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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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She's got some ads featuring her holding, and in some cases dry-firing (with crappy explosion VFX) various long arms. I'm curious about what she has and what it says about her (above and beyond what the rest of her messaging and content-creation choices say), but my own tastes in firearms lean more toward walnut and blued steel, so I'm not great at visually identifying guns designed for a more "modern" aesthetic. Easy-to-find articles about her ads, needless to say, have no actual information, nor does her twitter account, and I'm not signing up for instagram just to see if she says anything of substance there. First pic attached, two more to follow.
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The appeal is they're in a shitload of videogames
Yup, 100%. Its never been adopted by anyone that matters but it keeps showing up in games because it looks weird so normies buy them.
what does she think about israel?
It's a super-basic braced AR pistol with a cheap optic and a virtually unworn, empty plate carrier that isn't properly fitted to her. Says she's borrowing it from someone or bought it "just in case". But also that she's on the Fuck the ATF train, which is cool.
>mismatched, empty drop-leg holster in FDE with a bronze snap retainer
>belt is too narrow and not properly snugged, catching on plate carrier
>zipdown cargo pants-shorts
That looks like airsoft gear, and again pretty cheap.

>Kriss Vector
>Motherfucking Kel-Tec Yeet cannon with some use wear
"I'm poor but at least I have a pistol"
>stack of P-mags and a beat-up carbine in the truck
She's actually here to shoot instead of just showing off.

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she is not a fan and posts a lost about christ being king


WTF Z bros, I thought this special operation was supposed to demilitarize Ukraine and Nato not mighty PUCCIAЯ??
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Thank you, janitor.
They've largely lost the trained workforce that could make stuff by hand using Industrial-Era techniques. They've replaced the missing craftsmen with Western CAD/CAM stuff (companies like Siemens are actively supporting those installations today with software updates and remote monitoring). They can't build more factories because while those companies might get away with supporting existing installations under the radar, installing new units in new factories is likely to make the European public aware of what those companies are doing. So, that leaves Russia with little ability to expand past what they already have.
What? Nothing but buzz word lol
Yep. Why are we still witnessing their vomit?
>24/7 inorganical Cia globo homo shilling on this koping forum lol. We
Least i get paid for shilling you poor nigger.

Anyway, after russias milsurp is burned through, will chinas milsurp be the next cheap kinda working military equipment that everybody buys for next 50 years?
For various shitskin countries that us/eu wont deal with, cheap chinesium 5g tanks, quantum guns, nano artillery, AI drones etc might be tempting?

>new russian anti-drone tech just drooped

bros, how do we counter this?
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>t-these s-stupid ukropigs keep noticing that we can't do anything other than copy exactly what they're saying
>l-let's also copy the "they can't stop stealing memes"

seriously, are you just a parody of yourself or something?
i've seen russia create like 5 good original memes this war, the rest has literally been copying things we've already said, because it pissed you off that bad and no u was the only thing you could come up with in response.
it's nice to know my jeering has such a strong effect though.
Yes to all three.
Korea, Grenada, Panama and Gulf War 1 and 2 weren't victories to you you little shit?
Hahaha good joke anon. HE'S DRUNK!

40 year old alcoholics that have been mobilized because they were conscripts 20 years ago aren't really volunteers...
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Now give me the sack of potatoes webm.

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If you had to decide the invasion plan, how would you go about it?
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>Bust 3 Gorges dam
>Use SSBNs stationed off the coast to wipe all ballistic missile, radar and AA assets
>use now uncontested air assets equipped with AShMs to sink "Navy"
>once the coast is clear, literally, launch landing craft and airborne troops from Taiwan and Japan into major metro areas, establishing coastal perimeter and logistics line
>park local CSGs out if strike range but near enough to support and keep the sea and skies clear
>establish foothold in sympathetic Hong Kong
>convince India to attack from the South, at minimum drawing resources away from the interior and coastal fronts
>spend time carefully dismantling interior resistance, potentially needing to cut off their support from Russia or from other anti-US actors like Norks, Iran or Afghanistan (minimal consideration)

Invasion complete, occupation complicated, perhaps installing Taiwan as a legitimate government to rule and assist in establishing new order.
Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if something like this was how they wargamed it, nukes notwithstan.
Only thing I’d say would be that three gorges would either need to be destroyed after the radar and missiles are wiped out, or have to be taken out by an SF team snuck into the country via central asia or some internal insurgents because otherwise it’s instant mass nuke retaliation. You ideally want them to be destabilised by the dam breaking without them immediately nuking the US, and then do the rest of the assault in the ensuing chaos, so it would have to be a means not immediately linked to the US (somehow). Any anons got ideas on how you’d do this?
oh no. not the nukes. please.
>other anti-US actors like Norks
You're stuck in the past.

Chinese Nork relations have been in the shitter since, you know, the ching chongs tried to kill big K.

The Nork brass joke about the war with America and SK never happening, but take the threat of their "greatest ally" dragging them under like a drowning man very, very seriously.
You're kinda slow, aren't you?

Dead Italian soldier holding photo of his child, North Africa campaign.
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A ROKA Special Warfare Command member showcases to the press North Korean infiltrators he dispatched, during the 1996 Gangneung submarine infiltration incident where a group of North Korean black ops assassins infiltrated South Korea to kill President Kim Young-sam while disguised as ROK soldiers and civilians, resulting in a 49-day-long manhunt from September 18 to November 5.
German high command went a bit insane when they realized they were losing.
looks like one of the crosses beksinki draws. this WWII?
Not the first and not the last time man's pursuit of potatoes end in tragedy
>German soldiers crossing the border into the Soviet Union on the morning of 22 June, 1941
>it actually is

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Black Multicam Edition

Guide: https://files.catbox.moe/9g5sv2.pdf
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/gs6mLNik

Previous: >>61650231
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That's definitely been a hangup for me but I'm pretty committed to doing it anyway whenever I get the bug. I've been looking at the rmrcc for my carry gun but haven't decided what to throw on my full size yet. The only reason I haven't pulled the trigger yet is I'm more committed to throwing an ecos on my ar and am waiting for eurooptic to restock it. Maybe I'll convince myself to get the rmrcc this weekend anyway.
Programmed trauma, many such cases.
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what's some gassy ammo to use with a comp, shill me your gassy loads
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I forgot they used a hot spec. very nice collection of holes anon

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Rate, Post, LARP, Let's see em
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yes. it has been years since i've clicked into /gq/ because it attracts the worst of the worst. if i want to watch assholes who have zero experience with anything trying to gain internet fame by being an tryhard i'd go to reddit.
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Ain't shit gonna happen, so preparing for some magical end of the world is a waste.
But I wish it would end.

I'm throwing all in on Chaos Cultist larp.
Mostly because I hate people, and it's not enough to just shoot them.
I'm using a shotgun because it maims.
Same for the axe.
Also, slugs to blow holes in transformers, because in this mental exercise, I'm a wandering murder-hobo, and I'll make sure nobody rebuilds the infrastructure.
I don't care about ammo weight; if the ammo gets heavy, I'll shoot minorities and shitlibs until it's lighter.
I don't care about range, I hit a target at 75 yards with fucking birdshot recently; I think we've been underestimating the shotty.
Besides, if I get close, maybe I can shoot to wound and then use the axe.
The Olde English Bulldog is named Ruby; she goes with me everywhere.
>post Gucci gear
Get called a retard with more money than sense
>post affordable gear
Be called a poorfag

Both have happened to me I swear. I own gear from Crye to Condor and don't give a fuck.
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>I don't care about range, I hit a target at 75 yards with fucking birdshot recently; I think we've been underestimating the shotty.

You're overestimating your ammo

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>its 6am
>dozens (maybe up to 80) of drones have already hit since 2:30am
>80 lawnmower drones fly in clear daylight
>for 500 km over enemy territory
>100% clear sky
>Air Defense non-existent
>Air Force non-existent
>Random guys with Aks shooting

This is the power of Russia. Realistically at this rate we have about 24 months until we see 100+ drone a night attacks within 500km of the frontline into multiple Russian cities/industrial centers. Russian AD just keeps getting worse and worse.

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sorry to break it to you anon, that line of argument only works on people who already agree with you, which is to say it doesn't work at all.
They are sending another swarm right now.
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>As you can see from this twitter post Uncle Vald will be buying your pony 5 million friends next month
Maybe this is going to be a weak of drone swarms, maybe this is just going to be the standard thing and the Russian's are just going to have to accept hundreds of drones fling about their country with impunity.

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What would you have done different at Prospero if you had led the Thousand Sons against the invading forces?
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>What would you have done different at Prospero if you had led the Thousand Sons against the invading forces?
Well since Magnus disabled the plant defense systems and allowed the invasion to happen, just do the exact opposite of what he did.
The Emperors logic for keeping the Primarchs in the dark about the true nature of the Warp was because belief empowers the chaos gods. And the level of empowerment is based on the soul of the believer. The Chaos Gods were effectively becoming dormant because of the enforcement of the Imperial Truth and mankind exterminating a heap of chaos worshiping aliens. The emperors fear was that telling the kids would have caused enough of a ripple in the warp that the gods would have gotten a power boost and try to get their hooks into them. Unfortunately Magnus's hubris and Lorgar's zealotry and the Lectitio Divinitatus were enough to keep the coals burning until the Heresy kicked off with planetwide sacrifices and full time human religious shenanigans.
Thanks anon.

>just do the exact opposite of what he did
Or do what he did and don't pussy out when the expected result happens.
That depends on how seriously you take the Cabal though.

>The Chaos Gods were effectively becoming dormant because of the enforcement of the Imperial Truth and mankind exterminating a heap of chaos worshiping aliens.
That's an interesting theory but I haven't read about it, what's the source?
I understood that the primarchs were chaos tainted from when they were stolen and due to their ignorance, had no idea the "subconscious urges" were an external corruption that they needed to gird themselves against.
Though I suppose your theory doesn't disallow that it was just a bad idea to start with.
>That's an interesting theory but I haven't read about it, what's the source?
Nta but he's partially correct. The gods in the warp are explained a lot during the war in heaven and specifically with the eldar.
They take power from two things: natural events/acts and worship/belief.
To put it simply: all bloodshed feeds khorne, no matter what. But the bloodshed of two armies fighting for land is a drop in the ocean compared to the blood shed by an army FOR khorne.
All the gods in both 40k and whf (age of sugmar can fuck off) are creatures given power by story. A disease ravaging a town is a story that feeds nurgle, but a town praying to the most depraved to make the pain end... that is a story that feeds nurgle so much more.
I'd recommend oculus imperia on youtube for some good lore.

>the primarchs were chaos tainted from when they were stolen and due to their ignorance, had no idea the "subconscious urges" were an external corruption that they needed to gird themselves against.
The whole thing with the nature of the primarchs is muddy, unfortunately. There are some theories that the souls of the primarchs were created out of minor warp deities, even.
Ultimately, the greatest impact on them was where, rather than how, they were scattered. If they had been brought up by the emperor rather than by the cultures they ended up in, things would likely be very different, not least because lorgar would never have had the "parents" he got.
Each of the primarchs was also purpose built for a specific type of thing, you must keep in mind, and it is likely the chaos gods kept that well in mind when scattering them. Angron was always meant to be a vanguard fighter, Magnus always meant to be a sorcerer, Corvus always a sneak, and so on. If they'd been with the emperor from the first they'd probably have been taught this.
>The Chaos Gods were effectively becoming dormant because of the enforcement of the Imperial Truth and mankind exterminating a heap of chaos worshiping aliens.
The fact that his Great Crusade was a smorgasboard for them in terms of emotional fuel has more to do with keeping them active than anything else.

AK General /akg/
Literary Edition
>Thread #2026

Old thread here >>61597372
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Have you checked that both of the little hooks on the hammer spring are properly seated on the two sides of the rear of the trigger? Are both of your trigger group axis pins fully inserted? Is your pin retaining plate or shepherds hook properly installed and seated?
Post a picture maybe we can spot something from it.
Anyone know of any good reweld services for ak receivers? Just bought a 1958 polish KBKN parts kit that comes with all original receiver stubs and I’d like to preserve it if possible.
TurboThis does a good enough job and is the most affordable. Troy Sellers of InRange and John at Appalachian Gunwerks can do them as well. I've only used Turbo before.
It’s kind of gay
They used dongs on them in GWOT newfag
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PSA owners triggered lol

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If you had to choose between the MG-3 and the M60-E6, which would you choose, and why?
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M60 for ground work, MG3 for vehicle mounts.
You're right

[spoiler]The 249, RPD, and Stoner are better [/spoiler]
>If the MG3 was better then we'd have just used it.

That's not even remotely true. We wouldn't have adopted the M14 over the FAL if that were the case. The US tried to make a better MG42 and failed until the adoption of the FN MAG.
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The M14 is better than the FAL.

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Siggers tongue my anus
Previous thread:>>61652934
join our discord https://discord.gg/justkiddingretard
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Your right anon, don't worry about it.
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jfc tripfag circlejerks are crimge
but 2 of those ppl arent trips
Going to be coordinating squad movement and CAS?

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The original model of the Thompson had a drum
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I'd take a MP-40/I if I had the choice. I don't care that the dual magazines were impractical, they're fucking cool.
May as well ask for a Mg34S while you're at it. Both are stupidly rare.
But yes, that WOULD be a neat piece to make noise with.
My uncle gave his to me.
Ya know for helter skelter race war stuff
There were still some floating around into the mid 90's. My dad once told me a story about how they needed to finally get rid of the stock of .45, so they fired several thousand rounds through these over a few days. He said it was pretty unpleasant to shoot.

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