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Lime bikes edition


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>that part
schwalbe AP is 13€ for 1... its ogre..
I just use them both equally. I've been riding since before there was 4chan, it works well
>this is a sign someone is old now
Thanks for making me feel old
its really been forever since 2004. so much shit happened.

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/bbg/ Bike Building General
"I'm not paying Park for a fucking bike stand, or cleaning my shed" Edition.

A place to ask questions, and to share tips & resources. Post your projects, your finished & in-process builds, restorations, etc.

Barnett's Bicycle Repair Manual - https://www.flwlib.org/DocumentCenter/View/2461/Bike-Repair
UCSB Associated Students Bike Shop Manual (2022) - https://bikeshop.as.ucsb.edu/files/2021/08/AS-BIKE-SHOP-WEB-MANUAL.pdf
Sheldon Brown's Bicycle Technical Info - https://www.sheldonbrown.com/
Bike parts, tools, etc. - https://www.universalcycles.com/


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I got basic bitch 3x7 mtb trigger shifters that are just cloned 90s tech that the patent ran out on from a no-name chinese company for $12 off scamazon . they work pretty great. not sure how they'll hold up long term, though. stems, posts, and bars by zoom or uno off ali seem fine, too. got possibly bootleg microshift brifters there for like $50. they're working well.
the answer is China. Japan ain't making money on that stuff anymore and China is filling in the gaps.
Redpill me on PAUL components.

What's the deal? They look nice, but fuck me, why so expenny? They don't perform braking any better than stuff that costs 1/100th of the price.

What gives.
Autist bling for people who want something besides framesets and wheels to sperg over. You had the money for Dura Ace but you need to show everyone that you know the One Cool Trick Big Cycling Doesn't Want You To Know. Like sure you could get hydraulic brakes that work better than any mech shit or or hey what about... what if instead of addressing the real problem (cables) we just came up with an extremely expensive and labor intensive "hack" that isn't better, but it looks bad ass.

Basically if you are the kind of weirdo who hand compiles gantoo every morning for your MBP with 16 cores and 48 GB of RAM, which you then use for shitposting on /g/, you should have Paul shit on your bike.
fancy old school components milled out of aluminum billets is my guess, oh in america too.
My dad has some on his fat chance and they are nice.... but it's bling.

That's also why their parts get copied on ebay or aliexpress, it's bling so most people just want the look.
Looking for a metallic orange gravel bike steel frame. Any ideas which manufacturers make them?

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new unracer /n/tuber just dropped, get in now with low view count and stay for the long haul.
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Then what would you call them? Bicycle service technician?
You don't have to reply to morons and have a meaningless discussion about some semantical nonsense, regardless of how much skill you feel is required to maintain and repair bikes.
I'm the second guy you replied to. I'm pretty sure the sarcasm wasn't too subtle but to make it clear I am on side with the frog. Most bike "mechanics" are glorified sales reps.
the seething about LBS wrench monkeys being called mechanics reminds me of /ck/ seething about "entitled single mothers" getting tips at their below minimum wage service jobs. if you're feeling threatened by the help, newsflash: you are the help. learn some class solidarity or something. or pull yourself up by your bootstraps. your seething at your own kin is giving me the ick.
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Soon, brother.

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The eternal debate....Which wins?
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Don't ruin bikes with your bitch ass throttle 'bike' on bike paths . Get a scooter make sure its under so many CCs and no special license is required

Get something like this which is cheaper than some ebikes and way better quality than the ching chong piece of shit amazon throttle 'ebikes'


Then stay on the roads!

This anon knows.
50cc scooters are tons of fun honestly.
I have a black vespa with a 50cc 2 stroke and you turn heads like you wouldnt believe. Chicks dig it too.
I bet no zoomette was eager to hop onto your shitty chinese huadong ching pong ebike.
>Not using a steam-powered bike
Some people lack class.
E-bike is better at everything.
Except portability. E-scooter is good if you want to ride a bus or store your scooter under your desk at work. Or if you live on an upper floor and have to carry the thing down a flight of stairs.
>carry the thing down a flight of stairs.
Do you mean carry up? Because carrying down is as easy as walking down the stairs with the bike by your side while holding it from the handlebars and slightly applying the brakes.
It's slow, but it's easy and low effort. I've done this from a 5th floor with relative ease. The problem is always going up.

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"most dangerous job in aviation? boeing whistleblower" edition.
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There are certainly upsides, and I've had plenty of enjoyable and memorable moments while teaching. I love it when my student passes their checkride on the first attempt and they're all happy and grateful for the effort I put in.
But then I look at my paycheck and fucking kms, I look at my logbook and see 1000 hours of single engine piston VFR time (worthless) and kms again
>This is who I'm competing for jobs with
I much enjoyed teaching, what sucks is working 14-16 hour days and getting paid for almost none of that.
My cfi’s are getting paid 45 an hour
Damn, 14 hour day, 2.5 billable hours of students who actually showed up. Fuck off schlomo.

ITT: discuss bike tires
>just got first rear flat 3,000 miles after installing new tire a year ago in may 2023
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Foam tires are going to be more expensive than a track pump from Lidl and some cheap wired clinchers
It's not like they don't wear out also
im desperate and poor enough to try diy them myself from cheap builder foam.
what's some cheap ones I can get? germany
wit... are those the baloons or the outer sleeves

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Previous: >>1962890

US Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1lxDKFTLO4x771l06T9y331XYhlc6TqYj-hfhl91iXXU/edit?pli=1
UK Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yjRTjwJRkW_wYqis7E-c9U0xTQZWLXbsP--2qgYKUdM/edit
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Already done that, sadly software engineers don't really get sent out on the ships to fix things, it's mostly the electronics blokes that get sent.
The CG is taking sooooo long to process my request to test fuck
Military Sealift Commandchuds, report in with the latest bullshit you’ve had to deal with.
My friends have many stories from their work on board meanwhile I have mostly forgotten what was happening aside from a few events.
Am I retarded?
Any of you watch the Port of LA episode of Nerve Center on Prime Video? It's repurposed footage from a show nat geo did in the mid 00s. It's kinda corny and has that mid 00s reality show energy. But its not bad.


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If you want help picking out a bike, post your height, what you will use the bike for, and a link to your local craigslist.

>I want to buy a new bike. What should I watch out for?
Don't buy Wal-Mart garbage.
Don't buy department store garbage.
Beware of amazon and alibaba garbage.

>Should I buy from Bikes Direct?
If you are clueless enough that you need to ask, no. If you have no mechanical ability, no. If the alternative is walmart, maybe. Ask first.

>I want to buy a used bike. What should I watch out for and where should I buy?

Craigslist is good for old bikes. Pinkbike.com/buysell is good for used modern mid- to high- end mountain bikes.
Ask in /bbg/ if uncertain.

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I want to sell my bike, but I'm uncertain about this damage to the frame, and I am worried potential buyers will be too. I have ridden the bike for thousands of miles since it has sustained these injuries, and the knocking with a coin trick leads me to believe it is fine. What should I say to buyers?
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So a shop near me has a good deal on a nice (prestige name, high modulus carbon) gravel bike with the groupset swapped out for something less glamorous but still totally fine (I'd rather have a nice frame and good enough groupset than a shit frame and top end groupset, and I can't afford a top frame and a top groupset).

I'm not desperate for a third bike but I do intend to get one at some point, and I want something that's ROUGHLY in the same ballpark as my main bike (a road bike), so this could actually fit into my long term plans pretty well.

But here's the thing. I took it for a ride and while it felt really stable, it also felt a little unresponsive because of the ginormous knobby tires and cheaper wheels compared to my road bike, and flared meme bars. So it was hard to make an apples to apples comparison.

The geometry is in most ways extremely similar to my road bike. the main difference is chainstay is 15mm longer, everything else is within 2-3mm or less than 1 degree. Slightly longer headtube, slightly more stack. Oh and obviously quite a bit more tire clearance, though I don't really care about that (if anything it's less than ideal, I don't like big ass clumsy tires)

What I'm wondering is, aren't gravel bikes supposed to be all about low speed agility? On the one hand balance was piss easy at low speed, but the handlebars were really slow to turn and it felt like tight corners were something of a challenge. Why is the chainstay 15mm longer, with all else being about the same, if that's the case? Just for 40mm tires? What could I expect of it if I put my good wheels on it, and put the ok wheels on my new "third bike", like should I just assume the clumsy was from the tires/wheels and not the long chain stays?
>within 2-3mm or less than 1 degree
Besides doubting this statement a degree in some areas makes a difference between night and day.
Sluggish. But you're saying the wheelbase is within 15 mm of your road bike, the trail is the same (since no one makes odd forks where the rake satisfies '2-3 mm' different from a 45mm fork rake) ? Post botg geos maybe ? One thing that could have ruined the habdling for you is setup. The same bike, or two identical bikes, can behave very different depending on where fit places your center of gravity and how pressure is distributed between front and rear.
>What I'm wondering is, aren't gravel bikes supposed to be all about low speed agility? No, if anything gravel bikes are beyond "endurance" road bikes and are more slack. Some are slacker then old mtb's. cyclocross bikes are the ones (I think) that were designed for slow speed agility, and my ritchey swiss cross seems to fit that realm, but I mostly ride quick vintage road bikes.
>On the one hand balance was piss easy at low speed, but the handlebars were really slow to turn and it felt like tight corners were something of a challenge.
It's easier to balance with more relaxed angles, handlebars are slow to turn because of heavy wheels+tires. Wide bars would help, but "wide" for road users is like 46cm, not 650+ like mtbers run.
>Why is the chainstay 15mm longer, with all else being about the same, if that's the case?
Comfort, tire clearance, less twitchy design focus. Longer chainstays flex more and are inherently more comfortable, while generally required for larger tires. They also improve descending comfort due to reducing twitchiness. This is why DH mtb's are "long and low" for maximum speed.
>Just for 40mm tires? What could I expect of it if I put my good wheels on it, and put the ok wheels on my new "third bike", like should I just assume the clumsy was from the tires/wheels and not the long chain stays?
It will be quicker, but we aren't going to know how much, and how much you can feel.

Maybe ask the bike shop owner if you could do a demo ride with your nice wheels(if everything matches) and off X amount of money before you buy? Admittedly I haven't done much demoing, but I remember a long time ago just riding around the parking lot I noticed how one mtb was way slacker then another, and that wasn't great in the parking lot but now I know it would be better for descending.
"has some scratches and dents", pictures show them all.
I have ridden X miles and it has been fine.

That's what I would do, be open about it.
Sometimes I see frames for sale that are FUCKED, and later on I always see the descriptions added in about the damage. Presumably because someone was interested, asked, and then bailed/low balled.

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Performance enhancing drugs edition

Old >>1972124
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anywhere but the trail, doesn’t matter if it’s trafficked or not
some places will have facilities, but most places you just wander into the woods
pretty sure ski places all have bathrooms and stuff at the ski lodge? or at the base of the chairlift? literally how would this even be an issue mountain biking
Not all places for mountain bikes will have any of that, big bike parks will but some more remote stuff won’t
I used to do that after mountainbiking so I could clean my bike with their hoses, but they got rid of those for some reason.
the virgin weight weenie fears the chad canonball

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Space transportation general. Since spaceflight is increasing exponentially, since we are up to at least a launch per week and since we are days away from an industry revolutionizing fully reusable
super heavy lift launch vehicle.

Upcoming launches:


SpaceX livestreams on Twitter/X:

Upcoming NASA operations:


SpaceX Mars goal

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Too big to fail. Congress will bail them out, or private equity firm will acquire them and sell it off to Lockheed and SpaceX.
Full stack, flight 4 WDR soon.
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this is what Mars will look like after the white man is done with terraforming
well, looks like starliner will be delayed again...
Full speed ahead on old orbital tank decommissioning. 3rd to last cryo shell lifted and being cut up.

Streets were made for people. Bikes, buses, pedestrians, and streetcars belong on our roads. Personal cars do not.
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>There is no correct way to cross the street
You have either not read or understood my post. Youre quoting 'braking power' which is limited by the construction of the braking mechanism alone. As such it is not the determining factor for braking performance. It is TRACTION retard. Which is linearly dependent on MASS. While kinetic energy is lineraly dependent on mass and the SQUARE of velocity. D'uh.
Example for retards who cant into abstraction:
A 40 ton semi will come to a complete stop in 40 m from 80 km/h. This is at least comparable if not on par with many passenger cars. Both are entirely capable of locking up wheels at this speed. Thus traction is the limiting factor.
Now if we, like you seem to presume, imagined braking distance to be lineraly dependent on mass, we would expect the 40 ton lorry to need 800 m to come to a stop compared to the 2 ton passenger car stopping in 40 m.
On a sidenote: Assuming equal reaction time the distance covered before the brakes are applied does increase linearly with velocity.
Your example concerns the ridiculous premise of 'what if a tram and a passenger vehicle were equipped with the same braking mechanism'.
Anyways neither belng on streets. One is just a bit better than the other.
>Your example concerns the ridiculous premise of 'what if a tram and a passenger vehicle were equipped with the same braking mechanism'.
The tram is going to have more powerful brakes than a vehicle, but not on the scale of thirty times that amount. Basically, the sheer mass of the streetcar (78,000 pounds as per the official website, or 35380.205 kg), blows anything by a personal vehicle out of the water.
You just presented two calculations that both imply you believe both vehicles to have equally strong brakes. You also insinuated that braking force would be somehow determinant of the stopping or braking distance. And now you're trying to missrepresent what I have claimed and I am pretty sure it's not accidential.
I have no expertise in tram or train engineering and don't wish to have any points of contact with such objects. Yet I am pretty sure that their design is sensible. And a sensibly designed vehicle will have brakes that, at expected speeds of opreration, have the potency to lock up the associated wheels. This then makes whatever traction there is the limiting factor and there will be ample reserves in terms of mechanical brake performance for every situation.
IF we then assume one of the streecars that employ what looks to be pneumatic tires then it would follow that compared to a passenger car that was equally sensibly designed it would solely be velocity that determines braking distance. A point that too was originally contested >>1997451 in a manner that made an attempt to insult a third anon and aparently the goalpost is sick of it by now.
Steel wheels on rails: I dont know, I imagine less friction but don't know and I won't look it up because of someone like (you). Ask the train autists if you really want to understand physics, which you ironically suggest others don't.
On a sidenote all of this is completely besides the point the urbanists are trying to make. If everyone parricipated in their idea of motorized and thus no less degenerate form of transportation streets would be alot less busy in terms of traffic volume and thus safer.
Also: Lower speeds still decrease the distance covered during reaction time. At higher speeds a braking mechanism might become entirely useless in cases where a vehicle is about to collide with a pedestrian.
It's just sad to me at this point. I fled Texas for Madrid, and I don't know what there is to say. It's just a night and day difference in living. I think I'm pretty fair too, I can acknowledge the cons. Trains can frequently take longer than driving, and sometimes they're totally packed. I groan when I see a packed train pulling up to the platform, it's going to be uncomfortable. But it's a different kind of discomfort, I read a lot on the train now. When I would drive before, I would hit an unexpected pocket of traffic and what I'd worry about is my wasted time, because I'm stuck in my car paying attention to the road. Even in a packed train, I just read, and the train still arrives in the same amount of time. My time never feels wasted, I always feel like the train is time for me to gain something through reading. This lack of fear for my time has just caused my daily anxiety to plummet.

I also understand this requires dependable transit, which Madrid has almost always delivered. Some cities don't deliver that. But if I'm given the choice between the two, a car or dependable transit, it's just not a contest. It's also incredibly cheap. Cars seem transparently for specific use cases now, like living in rural areas, or for the disabled, or for people who frequently need to haul lots of big objects for work. Just living as an average person in an urban area should not need a car, that is a totally dysfunctional kind of city. I thank God I was able to leave, Spain feels like civilization. I love the Texas countryside, but the cities feel like some kind of political abortion now. Like the cities were made to benefit car dealership dynasties, the banks supplying credit for these depreciating assets, and to avoid confronting political tensions around new development by just constantly sprawling out and away.

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nothing, it's light and allows for faster acceleration than with rigid stainless steel cars. I'm just not a fan of short carriages with shared bogies and ramps everywhere inside the trains. it just makes me feel like I'm in a commuter train. but that's partly to blame for the uncomfortable seating installed nowadays.
>ramps everywhere inside the trains
That's because of accessibility regulations. Corail coaches are high floor, so they don't have that problem, but they make accessibility for wheelchairs (and prams for that matter) very difficult.
However I think trains should simply be mostly high-floor, with just one or two coaches with a low floor section. It would make for a more comfortable interior design, and likely be cheaper too, since you get a lot more space for the mechanical components.
Ride them while you still can anon.
>Pierre, how should we, cheaply, renovate the Corail interiors for our Ouigo Train Classique?
>I don't know Jacques, maybe we could change nothing and just add a few blue and pink stickers here and there?
>You are a genius, Pierre.
The sleeper corail coaches did get a proper modernization and are really nice. Frogs should restore more sleeper trains.
Couldn't agree more but SNCF really doesn't. Maybe ÖBB will save us and extend the Nightjet network into France.
25 or so years ago as a kid from bumfuck-nowhere (25,000 pop.), north-eastern France, I could take a direct Corail sleeper to anywhere on the Mediterranean coast for summer holidays. Now there's only the one service linking Paris with some minor cities deep in the Pyrenees.

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what's your favourite air disaster?
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Air NZ flying a sightseeing plane into a mountain in Antarctica:
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the other kino usa crash
Anyone ever see Charlie Victor Foxtrot, the film where they did reenactments of famous aviation disasters from the CVR transcripts?

I don't even have an interest in aviation, but that shit had me white-knuckled and breathing heavy the entire time.
That jap pistol looks cool

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New Apartments Edition

Discuss transportation, zoning and walkability improvements in your city or nationwide.
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It's good to see KC doing downtown redevelopment. We have a bit of that going on over in Olathe too. Our downtown is like 1 block, but it's slowly transforming from a sea of bail bonds businesses and government offices into a proper downtown. They've added bike lanes, slowed traffic, built apartments, a new library, and are slowly selling off office buildings for restaurants.
As usual, urbanists cannot talk about a city other than KC or Houston
I think it's a bot
I hear ya but I still don’t know if a stadium is quite worth the public investment. Again, it would be worth it if they stuck some apartments in it like The Battery in Atlanta.
>The stadium tax was voted down in a county referendum
Good. If the team is making enough money that turning the stadium area itself into a mixed-use development is a desirable option, they should be able to do it without city gibs. I'm personally tired of cities bending over backwards giving sportsball teams and corporations handouts for building stadiums and data centers.

>I’d get behind it if it was like that Atlanta stadium that also had apartments and shops mixed in.
The Atlanta one was not a success. The Battery isn't walkable or bikeable from any of the nearby neighborhoods, and it isn't connected to transit, so the end result is that it's still more parking garage than anything else. All the residents need cars to go anywhere, all the visitors for games need to park, and now since there is 0 transit connection to the heavy rail game nights utterly fuck traffic on the top end of 285. Outside of game nights and occasional conventions across 285 at the Cobb Galleria the place is a ghost town because there is 0 reason to go there.

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>What bags do you use
>What do you carry
>Why are all saddle bags shit
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Why would you load 25 kg on your steering column?
I enjoy these but the dripping gets annoying
I'm trying to do the same. See >>1996123 .
Aren't your barebds at too much of a steep angle? i thought they were better in a more lay down position.
very kino
I want a full sized frame bag but I want to keep the 2 bottle cages. Are the saddle extenders for bottle cages any good or are they annoying for long rides?

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