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Are tattoos cool or cringe?
they seem to be. the concept is alien to me. I hate needles and I did everything in my power to avoid drawing attention to myself when growing up
i think it depends.
hopefully people will post some interesting rants.
it was cool for a bit but it's becoming extremely gay. not gay like homosexual either. avoid.
Mega cringe these days. When the majority of people have something fashion relates, it's gay. They are so conformist these days. When I see someone who doesn't have them they scare me. Like woah this dude is mysterious, wtf is he about?!?! I can't tell, because he doesn't have tattoos. He could be a killer!
Tattoos are piratecore. That should answer your question.

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holy shit i hate rich kids
I saw a woman in her mid 30's with her family wearing a moto jacket like this
>i'm going out? in the city? and its kind of cold? let me get my loudest jacket
Its one of those things people who don't get it or don't know wear when they want to look cool, like a fedora
The jacket you posted should only be worn as a layer of protective clothing while riding a motorbike, assuming it is fit for that purpose.
its cool
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do you own a bike?
Do you want to look like you own a bike?
As far as bike gear goes it's kinda bland. No one is ever going to compliment your gear unless you've coped yourself some vintage leathers with cigarette marketing on them.

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Guides and Info:
>Classic Meme
>Poorfag guide:
>Watch essentials 102:
>Purchasing used watches:
>Purchasing straps:

"Suggest a watch for me."

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Ball is about as good as it gets before you start getting diminishing returns on price
I saw these, but unfortunately like I said I can't spend that much on a watch as a college student.
so true...
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kinda want a hamilton field blue dial 38mm titanium but i already have too many watches i don't wear
Nice blog post

im 30. how do i start styling my age?
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Bro you look like a slightly more handsome Christopher soprano. Just dress like him you’d slay zoomer pussy.
might disagree with you there. 80s serial killer is probably the hottest look right now if rockable.
Women LOVE true crime
nah 10 is the new 25 if you aren't lifemaxxed by 15 (meaning done with puberty, full facial hair, 6'5", bodybuilder physique, independently rich, designer everything personal style) it's literally over and you need to kill yourself IMMEDIATELY. 20 is basically the new 65.
True for zoomers. They genuinely view 30 as middle age.

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Post effay instas, yours or others'.

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i made a mistake and went to one of those cheap immigrant barbers and came out looking like this meme character. what the fuck do i do.
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what i see when i look into a mirror
fuck now i know what to do. i'm a genius. i get a headband.
any /fa/ suggestions? this will elevate me into a proper man of summer i wanted to be.
Stop tweaking bruh just embrace it fr
never trust a mexican with your hair in 2024
You got your hair cut short on the sides and back but with length on top? Wow bro that's crazy what a freaky new trend for men.

I'm looking for a full brim hat. Does anyone know if this website is legit? prices seem too good to be true

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smoking to stay skinny edition
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It didn't feel worth it to me, I always wanted to be skinnier. I realized I've never been happy at any weight. Don't expect to reach your goal and magically feel better. Being skinny isn't the final solution, it's one of the many steps you need to take for a better life.
>Don't expect to reach your goal and magically feel better.
Worked for me. Looking into the mirror each morning and seeing my flat tummy always makes me smile.
I permanently disfigured my body by being obese. Even at 17 bmi I looked fat because of hanging loose skin. You could see all of my ribs and most of my vertebrae, but no flat stomach, unfortunately.
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2024/03/16 - 72.2 kg
63 days later
2024/05/18 - 62.7 kg
185cm tall male. I need some reassurance. At 72.2kg I was really skinny fat and it was basically fat I had slowly accumulated over 6 years. Anyway I'm starting to get worried because It feels like my belly fat is not going away. Even at 18.3 bmi when I tense my abs I can move the fat up and down with my fingers over the abs. I think I have lost a lot of belly fat proportionally as I've lost weight, compared to how much I had when I started. Do you think it will go soon? For reference I would say I have next to no muscle mass, I was truly skinny fat. I hope it goes soon.
I'm wondering whether it involves your diet. Are you eating particularly fatty foods?

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Cumgenius! I recognize you from your horrible posts in /lit/ that you've made for years. Hopefully nobody recommends you any "chinos" - you're mentally ill and no doubt your body is misshapen like an egg

Are you guys aware of any shoes that are considered 'cross trainers' but also look good enough to be worn out in public?
I thought the fad now was fugly ass grandpa sneakers and the worse looking the better?
Something like this?
Unless you're a nigger drug dealer you don't need to worry about "trainers" or sneakers generally.

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the perfect shoe doesn't ex-
>the perfect shoe doesn't ex-
Dogshit. Garbage. Crap. Wear adult shoes.
-ist. Unrelated pic of ugly shoe.

Looks like poor man's New balance, also shit decolarated black colour???
>decolarated black colour???
can you try expressing this concept again in possibly some different words

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india is where a majority of pharmaceuticals are originally made. it is the pharmaceutical hub of the world.

on a side note, i bought tret from alldaychemist and it definitely was tret because my skin flaked off like a snake so i had to order a lesser concentration.
>gives you disgusting greasy skin
>ages you prematurely
I’ll pass
cant be me when my skin texture is oatmeal cookie
>he doesn't use emu oil for skin
it's tough finding ethnically sourced emus in my region

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which anime character has the best fit?
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I'm not sure there's manga about fashion that are more /fa/ than jojo's
>le sigh
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Yeah but what are you supposed to do with the built in belt when the jacket is open, it looks downright clownish
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If you feel that way and prefer things looking neat and proper, it's not for you and that's just fine, your comfort and confidence matter the most.
Biker jackets are only cringe when the wearer ignores this instinct, you need to have the (for lack of a better term) personality to pull it off.
They also elicit extreme butthurt among those who desperately WISH they could wear them with confidence, these types are extremely self-conscious and uptight which is precisely the opposite of what this aesthetic projects and demands, like this /fa/g >>18121536
>They also elicit extreme butthurt among those who desperately WISH they could wear them with confidence,

i'll admit, post-lookism, /fa/ and /fit/ have been ruined by narcissists that absolutely would try to sabotage an anonymous person on the internet they would never have to meet and compete with.
but i warn people about shit like this because i absolutely did make a lot of spergy mistakes and i'd like others to avoid my mistakes.
these jackets are a hard mode fit. if you're on 4chan you are way less likely, even than average, to be able to look good in one of these.
at least go to the store and try these things on, first.
also, if you cop second-hand: you can probably get someone else to cop it back off of you later and not lose much money.
>/fa/ and /fit/ have been ruined by narcissists
They are homosexuals and incels, call them what they are
>i absolutely did make a lot of spergy mistakes
Read the first sentence in the post you replied to, that's all that counts
>if you're on 4chan you are way less likely, even than average, to be able to look good in one of these.
As opposed to what, r*dd^t? You're buying into the "internet hate machine"-incel strawman too much. People visit 4chan because they have a functional sense of humour, the stereotype is reinforced mostly by bots, discords trannies, and a few terminally-online incels who actually fit that mould.
>at least go to the store and try these things on, first.
Of course, you'll probably buy one or maybe two leather jackets in your lifetime so make sure it fits. Or, just order online and return if you're not pleased with it. You're overthinking the process too much because you're uptight.
no, i used narcissist on purpose.
you remember the old bit where fat feminist women were saying they had to smash beauty standards? ie. brainwash sexy men into fucking them?
that's a narcissistic behaviour.
what these guys on /fa/ and /fit/ do today is kind of like that.
they will post threads on /fit/ all day trying to demotivate men to stop lifting because this seems to them a more functional plan than just... lifting weights and losing body fat.
so, if you went on /fa/ ten years ago there would be absolutely no dudes trying to stop you from looking cool.
but that absolutely could happen on /fa/ today. you could post a picture of you looking objectively good and a guy would rag on you because he is fucked in the head and thinks if you stop looking good he will look comparatively better and win.

it's absolutely not a strawman that the people that use this site would be less likely than average to look good in a perfecto jacket.
and most normal people would not look good in a perfecto jacket.

i have used this site a long time and there has always been guys that fetishize leather jackets and damn near no one ever posting photos of them looking good in leather jackets.
this is because it's a hard thing to do and the type of guys gravitating towards them are the least likely to do it well.
I appreciate your thoughtful and earnest response.
>no, i used narcissist on purpose.
Fair enough but I think you're underestimating the overlap between narcissists, homosexuals, and incels. They're usually comorbidities.
>here has always been guys that fetishize leather jackets and damn near no one ever posting photos of them looking good in leather jackets.
Exactly, they have a fetish for the leather jacket aesthetic which goes beyond the garment itself, I addressed these types in my previous posts, they wear it like a costume.
Posting pictures of yourself and your fit for anon strangers to judge is already deviant and insecure behaviour, under the best of circumstances, and it's completely at odds with the personality traits of those most likely to pull off the look.
Selection bias is at play because only insecure cosplayers are posting pics for random faggots to judge. The rest of us wear them to dingy bars and trendy restaurants where we pick up rocker brunettes and blonde bimbos who feel like getting fucked by a legit "bad boy" instead of the usual cunts with exposed gold chains and the promise of free coke.

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