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Post your continuity breaking cash gra- I mean, obscure prototype and limited deployment mobile suits from MSV
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I love things that are cannon!
Does this count?
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When do we get to see the coolest Federation mobile suit again?

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Do you think it's possible to make a successful modern Votoms AU show that heavily rehashes elements from the original?
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It's kinda wild how with all the spinoffs and OVAs, the OG anime is still the best thing about VOTOMS. Honestly, I think that if they were to do a modern VOTOMS thing it should just be a new character rather than dragging Chirico through the mud some more and likely making him even more of a super special donut like the OVAs did.

Show me proof in the form of covers and ISBN numbers or you're lying. Not discrediting you. This is 4chan, so beware of claimimg you have information from a source here.
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I dont WANT AU's I want more Astragius Galaxy!
I KNEW he was FTM! I need pussyboy art of him pronto
First viewing is thinking Kummen is the best arc
Subsequent viewings is realizing that Uoodo is

A cooldown week for this month's gbo2 on console and steam.

The new MS for console is used for Fin Funnel and Psycho-Frame data for mass production on MS such as MP Nu Gundam, Roswell Jegan sorties from U.C. ENGAGE.

On steam continues the "1st Anniversary Celebration" pre-event" The new MS is one of two custom MS piloted Ingrid 0; Gaplant (I0) is here with Mass Production Type Nu Gundam as the next MS for steam.

Previous thread:

Follow Tenda on twitter

GBO2 Clear Banner Art Page

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Aside from the long reload it's a solid BR. Perfect for BR into Wire. A lot of people sleep on the vulcans as well, which is foolish. You just up the armor and play it like a Raid.
Bruh it's slow as fuck
>not having a sisquide
>Raw tackle
This, this will never work, stop doing it. You'll get countered everytime.
Works fine for Japs/Chinks doing it to me. Just not the other way around.

Camrip here: https://mega.nz/file/yNg1BJgZ#4X9ZcNCxNOFKVsM42DlYc3FbG6zUtRVsoWIOl145xpo

All I did was move the .ts file available from Nyaa to an MKV.
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He's probably talking about the upcoming Duel and Buster gunpla release which will have more information. Not a pamphlet with a single sentence of info like yours
I'm not sure if Lacus was the chairwoman but she definitely had extreme influential power at the end of Destiny. With her influence level Lacus probably could have taken the zaft chair position if she wanted it. No one could stop her.

>that Terminal simply folded back into ZAFT and/or Compass since their head was now in charge of it?
Lacus and her supporters kept Terminal separate. Probably to keep it as a semi-secret trump card. Terminal is a "mercenary CIA" , but with mobile suits and ships. You know they are out there, but you generally don't know what specifically they are doing.
>The レジスタンス or "Resistance" IS a secret Terminal branch inside Zaft. Did you completely forget Gundam Seed and Seed Destiny? You are cringe and embarrassing.
Exactly. They are the same people that pinched Gaia Gundam from ZAFT storage, saved Lacus from assassination attempts, and saved Athrun from getting killed. It's all Terminal. Just different branches depending on where they operate.
>Yet it can dock and use METEOR's weapons right away, despite having a battery.
The new Meteor models were upgraded with an internal nuclear reactor to fix the power issues the original Meteors had. if pushed too hard, the OG Meteors can suck up too power and overload Freedom and Justice's reactors and shut them down. Hasn't this been said like 30 times by other anons already? I definitely recall other anons have said it so many times.

It's been common knowledge for years.

Other anon just doesn't know or doesn't want to accept it.

It's why he keeps bringing it up and over.

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FAST Pack Edition
>New Player Guide
>Artbooks, music and emulation resources
>the link for the ACV xenia tutorial
>ACVD-friendly xenia link
>pre setup emulator and dlc pack for ACVD rpcs3
>models for all the gen 1 parts

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All solid, asides from the flight complaint.
Flying is for cucks, walljumping was the absolute shit and its sad to not see it come back.
Scan mode switching was ass, but my most autistic complaint was how KE guns worked. Sluggish as fuck, and no decent machineguns. You either rifle plinked or had to deal with fuckass ugly gattlings
OB strafing tanks with sniper arms blowing entire chunks off your health is almost as gay as Sekirocore, like it's a really tight race there.
g ot to give it to them, creating such a unique bomb of a game that it tanks the series for a entire decade is almost a work of art.
like you have to actively try to put so much dumb shit in.
Which AC has the best pvp

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Why are they designed like this and what purpose do they serve?
To enter the cockpit. At least that's how Turn A's worked.
Storage, AMBAC, armor, thrusters, landing gear, sensors, lots of reasons OP.
If you didn't have genitals there would be some other use for your crotch, it's a great location logistically speaking

How did we get here? Did WfM REALLY save the franchise?
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(>>22637196 here, not >>22637231, who's an asshole)
>One is where life on Earth is awful and life in space (in both colonies and planets) is marketed as an amazing paradise, and the elites of space take advantage of this to draft unwitting Earthlings into their brutal space wars (sort of like Narutaru).
That premise reminds me a bit of this trilogy I'm reading. The big question is, who are they fighting? Are the wars kept a secret from the populace?
Its kind of a misplaced complaint anyways since Suletta and Miorine's relationship took a backseat to almost every plotline that popped up in S2, only really at the end does it actually become important
>The other premise I've come up with is that the authorities fully fell for the "[insert timeline's superhuman] are the future" bait and put these superhumans in many positions of authority, but it's discovered over the course of the series that the superhumans aren't the answer and that regular humans have their strengths too.
It could work, depending on how "super" are these transhumans compared to your regular homo sapiens, and which positions of power they hold. I'm thinking of the backstory for IBO, with the descendants of the Gundam pilots from the Calamity War becoming Earth's hegemons for centuries.
The wars are kept secret from Earthlings because the battles take place in space, and they'd be fighting an ideologically-opposed faction based in space. The first faction keeps these wars secret because most people had already left the Earth sphere to escape the fighting, so to keep a fresh supply of soldiers they have to trick people into drafting.
>so to keep a fresh supply of soldiers they have to trick people into drafting.
You really should keep up with some recent news, then

>It's not a frontline infantry post, just shooting rockets from a distance!
>You aren't firing a rifle, it's just digging trenches and concrete defenses!
>It's a lot of money, and you only have to drive a truck to the supply post!

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Who the fuck decided what considered a Gundam MK?
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God I hate the fucking "NOOOOOOO" type of posting so much.
Same reason why anything that's not a RX-78 gets a Gundam moniker, those that made em wanted to call it that
God I hate the fucking "NOOOOOOO" type of posting so much.
Wanna fight about it?
Better question, why Titans based Mk-IV on AEUG's Mk-III and not on one of their own or one of EFF ones?

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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

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potential kinobash alert
More like cleano your fucking table
dw it’s just weathering, it’s not actually messy
Whew, carry on sir
What clear did you use ? I usually get a nice glossy surface with mr color gx clear gloss, with only 1 or 2 layers

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Couples and Throuples Edition

FREEDOM Theme Song with MV:

Sarigiwa no Romantics Ending Song:

Reborn Supporting Song with MV:

BOUKYOU Insert Song:

Escape for Two Short Story

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nta, but why would Orb be angry at Cagalli for being a Coordinator to begin with? And wouldn't the bigger "problem" for her was that Uzumi adopted her?
I mean did no one at Orb ask why Cagalli is a blonde haired white girl, while "her father" Uzumi was a guy with dark brown hair and dark brown skin? Lmao.
Still the main point if it never gets addressed by Fukuda it is not important in narrative I don't bother to discuss because I feel like discussing fanfiction
She is just there working professionally as Terminal information hacker as his partner and supports his relationship with Cagalli
I'm pretty sure it's public knowledge she was adopted.

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This does mean that ZZ and CCA doesn't happen right?
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>Reddit humor replies
It did give us MG Zeta 2.0, which is a solid kit.
Except this one.
>Even though Kamille becoming brain damaged was the massive straw that finally broke Char
According to a Gihren's Greed cutscene
There is nothing stopping CCA from happening in particular, but even ZZ could still happen, just centred more around Char or/and Glemy.
Personally, I like to think that ANT Judau met retired Haman in Jupiter sphere.

Gee Godzilla, why does Toho let you have TWO gigabash collaborations?
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>implying you wouldn't want to style on other players as a Larvae without even needing to go moth-mode
No, dying
Why do you seem to just get extremely fuckass mad the moment Gamera comes up in any Kaiju discussion
you're being weirdly defensive about this, anon
Gigabash isn't even the Kaiju game I want. Never been a fighting game guy

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Happy 50th anniversary, Getter Robo!
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pls respond
There's also a tonal shift that I really don't remember being this jarring. Even body horror was reduced in quantity.
Additional or redrawn pages Ishikawa illustrated for the Saga edition IIRC.
Any place to find the original scans, if possible?

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No Medabots thread? Let's change that.
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Burns me up there is no legitimate way to play the gacha.... I just want to show there is still love for Medarot over here in the west.....
It's hard too choose between Erika, Sam and Ikki's mom
Pick all three.
What I don't get is what the hell happened with Damashi.The equivalent games that came out alongside it kept the same recurring cast and the new villains aren't even the same ones featured in the show. Metabee gets an upgrade but other old Medabots upgrades that were also featured in the games are treated as totally different characters and Ikki and Metabee can't even recognize them like TotallyNotRokusho. Nae from the first game is in it but Hikaru is not even though she was one of his love interests. Damashi makes no fucking sense, it refuses to acknowledge continuity with the first series and wasn't promoting a new product or game, it's just nonsense. And looks really cheap as well, like it had half of the budget or just total lack of talent working on it.

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--------------***READ THE OP***--------------


Previous Thread:

X-Omega and DD's wikis will be taken down sometime in June
Gundam 00 Raiser - Trans-Am Raiser Sword:
Altron Gundam - Twin Beam Trident Assault:

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Marvel is made and destined for Tod
And your ass with my dick
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>Heero: ...Zero. There’s one thing I have to ask you.
>Zero: And that is?
>Heero: What kind of future did the Zero System show you?
>Zero: A hopeless future, where [Ashford Academy], and everyone inside had to be sacrificed to achieve victory.
>Heero: Then how did you...
>Zero: I do not possess the strong mental fortitude that you have. Therefore...
>Zero: I made a proposal. I suggested a better method to the Zero System. A method that could achieve victory without the need for sacrifice.
>Heero: But how...?
>Zero: It’s simple. Just like chess, you need only to exceed your opponent’s expectations.
>Heero: I see. So when your Zero System activated at that time, that was when mine showed me victory.
Unless you decide to blackhole all of your kills into one unit and/or take shit route splits, that won't happen. That's the reason why so many people finish K without seeing the final spirits for so many pilots.

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