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The /mu/ Wiki:

Discover music:

Check the catalog before making a new thread >>>/mu/catalog

Personal music/band projects should go in Bandcamp/Soundcloud general threads.

>If the Feels brought you here, search in the catalog before starting a new thread. If they aren't vaguely music related, go to >>>/r9k/

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bro and japanese bro
thought this is a tribute for a second there
it's so depressing that these celebrities live in cramped apartments like rats, don't even have a fucking closet

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Tranny whoreson edition
old >>121960865
faq https://pastebin.com/sEYhBJPU
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I love Ravel and Debussy

French metal is largely disappointing though.
I was going to pick up my guitar but Hector hasn't posted in a couple minutes and I lost interest. I need to wipe my floor because there is beef fat on it and must wipe my floor before I put my guitar case on it. I don't want beef fat on my guitar case.
looks vaguely slavic. his mother must have fucked one of those immigrant dockworkers
Who do you think you just replied to, lass
He looks like the chop suey guy (whatever that band was).

how much money have you spent on music this year? (subscriptions count)
I have payed somewhere around $180
All through bandcamp, so most of it has actually gone to the artists (especially taking into account all my bandcamp friday purchases)
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paying for music is the weirdest flex; I did not think anyone would challenge your devotion or dedication, merely by buying less of it than someone else.
I'd be more impressed if you bought vinyls of the actual music, and not bandcamp mp3s
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does music gear count?
cuz if so ~10 grand
prices are around half of american prices so its cheaper for me
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I may have a problem

And this is just Discogs, not including Amazon or eBay
Last thing I bought was Marble Index and Exai on CD to rip in ALAC, but I think that was in December, so probably $0 in 2024

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>Comparing Axl to Bruce Dickinson is like comparing Brett Michaels to Rob Halford. Axl has a decent voice, but GnR was more about image than about the music. Typical late 80's/early 90's pop metal geared to MTV. Maiden is about the music. The lyrics tell meaningful stories, not brainless tales of drug abuse and lust. The hair metal bands were brainless fluff performed by party animals for party animals. Bruce Dickinson has an operatic quality tenor voice which accompanies the stellar, progressive metal imstrumentals of a tight, polished, flashy ensemble that would be a first class instrumental ensemble even without a vocalist. Maiden instrumentals, such as Transylvania, put Maiden in the same league as Yngwie Malmsteen, Joe Satriani, Vinnie Moore, and Steve Vai. Great music stands the test of time. This is why Maiden still plays to packed stadiums, and plays better than ever 35 years after their debut album came out. The hair bands were part of a fad. Their musical mediocrity is why they are now nothing more than symbols of an era.
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Nerds detected
you are not white
Yes Maiden is nothing to do with image
Iron Maiden is easily the worst of the big metal bands
Di'Anno era is still better LOL

Reminder that there are retards who leave Spotify open overnight everyday streaming Taylor Swift songs for hours on end to artificially bump her numbers. Reminder that there are literal retards who buy multiple copies of every available medium/format her albums are released in.
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>first draft digital version.

What's the appeal of this?
No appeal. It’s just she knows her insane fans will lap up any sludge she feeds them. She could put out the super rough demos where she’s just mumbling along with a stock midi keyboard and they’d buy 10 copies each
Tay is the only thing keeping Target from closing it’s physical media department.
Yeah I read young people are lonelier than ever before, reporting higher levels of loneliness than even people over 65 (30% v 65% IIRC). Since religion isn’t so much a thing today I believe engaging in worship practices like this allow people to feel a part of something/a group as well as entertaining the make believe relationship wherein they’re helping their buddy
who cares, just dont listen to her if you dont like her

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Hometown Hero Edition

Back When America Was Great Type Ahh Beat Edition

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I met John Frusciante and he called you a faggot
melodic minor and all it's modes are shit
you are shit
Sure you did buddy
100% right
Okay nonas, I'm taking babysteps on the guitar with scales
I'm playing the A Blues Scale and I was wondering if it's alright to cheat a little and barre the fifth fret since the finger 1 doesn't change positions

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name a better album
protip: you can't
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>"schizophrenic retard who begs people to donate to black lives matte"

I have literally never worked for BLM. That is because you are actually schizophrenic that you believe this as fact. 0 self awareness. Beefheart was likely initially intended as a joke at the expense of people like you in the 1960s is also the ironic part.
>actually it's NPR, not BLM
>Heh, I corrected you, making me less pathetic
Yeah ok,good luck with that.
Do you believe BLM and The Trannies and The Chad's are monitoring you and nobody else by any chance? Just asking hahaha.

>Heh, I corrected you, making me less pathetic

You're right,it's not possible effectively because you're an abject retard

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>Look for microtonal music
>It's either extraordinarily avant garde or ethnically coated
Surely this isn't universally the case, right? Is there some real microtonal music that would pass as "normal" and easy listening?
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yea that Lard and mayhem those bands i drum in
Infinitesimally short tones as a result of change through time hardly count. It really has to be a sustainable note that distinguishes itself from well-known intervals to count.
It's kind of a blurry line, though. Everyone naturally sings in just intonation, which winds up creating musical commas. That's two different tones conjured without even trying to be microtonal. I personally define it as anything that isn't 12-TET or 5-limit JI, because that's when most ears will start recognizing it as microtonal.
shortstop ■ is a cranberry goth band i formed in the 90 ' s that is signed to a major record label actually we use microtones
i am aware that you Le Think that means Everything has ended it does Faggot
Le Jon is stuck in Dead Rising .
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Don't care, here's some ethnically coated microtonal music.


people post cool shit in the microtonal FB group. most of it leans toward the avant garde but some of it doesn't

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Rate my voice anons:

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idk post a clip of you singing along to a melody as exactly as you can
There's that little bit in Lovin' You, after the doot'n'doot'n'doo
you suck and you know it because you don't even have the balls to sing a melody
Don't really know what to post desu, all of my favorite songs are up a little higher and I need more work to be able to sing there. Maybe a metallica song
not bad. better than most of the stomp, clap, hey singers so you got something going for you, at least.

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What's next for her?
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MBB's body is fucking amazing
Swallowing my cum like a good little whore
for a 60 year old she looks great
would you suck cock for her…?
no, that I do for my own pleasure

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Let’s hear it
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>mixing/mastering is a skill i believe every musician should learn at least a little of
Agreed, like I said, our knowledge is very basic and barebones at best, and we didn't work with professionals due to the fact that we had next to no budget at the time (we still don't but we're not gonna stop) but nevertheless, I 100% agree with you
as >>121913004 said, cool cover

i listened to the whole album and it sounds very personal

favorite tracks (i really liked these):
> A Short Walk
> Setting on the Current (probably the best on the album)

Static Flutters had a really cool energy but it didn't make it into my favs
It felt like the album lost some focus for Clouds of Dust through Eyes Along the Waves but picked it back up again for Summer Evening at the Park
The Warmth of His Smile is a pleasant and warm track but lacks substance so after several minutes it gets kind of dull
The Future is a nice coda, i can really feel the uncertainty in it

put ur stuff on spotify pls? i would actually like to add a couple songs to playlists

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>video essay
>music and skateboarding


Good stuff anon. Love the rhythm and style in which you play the guitar. You have a nice voice and the Pokémon emerald line made your song unique haha I didn’t expect it. Hope you had fun with Pokémon and keep making music it was nice

The drop at 2:45 hit nice. I love the chords and your song flows nicely. The production and sound selection is pretty cool. In my opinion the biggest thing that needs work is the vocals. I liked where you were going with the Melodie’s but I just didn’t like the sound of them especially with that low-pitch/formant shift effect. But that’s just me being honest since you wanted feedback. Overall it was a cool track and you should keep going.

Cool stuff dude. My favorite part are those smooth chords that go “da da, DA DA” also I like the melodic sounding percussive thingys throughout. Interesting sound choice it sounds kinda like SOPHIE.


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anyone got any more songs like these? like where there isnt any actual singing, where its just talking like reading a diary entry, love letter, monologue or whatever overlayed over the music.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtiEkP45mG4 (Cabras - Little Jesus)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsOLDl6ZSpQ (Talk to Her - The Marías) (this one has singing at the end but its mostly just talking. really love this one.)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqtyM584CxU (An American Prayer - Jim Morrison)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vgm1Ao5P46s (Kick The Tragedy - Drop Nineteens) (this ones mostly instrumental with a bit of talking at the end but still counting it. I love this one a lot too)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UU-LKlY0hJ8 (Video Games - Future Magics)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZ_WVsP9RkE (How To Never Stop Being Sad - dandelion hands)

just anything that feels like the singer just expressing themselves and letting their heart talk in a way that feels genuine and intimate if that makes sense. with the music just blending with the voice and both fading into the background but still fitting the message really well. and no, I don't mean those songs where the singer is doing that annoying pretentious sing where they feel too cool to sing so they do this half singing half talking thing that feels forced and fake.
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Burzum - The Reckoning of Man
does this count

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I thought it was just a meme, but I finally broke off of my NEET/hikki phase and went back to the secular world, started socializing again and meeting new people.
Girls really do care about what music guys like, it isn't just a meme.
What gives? Why do they care so much?
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I have a video of my girlfriend shitting in the bathtub. If she gets out of line I will release to her family/coworkers/friends.
Post em
They're just treading the trail you blazed
She lets her other boyfriends film too
>Girls really do care about what music guys like, it isn't just a meme.
They don’t at all unless you make them listen to it. I listen to classical more than anything else, which is supposed to be pussy desiccant, but it has never prevented me from getting any action, and I’ve gotten a lot in the 12 years since I became sexually active. Just don’t be that sperg who’s always looking for opportunities to put your music on over the speakers and trying to turn people onto it.

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What are the best VK albums?
Nice tits

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