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This board is for the discussion of technology and related topics.

Reminder that instigating OR participating in flame/brand wars will result in a ban.
Tech support threads should be posted to >>>/wsr/
Cryptocurrency discussion belongs on >>>/biz/

To use the Code tag, book-end your body of code with: [co­de] and [/co­de]

The /g/ Wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/
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this piece of shit no longer works for me on Chrome on porn websites and rargb when using Chrome
Did they compromise it?
le shill lion supremacy

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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100313015

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI (Node-based): https://rentry.org/comfyui
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

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Let's see her at a sweaty Florida bar putting moves on
So... can pixart do nsfw yet?
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You won't get any work done
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/lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local language models.

Previous threads: >>100312556 & >>100308258

>(05/02) Nvidia releases Llama3-ChatQA-1.5, excels at QA & RAG: https://hf.co/collections/nvidia/chatqa-15-662ebbf6acc85f5c444029a8
>(05/01) KAN: Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks: https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.19756
>(05/01) Orthogonalized Llama-3-8b: https://hf.co/hjhj3168/Llama-3-8b-Orthogonalized-exl2
>(04/27) Refusal in LLMs is mediated by a single direction: https://alignmentforum.org/posts/jGuXSZgv6qfdhMCuJ
>(04/24) Snowflake Arctic Instruct 128x3B MoE released: https://hf.co/Snowflake/snowflake-arctic-instruct

►News Archive: https://rentry.org/lmg-news-archive
►FAQ: https://wikia.schneedc.com
►Glossary: https://rentry.org/lmg-glossary
►Links: https://rentry.org/LocalModelsLinks

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You know what you have a point.
Please, stay dead.
>Reminder that male to female trannies rape and groom children on mass
yes? I wouldn't give a kid to a tranny either, that's even worse, that's a male in a dress he's mentally ill by definition
The fact is, a woman raping a male kid is completely fine as long as there is not too much violence involved. Most males would WANT to be raped by a hot MILF.

On the other hand, if a female is raped, she will have to be constantly reminded that her insides were soiled, or maybe that "that guy" ripped her hymen. A complete nightmare.
I got my training script working (I think) and now I'm about to go to bed and let it run overnight
Llama 3 is dog shit and I refuse to stop lying about it!

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there is no hobby project to make bros... everything has been written... literally no point to do anything, there's a better version of everything you will ever try programming in the software world
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That shit is brutal. Will rip the soul out of anyone.
I am so used to moving around problems. Half the shit in my room is broken/needs batteries tech.
Does a handyman become handy by sitting around, dreaming about the perfect house to build?
No. He starts out by sawing down that one table leg that is too long, or securing down any loose nails he can find. Small things that are useful/helpful to him in his personal life.

Handymen don’t become handy by helping others, they become handy by helping themselves.
I'm not OP but I agree with the message. But is it really more efficient to solve a "problem" that's not a problem?
Isn't this the slogan for 4get

Are you a bad enough dude to buy an IKEA washing machine?
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I do too. But why?
I'm not even a bad enough dude to play that game reference
No agitator. I want my clothes beaten like a cheap whore.
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you're not supposed to beat women
Because I'm tall

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there are too many generals on this board
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We merged privacy and cybersecurity into one general, are you not satisfied?
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Fa/g/gots wanted needlessly-24/7 general threads, fought the mods and jannies over it years ago, and and this is the result.

And then non-general threads are shitposts too often. This is all fixable, but are /g/ents willing to behave themselves? Good luck.
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Generals are the lesser evil, imagine AI faggots shitting up every thread with their slop.
I mean, they still do.
We need an AI board.

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SIR edition

>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
- FAQ https://archive.is/UVQkn
- WIKI https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
- PYRAMID (Updated 2021-08-22) https://i.imgur.com/akrkAyV.png
- STUDY https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/2F379FE0CB50DF502F0075119FD3E060
- SPREADSHEET https://hdvinnie.github.io/Private-Trackers-Spreadsheet/
- STATUS https://trackerstatus.info

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

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This schizo is in control of TiK, BLU and was also an admin on r/trackers kek
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>goys, take screenshots of a shit-tier tracker, it can help you to join an another shit-tier tracker later!
whats the point?! these shit-eaters seems to actually enjoy their shitholes....
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KEK imagine paying a poojet and thinking he won't scam you
i use OPS exclusively for one thing. I request shit from RED. I have a huge buffer too, but why waste it, RED's buffer is more useful for requests.
imagine paying attention to poojet tracker.
no one cares about your uncle Vinnie, stfu BLU shitters.
i wish him die in pain

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I’ve got Sec+ and PenTest+ and with two years of experience. What should I go for next to land a job?
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This reply is worthless because you don't explain why specifically the CISSP is worthless.
I have A+
>They don't script, they don't know powershell.
I don't do this. (I get the fundamentals though)
>they don't have a homelab or jellyfin/plex server at home.
I'm considering this, but I don't do this now
>they don't use linux at home in any way.
I do this with fedora and with raspberry OS.

My biggest problem is use case. I do these things when I want to learn, but aside from this I don't have so many files that I need to configure storage above a 5tb drive. That might change when I dive into programming and need more space to manage files, but not at the moment.
they were fine until indians found out about them
I did a few A+ sample tests and the shitty fucking Winblows questions got me (I have exclusively used linux for 7+ years).
For that shit alone it deserves to be skipped. Its already not that attractive of a cert to have and it ultimately boils down to memorizing bullshit that's not going to improve your problem solving skills much, if at all. The CCNA/Security+ certs are infinitely more attractive and imply A+ tier knowledge. Just get them instead.

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pic not minimal enough
Autism strikes again. Gnome is minimalistic and I'm tired of hearing that its not.
cuck license

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I wanna know use a vpn or tor , i heard many of peoples talking that tor is not secure and exit node is leaks you and stuff like that and cuz my country banning tor so i heard some peoples tells that bridges hide to your isp that you dont use tor and i heard others say bridges doesnt hide to your isp that you use tor and some tells if you want to hide that you use tor then use a vpn but again i heard using a vpn with tor is not safe its like a bug and it can leaks you, so all i wanna know is :

1. Does nsa or cia or fbi or navy or police or whatever they can see anything from exit node or whatever and the peoples who get caught they was know what they are doing but they must catch them while laptop is open to hide in front of peoples that they dont spy on us from tor?

2. Bridges hide to my isp im using tor or should i use a no log vpn with tor and does it not recommended cuz its like a bug leaks me?

3. Does decentralized and web3 built on tor or how its working explain to me and does it have data collection or privacy leaks as normal internet?

4. Does no log vpn dont collect our data ?

5. Should i browse internet as normal cuz i dont do anything illegal so should i browse it without vpn and without tor and i dont have any accounts or any passwords or any emails , and does there any service that create random email address to register on websites that dont require a register just anonymous without any waste of time and saving stuff on my mind and get tied that i have info on internet for example decentralized email service without password or password manager app that have no register like phrase code when i register at decentralized crypto wallet like trust wallet it give me phrase words to write it on paper or something like that and i dont have to mind my email id or my password and its anonymous or just browse internet without worry just open without customize and without logins like browse youtube or tiktok or any website or app that dont require login
sir your post has been reported to the authorities for suspicion of tor usage sir please keep your hands behind youre head until the police arrives thanks you
And should i use tor on tails os without anything else or government know what im doing on tor , and what if government developer behind tor , or should i use privacy OS linux with a vpn or just surrender for normal browse of the internet
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If criminals and feds use it, it's secure. Stop being a worrywart.

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previous: >>100261520

2TB ram edition

READ THE WIKI! & help by contributing:

>NAS Case Guide. Feel free to add to it:

/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. Know all about NAS? Learn virtualization. Spun up some VMs? Learn about networking by standing up a OPNsense/PFsense box and configuring some VLANs. There's always more to learn and chances to grow. Think you’re god-tier already? Setup OpenStack and report back.

>What software should I run?
Install Gentoo. Or whatever flavor of *nix is best for the job or most comfy for you. Jellyfin/Emby/Plex to replace Netflix, Nextcloud to replace Googlel, Ampache/Navidrome to replace Spotify, the list goes on. Look at the awesome self-hosted list and ask.

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Building a server with old parts, a 3700x with 32gb ddr4 and either a 1660ti or 1080ti(depends)
Gonna install a 1tb nvme, and use a 8tb shucked drive for any bulk storage.
Planning on using it as a backup for personal photos/files from my NAS, and use as a Minecraft server, and possibly as a server for whatever game my friends and I decide to play. Might also use it for image gen but idk
What OS should I use?
Also if you have any other recommendations/advice it would be appreciated.
you're 100% right, I should just walk away until I am prepared. It would be nice to upgrade the hypervisor and vsphere suite, be able to use iDrac and maybe lower my power bill by $50/yr but that's really it. Besides the cool honeycomb EMC (f) bezel
the answer to the OS question is almost always some form of debian

for you i'd reccomend proxmox, which is based on debian, and virtualise those services so you can easily turn them on/off or update/change as required (eg for game servers)
if you dont wanna do the virtualisation route, try openmediavault, also based on debian, and set up a nextcloud or photoprism docker and then theres probably dockers for minecraft servers etc
>be able to use iDrac
you can't use an iDRAC 7 or higher without a license iirc, the 630 should have an iDRAC 8 so you'd need to ask the seller for their license key
With modern switching power supplies, they really don't give a shit. The first thing that AC power does when going in is straight through a bridge rectifier and into a capacitor. What the sine wave looks like doesn't really matter, the PFC will have a hard time working but that's irrelevant.

Pure sine wave is good for things that are not PC/servers, anything that might use an actual transformer or motor

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>/g/ makes a 12th album
Theme: everything is single saw/square/sine osc with a simple filter
Title: Let me guess, you need more
Deadline: Midnight between May 31th and June 1st (UTC)

Please post cover art and theme suggestions

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I should not have voted for all sus chords
But if we do get it can we name the album Oops! All Imposters
Submit sus chords as the theme for the 14th album and add the clause that if it wins it has to have that name
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Added another new feature to my MIDI app: a toggle option. This way you can press a note and it will stay sustained until you press it again. Useful if you have a patch that generates something interesting on its own and you just want to put it on in the background. Like... I found this preset in Surge XT that makes a cool sequence just by holding it down. The Toggle feature also works with repetitions and arpeggios too. With repetitions, press once and it will keep repeating after you let go (until you press again). With arpeggios, you can use it to add/remove notes from the list without having to hold them down.
All three uses are demoed in the webm. Version with audio on /wsg/: >>>/wsg/5537504
btw bless u that was just what i needed
the text is probably chatgpt or something like that. singing is their proprietary secret sauce, there is text to speech but not any good singing for now

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>Lisp is a family of programming languages with a long history and a distinctive parenthesized prefix notation. There are many dialects of Lisp, including Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure and Elisp.

>Emacs is an extensible, customizable, self-documenting free/libre text editor and computing environment, with a Lisp interpreter at its core.

>Emacs Resources
https://gnu.org/s/emacs (Site)
https://github.com/emacs-tw/awesome-emacs (Awesome Emacs)

>Learning Emacs
C-h t (Interactive Tutorial)
https://emacs.amodernist.com (Configuration Generator)
https://systemcrafters.net/emacs-from-scratch (Emacs from Scratch)
http://xahlee.info/emacs (Xah Emacs Tutorial)

>Emacs Distros

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Hope I didn't fuck this regex
(setq switch-to-prev-buffer-skip-regexp "\*[Messages|Async-native-compile-log]\*")
I'm comparing it against ConTeXt but ok.
From the FAQ:
>Lout makes it easy to mix text and graphics.
So does ConTeXt using MetaPost/MetaFun.
>The Lout distribution is very easy to compile and maintain, which certainly is not the case of many TeX distributions.
Not something most users care about but LuaTeX+ConTeXt is fairly easy.
>Lout is multi-lingual out of the box
So is LuaTeX. I don't understand why PDFTeX or XeTeX are not entirely recommended against in 2024.
>Lout is more friendly to advanced users.
Not a problem with ConTeXt/LuaTeX which is largely written in lua and exposes a lot of the internals for lua extensions (and allows inline lua).
>For example, Lout has no built-in notion of a "page".
Is that supposed to be a good thing for a typesetting system designed to create paged result?
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doom-vibrant with a darker background mogs all
>exports org doc to pdf
not my problem
Is Bury the only option for moving things around in the buffer list?

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Is AVIF really the future? And when will 4chan support it?
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Hosting websites costs money. In short you pay for how much data you move around. That's why most websites will obliterate the quality of anything you post. While your 10MB+ camera jpeg looks great and all it's pretty expensive to serve to 1 million people compared to a 100KB file.
>PNG and JPEG are fine, and im not going to switch to a new format lol
My biggest issues is that photoshop cs6 doesn't have support for avif and webp, so if I want to use those files, I'll have to use paint to save them as jpg and png I guess.
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I don’t care about what image format I use as long as it works
You NEET loser have too much free time on your hands
It matters because 90 percent of people here use a photoshop version that doesn't support those formats.

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