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It's new thread time, thanks to everyone for keeping it going as always.
This is the thread for curvy mommy bodies. Post images of thick, full-figured women ripe with the hallmarks of sexual maturity and fertility.

Common themes include combinations of:
>Thick/plump, especially in thighs, hips and butt
>Large tits, sometimes sagging or low-hanging
>Pubic hair and/or underarm hair
>Sometimes a soft, paunchy belly
>Occasionally muscle

For the previous thread: >>10950464
For Venus Futa, check out our sister thread: >>10987932
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I don't know your stance on AI, but you should check out Bonno on pixiv
top tier shit

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A thread dedicated to Futas showing off their insurmountable penile superiority over men.

No futasub it defeats the point.
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I could see one of the super tall amazonian futas saying something like
>I'm way bigger than you in every other body part, how is my cock a suprise?
I like to post examples of what I'm after when talking about it/asking for it, but it's so tough to even find. I just want a normal sized dude to be with a small girl. She should be five feet tall or less, however, her wang should be enormous. The very idea of being put in one's place by someone who, in every other metric, is smaller is rather hot to me. If possible she should reveal it while smugly tapping the bigger cock tops sign.

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Post Pent Up Overflowing Balls, fat, engorged, massive, swollen, pregnant, hefty, enormous balls. Or any other synonymous phrase for large balls.
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Geez anon that's hot
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The prostate expansion thing is so fucking good
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The rules:
>Grant the wish of an Anon above you, putting your own lewd twist on it.
>After granting a wish, you get to make one wish yourself. The Anons below you will grant it, and so on.
The first Anon of the thread gets to ask for a wish for free, without having to grant someone else's wish. (To be clear,does not mean without receiving a twist.)
>If a wish received only lazy "the wish is made completely unenjoyable and everyone dies" answers, you can re-grant it in a different way and still get to make your wish.
>If all wishes have been already granted, then you can just ask for a wish for free.
>Not a rule but it's still good form: if someone put effort and creativity in their post, you are encouraged to put effort and creativity when you answer their wish.
>Remember that we're here to have fun!

Last thread:
283 replies and 202 images omitted. Click here to view.
Granted. However be aware that being reborn to an incestuous family of tanukis of all things did take a lot of time. Humanity is long gone, at least in a form that's recognizable to you if you were to keep your memories. The world could be best described now as one big yiff paradise. If you thought your hyper-dicked tanukis are the biggest sexual danger to the world? Oh no no no.

Rapy obsessed nekomatas, kappas stalking the night, murky waters, centaurs seeking a relief after their hunts and many more. You are but a drop in the ocean of the perverse, vulgar landscape that is now Earth.

Now. Some of the "Humans" have great interest in creatures like you. Either for throphy hunting with their advanced technology compared to y'all, or for other, more depraved reasons. Your genetic mess of a family left you with an unspeakaple sex drive and your cock LEAKS pretty much all the time. Have fun not humping something for more than a minute. You WONT make it.

Sex is your instinct now. Not even in a very hot way, at least not for long. You need it as much as food and water. You will die without it and you damn wish you didn't have to at some point. But you have to top to satisfy your needs. Sure, you might think that allowing yourself to be caught and raped by centaurs will relief you for some time. Not a chance. It will only frustrate you more. Build up your desires. Add fuel to the fire. Sex HAS to happen on YOUR terms. It's the only way to quiet down the urges. And considering that you chose to be a meek tanuki, hyper-cock or not, instead of a more powerful creature. Dictating your terms will be harder than your cock after five rounds of centaur ball-broth left in your guts. Have fun.

>I wish for my body to adapt extremely fast to my workout routines. I wanna be able to pick and switch between being a slim femboy, a muscled hunk, a ripped athlete and everything in between in a matter of weeks tops.
Granted! Your body is now highly adaptable to just about any sort of workout. Pick the routine you'd like, and not only will you see results quite literally immediately (a few days of modest effort complete the "transformation"), but you'll look supernaturally idealistic for whatever the workouts aimed to achieve. So say, you go from a muscled hunk to a femboy. Your facial structure will soften and your figure, hair, and facial features will grow more feminine, as your voice will also sound cuter. Become a hunk and you'll grow more "chad" like.

But do be warned, once you start a routine, you'll be locked into it until you finish it. You will have a "cooldown" where your body resists any change, for better or for worse (good news is you won't get out of shape) for a few days to a week after the workout, depending on how drastic the change was, or how much you got "setttled" into a certain bodytype. If you embraced being a femboy, wearing cute clothes and being a cardio bunny, the "grace period" will last longer. Same with being buff if you lift stuff regularly or show off and flex.

This isn't a bad thing though... because when I say you're adaptable, I mean it, and "workouts" can start without you meaning them too... and like I said... you're stuck with the regime until you finish your current transformation. The 2-3 days of exercise can be MUCH longer if you procrastinate, but you won't LOSE progress at least. So say you start turning into an athlete, but try to quit halfway through. You'll just stay at the halfway point until you finish the workout, and you won't be able to start another until your grace period is over. And as you've probably gathered... these workouts are more supernatural in nature than grounded in science. Yes, workouts used to get certain REAL bodytypes will work as expected, but in addition to this, your body will "adapt" to other things if you make them habits.

Have you been enjoying anal play a bit more often than usual?
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That just might count as a routine for becoming a "butt slut", one that, like all others? Can't be backed out of. Now it can be a "side routine" of a bodytype you already have. You could be a himbo hunk or a femboy buttslut, but it'll make you look more submissive and slutty, and you'll need to train anal more to finish the routine so you can start another. Using larger insertions, riding them, practicing squats for practical applications... the good news is that these come with benefits, like being waste free and always ready for anal, as well as being a pro at it. Bad news is you'll PROBABLY look like a slut after you finish the routine.

Other, less predictable "routines" can happen as well. Nofap might count and straight up make you a girl, and while there ARE exercises to make you a guy again, the other part of this paw is that you have to figure out what they are yourself (outside of exercises that are documented and make sense). Might be celibacy as a girl to be a guy again, might be pegging, might be tribbing. Who knows? You'll just have to experiment. You won't ever end up with "ugly" bodies, so you can laze around and not worry about turning into some kind of slob (unless you'd be into it), but you can easily and unintentionally start unpredictable routines that only make sense in hindsight, like masturbation giving you a bigger dick, to the point of it being hard to hide (which is especially fun if you have a twinkish or "female" body).

My advice? Keep a notebook of what does what to your body, and abuse extended grace periods from embracing a new body after achieving it to enjoy it longer.

On the other hand... who knows what you might just be able to achieve if you look for MORE "unorthodox" routines...? You could reach shapeshifter levels of adaptability... given you're ready to accept the risk...

>I wish I had the power to merge lewd dreams and fantasies with reality... with a blacklist of fetishes I'd hate (ex. waste, gore), please.

Following your signing of a not-so-thoroughly skimmed contract, the rug is pulled out from under you. It is revealed that the latest job you've applied to was not, in fact, some well paying, boring office drone position, but a position for a demon in Hell, to do demon stuff.

The world around you is engulfed in flames, and your body rapidly changes into something that quite resembles your attached picture. Red skin, horns, purple highlights, phenomenal curves, the works. Yes, however predictably, you've been turned into a succubus. And through the strict, extra-legal bindings you find yourself under, you shouldn't bank on that changing any time soon.

Your new lot is that of a career succubus. Hell is actually far more corporatized than you may have expected. Your situation is not tremendously uncommon; people-made-demons fill the grunt ranks down here and are put to work. For you, this involves normal succubus fare. Whether it be fucking and teasing normal Hell denizens or appeasing surface mortals who've summoned you, you do your job and you do it well.

Or did. Your beginnings as a succubus were years ago. Many, many years ago. You haven't actually kept track, but it's been enough to make your immortal body actually show signs of age. All good ones, of course. Your once lithe, tight body has blossomed into something to behold. More gracious, supple curves, the tasteful smile line or stretch mark here or there. Even things like longer horns. It turns out you don't need to appear the pinnacle of youth to get your job done. As an experienced milf™, you've actually become a hell of a lot more proficient at sexual tasks.
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Now while Hell doesn't exactly scream "upward mobility", your efforts don't go unnoticed, or unrewarded. Your betters rightfully recognize your potential and choose to promote you. You are now a professional milf. Instead of being a low level succubus who gets tossed into any ol' mortal perv's summoning circle, you're an upper echelon demon with the final say on your marks.

You work on commission, finding moldable mortals and using your corruptive influence to promote sinfullness, tightening Hell's grip on the surface world. I wouldn't worry too much about that, though. You'll be having too much fun with your targets, taking mortals under your (metaphorical) wing, and mommydom them into becoming your demon children.

You're also encouraged to taylor your 'torment' to suit your desired mortal. Why not curse that shut-in girl by constantly appearing in her own bed? Or tease and interrupt that femboy 'daughter' you sent to do house chores? Run some errands and constantly embarrass that repressed daughter with your incredibly revealing clothing and lewd actions.

You've got access to pretty much any young hottie you'd wanna get your claws on. Just make sure you keep up the good work! For your sake please keep up the good work. Seriously...

>I wish to be feminized in a humiliating fashion through heavy surgical alteration.

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Boating Edition

Writers/Artists: https://pastebin.com/eSWSvJJ7

Previous: >>10980968
49 replies and 27 images omitted. Click here to view.

"giantess being stoic and aloof but actually super loves tinies" is something i can get behind, especially as they wrangle between being "professional" and wanting to smother the tinies with love and/or their various body parts.

>abducted by alien giantess scientist
>she performs "experiments" on you
>experiments like "snuggle the earthling and measure nervous system chemical and hormone changes," "examine effect of earthling skin contact on external and internal body temperature," and "determine effect of earthling pheromones on giantess mental state/determine effect of giantess pheromones on earthling"
>she's very adamant on collecting as much data as she can
>her face remains stoic and serene as she rubs your tiny body against her nipple with one hand, writes notes with the other, and speaks her thoughts and observations into a voice recorder all at the same time, with only the increased perspiration, husky breath, luminescent blush, and occasional body-wracking shiver of pleasure indicating that she's having fun while she works (as much as she denies it).
>she claims her licking all over your body after every "data set iteration" is another experiment on the "sustainability of using earthling sweat as an alternate means of electrolyte replenishment"
>you live in a "comfortable representation of earthling living quarters" most of the time
>unless she's conducting the "feasibility study of using earthling as sleep aid" experiment, which was her fancy way of saying that she wants you to sleep in her cooter.
>luckily your abduction didn't end up with -you- getting probed
>such is life as the tiny earthling lab rat
Finally some new Chieri
In which Yume chan gets dunked on

Love it, although 'stoic but sweet' is also a great alternative

>be squire for 3+ metre knightess
>knightess comes back to your place after a big battle left her with nasty wounds
>unfazed by grievous injuries, she beings rips her armour off starting with the breastplate right in front of you, paying you no mind
>she hisses in pain as her wounds prevent her from bending or crouching down to finish the job
>knightess stands for a minute before speaking for the first time since she returned
>"anon help me undress myself"
>You freeze up, unable to respond until you hear her turn around. she looks dead in your eyes as you stay unmoving. There is a calculated understanding in her eyes... and she blinks
>"anon its fine."
>knightess continues to stare at you. Into you.
>she sighs, her eyes a fraction softer than before, and slowly walks up to you

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>Humanity is, in the grand scheme of things, a barely perceptible speck of light in comparison to the the Heavens
>Even the smallest of angels are towering colossi compared to humans, and the largest of angelic stewards are practically mountains
>God herself is so gargantuan humans are but bacterium upon her body
>But in spite of that, every angel, from the smallest to the largest, and God herself loves each individually human unconditionally and infinitely
>But some humans can't handle this love, nor the true perspective of their own insignificance in the universe
>For those spiteful, prideful, or enraged enough to reject the love of the angels and the goddess, and forge their own path, they are welcomed into the gates of Hell
>Not a place of fire or brimstone, but rather a world of those who insist on their own greatness
>Unfortunately, many a human soul has found that they are but a speck down here as well in comparison to the fallen angels, now demons who took their own smallness in comparison to God just as poorly as the humans took their smallness in comparison to angels

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Girls getting BTFO or in peril. No guro, spilt entrails, decapitation, etc.
Previous >>10929390
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previous thread >>10948212
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He's only just on page 5? He was on page 5 the other day, is redoing the page again?
This is the other day's page 5 and right now he is doing another pose instead. Oh boy another long wait is coming if he keeps this up.
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And here is his current page 5.
He didn't redo he, he added a bit of her pushing the nun clothes thing between her boobs in the upper corner of the page. The first pose is just on another layer so he can draw
Is it possible for this to turn into a anime/hentai in the near future? It does have the story and now it has the action.

Thread for sharing pictures, stories and advice about anal masturbation and sex.
The more pictures, the better!

>Questions of the day.
How anal changed your life? Have your diet improved? Have you stopped doing penile/vaginal masturbation entirely? Something else? Tell us.

Previous thread >>10996247

>FAQ - Read it before posting

>Regdude's Technical guide to anal (very detailed, recommended to all butt sluts)

>Panty's Guide to Anal Training & Blowjobs

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jlube+water paired with crisco/coconut oil is the best combo,
but apply the jlube after the oily lube or it will just slide off
Just tried a dildo and a plug for the first time.. fuck. First I lubed up a 3.5 inch plug and played with my hole and eventually worked it all the way in. Immediately I loved the feeling of fullness in my ass. It felt right. While wearing the plug I browsed on anonymous chat sites like Emerald until I found a guy and we exchanged Discords, and soon after I was sending him videos of me stuffing my hungry hole with lubed up dildo. He said I was a natural. It felt so humiliating and so good. I was leaking the whole time and trying not to touch. This lasted for about 45 minutes on and off until my ass was a bit sore, so I stopped. Lube was everywhere and my face felt so warm and my cock was leaking. I went up to go walk the dog and put my plug back in and I’m typing this now. My ass felt really empty after I stopped fucking it and it was unplugged. I’m so horny walking around it’s hard to think straight. Gonna cum to something good soon

10/10. Lurker anons, get playing with that butt
Welcome butt slut in the making.
Leaking on the first time indeed means you're natural or you're also big into humiliation and that did most of the work.

Now you know why we these threads. Anal is so good it should be exposed more but there's a lot of prejudice to be overcome for both men and women.
I really don't go all out in terms of clean-up, are you doing deep play? I have found that with enough fiber and a decent diet, I rarely need more than a lube-shooter half full of lube as a rinse out, and the lube almost always comes out clear. My toys aren't huge and I don't go deep, but I don't think I've had a session ruined by not being clean more than maybe three times in the last few years.

>3.5 inch plug
which dimension is that, circumference, length, or diameter?
Nothing deep, I just started and have a small dildo. My first time didn't go so well because when I pull it out the I could already see the brownish stuff on my dildo and that kind of ruined everything. I tried to clean was much as possible in the shower before that, even squatted on top of the shower head, but that wasn't enough sadly. I thought maybe I could do it without douching. Do you take Psyllium husk? or do just have a good fiber rich diet?

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All kinds of weird and humiliating TFs welcome. The sillier and more humiliating the better.
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Yuuka sexdoll for that one anon who requested something with Yuuka in onahole thread.

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Previous: >>10912844

Topic is as stated, since I don't often see people talk about this side of things.
What's your ideal arrangement of people for conjoinment?
2 people? 3? Female? Male? Hags? Femboys? Bimbos? Are you part? What do you find underrated?

Bonus points for interesting answers.
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thats easy
no is no but if one is almost begging and the other gives an apathetic "sure i guess" shes not the one youre engaging with so her opinion weighs less especially if they dont share lower genitalia
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Girls having their bodies being taken over by all sorts of entities (e.g. ghost, slime, parasite, monster, alien, robot, etc.)
Previous Thread: >>10935410
65 replies and 39 images omitted. Click here to view.
Truly an underrated niche in this genre, I wish there was more of it. There was one hentai I read where a guy's sister body swapped with his gf which was pretty hot, can't remember the name.
Anyone has the English translation of hyouik about 2b possessed by a parasite
I posted it in a previous thread, look up the archive
Working on a "fungeon" scenario prompt for AI, need some ideas for possession type monsters to have, preferably with a description that can skirt restrictions
slimes its the more clasics, will o wisp can be usefull as well, maybe some clas of plant or parasite, a goblin or magic user creature can be good option as well.

Well, first of all, sorry if my English is bad, I'm using an online translator.

This is a drawing that I commissioned a long time ago, due to a communication error it ended in this where a woman ends up putting her own tits in her own pussy to fuck herself, what I originally wanted was a woman who would use a pair of those tits sex toys to use as a dildo but I liked this mistake so much that I even paid for this drawing to be finished apart from the other one.

I put it here because I would like to know your opinion about this new pose or fetish and if by chance I have seen more images similar to this one, I feel that it has some potential to be something more popular or at least something new.
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hard to see this one, you gotta zoom in real close
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and that's the last of my collection
thanks , i like more the first one, the other i feel some one exagerated exept for the furry one.

that make me think... what is a good story for a dounjin with a woman doing that? i want in the future comiss a doujin with that stuff and if have sugestions I would appreciate it very much.
I miss this old art style
yeah i like the 2000 style of draws, but the moderns i like as well, even more moe and sexy type i like it more.

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Previous thread:
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have a sneak peek
dunno when it'll be done

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Previous Thread: 10831234
260 replies and 144 images omitted. Click here to view.
>Go to gym 4x a week and generally take care of myself hoping that one day some milf will want to steal my body
I might be mentally ill but at least im physically healthy
OK, I get off to this because I have autism, which directly correlates to autogynephelia. I don't appreciate everything I have ever liked in my life becoming vessels for an incredibly politically aligned real world ideology.

I just want to pretend to be a girl and get off from it. I don't think this makes me ideological kin with real world stuff at all and don't appreciate it everywhere.

Sorry for essay-post, also bump.
>asks chatGPT to generate a image of a mage swapping with a princess.
>receives image of a mage and a princess looking at each other surprised.
how many pictures tagged with body swap are like that?
can somebody update onat on kemonoparty

What do you mean? This is the way it always has been.

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10876831/
225 replies and 95 images omitted. Click here to view.
Some believe it only effects lesbians, some believe it turns you lesbian. There have been women who deliberately gone through this disgusted with men, only to become a rapist later
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> is it you’re first day? you’re not very good at pulling my nipples…
>Come on already, you gotta really yank them! Did they teach you nothing in training?
This is a new fetish I never considered wanting.
>Plot twist. All people in this picture are the same sex. You decide what that means.
>>Summarize your change.
Women no longer experience shame about sexual experiences. A woman can do gangbang porn and irl sex work and still successfully run for president.
>>Does this change norms about dating or marriage?
Yes, it's generally expected that a husband will raise his wife's children but not have a biological connection to any of them. likewise a boyfriend/husband will likely have sex with his wife's female friends and family, openly.
>>Does this change how women act with each other?
They're very open to sharing experiences and going on girls nights where they film themselves having sex. Lesbian and bisexual couples tend to have sex with men without thinking about it if the mood takes them.
>>What are the cracks and inconsistencies in the new reality?
Once women are free from shame there's not really a way to control them.

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