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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

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>/his/ has finally outgrown being seduced by aesthetics and taken the protestantpill
The truth wins.
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Paul is the most valid account actually and who many writers referred to, it's because of him that we know the most about the original church. Anything written about Peter or attributed to Peter is propaganda from the second century.
>and taken the protestantpill
why would anyone take estrogen?
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It's not about culture war, it's about the truth. No matter the superficial things we have in common with Muslims at the core of it we are fundamentally opposed, anyone who know a little theology will come to realize this.

Did you remember to tip your mega church pastor Jim-Bob? He needs to pay for a new controller tower at his private airport remember!
no one on /his/ goes to nor approves of "megachurches"

Would icons and statues be considered idolatry? I know we shouldn't make graven images of anything in Heaven but Christ reavealed Himself in the flesh so that shouldn't be a problem. Even the arc of the covenant as well as the tent had depictions of angels and that was constructed by God's own instructions. I just need help coming to a conclusion.
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What counts as worshipping? Reminder: Christians have been killing each other over this definition for hundreds of years, so don't think you can squirm easily.
bowing down to it or "serving" it; and serving it would be burning incense to it, carrying it on a litter, praying to it
Okay, so why have any images at al then?
I have an idea of creating an online Orthodox church based on /his/.
If John Coltrane did it, why can't we create a /his/-based Orthodox community
nobody has* to.
if you want you can just not make any, if you think it'll help you not worship any.

What were marital relations like between the WHG and the ANF? Was it violent based on wife stealing or was it something more peaceful? I don't think the different language is a good argument, my Italian great-grandfather was basically a country pastor and managed to marry a northern European woman without speaking her language
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hunter gatherers bvll

>I1 and I2 WHG haplos very common across Europe
>farmoid haplos almost non-existent

>Jomon bvll D haplo very common, Japanese are almost majority D on average
In Europe, the replacement of the bugs'Y-DNA happened sometime in the Middle Neolithic, long before the arrival of the steppfools Practically all of Europe, outside the Balkans and Italy, was dominated by I2 lineages already at the end of the Neolithic.
the list is huge, in fact we have the case of the The same happened with the Austronesians and the Papuans. Most Polynesians today carry Papuan Y-DNA. And in Tibet Chinks got fucked by local HGs who carried D
In the Epic of Gilgamesh, they literally gave Enkidu a woman to civilize him because they couldn't get rid of him etc etc

Basically His masculine HG phenotype was so revered that Pharmoid men had them breed their females on purpose to preserve it.
hgs are hobos, farmbulls are real hunterz
>Zagrosian girls lost
The only very successful group of farmers I can think of were the Bantu, but that's because they were late Iron Age farmers.
Shall we educate the grain eater?

1. Western Europe? G2a, E, H2 farmers raped by I2 HGs and then R1b herdsmen.

2.Anatolia? G2a farmers raped by Caucasian herdsmen. Raise? Same thing.

3. India? J? R2? L? many H appeared among them, who were HGs. Later, R1a raped both of them (herdsmen).

All Asians have similar Y-DNA, but the Southern Chinese were like the Taiwanese and spoke a different language. They domesticated rice and became cuckoo breeders. The North Chins, who were corn farmers, were more mobile and had nice animals. And they raped southern China.

Japan? Yayoi cucks were fucked by Jomon bulls, so now their emperor and samurai families carry Jomon Y-DNA.

Polynesians? Austronesians fucked by Papuan bulls C2, K2, so now their haplogroup Cuck breeder is uncommon in Polynesians.

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WHG females were monobrowed Iranic slags, they lost to western and eastern farmer girls.

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Historically was anti gay always promoted by closeted gay men or is that a new phenomenon?

I know the catholic church historically was filled with gay guys while being anti gay
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They are literally sucking some dead rabbi's dick over and over and over again all the while saying that it's the whitest thing to do. When will they learn?
he get caught watching gay porn, again
Jesus Christ is Christian, your weird misspellings don't make him a kike, it makes you a kike
LMAO source? please???

Oh really, what word did I spell incorrectly?

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as of the year 2024 A.D
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Monkeydonia should not be blue.
Or the fact that the Russian's ethnogenesis is a mix of European and Asian but you do you
subordinated to France, of course if they get independence, they'll no longer be part of the Western World
So? It was subordinate, big whoop, that doesn't make it Western. Laughable.
>Russian's ethnogenesis is a mix of European and Asian


Why can’t God heal amputees?
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free will
so miracles never happen? God never answers any prayers?
but if I could say a prayer and someone regrew their entire leg everyone would be a christian and the world wouldnt suck enough
there's a right level of suck and we're in it.
Oh right, God wouldn’t want there to be enough proof for his existence, he wants the world to make sense even from an atheist perspective, so that lots of people choose not to believe and suffer in hell forever. What a convenient excuse, and what a loving God.
>he wants the world to make sense even from an atheist perspective, so that lots of people choose not to believe and suffer in hell forever.
it doesnt make sense, no.
but he cant be obvious. yes he is a riddler. and hell is only equivalent to how much evil you've done. it's not equal for everybody. you really will never believe? cool, try to help these aforementioned amputees then. you'll only be paid back based on how much bad you've done.

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Historically what did Jesus do to question and rebel against the powers of the Roman authority at the time?
I always here from my white Christian friends that Jesus was a rebel and leading a resistance against the Romans. Is this true?
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Roman is cuck race. How can you worship the rebel and enemy of your empire? Christianity definitely a woke movement of that era. It feminized the man. you literally the descendant of Mars. the god of war. God of war is in your blood then you become a traitor to your own lineage and ancestry. Your pagan morality and ethics is very masculine but then you Cuckold become more feminine
JCS touched on this
Rome was a big part of the Pharisees decision
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>Historically what did Jesus do to question and rebel against the powers of the Roman authority at the time?

Nothing. Jews try to say he was in a rebel dissident but the Romans, they found no crime in anything he had done.
He was meeting with armed men on thr night of the passover, at least one had a sword when the Roman's raided and arrested him. Passover was a tense time and jews would riot after being inflamed by stories of the exodus and the Romans had to reinforce Jerusalem with garrisons.
His own belief about being the messiah was also threatening to Rome since jews took that to mean a king who would battle and expel the goyim. Rome crushed other uprisings lead by messiah claimants. The interview with Pilate and the placard above the crucifix both point to that being related to the conviction.

/his/ still cannot explain this one.
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And every other one got squashed
At least Black people tried, and had up to two or more successful ones. Far better than the resistance of Whites, who were castrated, enslaved or completely exterminated by Mongols, Chinese, Arabs, Turks, and other Whites without lifting a finger against their slavers or killers. The wish of the ancestors to resist and struggle against any and all forms of slavery until the very last corpse is evident.
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Plentifulness.You are right however, the modern world prefers indians and chinese over blacks
Borders are temporary but BBC is eternal.
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Most african slaves were castrated if they weren't going to the americas. If anything it's jungle fever for black women that resulted in this.

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>Ricimer killing Majorian
>Fourth Crusade
>Irish Civil War
>Black September
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If you think its this simple you are braindead
Using steppe mercenaries had worked well enough for them for the prior 500+ years
Are you retarded?
Napoleon's quick logistics and lack of depending on supply wagons worked well before, Russians countered this with scorched earth + Fabian tactics
Hitler tried his best by attacking in Spring, but suffered due to 1941 being the coldest winter of the century
>(accountants) backstabbing Aurelian
Cant find anything on the web about this one but im intrested

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A question for all you Civil War /his/torians out there, what was the first engagement where the the Confederate battle flag was flown?

I know it was officially adopted on November 28, 1861, but I'm curious about when the first time Union soldiers actually encountered it in combat.

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Our ancestors did. Why?
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Actually WHG women were pretty too.
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>POV: You wake up in Neolithic Anatolia
I have the best taste in women. Simple as.
Looks literally indian
Mogged by Corded
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Bell Beaker queen.
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>POV: You wake up in the Neolithic Balkans, soon after the Anatolian Farmer arrival
As she whispers:
>uka hivvnom incrate usho lek meleta pendayti
Roughly translated as: "You have the best taste in women".

Would it be correct to say that Iberians are North Italians but with South Italian pigmentation? Ricciardo is Sicilian fyi.
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>Still thinking you tricked someone? you are a terrible sameflag, the answers appear almost at the same time. why? asshole.
they don't, i don't know why you keep saying that when it's easily verifiably false

2 hours apart
30 minutes apart
3 minutes apart
7 minutes apart
7 minutes apart

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for the italic worm:
you didn't fool anyone and you will continue talking to yourself with a real schizophrenic, you lost and you know that the hallstatts weren't chads Mediterranean dudeeee
I'm out of this madhouse, you imbecile
Italians are trying to deflect to the Brazilians and Hindus but they forget that it turn their brown haired, brown skinned, black eyed Italian body into the body of a white man.
don't care about hallstatt, stop trolling and samefagging
Muh hallstatt nordic
They were French

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"Governor Dukakis, would you still oppose capital punishment if your wife Kitty was raped and murdered by Willie Horton?"
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>US economy peaked from 1880 to 1912

Conservatives be like “SAVE THE CHILDREN!” then dismiss child abuse and neglect
No, I think high schoolers should learn about michael faraday and henry ford instead of wall to wall torture porn and "fuck wypipo n sheeit". History classes are the equivalent of a nature walk where instead of learning about trees and mushrooms they deliberately search for dead animals and shit and instruct the children to stare at it for a full hour.
>and henry ford
Usually they just learn that he didn't like unions and was therefore bad. This past week the NYT had an article whining that Southern car plants recently said no to the UAW.
Anything you read about the Gilded Age is just "reeee rich people" and doesn't discuss how the United States became a superpower during that era.

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why didn't they fight back against british occupation like the irish did?
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>gets scurvy
Learn to fish, Sheamus
Was there any Jacobite philosophers?
Very ASMR-like
They are British. Presumably you mean English occupation, which didn't happen.
Its mad how successful the Scottish nationalist movement has been at rebranding Scotland from the reality: a willing and if anything proportionally overrepresented partner in empire, to a fantasy of being a poor oppressed victim of English colonialism.

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