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How to roll dice: "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the email field rolls 2d6. "dice+5d42+23" rolls 5d42+23. "noko+dice+2d6" rolls 2d6 without showing the roll in the email field.

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Please post all quest threads on /qst/


Quest threads that are posted on /tg/ will be removed.

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Ananasi Femme Fatale Edition

>Previous Thread

>Mega I
>Mega II (also containing fanmade games)
>WoD5 Mega

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The end times are here and they are banding together to survive.
Like, that or the Camarilla Prince is an incredibly powerful and influential vampire that can enforce the peace and doesn't need to give a fuck about politics.
Like the Prince of the Holy Land.
>Tremere was an Awakened
>Tremere lost his Avatar when he transformed himself into a vampire
>Some mage in modern day has probably inherited Tremere’s Avatar
Feel like that could be a plot point for an Ascension game. Anyone can feel free to use it.
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>>2 replies to hunters
says a lot about society
90% of the shrecknet posts are hunters trying to land a kill.
Always the same answer: as possible as you want it to be.
Might not be plausible, but reality has highly unplausible stuff happen everyday, and we soldier on.
Just make it interesting/fun, that's your only concern.

>ITT: You post IC as a vampire, what setting? VtM. What clan? Doesn't matter. Need more info? see /WoDg/

>Be cursed to be hideously ugly
>Be incredibly good at getting secrets from mortals because no one notices you with your powers
>Be bitch-boys to the local Camarilla for few thousand years
>Finally cry for freedom and go to the Anarchs
>Nothing changes because your IQ matches your body temperature
>Get bossed around and used as mutts for secrets and bodyguards still
>Be Nosferatu, pic unrelated
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theoretically isn't giving someone a blowjob the ultimate way to feed? it's discrete, pleasurable for the mortal, and if they're erect you're biting right into an organ FULL of blood.
I'm pretty sure that's very popular among the toreador.
Go give it a spin and let the rest of us know how it works.
You risk losing face if she doesn't actually pose a threat, as you'll be mocked for being afraid of a mortal. I suggest tightening your defenses and using whatever powers you have to determine if her natural is supernatural, and/or if she is aware of your nature and a Hunter.

If she is a supernatural herself and hostile, or a Hunter, then I would recommend going straight to the Sheriff. Reporting threats to the Masquerade and city to the Sheriff is no act of cowardice. Your Sheriff may even thank you.
Either way, I always give them a good licking as a tip of sorts. Being grateful keeps the Beast at bay.

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Panzer Edition

>Previous thread:

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings, Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander,
Freebooter's Fate, Frostgrave, Gaslands, Hordes of the Things, Kings of War, Maelstrom's Edge, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Moonstone, Oathmark,
RelicBlade, Rumbleslam, Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics and anything else that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread.

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Demon summoning or werewolves?
World of Twilight. Excellent little game with some characterful models and a real love behind it. Solid mechanics and a cool world, plus the benefit of not being completely broken.

Honorable mentions go to Bot War and Wargods.

I would play Malifaux if the idea of assembling those models didn't give me fucking panic attacks. Considering their largely, from what I can tell, monopose models anyway, why the fuck are some of them so insanely fiddly?

AT-43 was such a fucking great game, and does not deserve the disrespect you're showing it.

Cogs are still some of the best aliens I've seen in a wargame.


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How are the Returned? I like the concept behind the crew, but I've found those kind of attrition vampiric factions in games are either too good or completely trash.
There was a recently ruling in the courts that gave Monolith the rights to AT-43.
Really? I recognize the name Monolith, bit can't think of what they make.

Although, as a lover of AT-43 who owes a lot to that game, I'm not entirely sure I want it back? I'd love if they re-released the models for people. I want to stat up my Cogs and UNA for Grimdark Future, but my collection is 2,000 miles away.

Kill Team trailer human(?) vs human(!?) edition

>Previous Thread:

>Key Downloads, FAQs and Errata
>Critical Ops
>Rules and Teams


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I've actually used talespire pretty effectively for kill team, though making the maps might be rough. But I also use it for other rpg's so the price may not be to your liking.
Thanks, the command point discord does seem to have people playing every day, thanks a lot anon.
Nice trips, but Ive used TTS for rpgs/gaming for over 10 years and it people have already made AMAZING maps for kill team on it. No need to stress myself out when the best solution is already out there.
I was just thinking about getting into deathwatch for 40k (I REALLY love the corvus blackstar, even though it has no assault ramp for some reason) and I found it really surprising there was no bespoke deathwatch kill team. But I guess that kind of makes sense because their kill teams are basically already kill team kits so you can't do a "new" release for them and have it integrate into 40k like most kill team releases.

Deathwatch really get the short end of the stick in both game, huh? It's probably because they are about to be deleted and rolled into some new Inquisition codex.
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Working on a compendium tyranids team
What do you guys think?
paintjob seems a little bare
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>>Abstract objectives for holding different board edges or arbitrary spots on the battlefield has been a staple of 40k for longer than you've been alive
Wrong again Jyssika, as always
fear grimace
>make claim about knowing what the hobby was like a long time ago
>loudly proclaim that someone is getting shot off the board in a game of 4th
>This guy is like 5'5" and winning at life in spite of it
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What happened to 40K? It's barely recognizable at this point?

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Old Ass Squig Edition edition

>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News
MTO O&G, new Grombrindal if you ignore the siggypiggy base

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6

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Red and black, most guys are quartered or have some checkerboarding. I have one green and black sergeant for handgunners, my grandmaster is purple red and white, and I have a general with a yellow and black banner. Most the army is speedpainted for now but I want to add color variation for unit champs.
>green heraldry
>shit painter
Imagine my shock
Are there any 3rd party knights of a similar scale to Empire knights? I saw some fireforge game teutonic knight minis. To my eye they looked noticably smaller / less heroic, and I'd like to pick up some 3rd party for inner circle so I don't want them to be smaller.
Highlands Miniatures has both standard knights and Knighs of the White Wolf, which could double as inner circle. They can also be scaled according to your preferences.

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Ok no memes, no “the game is unsalvageable”. How would you fix up pic related so it’s actually good?
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Mind if I suggest the opposite? Collapsing the levels would cause far more drastic increases in power, so the offset would either be much slower leveling, which would feel worse, or encourage the typical milestone leveling "fix" to have players shoot up in power more quickly.

Double the amount of levels. Spread out improvements to Attributes, Skills, Feats, Spells, and options. Give players more choices between advancing generally or down their specialist path. Leveling happens more quickly without needing to be handwaved out entirely as many people do, in theory.
> make warlocks INT casters
My uneducated opinion is that various caster classes should have their own way of casting spells but I suppose that would be a lot of rules.
Impossible question to answer for real, but personally, I'd make it more like 3.5e.
More feats, PRCs, subsystems like incarnum and binding, that kind of thing.
Also, creatures built with the same rules as PCs.
I sure as fuck wouldn't bring back LA, that's for sure.
Maybe steal some ideas off of Shadow of the Demon Lord, such as the way classes advance, that would be better than 3.5e prestige classes probably, actually, although I would want to import a bunch.
Man, I'd love to be able to play an Ordained Champion in 5e. That would be dope.
The mechanics are the ruleset. Retard.
Magic should be strictly better than swinging a sword. Play a real class if you want to matter.

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goes infinite edition


>Official News:
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


>Current meta, complete with deck lists

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Sorry, yeah two months. That whole year was crammed because we got five Standard sets instead of the usual four. If it actually was just a last minute replacement for a set, wouldn't it still just be four? Going up to five wouldn't make any sense.

Obviously I don't have hard evidence, but it smells like slush art that got repurposed in a rush.

All the Innistradi tech looks pretty distinct, and it was pretty much only on the red/blue cards because alchemists and stitchers. Green dudes had the weird bows and crossbows and that was it.
So, your contention is that they edited the art piece to hide the Collar of Avacyn in the background, but didn’t bother to fix the ears, which were more visible? And this in spite of the fact that her costuming is exactly consistent with the Dawnhart Coven and doesn’t match any other part of Magic’s planes nearly as well?
>devs STILL havent fixed the sideboard bug on mtga that locks you from editing your decks with certain stable cards in them
>If you gave the best player in the world and a new player the exact same Burn deck and they played 100 games, what do you think the top player's winrate will be? Because if it's not 100% (and it won't be anywhere close to that), then the game doesn't have a shred of competitive legitimacy.
My point exactly. The winrate between a protour chad and a beginner would be more like 70-30% in that case, maybe 60-40 against someone who has some experience with RDW.

>If you played 100 games of chess against Magnus Carlsen do you think you'd win a single one?
Not a single one, not for 100 games, not for a 1000 games, not for a 10 000 games

This is why magic doesn't take skill
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Why does Kozi always get cucked out of decent cards? Comparing all the titans, Ulamog and Emrakul crap all over him and even some filler Eldrazi are more threatening

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Tales of Yore Edition


>New Errata


The Trove Vault (seed, please!):

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Or "so were you expecting us to do that?" when I obviously wasn't. I want my answer to be, "Look man, I do my best to build scenarios, not railroads. Play things true to your character and I'll build logically from your choices."
But sometimes when your players decide to steal a ship but then take a long rest before actually setting sail there's no point pretending the break you took wasn't to recalibrate and build an encounter with the ship's owners catching up to them, which you hadn't expected them to let happen.
Oh, I don't think I'm spoiling the game for my players or anything. I just find myself wishing I'd been able to resist the urge to talk inside baseball and keep a bit more of the mystery.
>because we thought he was and "it made sense"
This is kind of fair. Just because something was planned doesn't mean it can't retroactively become a Schrödinger's scenario. I like the idea that our in-game choices determine everything, but I also know that unless it's a very structured campaign the DM will be coming up with new ideas throughout.
>he would've thought of other ways for the NPC to track us
That's definitely a bit lame. But I think you're talking more about fudging or screwing with things, rather than just lifting the curtain on the creative process.
Problem with those 2 things is
1. Clearly a terrible/illogical NPCs if he changed his mind who the villain is instead of having us believe someone innocent is a culprit (if anything many DMs do that shit on purpose)
>I like the idea that our in-game choices determine everything
they shouldn't determine the past, unless to fill in the gaps
2. It is mega lame because it kills any agency. DONT FUDGE

In your case I don't know how seriously you guys take the game and/or how much you reveal, but I would recommend keeping quiet about "what would've happend if we did this?" question, because it makes a game feel binary and will make players lose immersion (assuming there is any to lose)
> TQ
Since September.
>"what would've happend if we did this?"
My answer is typically along the lines of
>"You didn't, so I didn't have to figure that out. I guess here's an example of something that could have happened."
And then I extrapolate. But, then, I rarely have any idea of how a session's going to go--I just prep the various involved parties, their plans, and what they WANT to happen before letting my players loose on them.
How do you run cults without them feeling cheezy?

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Zombie edition

>To make cards, download MSE for free from here:
>Mobile users might have an easier time signing up here:

>Stitch cards together with

>Hi-Res MSE Templates

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imagine someone shuffling every single time anyone does anything
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There, I fixed the crime mechanic
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Ah, my bad. If a creature with a marriage counter on it isn't Human, it's also a Succubus.

From a tribal perspetive MGE is a god damn nightmare because of 250 entires, about 20 of them aren't succubus. Or rather, aren't succubus by default, but obviously that Angel is going to get corrupted sooner or later because that's how the setting works. So rather than trying to balance around every Black, Blue, Green, and Red creature - and a small portion of White - all sharing a creature type, I decided to just drop that entirely from 90% of them and then give black a fairly easy way to make them into Succubus. Which is marriage counters. So Goblin is just a Goblin, unless it has a marriage counter at which point it's a Succubus Goblin.

Corrupt is kinda-sorta a counter mechanic which basically boils down to 'it's a succubus anyways' and largely exists for me to mark a creature as male or female.
There's a "ring tempts you" joke in here somewhere.
There’s probably quite a bit of tempting going on, yes.

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Welcome to Mecha Monday! Here we dedicate ourselves to mecha RPGs, war games, and board games alike. Here we start games, tell campaign stories, share resources & assets, and seek advice for our games and homebrew.

Heavy Gear 4e is now officially out: https://legacy.drivethrurpg.com/m/product/457450

Assorted Mecha Goodness:

Previous Thread: >>92714895

Thread Question: What enemy mecha squads have appeared in your games!

Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiFyyk9JW_M
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All of you fuck off back to /m/, this is why nobody uses your board anymore

Do it now or I’ll start spamming WFM stuff
Were you that one idiot that got into an editing war on 1d4chan last summer? Because I remember reading that shit thinking the guy behind it was having a giant tantrum in one of the discussion pages.
>people tell the one guy
Wrong, it's literally only you throwing a fit. Your stake posting style gives you away every time.
You might as well, Duelrager doesn't stop unless he's banned.
>Were you that one idiot that got into an editing war on 1d4chan last summer?
No. I've never had an account on that site. In fact, I haven't visited since it went 404 at some point a few months ago.
Post Patlabor or IBO pictures instead.

Call general would be nice but I haven't seen a General for all chaosium games.

I need to bug them for the books from Storm Bringer Fifth.

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Jewish edition.

Previous thread: >>92790359

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/h8Tz2ze8

Thread question: What's your favorite component? Do you favor the humble meeple, the versatile die, or perhaps something more exotic?
84 replies and 25 images omitted. Click here to view.
yea, its fucking great.
That you can spend as many actions as you want at the cost of giving opponents unimpeded turns is well done, especially how it prevents the last man standing from getting a free final turn all by his lonesome. If you are too conservative, you get screwed, if you are too aggressive, you risk getting screwed, the whole tables action economy is its own meta.
The VP track is mocking us and I am ok with that.
>haven't played constantly (more than once every two months) for the past 2 years
>still feel the urge to buy games
Fuck, please tell me I'm not the only one.
Power Grids is the kind of game where I can't name the designer off-hand.
We call this consooming, and you are tempted by it until you reach boardgame zen
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Why is this fukkin tree such a bitch to pull off properly

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