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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)

previous thread: >>74285512
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>dead day
>you should be speed running injuries as fast as possible
Fix your technique and recovery.
>and be perpetually stuck at mediocre strength
You move to advanced programming after the intermediate programming stops working.
>zero knowledge on how to program for yourself
Is this a knock against TM or against programming in general? Weird criticism. Anyways, TM is very barebones which means that everyone gives it their own twist. You also need to actually plan your VD/ID based on previous RPE's and recovery, so it probably teaches you more than the less flexible alternatives in that sense. Listening to your body instead of a spreadsheet and all that.
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>Is this a knock against TM
A knock at the cult of rippetoe as a whole.
>455 for sharts, learning how to powerclean wrong, and cheated ohp
I'd say that you sound like ChatGPT, but ChatGPT would at least give me responses that are actually related to what I said. Congratulations, broken old record you sounds less human than a chatbot.
modified version is doing a lot of the heavy lifting there

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How THE FUCK are morning fags able to work out so early? I need lunch+dinner to even consider lifting. Do you just power through while going dizzy? Aren't you starving right after?
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>quit coffee and cigarettes
I'll never understand why people quit coffee and cigs. Both literally work wonders, are as harmless as drugs can get, and are nowhere near as toxic and damaging as cocaine, alcohol, or those ugly prescription meds. On top of that it's a nice morning ritual to have, it improves bowel movement, it's effay, and it's a great way to socialize.

Life without coffee and cigs is literally 20% worse.
>All these words just to say you suck cock
No one asked, bro
>i have most of my energy in the morning when i wake up. by the afternoon/evening i feel like a depressed sack of shit.
funny, Im the complete opposite, wake up depressed and feel like a king with mental clearity at 1am
sure thing man, I'll just wake up at 4 to get the workout in and get to work on time
Cigs are expensive and ruin your cardiovascular system, your endurance, your skin and your teeth. Iqos, vape, hookah too.
Coffee (sugar and cream free) in strict moderation is fine though.

Twink mode doesn't last. Imagine looking like this at 30 lmao
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Nobody is saying you should be fat stop strawmanning with this fictional obese character in your mind, most people here are just pro exercise and building muscle and strength. Argue against that or btfo.
you got me. i am fucking 0 single mothers with black babies
its not that they cant cook (never mind cleaning), its that they basically never do it, especially not born into wealth pampered princesses like kylie jenner
not like you would ever know though poorfag
>Are the “powershitters” in the room with us right now?
Yes, literally 3/4 of /fit/izens that actually lift are powershitters. It's literally the only style stickied on the board catalog as well. It's why all you retards think you need half a decade to start looking good, or if you look good it means you roid.
>argue against that or BTFO
Nope. I’m staying here and I don’t lift
Die mad fatty

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Cool edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For Pudgy Piggies who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?

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>the crab is getting mad that I don't have an eating disorder again
Must be a day that ends in y
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Ok faggots. 30 days until my birthday.

i will NOT gonna reach my next birthday as a fatass.


CW: 90kg
GOAL: <80kg

>The fatty is also the crab schizo
Makes WAY too much sense
JustMeatFishSaltButterAndEggs chart over the next few years

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It's Saturday night and the blackpill fag is going haywire
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>hey guys
>So I recently fitness and women women women women women women women women women
>is it possible that women women women women fitness women women women women women fitness women women women women?
>t. average height indian male failing to cope
no one is impressed by the unwanted leftovers you bang
Because they dont want people getting strong cause strong people are a threat to their global rule. Thats why they make daily anti creatine threads claiming it makes you bald so people don't use an objectively good thing for their health
he said he was married, also nice reponse an hour after the fact doomertard
so it IS da joos fault? Got it.

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>but when was the last mass raid in any legal state

Dispensaries were often raided and shut down in medical states prior to the recreational legalization wave of the late-2010s. Now that states generate massive amounts of tax revenue off of rec sales, the raids on storefronts have dropped off.

The issue of state rights vs. federal rights is the main limiting factor in federal raids. Rather than engage in a state v federal legal battle, feds have refocused their efforts on opioid distribution, which is illegal on both a state and federal basis.

>or illegal grows
Raids are ongoing in major illegal grow areas, namely northern/central California. Guerrilla grows are generally run by cartels, or cartel-adjacent groups. Legalization has put a major dent in their sales, however. Black market cannabis isn't nearly as lucrative as it once was. Supply is high while domestic demand is decreasing.
>reject direct assistance
Whos gonna ask them? The US can invade any country on the planet it wants, but it cant use its own army to clean up its own cities because of beurocracy? Those are levels of bullshit previously unseen
Checked. I'm sure you're aware of the CIA-backed coups in South America dating back to the mid-20th century. Much of this is out in the open. I try to refrain from talking conspiracy, but this is all common knowledge at this point in time. Operation Orion in Colombia springs to mind. The US has been deeply entrenched in influencing South American governing bodies for some time now. Many of which have ties to drug production and export.

If the US truly wanted to eradicate the problem, they would've taken those steps 30 years ago.
The resources, the constant cutting edge surveillance, the manpower - the US can use its army and leverage to pull the strings of countries all over the globe, but cant figure out this pathetic situation?>>74302425
ofcourse, unbelievable reach of influence in the past in SA countries, middle East, East Asia, and billions upon billions in cash and resource for the Ukraine shit currently
>They fold over because they're basically falling asleep standing up. You get stuck in a state of nodding off, drifting in and out of a light sleep. Sort of a half-asleep state where you're dreaming but not in REM sleep.
woah kinda sounds like they're gooning but with sleep instead of cum, mind blown

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Holy shit this stuff is poison. I've abstained from bread for years but had to go back to eating it due to being a poorfag this week and holy shit I feel like a gluggy retard in the head.
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Are the right wing bread eaters in the room with you now?
If I don't eat bread I shit liquid and get hemorrhoids. I abstained from bread for awhile but now I'm eating it again. I usually eat an egg sandwich or have an over easy egg on toast for breakfast. My hemorrhoids are gone.
Every human being who eats bread deserves to be raped!
So that's a no, you have no support for your beliefs except your own limp dick and you have no arguments left except empty personal insults. Embarrassing, truly. I know that /fit/ is not one of the higher iq boards on this site but you're falling short of even that low, low bar.

And I see here another resounding, "no". You don't have a control group; you don't know what your body or your health would look like if you hadn't spent your entire life poisoning yourself.
>these mysterious vague unspecified ailments
I'm asking you, in complete seriousness: why can't you just be honest? Why are you making these desperate lies in every post? There is nothing "mysterious" or "vague" about my claims and I have even gone so far as to provide you with a research article on the subject which very specifically and clearly describes the exact ailments that arise when people start eating grain-based diets.

Why keep lying? We can all read the thread and see very clearly that you're lying. What's the point? Resorting to personal insults and outright lies is like waving a huge flag that says
>i have no rebuttal! i have nothing left to say, but i still want to win! mommy please let me win!!
I'm all trolling the these nograincels, but you have to larp better. Diarrhea doesnt cause hemotrhoids, faggot. This just makes you look stupid.

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For all you shit talking motherfuckers
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please do post it, I don't think I've ever read it
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Pure mental illness kino
>Last week, I was conversing with a female friend
Couldn't even make it through the first sentence before ODing on cringe

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>"anon you are cute te-he"

my masculinity will never recover from this, at this point i shoud just go gay
could never be me OP, my masculinity is bulletproof
>t. horrific B.O., hairy shoulders, grey hair & balding
A couple girls told me that I look like a nice guy. It's been years since but I'm still seething about it.

How do I become a more toxic person?
>i cant believe you're 30. you're too funny
the fuck was meant by this?

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Just bought a whole bunch of Sirloin. What's /fit/'s favourite steak cut?
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>you people
it's 1 mentally ill trannoid
always from the same ip range
Processed meat is linked to cancer and higher all cause mortality, red meat is very likely, but there are more factors that need researched

Enjoy dying of a heart attack, your family won't miss you meatnigger
>The best evidence has disproven any link between processed meat and cancer
are you genuinely fucking retarded?
As in rare lean steak cooked themselves? Or fried goyslop?

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Well, looks like my ride might end soon. what else should I do other than chemo to live longer?

My doctor gave no guidance on diet/supplements other than:
>eat healthy, eat whatever you want
>drink enough water
that's all. Shouldn't they at least give some more specific suggestions on diet/supplements? How the fuck could they just tell me to eat whatever I want as if it doesn't matter at all?
and at the same time there are too many snake oils, it's all so tiresome.
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It's tough. It's not possible to know the correct route. You could listen to the docs, doesn't work, or you could listen to anons, doesn't work, then you'll be wondering in your final moments... would the other path have been successful? Doesn't help either that some of treatment is near torture. Chemo, radiation, painful. Fasting, extremely restrictive keto, guzzling capsaicin, if it doesnt work, you could have spent that time eating cake n steak instead!

Man, i really hope you make it. Good luck, anon.
Also there is some evidence to suggest that short term fasting before and after a chemo treatment can reduce side effects and possibly make it more effective. Can't remember the exact details.
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4th year med student here.
I want to just tell you that you should no rely only to your doctors. Half my professors are quite truthfully wrong about many stuff they say. Just get second opinions and try everything under the sun (schizo stuff included).
Relating to chemo I just wanna tell you that it’s literal death and no sane human who has any k d of terminal cancer should even consider.
My dear anon it’s not over.
niggas will get literal cancer and go to /fit/ for advice
I might be over for you, you could try and take out a billionaire on your way and live forever in my heart

surely it wouldnt be that hard to find zuck in minecraft

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manlet bros we did it

Thoughs on Paul Saladino
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>Doubling down on the idea that changing your mind is somehow bad
Were you dropped on your head as a child? Do you believe that people come out of the womb with perfect knowledge about health and nutrition?
Lies upon lies. Saladino's said on recent podcasts that he's still friends with Liver King, and why wouldn't he be? They have similar lifestyles and similar business models, and Liver King still promotes a lot of the same ideas Saladino does. None of that is invalidated by his steroid use. If you can't separate the message from the messenger, you're clinically retarded.
Saladino's supplements are legitimately the best kind of supplements on the market: desiccated grass-fed organs. You're eating real food that's been preserved in a dried form. It's the second best thing you can consume after fresh organs, and also: if you don't like his supplements, you can just... not buy them? Why is the existence of his supplements an affront to you? Why do you even care? The worst thing you can even say about them is that they're expensive (which they are) and that you can get the same thing elsewhere for cheaper (which you can). So stop whining like a child and vote with your wallet.
Yes, that's correct. Changing your mind about something is completely fine and normal, and any adult with a functioning brain would agree. These aren't religious edicts written on golden tablets; they're the opinions of a jaded medical doctor who studied nutrition on his own and has self-experimented. He's helped thousands of people escape from chronic disease and misery with his dietsry advice and supplements. What have you done with your life?
Buy an ad
Would you agree that testing a drug for a week is too little time to tell if it has any long term aide effects
>He's helped thousands of people escape from chronic disease and misery with his dietsry advice and supplements
Name 100

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>just ate 1000 cals of donuts on a cut
did you eat anything else today
i had a door like that it literally had cardboard inside and the outside was like balsa wood or sth, ufc not sending their best doors
This. If you haven't eaten anything else today, then you can just stuff a pound of chicken down your throat, go for a long walk, and call it a day.

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