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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

1. If you attempt to post something unoriginal, it is not posted, and you are muted temporarily.
2. The time with which you are muted for doubles with each transgression.
3. Each mute time is 2^n in seconds where n is the number of times you have transgressed. So, your mute time doubles each time you fuck up.
4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).
6. Images are NOT included in the filter, only text.
7. Your mute count slowly decreases over time.
8. You cannot post a picture without text.
9. Unicode is blocked. Sorry, too many exploits (Cyrillic letters, etc).
10. Posts require a certain minimum amount of original content in order to be posted.
11. Post sane, real content, well thought out replies, and mutes are unlikely.
12. The original algorithm was designed by XKCD:
/r9k/ has no topic, but unlike /b/ Global Rule #3 is in effect. In addition, advice threads and camwhoring/hookup/"rate me" threads should go on /adv/ - Advice and /soc/ - Cams & Meetups respectively. This includes Discord server threads!

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Do not post pictures of yourself on /r9k/.
Do not post threads asking for pictures of other users.

All "rate me" and camwhoring threads belong on /soc/.


Ass is Chaos.
Never forget that Anon.

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how do i talk to people irl? i haven't talked to anyone irl excluding my parents since i was like 14 and i'm afraid to even try at this point.
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This discourse will explain things for you in dept, if you're really interested.


I recommend just being genuine and kind, giving people the benefit of the doubt the first few times, and being vocal if someone is upsetting you. These rules probably won't work as much if you get annoyed easily or struggle with empathy or something tho
Yeah, besides my family I only speak with the clerk lady to say what bread I want
it's hard to be genuine when i get uncomfortable just from talking to someone

that's understandable, I used to be the same way. Ultimately I think it just takes practice, though even now years after I got a job and started leaving my house more I struggle to get through shifts at work.

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What is going on? I see a lot of boo-hoo for me's here today.
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Well he didnt get her with his looks so a good sense of humor and probably money is all he has
i will write or read what i see
They're a couple and knew they were on camera and had a running inside joke where they'd do this to each other often. The girl talked about it when it went viral.
Bro isn't as socially inept as you think I guess, huh xddd
high inhib. He wants to kiss her, but he just can't make himself do it because what if he's wrong? The crowd doesn't help. He's likely almost paralyzed with overthink.
where did it all go? the family resemblance got rid of it

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This is the NOMAP flag.

If you are over 18 and have ever been attracted even once in passing to someone under 18 you are NOMAP.

What do you think of destigmatizing being MAP and MAP pride?
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Baited everyone award
>"No one here is making that claim."
>immediately makes that claim
No one is falling for it.
Have you tried jumping feet first into a wood chipper, pedo?
>This is the Motte&Bailey fallacy mentioned earlier.

If you have ever been attracted to a minor even for one second when you were 13 then at that time you were a MAP.

it means minor attracted person; that is all
Excellent reillustration of the fallacy, but it's unnecessary, we already know you should kill yourself.
>Excellent reillustration of the fallacy, but it's unnecessary, we already know you should kill yourself.
How is that a falacy

if there were SAP (salamander attracted people) and you were attracted to a salamander then you would be a SAP

no fallacy

Well, fuck, /r9k/. I said I wasn't gonna do another one of these threads for a while but. I don't know. I'm pretty lonely. And a couple days ago a few anons said they liked these so I guess I can keep doing them. MTFemboy, back at it again with the shitty Paint drawings. Kill me.

I just had a funny experience at the gas station that I wanna draw. And I'm on my way to a drunkenness of indeterminate mood. So I guess we can just chill. Same as always. Chill, AMA, I will answer all questions posed to me honestly, even if they are embarrassing. Just whatever. If I get drunk enough maybe you can see me do some embarrassing shit too.
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>"Are you REALLY sure? Because you don't look sure to me."
>he gives me this absolute shit eating grin and sort of gestures towards me with his hand, he 100% knows what is going on
>is he bantering? is he just-
>nah zoomers do not banter. this man knows I am a fucking HRTtroon
>my entire face is just on fire I can't look anywhere near this dude's face just staring into the PIN pad like fuck I want to disappear
>as soon as it hits approved I just
>YEAH REALLY SURE THANK YOU and awkwardly dash out of the gas station

he could have piped lowkey give me that awkward chubby 4channer dick dude I'll take it
i guess
idk something kind of alluring about having sex with a total loser i don't know
if you're on here little gas station guy and you like trannies i'm down just lmk
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He got weed from the gas station, never get weed from the gas station bro. It fuck this nigga eye up foo
lol you got problems lil nigga
based real shit anon
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Fuck, whaaaaat
How do I have problems? I'm fucking vibing

chat is this real?

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>wear cap like this
>female coworker tells me that I look like I straight walked out of a 1920s czech movie
Is that a good thing?
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based history knower.
i mean this with the best intent
you'll look like a fucking retard wearing this hat unless you are over the age of 60
czechs is as old as any european ethnic group
If you put a flatcap on in my country no one would bat an eye. They'd just think you are a farmers son/farmer or a very rural person, which a lot of people are
But Czechs haven't been making movies that long

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>kid gets bullied to suicide by seafood buffet americans
>plebbitors care more about the fact that families attending his funeral could be conservatives
>deleted comments were presumably telling them to fuck off
redditroons are so deranged it makes the most depraved 4chan oldfag look like a saint by comparison.
His dad failed him
His father let him down
He never taught him to stand up for himself
t. Got bullied in school and my bitch ass dad never taught me to stand up for myself and never protected me from abuse
>>plebbitors care more about the fact that families attending his funeral could be conservatives
The country needs to split and part ways if that's honestly where the discourse is at. You people hate each other and you are dragging children into it.
Standing up wont do shit if the bullies are sociopaths. Imagine punching a scorpion stinging you, its just gonna really sting your ass the moment your guard is down.
Still better than never fighting back, or even having the chance of possibly deterring them.
>Hey dont mess with that guy he might get you back later
>Hey, fuck with that kid, he never fights back

Hey anon, why not just get a qt Thai girlfriend (male)?
OrriginaI Bump!
I absolutely would a Thai ladyboy gf. I don't care, call me gay. They are good at it and they seem fun from the clips I see
Don't worry, it's not gay. Thai ladyboys have more woman in them than western girls could ever dream of.

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Self Reflection Edition!

Previous thread : >>77532074

Rules: Ignore impolite/annoying moids


>What makes you happy?
>Do you have any deep regrets that you think about time to time?
>What are some things you had to unlearn?
>Have you ever had an experience that completely changed how you see the world?
>If you could change anything abour your past, what would it be?
>What do you always want to do but haven't? What is stopping you?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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your welcome! i hope you are doing better now, and i do not blame you at all for not wanting to go into detail.

>Overnight trips on the bike or hiking. I just don't have the time, and even if I did, my knees would probably be killing me.
maybe you could start small, like twenty minute long bike rides to place to place. its good to get in the practice!

the most painful question for me was "tell us about yourself!" i seriously cannot think of anything besides my name, birth date, and where i am from. i hate that stupid normie question.

>mainly beliefs. had to learn to not take people at face value or always answer questions honestly.
did something happen to you that made you careful about what you say to people? i read somewhere that people who experience trauma build defensive walls to prevent experiencing something that happened in the past.

hm, i actually tried my best to make the questions as surface level as possible.
H? Nice...
>maybe you could start small
I think I far surpass that, scara! lol. Maybe i should have put on my trip when I answered.

Anyways, got to go since work and the usual stuff. Good night, nonas! Sleep well and sweet dreams!
>i seriously cannot think of anything besides my name, birth date, and where i am from.
How about cup size?
>the most painful question for me was "tell us about yourself!" i seriously cannot think of anything besides my name, birth date, and where i am from. i hate that stupid normie question
You're answering it wrong lol


Isn't it great that we can use this website as our own personal blog to spew out whatever we think? This site would be more interesting if it had special events and the like to promote things. Anyway I'm going to go have a coffee now.

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What do you like about them? Will you make them real with ai in the future? What scenarios do you want to create with them?

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Are there any benefits to having a big dick?
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That is one nasty looking dick desu
I'd suck a large dick desu.
Low effort reproduction
I'm not massive but my size has gotten me laid and had people (women) treat me better once they found out. A chick I slept with told her social circle I was big and they all started being super nice to me for a few months, once of them tried to fuck me but I was too spergy to take the chance, then they all got bored of me and moved onto something else once the novelty of "Anon apparently has a huge cock!" wore off. It's a bit of an ego boost to be told you are the biggest a chick has ever had, or when a chick struggles to put normal size condoms on you, but it hasn't really made my general life better.

I wish I had saved some screenshots from Messenger and Discord of chicks telling me how huge I was the day after fucking them. They're gone into the ether now.
OP >>77536792 is good example of what constitutes a big dick

When did men stop writing heartfelt love letters to women instead of texting them?
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>people management skills
We will see who's laughing when masses of muslim fanatics keep spreading their faith to incel losers, and you are forced to be held as a breeding reserve for some dirty old rich guy who bought you off for a few animals. Treating people like reserves, lol, you deserve this tragic future.
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>Write some gay love letter telling the bitch about how you feel
>Get nothing
>DM her "my place in an hour?"
>Get pussy
That's why you whores don't get any love letters
So you admit you aren't attracted to these men and just keep them around in case Chad bolts.
Chad can write
And roasties in my middle class were all like
>Omg hes so romantic sigh

I wrote a heartfelt love letter to my crush with no sexual references and she called me a creep
now go pretend you're capable of love and deserve to be treated as human in another thread lmao

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