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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

why does everyone hate him, I like listening to his show even if it retreads stuff a lot of the time :]
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shut up fatty
He's easy to hate because he's just a spokesman and entertainer, the "front door" of academia so to speak. Easiest to throw eggs and paper rolls at.
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He's not even the original black science man; that's my nigga Ronald Mallet
the inventor of watermelonium
>immediately things about sucking dicks for no reason whatsoever
i get that you are gay but i never even asked in the first place.

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I feel as if I am going insane. I have been researching consciousness for the past year, and I have found myself in a position where I am back at square one. Even after all that I have researched and the knowledge I have inquired, I am adamant with the new mysterian position that the hard problem of consciousness and the binding problem are ultimately unsolvable.

I'm curious about your perspective. What is the essence of consciousness? What are the implications it has for our perception of reality, the nature of subjective experience, and death?
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>Name one animal besides Homo Sapien Sapien who has proposed a philosophical question
That isn't what consciousness is dumbfuck.
It's being aware of your own existence in some
You have a few tests for that.
For example -
1) The pain self-medication test.
Animals aware of their own pain will preferentially seek out feed laced with pain reducing medications.

2) The mirror test.
Animals aware of their own appearance will recognize their reflection as belonging to them.

All mammals and birds pass test (1), only some pass test (2).
No invertebrates, fish, reptiles or amphibians pass either test.
>So says a low IQ midwit....so it must be true.
You admitted that nobody agrees with what you just said. No reputable scientists, no laymen hobbyists. No-one.
>It's the foundation of all Quantum Physics
Lol, said the idiot with a new-age hippy mystical understanding it.
>The wave function exists in all forms until the observer interacts with it.
In other words, nothing more than Newton's first law of motion.
It's impossible to physically observe anything without physically interacting with it.
>Only then does the Universe manifest the function as either a particle or a wave, never before the observer interacts. Thus we know, for a fact, that lacking an observer(consciousnesses) The wave function does not collapse and thus never becomes reality. Science proves that reality only exists once we humans look at it.
That isn't what your wiki article says dumbfuck lol.
Holy shit, stop taking drugs and please just stick with religion you unbearable genetic reject.
my intuition says that consciousness is inherent and present in everything, that structures of things are structures of consciousness, and that identity is located NOT in physical space, but in ideal space e.g. there is a platonic (You), and some part of your brain is an approximation of that platonic (You) structure
>my intuition says that consciousness is inherent and present in everything
How in the absolute fuck would you "intuitively" come up with that?
A rock doesn't have a nervous system you stupid fuck.
>that structures of things are structures of consciousness
That makes absolutely zero sense. You don't even know what consciousness means. Sounds like you overdosed on DMT and your hallucinations told you that everything is one grand consciousness etc, or you're just schizophrenic.
>and that identity is located NOT in physical space
People lose consciousness when they are punched in the head.
>there is a platonic (You), and some part of your brain is an approximation of that platonic (You) structure
Pure meaningless gibberish.
(You) never lose consciousness, though. and how can (You)? (You) can only ever be aware, you can never be unaware, almost by definition.

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Is it genetic?
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If the white murder rate were as strong as the black murder rate, the minorities problem would have long since been solved. Nobody except negroes live in negro neighborhoods because the negores murder anyone who tries to move into their territory.
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>This is truly why racism and prejudiced exists
The situation is what it is because of racism/white supremacy, not the other way around.
The post-depression New Deal programs of the US were earmarked for those classified as white.
For example, when my grandfather came back from World War 2, his GI bill was only good in the ghettos of the various towns he tried to move to. The realtors were blackballed from selling a nigger a house in a white community. Even if the realtors weren't white supremacists, they still couldn't, because federal housing appraisal guidelines proscribed that all neighborhood housing values fall if a nigger moves in.
Looks like you are mixing a number of things together here. The Indian claims are ineffective if you are discussing blacks. The rewards 150 years ago to some people are completely irrelevant to people growing up in the same region, same schools, same jobs, and yet crime propensity is much higher.
Don't be assblasted that banks, companies, and individuals were making decisions based on statistical likelihood of people not paying their mortgages, rent, and other knock-on effects. Such disdain for obvious forward thinking is exactly why such people are unlikely to succeed.
Why isn't there any quantitative data listed on here?
No, its both. Culture isn't magic from thin air. It comes from genetics that influence parental behaviors, relational behaviors, etc.

It manifests in the way puberty works too. Bigger brain usually takes longer to mature, hence Asians are few years later in puberty than whites. And whites are few years later than blacks.

Thats not to say you cant change culture, you need a strong external influence to change the direction of the current cultural state. Whether thats by taking over (White colonization of africa) or by regulatory framework done through state laws. Results we want to see in the society should ideally drive the laws we create, but in reality short sighted feelings drive laws and it has been a disastrous event unfolding
In Africa they eat each other but also Haiti. They don't do that here because of goyslop

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Let's say hypothetically that we took our stock solar system and replaced the 4 gas giants with a low end red dwarf star like Proxima Centauri, giving the two stars roughly 15 AU of separation (and leaving the inner solar system unchanged).

How different would the climate on Earth be because of this? It would still receive the overwhelming majority (i.e 99%) of stellar radiation from the main sun, with the other sun being just a bit brighter than a full moon.
about three fifty
>It would still receive the overwhelming majority (i.e 99%) of stellar radiation from the main sun, with the other sun being just a bit brighter than a full moon.
>How different would the climate on Earth be because of this?
no difference
Surprisingly, this wouldn't necessarily destabilize Earth's orbit.

To answer the question: Proxima Centaui luminosity = 0.0017 sols. That's basically how much less light Earth would receive if it was orbiting Proxima at 1 AU. At its closest approach to Earth at 14 AU distance (when they are on the same side of the sun), it would be 196 times weaker than that, so 0.00000867346 sols. That is an absolutely negligible contribution. If a planet was in orbit around Proxima alone at a semi-major axis of 14 AU, it would be colder than a witches teet.

Why do you want to know this?
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I unironically would love to see a speculative alternative history of the American space program and its missions to the red dwarf.

Just for fun I'd have two planets orbiting the dwarf, including one in the habitable zone with water.

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Starship Testing Activities Edition

Previous - >>16178867
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VC bait scheme
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the shuttle was supposed to debut in 1977 or 78 but Columbia only rolled off the production line in 1979 and it wasn't till 1981 that STS-1 actually took off.
the orbiters were meant to have a two week turnaround between flights but they could barely manage two months.
now think of how absolutely fucked the giant hydrolox orbiter would have been.
never trust a brit with anything spaceflight related
they got snatched up by DARPA or something (source: random twitter faggot)
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This genius has just single handedly solved all of man-kinds problems with his over unity generator. What have you scicels don't with your so-called "science"? That's right, nothing. I bet you couldn't even understand how this works if he explained it to you like you're a child.
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>zero arguments, just personal attacks and violence
This is how you know that you've lost the argument.
You aren't even arguing retard. You can't explain how his system works and your shitposting is lame.
>thinks his job is secure when there is free energy everywhere that doesn't pollute the planet
literal schizo
First, let's clarify what we're discussing. The goal is to understand the efficiency of a system using resonance to enhance energy transfer, which might seem to challenge conventional physics principles but doesn't actually violate them.

Principles of Thermodynamics
First Law of Thermodynamics (Conservation of Energy):

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed.
In any closed system, the total energy remains constant.
Second Law of Thermodynamics:

In any energy transfer, some energy is lost as waste heat, increasing entropy.
No process is 100% efficient; there are always losses.
Addressing the System Efficiency
Resonant LC Circuit:

A resonant LC circuit can improve energy transfer efficiency by minimizing reactive power losses.
This doesn't violate thermodynamics; it optimizes energy transfer within the system.
Power Measurement:

The power gain calculated shows an apparent gain due to efficient energy transfer but doesn't imply over-unity or perpetual motion.

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Moomin edition

Last thread
We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.
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>a top 10 or 20 big name
You're not getting into a T20 with that MCAT unless you're a URM.
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Please recommend me an Anki deck for biochemistry.

Take into account I'm interested in it for veterinary purposes(small animals).

I don't know if there's any difference between Animal and human biochemistry(I'm an idiot).
What do you want to do in medicine? I would apply to high ranking schools as well as midrank and some state schools with that MCAT. That's a fine score.
And talked to your dreams
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>Be me
>Second year fag
>Constantly defend psychiatry both AFK and in this basket weaving forum
>Actually reached the point where I need to go to a psychiatrist
>Nigger doesn't look a single moment away from his laptop, never even looked at me more than a second
>15 minutes later I get a piece of paper signed by that kike that allows me to buy my meds
>Take them, feel a couple of hours of good times (or at least, decent times), a raging boner and then spend the next 12 hours thinking some glowie CIA faggot is going to bust a cap in my head
FUCK psychiatry. I guess that at a societal level it has the useful purpose of not putting psychotic patients in prisions or "normal" hospitals but the treatment sucks ass.
Yeah I'm not over that hill myself but I largely agree with this. Another thing that is important is that newbies have to learn to put in the long hours like you never had to do before, but don't wear yourself out too much, sleep and whatnot.

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Just to be clear to anyone considering this book who may be reading this board presently or in the future when the archive gets indexed; this book is a complete meme.

I like the idea of an introductory, proof flirting method of teaching elementary and highschool math that isn't purely plug and chug, but this book is not that.

The examples are horrendously formatted and many terms aren't defined or defined much later.
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There are many good math books in english doe
t. pole
i hate textbook screenshot threads
Do they trigger nightmares of your rough days at school?
why does linear algebra immediately point to ODE?
Bike shedding like this is why I didn't post my own chart.

>Why come you does it dat way?

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You're not getting tenure edition

Last thread: >>16159901

This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
>Discussion on academia-based career progression
>Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
>Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)
>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:

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Companies wanted a better educated workforce. They got it. Now they're mad.
Lol no, AI is a fad. At best it will be just used as a tool to help engineers. Stop worrying about fad shit and get to grinding.
>Lol no, AI is a fad.
Heh heh... yeah.
AI can't go out into the field, assess, and implement. The second AI makes a mistake that costs a life and it becomes legal precedent that a company is fully liable for the actions of AI, it'll be too cost prohibitive.
No. Still need a human connection just in case something goes wrong. Otherwise company would be liable. You will probably still see a reduction in workers though since AI does help speed up repetitive or well-established processes. It still has trouble creating novel solutions so creativity and ingenuity will still be much needed, even moreso in the future. I work in IT and data engineering and I use AI every day and it still isn't enough for the amount of work I have to do. I also use chatgpt4o as well. It still, to me, has a long way to go before completely replacing roles. Mangement is looking to cut costs and are jumping the gun with this AI hype. Best to get into the industry now and make connections.

In fact it's being proven true right now. The burden of proof lies on Simulation Theory denialists to prove it wrong at this point.


Inb4 "But Decartes' evil demon told me it's real!"

KEK, good luck with that blue pilled losers.
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Here is a great article so you all can stop beating up on the pajeet, who was born in the Midwest BTW. Most if not all the critiques of ST are dogmatic talking points that fall apart when pressed.


I'll try to download the book here and see what it says. Loads of info on the subject that you NPC's refuse to look at.
If we live in a simulation, then our universe should also have such an artifact. We can now begin to articulate some properties of this artifact that would help us in our search for such an artifact in our universe.

The artifact is as an additional component of every operation that is unaffected by the magnitude of the variables being operated upon and is irrelevant within the simulated reality until a maximum variable size is observed.

The artifact presents itself in the simulated world as an upper limit.

The artifact cannot be explained by underlying mechanistic laws of the simulated universe. It has to be accepted as an assumption or “given” within the operating laws of the simulated universe.

The effect of the artifact or the anomaly is absolute. No exceptions.

Now that we have some defining features of the artifact, of course it becomes clear what the artifact manifests itself as within our universe. The artifact is manifested as the speed of light.

Space is to our universe what numbers are to the simulated reality in any computer. Matter moving through space can simply be seen as operations happening on the variable space. If matter is moving at say 1,000 miles per second, then 1,000 miles worth of space is being transformed by a function, or operated upon every second. If there were some hardware running the simulation called “space” of which matter, energy, you, me, everything is a part, then one telltale sign of the artifact of the hardware within the simulated reality “space” would be a maximum limit on the container size for space on which one operation can be performed. Such a limit would appear in our universe as a maximum speed.
I did not even post a single argument against simulation theory, just ones offending your intelligence and comprehension of the subject, so why would I call Nick Bostrom an idiot?

Did you suffer from any severe brain damage post that IQ test?
Every time simulation theory comes up it becomes painfully obvious that no one involved with the subject has ever read philosophy. At best you'll get some faggot aping the Allegory of the Cave without having ever read Plato's actual dialogs.
>just ones offending your intelligence and comprehension of the subject

In the world of logical fallacy we call that an "Ad hominem" attack. Often retards, like yourself, resort to attacking the messenger on a personal level instead of rebutting the core logic of his/her arguments. Low IQ people do this because they have no real rebuttal to your points or logic thus must resort to emotional attacks in a vain attempt to distract and derail the discussion away from the facts, which can't be countered, and towards a tit-4-tat insult battle.

So if you aren't here to refute ST, why are you here? Seriously.

Are you saying that about me? I read and promote philosophy often. All PhD's in science are based on philosophy. It's the core of all knowledge and the pathway to all answers. If you've got some recommended reading speak up. You will not only educate me but others reading this thread. So instead of half ass posting maybe full ass post. Make a critique and then offer a solution. The OP image is from Descartes and he's mentioned in the OP post. So no it's not all about Plato's cave.

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Previous thread: >>16158770

>what is /sqt/ for?
Questions regarding maths and science. Also homework.
>where do I go for advice?
>>>/sci/scg or >>>/adv/
>where do I go for other questions and requests?
>>>/wsr/ >>>/g/sqt >>>/diy/sqt etc.
>how do I post math symbols (Latex)?
>a plain google search didn't return anything, is there anything else I should try before asking the question here?
>where can I search for proofs?
>where can I look up if the question has already been asked here?
>how do I optimize an image losslessly?

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V is the hypotenuse, r is the adjacent. the right angle is at V_T, not V.
ah fuck because the coordinate frame origin is at [math]\vec{V_T}[/math]
it's a miracle I don't forget to breathe
Already solved this. No need to help anymore.
post your solution

Will playing chess make me more smarter?
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she had been trained like a lab rat to master chess at childhood. dunno if she got any clever or not.
>military strategists
lol memorizing chess openings, game trees, mate patterns, and endgame scenarios makes you good at chess and nothing else.
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>all the chess brainlet cope on this thread
lol. No man, smoking weed, playing Warhammer and jerking off to ecchi is what makes you smart, bro.

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you have to fake a few tests to be able to finish most of masters degrees in university

the tests can be accomplished by using ADHD medication (or real amphetamine but then you have to eventually deal with the police) or by being the shut in type who study all day all night and has no social life

guess which one all the students choose?
the drug way

because the drug users were able to get lowest scores on test that is still accepted as passed instead of having failed, they get their masters degreees

because they are super social drug users they also get the connections

it is only these people who get the jobs, the shut in type who actually knows shit about his field is not getting a job

therefore everyone who is now in his 30s-40s and has a masters degree in STEM and a relatively good job (not saying the pay is good but the job itself is) is actually a fraud they did not pass their tests fair

they arent intelligent enough to do the work they are now doing but they are the only ones doing it which is why everything falls apart in society scale
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So what is the point of all these shitposts?
modify the academic demography to include fewer 4chan users?
It's a bot
you are both frauds

"computer science" my ass
you cheated on maths, somehow, to graduate
I wonder what its like to have sex with a hot blond
wtf I love academia now?

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Is there some truth behind it?
Is this kind of research just not considered politically correct in this day and age or was it just bullshit all along?
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>hints at causation, outside the scope of the discussion
Why is it outside the scope of this discussion? What kind of /sci/ence are we doing here where we're not allowed to ask questions about observed phenomena?
>'answering' but completely missing the point
What is the point? Other than 'xdd blacks stoobid rofl'
Heckin' KEK my dude! Holy BASED! Get in libtard, we're saving western civilization.
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It's well known that LLM are not intelligent, but IQ test well. Pic related.
This calls into question the validity of IQ tests, or if you doggedly assert the validity of IQ tests, the validity of Spearman's hypothesis itself.

White supremacy is an axiom. Under their framework, IQ tests are valid, because they produce results that don't contradict the axiom. This is by design: as Edwin Boring once said, "Intelligence is what an intelligence test measures."
>instaresponding to every post
>get blown out brutally
>repost the same thread the next day
You don't really expect to get people to iterate several times over by just playing dumb, do you ? You'll need a fishing rod thats at least a bit larger.

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