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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

Off-topic and /b/-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or /b/-tier threads:

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The variety of threads allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech, but we expect a high level of discourse befitting of the board. Attempts to disrupt the board will not be tolerated, nor will calls to disrupt other boards and sites.

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Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

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Previous: >>468468037
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Ukraine demolishes orthodox church built on site of first Kievan cathedral -https://archive.today/9sr2U
> Russia gives UK ambassador 1 week to leave Moscow -https://archive.today/59UB3
>Germany expelled 7 Ukrainian soldiers training there for larping as nazi's -https://archive.today/WLSil
>Slovak PM, Robert Fico, target of assssination attempt (suspected shooter has been detained) -https://archive.today/ehsUu
>Estonia 'seriously considering' sending soldiers to Ukraine (all 700 of them) -https://archive.today/mzeJP
>"Putin proposes Belousov as Shoigu's replacement" -https://archive.today/XUw6a
>Battlegroup North liberates several settlements in the Kharkov Region -https://archive.today/78iGs

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israel must be destroyed, Hamas will win, and the IDF can’t fight for shit unless it’s against unarmed civilians in hospitals.
There. Don’t say I never did nothing for you.
Fuck off shill no one believes you. Go back to uhg
Not the original I WILL BAKE guy. Imposter.
I really don't have anything to prove to you on this one. Jews and by proxy control our government. Yes are their many Americans that follow the "Greatest Ally" moniker? Yes too many. More do it out of financial gains, see politicians and corporations. But if what you said was true than the Kikes would have no need to enact their parasites in Congress to get HR 6090 passed, or ban Tik Tok. They do not control everyone
I wonder if you had to get your local rabbi's blessing before making this post.

But - sure.
Let's pretend that those are your honest feelings.

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/pol/ vc here https://meet.jit.si/OPLNight

last time on OPL >>468375540
>Where the fuck is LIVE PD?
>Hurr Durr it's not actually live
>Why is this on /pol/?
>What Channel?

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You have the right to remain silent.
She will not make a single timely payment
Dan has lost his way again. He's avoiding the negro behavior because Curtis is back in studio.
get the absolute fuck out of here
at least the dude put an ambidextrous charging handle on it
since I shoot left handed, I notice such things

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So, seeing how shitty most American homes are built, does it make sense to buy a bunker instead and built a small fake house on top to make it look like a normal property? I'm going to be living in northwestern Oklahoma for work.

Pic related is what I'm looking at. I was quoted around $550k total with installation. I already own the land and have well water and a septic on it. No electricity yet but I'm working on it.
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heh that layout reminds me of the LMOE shelters you can find in CDDA
it even has the false wall secret room where all the good stuff is stashed away
>activate sonic resonator

You better be rich because maintaining a bunker isn't cheap
Your roof will never not leak.
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brutalism pilled

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>be female judge
>presented a case in which a young woman kills her father in one of the most painful ways imaginable
>no history of sexual abuse
>no history of any kind of abuse
>she killed him because she wasn't taken to a hair saloon appointment
>let her walk free
Should women be judges?
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this is me going through every day since 2021
In other words: 'Il faut cultiver notre jardin.' It gets really repetitive seeing and hearing about all the wrongs in the world. We are no more appalled at the death of 10 people than at that of 1 million because war cheapens blood. I think the best way to maintain one's sanity is by attending to one's affairs instead of getting mad at the injustices of the world, especially those over which we have absolutely no control.
Stupid crazy Polish women take being stupid and crazy to the absolute maximum.
This monster deserves to die.
I expected nothing else from the same matriarchal society that keeps discriminating, torturing and genociding males.
The only war that makes sense is the war against feminism.
They absolutely should not.

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▶Day: 815 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>For the first time during the war, the AFU has enough artillery shells - Zelenskyy
>"We didn't need Kharkiv" - Vladimir Putin
>Denmark's new military aid package to Ukraine valued at 5.6 billion DKK (€750 million)
>Sevastopol hit by drones
>Novorossiysk port hit by drones
>Tuapse refinery hit by drones
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea. Again
>Putin begs for peace after realizing he can't get the entirety of Ukraine - RT
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea
>Budanov: Kharkiv region "stabilising" and "is not catastrophic"

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Holy fucking shit
It gets worse not every passing day but every hour
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Vyborg port on fire
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>is at a party
>spends his time in front of friends seething on 4chan
No need, really. It's a month old article. But I thought the subject matter deserved a repost.
>sided with
These cretins act like Zelensky flipped some "Pro-West" switch on a whim. He was coddling Russia before the war and wasn't anything like most "Pro-West" leaders in Eastern Europe until Russia outright attacked them. Most of the sentiment is out of circumstance more than anything.

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cont from >>468436592

Lets keep it in one thread, lads.

Lmao I've never seen shills try this hard or be so mad about anything or anyone.

Lets track all the Nick Fuentes threads posted today since 12am just for shits and giggles (I may have missed a few):


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Kek@seething jews

I'm pretty sure he praised him the other day
Yeah, pretty much. And he is also a homosexual. And a russia shill. And a cath cuck.
kek. I generally don't even reread my post and just fire them off with complete certitude that they are perfectly crafted.
My IQ test result/s has/have been higher than 130 in every IQ test I have ever taken, if you are referring to my post.
I just didn't want to give Elon my phone number but I will check it out.
Who's this?
Oh no christ sisters it can't hecken be

>After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born (((king of the Jews?))) We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”

Mathew 2

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The entire internet is just /pol/ now
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Burn in hell fagit
The train ride hasn't even begun yet. A great and terrible darkness is coming. Prepare yourselves.
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I can't fucking wait for November. I swear to god you guys. Sometimes I think about it and I just get overwhelmed and it's like I'm gonna connip

holy shit i'm connipping
The previous internet was fake, curated propaganda from a corrupt evil regime.
and always has been.

Why has Japanese manga and anime totally dominated traditional Western comics and even Western books? Why are Japanese comics so much more appealing to Westerners than our own graphic novels?
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Lets look at the major events of the last 5 years in comics
>Robin is a faggot
>Ice-man is a faggot
>Superman is a faggot
>Wolverine is a faggot
>Captain Marvel is faggot
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Gee, I don't know. Why is Superboy a raging homosexual, why is Thor now a man hating woman, why is Spiderman a nigger now, why is Squirrel girl made ugly on purpose, why is Molly, a little girl, able to body Wolverine and Punisher, why is Deadpool popular, why is every single Disney + Marvel show now starring a woman in place of the nakesake lead.... just why why why.

Worst Japanese comics have is everything being an isekai now even if it makes no real sense for it to be so. You get your occasional LGBT gender flip though its played as a fetish. Which it is.
The Jews fear the superior Nippon steel literature.
You just know
I remember doing something like this with a hentai at the video store

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>sanctions china
>full goes 24/7 media blitz how striking back is bad
you mutts are fucking shameless holy shit
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Keep crying, retard.
Dear China, do not listen to a single word these lying fucks in the USA have to offer.
American industry is ran by psycho fucks who only got away with it because of the reserve currency and post-WWII headstart.
Keep making good shit and crush the USA into the ground.
So they have an off the record debt from printing money. The only difference is ours is on the record. The US bailed out the entire banking system by printing money.
The chinks are in a deflation spiral. No shit the U.S. wants to fuck that further.
A looming TCK will happen soon, and there will be a TOTAL INDIAN VICTORY as well as India will become Bharat for real and take over Xinjiang and Tibet (the latter will become independent as soon as they are self-sufficient).
cope more faggot. The USA has delivery drivers running and pissing in bottles.
The assholes in charge of the USA will take this country down with them rather than step aside.
Companies like Ford shouldn't exist. They exist because they are propped up by the US government.

The leader of Christianity himself, His Holiness Pope Francis I, has confirmed that the Jewish covenant with G-d is still valid. You heard your leader, Christians.
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Based. Now bow down and worship the Jew, goy.
I always lol how heretical the fake argie pope is no wonder ingerland made their own fake catholic church and Eastern europe with their real pope
The Catholic church is located in Europe, which is the continent traumatized by past wars and if slavery or racism is blamed, the church seems to respond to the cultural perspective of that place.

If the Pope were a rebel from that place and started to be radical then he would be expelled, he doesn't have the strength for that.

And maybe it's a question of ideology, the Pope believes in the globalist idea just like the entire modern world today.

But that's because postmodern culture dictates the location.

In Russia, a religious entity will also not be rude to others, they will end up being expelled.

It's a question of decency for them.
catholics are the whore of babylon. to them it was never about faith but control and membership
glad this spic went mask off for everyone righteous to see
But I'm protestant. We knew that office was corrupted hundreds of years ago.

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the purpose of biological life is to perpetually reproduce but why to what end? why do life strives to be eternal?
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>why do life strives to be eternal?
Evolution. Life that (somehow) had mutations that didn't put reproduction as its highest priority is no longer here to give you a counter-example.
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It's because you have both possibilities: Something that reproduces (or tries to) and something that doesn't.
The second kind of thing dies out immediately after it comes into existence.
So all that's left is the first kind of thing.
Cat posters are women
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How do we solve the competency and laziness crisis of Gen Z?
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then enjoy hiring only niggers that steal from you
maybe there was a third option once but that time is entirely gone now
What's your office job?
Flood the country with illegal brown third world labor
I'm on that office job meaningless boredom rn. Want to blow my brains out because my pay isn't even enough to qualify for a low end home in a nice area here so I just waste the greater half of every day in a cubicle for literally nothing other than being able to go back and do it again tomorrow.
Maybe workers don't "work" as much, because no amount of working harder or more pays out or rewards them.

Cheapskate shareholders and owners want to see just how low they can pay for everything until they bankrupt themselves and can't pay their business loans and capital back.

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You cannot redeem the asylum seekers
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Great. You still have a percentage of population in people who can't even speak in your language, languishing in a glorified tent city.
Now what?
Don't worry, the politician who said that still supports continued,albeit slightly decreased, third world immigration to Sweden.
Way too late lmao
Sweden is having a meltdown at the moment because our anti-immigrant party had some people posting memes Online
We're sorrryyy.
We're sorry.
Gooossh you were just accidentally correct
Just get over it duuude we're sorrryyy okay?

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Why was coding hyped so hard when it's literally the least safe from automation with AI? Learn to plumb would've been a better motto.
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uint8_t divide_by_5(uint8_t n) {
uint8_t q = (n >> 1) + (n >> 2);
q = q + (q >> 4);
uint8_t result = q >> 2;
uint8_t remainder = n - ((result << 2) + result);
uint8_t adjustment = (remainder + 3) >> 3;
result = result + adjustment;
return result;

Seems to work fine, although I struggle to see this solution as proper one.
>It uses operations it wasn't allowed to use.
you just wont say what those operations are, right? you're actually insane lmao
That one's fine. Now let's see you prompt.
Where does AI come from anyway??? Oh yeah, people write code. How can something that can't exist unless people write code be a threat to people who write code?

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>Source: Some Literally Who on Twatter
Kill yourself
She couldn't become queen.
David icke tweeted about the painting, while asking where she is? I think the implication being that her blood is in the painting lol
If she's taking chemotherapy her hair has fallen out and she's emaciated from non stop vomiting.
They will do whatever they must to hide this from the public.
Just like red shoes the pedos wear - made of childrens' skin.
And Kate is also the butterfly then.
Wherever she's at, she's better off.
The tweet though says she OD'd on sleeping pills. At tea time.
They don't work then. They work with your natural sleep rhythms, have to be taken at bed time. Maybe a full bottle though.
Can't see her doing that to her kids. Leaving them in the hands of the pedo king. And his pegging son.

>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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>thinks a lame forced meme is hilarious
There are literally tons of better fat memes out there though. Your sense of humor is grade-school-tier.
ehh i'll let him
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Number 2 looks like Steven Universe, any connection to that tranny show?
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Because the universe is mostly vacuum, and because you are dumb and gay.

>there were over 30M american bison when columbus reached america
>they are very similar to domestic cows
>same family, same diet, same farts
>nowadays there are 20k american bison in the whole world
>there are roughly 27M domestic cows in the USA nowadays
the impact on the enviroment from cows and bisons are pretty much the same, yet now when there is less of them appearently the world is ending and we should all go vegan while 600 years ago there were more and everything was fine?
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Should have just finished those things off. So annoying.
Imagine how delicious they were for the Indians. They could just go get a bison and have delicious steaks every nigh every night.
hottest weather of today barely matches highs of 1850
ugly motherfuckers, glad they're gone

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I don't really want to get into the details, but I am persecuted by my government. Where could I apply for asylum that might actually take me? Preferably with high European population, and mandatorily not a 5-eyes country. I used to consider Russia but am no longer sure that would be wise or even possible. Countries in Europe probably wouldn't take me, though I am largely Irish and Ireland would be kind of nice if they'd take me. I am unable to return to university here in Canada but would do so in whichever country offered asylum. Money not an object.
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Are you mixing me up with the crack-smoking anon who got Mr. Big'd by CSIS again?
To all the zerstzung do not forget to deworm, use antiparasitics. Their tampering with food to get you sick/schizo involves adding heavy metals and literal parasites in your food supply. That’s why they follow you around when you do grocery shopping, they acquainted with your food supply then they enter your home when you not there to add the heavy metals + parasites in there.
Heavy metal detox and anti-parasitics is a MUST. Then watch the thoughts and their tech dissolving. If you want to push it a notch use chlorine dioxide.

Best of luck frens. I feel your pain too.
Highly likely
Still not trusting tho
Leaf glowies are the worst.
zersetsung is true i was subjected to it in a 5 eyes country due to posting the HB gary hack leaks on facebook. they even invited me to palantir HQ and the secret service to get a closer look at me. and yes, they use your gf to destroy your life. they do this in a semi automated way.

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