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Welcome to /diy/, a place to:

Post and discuss /diy/ projects, ask questions regarding /diy/ topics and exchange ideas and techniques.

Please keep in mind:
- This is a SFW board. No fleshlights or other sex toys.
- No weapons. That goes to /k/ - Weapons. The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/, but discussing weapon-specific techniques/designs or the actual use of weapons is disallowed. Things such as fixed blade knives or axes are considered tools, things such as swords, guns or explosives are considered weapons.
- No drugs or drug paraphernalia (See Global Rule 1). If you want to discuss something that could involve such things (e.g., carving a tobacco pipe from wood) that's fine, but make sure it's /diy/ related and doesn't involve drugs or it will result in deletion/ban.

Helpful links:
https://sites.google.com/site/diyelmo/ (archived)
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Some friendly suggestions for posting:
- First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.
- List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
- Be patient, this is a slow board; your thread will be around for days.
- Share your results! /diy/ loves to see problems solved and projects completed!

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Americans live in folding homes.
How embarrassing.
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For all you know it alls…this is called racking in framing. Not enough wind braces on the ends with all the openings. Walls should have been sheeted when erected…Mexicans
So was this a worksite that played heavy metal or mariachi music?
Do you really think that there will be structural insulation and stucco?
that is in canada
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right, this is switzerland

Use this thread to ask questions you think don't require a thread of their own.

The old thread no longer bumps: >>2794873

If you didn't get a response in the old thread, feel free to ask again here.
>Some friendly suggestions for posting:
> - First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.
> - List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
> - Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
> - Be patient, this is a slow board; your thread will be around for days.
> - Share your results! /diy/ loves to see problems solved and projects completed!
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can someone tell me what the red appliance attached to the back wall is?
Looks like an oil tank for oil heat systems
I'm planning to build an autonomous 'follow me' platform using Arduino. Basically, the platform will follow you based on your phone's location, similar to the cooler in the video below. However, I'm having trouble finding a GPS module like the one used in the video. Is there a similar GPS module that I can use?

Video: youtube.com/watch?v=6I5rQfJSmaM&list=PL39pssg07dpCBNHQbxaql-8NT9rz-k3RB&index=2
That's my cum tank

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I broke of these pic related stoneware mugs and am thinking of doing a faux kintsugi thing. However, I also want to be able to microwave this thing, so JB Weld is out, epoxies are apparently out (temperature issues and potential fuming or whatever when exposed to enough heat), and superglue was never practical to begin with.

Unless someone has any better ideas, I was thinking of resorting to a cement mixture of some kind and sorta painting on my gold (mica) pigment onto the cracks and then figure out how lacquers work.
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>not faggy ritual.

Who called my name
>not faggy ritual.

kek. somebody shoot me before I samefag this thread into oblivion
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U need to throw it in the trash. this about the 50th billionth time of some1 attempting to inform me they broke their mug AND THE 0 TIME THEY POSTED A "faux kinsugi" or whatever faggot shit u just said as if you had a single useful skill outside of piss production. Fucking SOI!!
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proof. I actually try to do things so I got a license that allows me to talk mad shit over the internet. I dont drink out of it because the glaze imperfections make it shit tier and unusable. Basically I got owned by a bunch of 3rd world primitive tribal niggers, in ceramic world.
>cyanoacrylate doesn't do very well in the microwave.

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>drive around
>still see a sewing machine repair store and a vacuum cleaner store around
Why did those survive disposable appliances but not TV and other repair stores?
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I use just plain old 30w non-detergent motor oil, like what's specified for lawn mowers and small engines. That's what the dude who did the last service told me to use. I've happened across other units that were gunked up but it seemed to be more a case of dust getting into the oil and causing it to solidify.
Is this still available? I haven't had any issues but I'd just as soon use the stuff that they engineered specifically for it
I'll give this a shot, thanks Anon. How much did you get for yours? I see mine (4-track simul-sync) draw pretty good prices online. Got it in the original box from a lady at a garage sale for $100 back in 1995...she said it was used like once, and the condition bore this out. The sound quality is amazing.
I can understand the loyalty. For me, it's canister Kenmores from the 80's and 90's. I hit the motor with compressed air maybe twice a year to clean them out, and they're unkillable. The only bitch is hoses wear out, and then out comes the duct tape...
Sewing machines are a really weird industry, most of the stuff above entry level has really limited online documentation, no published MSRPs, and you can only get them from a brick and mortar retailer. Prices are kinda shocking on them too, my cosplayer ex had a fancy one that could do embroidery and all kinds of other automated stuff (could sew buttonholes completely automatically etc.) and when she got it it was a leftover last-gen model AND on a holiday sale and it was still like $5k, and that was 10 years ago so I can only imagine what they go for now.
because they're all run by boomers who bought the buildings for 3 barrels of hay and have no overhead
Not true if they actually get used regularly in a commercial setting doing real work, plus just like everything certain brands and specialized machines like multiple needle sergers need more attention and can be finicky...fabric type also factors into how often they need servicing.

Lots of commercial machines do work that would be "abuse" on even the most robust consumer models, and parts that wear have to be kept up to avoid preventable crashes that can take out other parts.

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So the branded battery on the left tests bad. I've looked up the reset procedure but it requires a charge. I read you could use another battery to charge it so I've got the chineseum battery fully charged on the charger. The Ryobi battery is flat, dead, kaput.

I see two possibilities:
1. connect the batteries + to + and - to -. wait a few hours for them to equalize.
2. connect the batteries in series to the charger.

What do?

Also general electric mower discussion I guess. I got the battery, charger and mower for free, the chink batt cost me $60, I plan to sell it ASAP as I run Ego for my cordless electric yard equipment.
open battery
test each cell voltage
charge that cell or cells
Not worth it to get a welder for one battery. Also no reason to suspect bad cells, it's simply dead from neglect.

you don't need a welder. open the pack check the cells almost certainly there is one or more cells that are way lower than the others.

charge those cells IN THE PACK then try them on the charger again. many BMS's won't let the battery charge and may show zero volts if one or more cells is lower than X volts.
Tool batteries are packed together tight with cells spot soldered to thin conjoining metal strips. You risk catastrophic failure trying to use heat to desolder and remove individual cells. There is an electrolyte inside each cell that allows them to function, allowing ion transfer between cathode and anode. Under certain conditions unwanted chemical reactions take place and to my understanding can increase internal pressure. Likewise, there are chemical reactions that deplete the cycling and endurance of the cells even under standard use.

Replacement is more practical. Even when the tool batteries were costly, I moved on from tinkering with repairs. The BMS is cheap. The cells and overall construction are cheap.
everything you said is wrong.

you cannot rebuild a name brand battery for less than buying one.

it's easier to find the bad cell, charge it, or replace it. you can get spot welders that run off a car battery for $20 and nickel strips for very little.

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>commercial brewing legal advice edition
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I’m honestly not sure, I I’ll probably test it around 12% ABV and judge the sweetness then. I bought some yeast stopper and a hydrometer along with the yeast
I had a great time as an amateur homebrewer when my mom went to the local brew-pub and asked if i could shadow for a day.
I learned about all the ins and outs and did some labor like brooming all the used barley into cans for the local countryside farmers pigs. i got to walk into the hop fridge and see boxes of hops that were 1000$+ each
Added some hops. the brewmaster was a traditional dude and soft spoken. I got to drink a beer after the day ended,
"You brew one, you drink one!"
Does /hbg/ have any noob frenly how-to info graphs?
t. New lurker and I would like to into brewing
well what do you want to brew?
Anything I'm not picky but mostly interested in kombucha and mead.

any melanated fellers here who do hobby machining in an apartment?
ever get noise complaints? tips on minimizing noise through walls?
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an easy way to cut down on vibrations too is to mount it to something heavy. if you go to a countertop place, they usually sell smaller off cuts for cheap. they work great for desktop stuff like this
Machining is loud

I would just machine at night and play porn, people would just assume you’re jack hammering some chick super hard
Why would you have to hide your 3d printers in your own apartment??
I had a fuck ton of prusas just mass producing parts it would have had to been zoned commercial
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a dead neigbour wont hear shit to complain about
learn makin coffins

What would you do with 1-2 old school portable buildings? Plop them down on a piece of land and turn it into a living space? A business?
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Yeah I'd gut them and treat them as any other modular building. Living space probably.
Not buy them and instead have $25000-50000
those are call trailers you can find them in trailer parks. also >>2801182 because for $25k and not having to move them you can build an actual shop.
>buy building for 25k
>moving it costs another 25k

>buy steel building with concrete foundation for 25k
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Nothing for that price. Maybe if moved for free or already on the land I have I would use it for various things. Throw up walls and make it into a guest house.
If you are really itching to spend that much on something questionable then go on amazon and get pic. Either way you need to have a pad and hookups.

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Prev thread at bump limit. I don't often hangout here, forgive me if this isn't perfect.
Prev thread: >>2794153

>I'm new to electronics. Where to get started?
It is an art/science of applying principles to requirements.
Find problem, learn principles, design and verify solution, build, test, post results, repeat.
Read the datasheet.

>OP source:

>Comprehensive list of electronics resources:

>Project ideas:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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These days we just send a tiktok of our homework to chatgpt and it does it for us ain't it cool to live in the future
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i love that image too much.
need an anime about cute anime girls who get shrunken in order to build pcbs
Remember that manga series that taught some high school level stuff, including one of electricity? An anime like that would be really cool.
>Remember that manga series that taught some high school level stuff
i do not, got link?
Look for "the manga guide to [thing]". There's one on electricity, physics, biochem, all sorts of stuff.
It's an manga episode and then a small chapter elaborating on the topics, then another manga episode and so on and so fourth. Very cute but obviously no college level stuff.

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Post what you've acquired recently and why little paypiggies
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I bought some bi-metal blades for my hacksaw and lag bolts this morning. The dog was happy to come along for the ride. I hope anons have a great day in your projects.
That sounds chill anon.
I shit myself by accident today. Trying to work through the shame with some joinery.
For me, it was metabo, the best sander.
Went for a metabo SXE 3150. Corded and cheap, but supposedly very good. So far, I went through 30 square meters of floor thrice and it just works. Also it really sucks up dust by itself, so I can leave my vacuum on low.
Now I just need some good discs for it. My local home depot equivalent just has chink shit.
Really tempted by finnish autism mirka abranet, but apparently, you need an interface pad for those, and they don't explicitly state that it's compatible with anything, but the holes on the pad saver look comaptible enough. But on the big set with all kinds of nets, the holes look anything but metabo compatible. but most of the chink pads have the same holes that are compatible with about 50 brands, so it ought to kinda work, but I'd hate to spend a lot of money on expensive pads only to see that they're mirka exclusive.
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picked up a 3.0 m12 from the pawn shop. got excited when I saw a red ratchet in store, but, alas it was snap on. fuck!!
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Dewalt Atomic 20v compact recip saw, on sale for $129 at HD.
Doing some light demo at my parents' house, hacking up half-rotten fencing and old furniture (including a metal-framed sofa bed that won't fit through the door without being cut up) in prep for the house going on the market in a few weeks.

It was either this one or a brushed full-size one and I felt like brushless was a good idea since I only have 2AH batteries, plus it's just easier to handle and store. Seems to work pretty well, ripped through the 2x4 stringers like butter and still showed 3/3 bars on the battery after 20 cuts or so, I can tell the included blade is gonna need replacement pretty quick though.

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Anyone build anything with concrete bags?
I really want a castle
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Wait until you find out how New Yorkers pronounce Houston street
what is it with burger and building atrocities like these >>2800906
>>2800640 (and OP)?
Is it because theres no real castles around?
I've got a hard time not pronouncing it french. Fer-say-lees?
IMO it would be way more fucked if Kentuckians said it the French way. They're down to earth red blooded, welcoming but unpretentious Americans out here. With a smoking problem.
Theses are the worst looking castles I've ever seen

I've only ever used crappy gas powered pressure washers which left you half deaf and brainded from carbon monoxide poisoning.

I've been look at some of these Karchers, and the reviews seem breddy gud.
Any experience with em? They're made in Yrpoor so quality should be better than the Chink tier gas powered shit sold at the Orange Box.
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depend what you want fag, for cars you can get one the is nice, for cleaning a big ass drive way you gotta spend big bucks to gpm good with psi.
i had the same unit i died in warranty got a another from warranty and it died again. they last 2-3 year tops, and did i mention i changed the oil on the second unit. That unit has plastic caps that blow eventually. second unit had alot of metal scrap in the pump. feels like a gear tooth got fucked and cause motor to bog down and smoke.
alot of electrics are the same gpm no matter the brand on low end. you payed for a better motor on that ryobi, also i hear that thing doesn't have auto stop but it just slows down.
green works is pretty good hear some models with blue hose is uber flex which is one the best hoses, even if it's a shorty.
I think that's what the hose on mine is. It's definitely a nice hose, much better than my previous Ryobi, I just wish it was more like 35' or 40' instead of 25'.

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rate my handrail
what color should i paint it
white aluminum exterior
i was going to go with dark green because of the yard/hrass but maybe a rust red because the brick walkway or something absolutely garish like safety orange or amethyst so it stands out
yes i know my deck is dilapidated
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Notice how this design is not ass and why. Its because of its slim structure and familiarity. What is off is its bolted and not welded. For the price of this rail you can buy a Chinese mig/tig/stick and buzz boxed some iron to build this. So your grandma is proud of you and says you are smart and skilled.
Burgundy and maybe paint your front door burgundy as well to match.
Also, since the only way to rectify this is painting it like a shinto void gate, youre going to need to disassemble it and paint every piece individually for coverage. You think youre going to be cool and just paint the exposed parts. But thats a mistake. The unpainted gaps will collect rain and prematurely rot and you will regret this decision vs. Disassemble for full paint coverage. Youre fucked kiddo.
>Disassemble for full paint coverage.
jesus no. prime it, caulk the cracks, paint it. and if it's pressure treated wood let it weather as long as you can before you do anything.
Jesus yes. On outdoor structural wood this is how you do it right, pedro. Youre asking for a premature failure if you own something, not painting the crevices for complete coverage. Pedro is out here fucking around bullshitting again.

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I have tried it all: copper tape, crushed egg shells, copper mesh, beer traps, sand, you name it. Nothing works, nothing stops the snail menace from eating my fucking beans, every year. but now, I have it, THE FINAL SOLUTION;
First: make a barrier of sacrificial cabbage leaves around the edge of your plant pot, bean stalk or any sticks holding up the beans, that way, the slugs must cross them first to get to your beans, this distracts them fantastically. I found about 10 snails on one cabbage leaf.
Second: They mostly come at night, mostly. So just after dark, just when the sun is setting, get a lamp or some light source, a stick and a trowel and make it like 1938. Go to town on those bastards, i have crushed over 30 snails tonight and 3 slugs- one very large. This is not something i take pleasure in, but the woeful errand must be completed in order to save my beans.

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