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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

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Axolotl edition.

Previous: >>23396065
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You are my best friend and mentor. Why did you dedicate so much time to me, teach me, encourage me, and trust me, if you were just going to be dismissive of my concerns when it mattered?
Anyone around Pasadena wanna fight? We can just meet in a parking lot and we'll battle it out
>a ***ish guy
>watching a video on bilibili of a Chinaman playing Red Alert 2, who for some reason decided to use Japanese voiceroids, write his script in Japanese, sprinkle some painfully unfunny western memes in his video, and translate the entire video from Japanese to Chinese
What the fuck is this? Such an utterly bizarre mix of seemingly random qualities, it actually makes my head hurt just thinking about it, though the alcohol doesn't help either. Chances are I'm the only one of my tribe that has ever gotten into something this weird.
Show up at behind Vromans right now faggot, I'll spark you out so fast you won't know what hit you.
Child's Play

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Why do people equate buddhism with nihilism? What differentiates these two philosophies/ideologies?
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There are multiple forms of Buddhism. For many it is not a religion but a philosophy of living without supernatural or metaphysical aspects. Others venerate divine beings or there is a syncretic element such as with Shinto and Buddhism in Japan.
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Westerners misinterpret Eastern teachings habitually. With the nihilism thing they're probably thinking about non-attachment.
Non-attachment is more of a principal where you're only in one of your lives for 70 or so years, which isn't that long. Trying to get a mountain of treasure and holding onto it forever will therefor only lead to dissatisfaction. It's something to keep in mind.
Westerners will usually instead think that Buddhism teaches that happiness associated with an object is bad or evil, hence the nihilism. It's not really the case. Buddhism has its middle path where neither riches nor poverty is likely the best way for your life.
There are the autistic tiers of enlightenment but I don't worry about those.
Because people are goofy
Buddhism dunks it's head in nihilism to remind everyone they've got no real excuse
That's different than inhaling nihilism and living inside of the downward spiral
For many it is not an ontological system with a necessary orientation towards a position with regards to ethics (note *not* an ethics) but rather a system of sexual mythopoesis involving uncertain other worlds being real in the sense of physical rather than Really Real in the sense of Lacan.
Arise from what?
Madhyamaka shit is just sophistry.

Nomothetic edition

>τὸ πρότερον νῆμα·

NOTE: replace ' dot ' with an actual dot to access the links below
>Μέγα τὸ Ἑλληνιστί/Ῥωμαϊστί·
https://mega dot nz/folder/FHdXFZ4A#mWgaKv4SeG-2Rx7iMZ6EKw

>Mέγα τὸ ANE
https://mega dot nz/folder/YfsmFRxA#pz58Q6aTDkwn9Ot6G68NRg

Feel free to write your thoughts/stories/etc... in your target language.

>Work in progress FAQ

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>norse and old English
Western but off topic. Would love to see discussion about these languages in their own thread!
It's quite amazing how similar Sanskrit is to Ancient Greek. It just makes me want to study it more.
Perhaps the dumbest post ever made in this general, congratulations
You would need to include French and German for a real inclusive lead up to Modern/Medieval English. Maybe even Welsh, Irish and Scottish Gaelic,Spanish and Italian too.
Livius Andronicus lived roughly 280-204 BC and translated Homer into Saturnian. Cato the Elder reports that he was a young man when Andronicus died. Cato the Elder (or the Censor) lived long enough to bitch about the envoy of three Greek philosophers from Athens in 155. For much of his life Cato bitched about Greek influence, but by the end of his life he was studying Greek and he closely used Greek rhetorical models for his own rhetoric.

Plautus was a generation younger than Andronicus and died around 180. Terence might have been born around the time Plautus died. Original playwrights of the Greek type were a relatively short-lived phenomenon in Roman society, as Roman culture bifurcated between high literary culture written by and for elites and low culture revolving around spectacles and combats.

Although it's clear that there were sporadic elite Roman contacts with Greek city states (especially Sicilian ones) from the early 3rd century at least, Greek influence only really exploded in Rome from the early 2nd century BC on, as Romans conquered or sacked Greek states and brought back massive libraries and art collections, as well as Greek slaves and hostages who could teach Hellenic culture. The Bacchanalia were en vogue in Italy by the 180s, enough to be banned. Greek philosophers trickled in to give lectures and speeches around this time too, and "vulgar" Epicureans quickly developed a bad reputation (being banned at least once around 160), while Stoics and some quasi-Stoic, late Peripatetic and late Academic eclectics began to interest Roman aristocrats. A major gathering point for these influences was the circle around Scipio Aemelianus, a philhellenist influenced by his association with Polybius as a result of the taking of Achaean hostages by Rome.

A Greek-style "grammatical" and "rhetorical" education also began to crystallize in this period in Rome. This is the distant origin of the trivium and quadrivium, emerging also from Roman "encyclopedic" culture (Cato, Varro). A large part of this was simply the translation of Greek texts into Latin so that there would be enough for Roman pupils to actually work with. By Cicero's day, it was also fashionable for young men to study in Athens while quite young if they could afford it. Over time, an education in Greek philosophy, after the more basic education in letters, grammar, and rhetoric, became the Roman equivalent of a university education.

The Romans in Cicero's and Livy's days seem to have regarded the Romans of Andronicus' day roughly how we regard the Elizabethans (so, maybe double the distance in time and consciousness), and anything 4th century or earlier as basically a dark age, like the Middle Ages if they were much much more poorly attested textually. The whole first five books of Livy's History are written in continuous and openly voiced doubt.

>it's called the Bible because it's two books
Can't believe I just realized this after all this time.
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Unfortunately you can look up "Bible etymology" on Google and it will tell you this is not the case. It comes from Greek biblia, meaning books, because the Bible is a collection of many holy books.
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>two books
The Bible actually has 66 books.
Lmao I also never realised this

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I would like suggestions for books on Islam including Islamic history, Arab civilization, Islamic civilization and fiction created by Muslims irrespective of place of origin. I would prefer books that could be described as underappreciated and not as well known, so no need to mention the books of people like Marin Lings or Karen Armstrong.

Additionally I am already aware of the old Islam chart on the fandom page, I am looking for fresh suggestions. Bonus points for non-fiction about, and fiction from, North Africa and the Levant as I find these areas of particular interest.
Start with the Quran, preferably The Study Quran. Beyond that:
>>The Book of Contemplation: Islam and the Crusades -Usama Ibn Munqidh
>The Crusades: Islam Perspectives - Carole Hilenbrand
>The Life and Legend of the Sultan Saladin - Jonathan Philips
>Arab Historians of the Crusades - Francesco Gabrieli
>The Race for Paradise: An Islamic History of the Crusades - Paul M. Cobb
>The Crusades - S.E. Al-Djazairi’
>The Fourth Crusade - Jonathan Philips
>A Brief History of the Crusades - Geoffrey Hindley
>The First Crusade: The Call from the East - Peter Frankopan
>Holy Warriors: A Modern History of the Crusades - Jonathan Phillips

Most of my research, as you can tell, is focused around the Crusades.

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Behold! The Power of AI Edition

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION:https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ(embed)
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS:https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC(embed)

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

Previous: >>23382472
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is screenshot even from this year? what's with the ai cope?
>virtual normalfag chink room style
what did they mean by this?
This is what I have now.
>He was one of the few who retained his natural hair color in a balding sea of gray.
>inb4 not all old people are bald
what is a 'balding sea'? the visual is insane. "a sea of grey" is fine, no?
it also implies abundance (balding, the opposite...). i assume they are packed in there. if that isn't intended you are going full spaghetti.

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Condition: Good!*
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Damn, that's fuckin' sick! You got that for a steal
Thrift stores and libraries are good enough for me thank you. There's still so many books that I want to read that I could probably get by on just those for a lifetime
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Haha, a lot of my brother's books from his teenage years look like this. I used to love finding his random drawings in them. As upsetting as it may be to have an expensive purchase come tarnished, try to enjoy the intimacy that comes from notes that I assume the original reader assumed were for no one's eyes but his own.
Pic rel is of one of my brother's mindless annotations.
You're retarded. "Good" just means "not poor" in the context of buying used books. You're probably after "Fine" or "Like new" because "Good" usually means it's likely written/highlighted, but you're generally able to read it.
I've gotten refunds over this. We have a VERY clear system and if the seller can't follow it, I *will* get my money back. No I won't keep the shitty book either.

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Putting a bunch of SS on my shellphone. Who are ur favs? So far I have:
... who else?
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nice bait, fag.
Also counts as a decent translator of short stories. His bamboo cutter’s tale is first class.
hmm idk. he is kinda reddit

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If the Potter books were multi person point of view, what other characters would you want the story told from?
dumbledore molesting the students
Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, Hagrid, Luna Lovegood.
dumbledore being molested as a student.

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No he didn't. What he critiqued was definitionally not Capitalism.
>It's wasn't capitalism

Then it was what?
That doesn’t mean it’s nonsensical
theres not a word for it because retards keep calling it capitalism despite it meeting precicely zero of the markers.
wage labour for sustenance on commodities sold at market as the primary system of reproduction of capacity to exert?
generalisation of the commodity form seeking profit through the circuit of expanded reproduction?

Pull your head out of your arse new guy.

Read it twice, here are my notes so far off the top of my head


>Kato invites himself to go to McDonald's with O.J.
>They each get a sandwich, fries, and a drink. OJ goes for coke, Kato gets an orange soda... mmmm
>O.J. drinks his Coca-Cola on the way home, but not before Kato takes the opportunity to slip a tablet of Rohypnol in there *fizzzzzz*
>Upon arriving home, O.J. goes inside and calls his friend Dr. Christian Reichardt. the biker guy with the ponytail from the trial
>Dr. Reichardt would hear O.J. ask somebody in the room, "what was the score?" - referring to the NBA Finals game that had ended hours earlier. The only other person on the property was Kaelin, and O.J. was in the euphoric stage of the "date-rape drug", and doesn't ask what the hell he's doing there
>90 minutes later, O.J. would be awakened by Romazicon and hurriedly prepare for his flight. Kaelin distracts him and the limo driver with claims of "noises". He doesn't remember anything that happened since arriving home, not even the call to Dr. Reichardt (he fails to tell the police about this call when being questioned the next day)
>After leaving Rockingham in the limo, and forgetting to set the alarm, one of the murderers (Ron Shipp) pulls up in the Bronco, proceeds to plant blood inside, and then enters the grounds to plant the glove and other evidence
>O.J. calls Kaelin from the limo and asks him to set the alarm, but Kaelin never does
>O.J. catches his flight, arrives in Chicago, and is awoken at 6 A.M. by a phone call from the LAPD
>Nicole Brown, her children, and a little friend of her daughter order ice cream from Ben& Jerry's, and immediately go home.
>Rather than return to Dana Point, the Brown clan follows Nicole to Bundy and prepares for the next steps

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>He opens the back gate and heads down the length of the condo, where "Nicole" is standing under a dim porch light jingling a set of keys
>Lights out as he's cracked over the side of the head by a club. He's dispatched by two killers quietly
>After this the hard part is over. They drag Nicole, drugged and unconscious, outside and slain silently
>"Nicole" exits the front gate and consults with a man in a white truck. It's a blonde woman in a white robe, as a dogwalker witnesses. The dogwalker also sees a man in a "security" pose. Figuring it wise to turn onto a side street, he does. Another witness that was never called the criminal trial or civil trial
>The Brown's skedaddle home and the killers take over the frame operation. Each of them would insert themselves into the investigation that would start in 3 hours.


>6 AM death notification call from Detective Tom Lange to the Brown family
>Lou Brown answers, and Lange says I'm sorry sir but I have to report, your daughter has been killed
>Note he did not say murdered
>Lange suddenly hears a female voice on the line, it's one of the three sisters
>As if on cue, Lange hears a "growing wail of female voices" chanting: OJ DID IT! OJ DID IT!
>Nicole's family (Mom, dad, 3 sisters, half-brother) - Were facing homelessness because OJ owned all their shit and was going to sell it off and move to Florida. Nicole drove them to madness with her behavior. They were all pretty much unemployed. Nicole loaned her father a hefty sum less than a month before the murder.
>Kato (hated Nicole and vice versa)
>Ron Shipp (former cop, jealous of OJ, unrequited love, money problems
>Ron Hardy (shady bartender to the celebs, unrequited love and total lack of morality, prob got some sex out of the deal)
You are beyond far gone if you're reading this dreck. This case was entirely fabricated by the intelligence agency, as was the trial.
So the feds framed OJ but then found EDTA in the blood to free him. Fuckin crazier than the Jason people
Reading this now, it mostly jives with the Sealed Envelope. Was made back before the civil trial. Lots of stuff they couldn't have known back then

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Was Werther the first example of a beta orbiter in western literature?
>that cover
My exact thoughts.
Looks zesty
Please tell me this isn't a real cover
You don't picture a 21st century wigger as the protagonist?

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>First the Ottomans got them, then the Soviets. That's a solid 500 years where they were being stomped on and unable to thrive outside of their home countries. In that same time, the Catholic Church expanded around the world.
Those are reasons why the Orthodox are the one true church. Whichever church is legit will be persecuted the most and will be hated by Satan the most.
>I don't know, I just think that if the Orthos were the real One True Church they wouldn't have had so many obstacles thrown into the path of their expansion. Jesus did say to bring the Gospel to all the nations, and the Orthos really haven't gotten a chance to do that. Maybe it means they're not God's favorite.
True, the Orthodox are not that good with evangelizing outside of the East, though that shouldn't disqualify them, nor do I think the efforts of non-Orthodox Christians evangelising do not count (they do). They may be heterodox, but they still spread the Gospel.
>Mark 9 38:39
AI hasnt ruined memes as much as I thought it would. Sure, you see shit threads devoted to them (that never have any interaction...just people posting their garbage) and a crap meme like yours every now and then but overall I thought it would be a lot worse.
Its not just that the Orthodox have ben conquered. They have historically been the most morally degenerate countries in Christendom. Any reading of Russian literature can attest to this.

Catholics counties are better, but no by much.
Protestant countries were the ones that actually encouraged moral behavior in their population. The US, England, Germany, and other historically protestant countries had to explicitly renounce their religion before they feel into depravity. Not so for Catholic and Orthodoxy countries.
Meant to say Mark 9: 38-40
>They have historically been the most morally degenerate countries in Christendom. Any reading of Russian literature can attest to this.
So what? The jews were far more degenerate time and time again, and even sacrificed their children to idols, but God delivered them out of their iniquity every time.
>The US
A nation creates from the top-down, which was founded by deists, unitarians, and freemasons. They had no love for Christianity. The Protestant denominations and the Catholics also had a history of killing each other.

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They is four things that can destroy the earth, he said. Women,
whiskey, money, and niggers.
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Any examples of that? It's kinda hard to tell JIDF posters from your typical redditor leftie
I'm a chud but I get annoyed by the persistent, repetitive stupidity of Jew obsessives
I want my ideological cousins to stop being so retarded and reductive
For instance, thinking that women aren't a problem except le jews involved. This shows such historical ignorance it's beyond comprehension. The war of the sexes goes back to Adam and Eve
Even in America women getting the vote was done by the Anglos with relatively minimal Jewish involvement
Fixating on this one thing makes you into completely one dimensional thinkers
The problem is the darkness of humanity's heart
Everyone is involved. The reality is more frightening than the myths each collective has
It's scary when "the other" is (you)
This is the other extreme of the spectrum
Meaningless vaguery directing to total inertness
The 'good time religion' idea of "our problem is just a one dimensional scapegoat" is not helpful and neither is what you're doing
The truth isn't always pragmatic

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