ten times and averaged them together.
Thatt gave me $451.19.
I plan on building price prediction modeling on real-time data once I have the money for it (might be never, since I've been unemployed for ~2 years). Ultimately, I think my model is as unproductive as your goon session, but we'll see. Thanks for reading my blogpost.

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Only thing that worries me is the unlimited supply
why would that be worriesome? the biggest assets in the world all have unlimited supply, just look at the dollar
I just fucking lost money in rug omfg
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Silly Goose tiker $GOO or your mother is gay

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Hello /biz/
How do you live with your regrets?
I am only 20 and accumulated enough that i think i could reach 6 figures in this bullrun, I also recently got a girlfriend and things are going great.
I'm just getting eaten by my regrets, and shit sounds ridicilous
"Why didn't i buy the frog 2 months ago?"
Things should unironically be fine, but it feels like my life is boiling over, i don't know how to sit back and enjoy it

shitcoins for this feel?
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buy SUPER? no thanks
THISSSS, anon thinks we are going to believe him that he leads a life like that. He's probably a fat 30 year old nigger
i got news for you:
4chan is full of normal people
now cope
>Hurr I regret not picking the lottery numbers now I know them
ngmi with this pea brained attitude. Assuming your post is real, you deal with it but learning what you could do differently next time to capitalise on the opportunity you missed. There will always be future opportunities. Either you wallow and become bitch made like most ITT or you learn and grow.
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I don't live with my regrets

I live with my parents

My parents live with their regrets

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Hi all.

I feel bad for you guys always losing money no matter what y'all do. Starting Monday (5/13/2024), I will be posting my trades for free whenever I can.

I will be posting 2 categories of trades: Crypto and Stocks.

For Crypto, I will be posting crypto futures.

for Stocks, I will be posting scalps / swing trades.

In either case I'll try to post what my TP's / SL's are.
WR is between 70-90% depending on the month and state of the market.

I am NOT asking for compensation, all this info is free to view for anyone.

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What should I do OP? I'm thinking starting back slow and swing trade on daily/weekly timeframes, no more 30 second ultra-sweaty trades, it looks so much easier anyway you have actual time to reflect and actually cut losses not too deep in the red, all on spot, no leverage, what should I buy now? everything is over-extended I feel its already over, are we in a bull-bear-bulltrap idk what tf is going on all markets, I thought the global markets would collapse how the fuck anyone is able to afford a car, a home and groceries these days.. a $5000 car these days gets you a rustbucket with transmission problems with 200,000 km (125k miles)
100x leveraging was ur first mistake, the goal should be to put no more than 1% of ur total port into each trade regardless of leverage.

lucky doesn't play a big part in it, but it certainly plays a part overall.

If you keep failing, you need to reframe your mindset. LEARN from the losses.


0.5-1% for scalps.
3-5% for swings.
i trim pretty early on to lock in profits, so even tho the difference between entry and exit may be like 120%, the actual profit i make is closer to 40-60% since i've already exited so much.

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Send me 1k then
Lol ok larper

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