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Connection rerelease preorders are up on Amazon. Additionally, there is a section on the tamagotchi website for the rereleases active.
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it is brutal from a preservation perspective, but every other past tama is still around, some with custom content available through the right kind of phone. there will hopefully always be some current tama release for new fans. i can accept that this one will be limited once the live service is discontinued because the experience now has been fun for me.
even before tamaverse events and the DLC I was enjoying the basic gameplay; it won't exactly be a paperweight even if it will be comparatively limited. maybe it's warped but i like that i'll be able to hold on to some favorite items past when they're available. compared the the pix where everything is a QR code away, everything feels more special and real
think they will restock the current shells?
a restock seems certain
Uni enjoyers, cool! I get the FOMO aspect. Usually I just turn on my uni to do or get what I want and then turn it off again unless I actually do feel like playing with it for a while.
Right now i'm running my entama and two digimon 20ths. Pretty loaded for me but still fun. Currently waiting on an 15th anni ID L and those connections rereleases to come. The entama can connect with the keitai, so I hope these rereleases can also have backwards compatibility with the original tamagotchi plus/connections so I can have them all play together.
>The entama can connect with the keitai, so I hope these rereleases can also have backwards compatibility with the original tamagotchi plus/connections so I can have them all play together.
I'd be impressed if they do this
In the connection menu of the original connections/pluses, after the first version, it had a list to select which version you intended to connect to so it knew to use a different protocol/game/etc.
The 2024 Connection instruction manual doesn't mention this device choice in the connection menu, so I'm not getting my hopes up unfortunately

But on the plus side, it looks like the TC24 uses the Keitai's connection multiplayer minigames which actually use realtime input from both players rather than just watching an RNG animation

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He's what?
Gay gay or gay? I wouldnt be shocked if he were bi curious by the end of the vertigo series but i never read that far ibto the series. The ennis and dillon stuff was great, better than preacher.
How does that help?
It's a weird thing to make a toy of. It's like having a figure of Superman bent over for "russian torture" as depicted in Superman Red & Blue.
yeah man, waiting for that batmans parents being gunned down in an alley figure set btw awesome reference haha
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In an early issue Constantine offhandedly mentions occasionally having boyfriends, issue 51. Nothing really came of this and most people forgot until the last 10 years

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Any scale, any series. If it's a modular robot toy, post it here.

>Diaclone Reboot (3mm 4mm)
>Transformers Weaponizers/Modulators/Fossilizers (3mm 5mm)
>Tomica Hyper series (5mm)
>ZOIDS (3mm)
>Plarail Shinkalion (5mm)

>30 Minutes Mission (3mm)
>Animagear (3mm)
>Machine Robo Mugenbine
>Gunpla and Misc. Plamo (3mm)

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smol edition

Previous thread: >>10955360

This thread is for the discussion of scale plastic (and resin, PE, wood, etc) models kit
-Post photos of your builds in progress and your finished builds
-Have your builds critiqued or critique others
-Discuss tips and techniques
-Ask for advice or give advice to others

Always remember:
>No manufacturer is purely perfect or awful (except for Flyhawk). ALWAYS research your kits before buying.

Some helpful guides to get started:

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>T-80 wheels
I never noticed, but they are

The road wheels of the T-80 have always been sussy to me that they've been reverse-engineered from some western tank exported to some turdworlder country, it looks very western compared to roadwheels on other slavshit tanks.

I have T-80's built, maybe I'll get a Leo 2 kit and compare them. Maybe a Leo 1, since it was probably what they copied it from.
>IRL kitbash
Gotta do something with all those unusable husks that have been sitting in Siberian warehouses for 30 years
Didn't they try to destroy the stabilizer on that thing before displaying it? Why is the gun still erect?

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Previous thread >>10986542

Where to Buy-

Web Exclusives-

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>Erika AGP
not with that ass
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Never actually thought about her ass tech. Its... Aerodynamic (and not uoooohh). More into the blonde Nazi aspect of her character so I can live with that.
I want to try using the warm bath solution, but last time I tried that on a Super Action Statue figure it fixed some of the tight joints, but it ended up causing the joints that weren't tight to become overly loose.
SAS are really fucking weird figures, probably the only import that uses softer plastic for their joints. If this was a Figma you could just pop off all the good parts and soak only the afflicted parts... Ive never disassembled an SHF, sorry. Only reason Id did for Figma is cause you can swap body parts like a Lego minifigure.
That sucks. Waiting on the global release for mine. I've heard people say the non stretched arms have super shitty elbow bend because of the sleeves' thickness and that the hips greatly limit articulation though. The hip decision is just bizarre, they still have a seam there so its not like going rubber saved them from that, they should have made them regular. CSM's hips still have a rubber pieve and like you said his range is great.
Found this thread on jp shitter where this guy is cutting up his G5's legs, I'd wait until more people do it and theres a surefire way to mod it before doing it yourself though. Yet another One Piece release wanting some mods done to it. I think Sanji has been the only release that hasn't really needed third party soft goods or any DIYing done to him (unless you prefer kaido's plastic cape, then him too)
Also that's strange with your CSM, mine has good ab crunch. I haven't picked mine up in a bit so correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't he have a floating piece as his stomach? You'd have to be super careful since bits of it are rubber but taking it apart and seeing if a bit is somehow stuck might help? I don't know about heating it up since that usually helps with joints, but if the issue is the rubber itself acting weird it might not help.

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New Figura Obscura release. I dig the Bastet figure, but have a visceral negative reaction to buff doberman Anubis. It's not as bad with the mask, but the other heads just don't work for me, and if I did want buff Anubis, I would've bought the tbleague figure. If they make the retailer version single packs like the instagram post hints, I'll hold off for that version of Bastet unless they really fuck up the colors.

Some tooling images for Necronominus out, so it's probably coming before the holidays this year.
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meds status=not taken
their retail side is a joke, too. and they were about 15 years behind with their articulation and shipping plan. just a complete shit show from top to bottom
>but they need to be double jointed and fully articulated like marvel legends with is just wholesome and kino and a perfect little six inch boner for that hunka chunka kino display

Nah, its better they use that plastic to make the figures bigger like mcfarlanes, which are better than marvel legends as well
>gets 2h weapon
>can't use
b-but at least the'yre not heckin m-marvel legends!
marvel legends are fucking dogshit super hero shit no one fucking cares about holy fucking shit
and yet you brought them up. why? I have no idea. you're sperging out and your only cope for buying shitty 4H figures is that they aren't as shitty as marvel legends. lmfao

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Welcome to the Lego General, the worst place on the net for any and all LEGO discussion!
Please note that any new thread that uses promotional imagery or leaks for the OP image is a corposhill spam thread and should be avoided at all costs.

Previous Thread:

>FAQ (Why?):

>/lg/ Flickr Group (lol):

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You are not fooling anyone, faggot.
Kek im the one you’re mad at and I admitted to just trolling that shelf anon last thread fella. If YOU are the shelf anon bad dad my bad bro I was just fucking with you like you suspected.
>You are not fooling anyone
holy based
Shit, really? Well I just made a bricklink order earlier today.

If that doesn't pan out, maybe. Hang on to them. Maybe you'll need them again some day. I'll make a post if more are screwed up from the order or something. I appreciate the offer though really.

It'll look even better when I get this BL order in and have some time to rework the curves. Also some free orange bits from the Concorde too??? Those wedges are only used to support it during building.

these type of people don't bother me I feel like it's been one single person shitting up the thread. I'm not planning on posting in the MOC thread unless there's a huge shift or something but I'm of the opinion there should really be one thread for all Lego and lego-likes. MAYBE two for Lego and non-lego brick building toys.

whatever I'll post where I god damn well want to.

Yeah there's some awesome colors. Lovely muted ones I wish we got more of.

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Show me your displays.

Looking for lighting solutions for this big cabinet at the moment.
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Seeing a bit too many good displays around here that may put off others from posting. Let's get some meh to alright tier displays.
Oops Der doops
Cool shelves anon, where are you on the spectrum?
Not gonna like I came into this thread expecting pure shit but you managed to save it.

No offense to everybody else in this thread you all just have too much displayed in too small of a space.
lolwut, I'm not sure how you can call it crammed at all? Also, don't be afraid to post yours since you seem aprehensive.

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Why does this company make this board seethe has hard is it does? I genuinely don't get it. Doesn't seem any better or worse than any other toy company out there.
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That's not me.
Mattel has always been bad, that's my point.
Someone was talking about Mattel and their quality, so why can't i make a comment about how bad they are?
By throwing the baby (clear windows) out with the bathwater (clear joints, painted over parts).
Star Wars Black Series has nearly the same issues as Marvel Legends and Disney prioritizing new characters be made. They JUST now are getting to the Super Battle Droids. I want to half blame Disney because there was a period where we got several EU characters like KotoR and others that sold well all at once, and I think it was during a time when there was a lul in tv shows/movies. It is like they were intentionally holding them back even though people were asking for them for many years. If you want a great example of Hasbro's Star Wars problems, look no further than the failed Rancor Haslab project. It was a masterpiece of a train wreck.
This is ignoring all their other failed toy lines. The small scale vehicle lines seems to be doing well, but they seem to be doing a lot of reuse/rereleases and stuff is shelfwarming for the actual new releases.
>wholesome six inch DnD kino
>wholesome six inch Fortnite kino
>wholesome six inch GI Joe kino
>wholesome six inch Indiana Jones kino
>wholesome six inch Marvel Legends kino

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Last time on Busou Shinki & Friends, >>10971143

New reveals! BUSTER DOLL recolors! R1 is now 2! Wilber-Nine prototype! GIANT Gourai and Sophia! Zoid girls return! Rayfalx's torso?

What do you think? Are you excited for anything shown off? Do you expect more this weekend?

Why is the middle child of the imperial sisters such an edge lord? Is it Amaterasu's fault?

Read the guide:

Official Skintone & Compatibility guides:

Upcoming Releases & Restocks:

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Get the upper limb pieces from the Mechanical Units option part set, they have c-joints that fit any 30MM arm and that forearm part of Tukirna's armor. Also, the forearm in question has an extension that makes it the same length as Rishetta's.
What's the exact name? I don't recall this 30MS options unless it's a 30MM one
The only set I know for sure has those is https://www.hlj.com/30ms-optional-parts-set-3-mechanical-unit-bans61996
Not as good, but there's these. Left is an Acerby elbow of which the Acerby kits have 2 extras, and right is a connector of the Alto flight type with a part from the leg booster 30mm set
Forgot pic

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Previous Thread: >>10972443

Toyline general info:

Max Factory figma list & blog
>http://www.goodsmile.info/en/products/category/figma (no longer updated)

Reviews and news about GSC/MF products by Kahotan

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>Tfw got Arthur, Merlin and Mordred
>Forever nagging at me that I can't complete the collection

Bros.. how useless would it be to hope that the other Round Table knights get figures too?
I got the sitting Bedivere figure since it matched the scale fairly well enough too but man I want to have them all.
>hips are super loose
try tissue paper
>Bros.. how useless would it be to hope that the other Round Table knights get figures too?
Dude, don't do this to yourself. The line is dead, the sooner you accept this, the sooner you'll get well. Take that from a Stay/Nightfag
Its the drop down thats loose so I'm not sure if tissue will help with this one. Will give it a go but its not too urgent. The arm is the more annoying one since it actually fully falls off

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Previous Thread >>10954476



-Now Shipping:
>Retro Duke
>Retro Scarlett
>Retro Recondo
>Recon Diver (60th Anv)
>Action Soldier (60th Anv)
>Big Boa

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....that's awesome, though I think I'd wait for an official Classified version. The Wolverine is small enough I feel Hasbro could drop it as a mainline release.

I am interesting in how this thing looks like it could have an actual turret fit into where the pilot seats are. If this ever gets used as an actual tank, I may be more tempted to grab it. Though I always hated it when figures couldn't fit inside a pilot seat of an armored vehicle with the hatch closed, and it looks like that may be the case here.
>FUCK Ricky, your not supposed to sell hash to Cobra.
>>>Recondo records Tiktok videos about all of the beers he drinks and how life is better drunk

but has he ever shot a machine gun while on peyote?
>but has he ever shot a machine gun while on peyote?
I would pay to see a digitally resurrected Hunter Thompson, playing that roll in a G.I. Joe Special Missions one-off.

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Discuss all things Street Sharks here.

First wave of the new figs will be released on June 1.

Previous thread: >>10967862
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>Is there a reason we need a general for toys that arent out yet?
fuck off retard
I want an extreme dinosaurus update so much
People can talk about the old versions of the toys here too. We've always had occasional Street Sharks threads.

Not the same OP as the last thread. He didn't make a new one so I did. There's more than one of us on the board who likes SS...
Maybe Wave 2. Or 3 if there is one.

September is when they announce all the rest of the anniversary stuff. So...whatever they show there, maybe.
Moby Lick and Slammu better be in there. Those were always the best ones.

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>/ctg/ - coomer toys general
Pillow Pets Edition:
Previous Thread: >>10977311
>Previous threads

>Is there a place I can view/post uncensored pics?

>The Rules:
Please censor ALL nipples/genitals before posting images
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Ignore obvious trolls, give then no attention
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

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I want a Bankai like that....
boohoo faggot
Are you on a phone or desktop/laptop? I had a problem attaching files via my Android phone for several months and eventually figured out that I had reset 'Media Picker' which I did via Malwarebytes.
Don't we all? The question is, is it illusory that tricks the target, or brainwashing that makes them know what they're doing and like it?

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Recent announcements and updates
>TianYi studio Sideways
>Unique Toys Stinger
>Dreanstar Toys Devastator and Prowl
>01 Studio Devastator
>Dr. Wu Bumblebee, Cyclonus and Megatron
>Transart Dinobot
Do tend to collect a specific color of Transformer? If you can only buy one, do you get a repaint or stick to an original color?
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What don’t you like about the legacy? Do you care about how big it is? Your 2 options in terms of MP size are star toys and dx9. Dx9 is much more dreamwave esque and gigantic even for mp standards. But has a pretty smooth transformation with the inly altmode really suffering being the tank. The star toys is super toon in it’s styling. Has a bit more articulation but is much more expensive (getting a reissue) the alt modes are also more consistently good I would say. I went with dx9 gewalt but that was for my own collection.
fuck this looks good, have they finally figured out a movie accurate bot mode?
I would like to think this thing would be $180 minimum because of how the KOs and such flooded the market, but lmao this thing is going to command $225 easily and I'll be surprised if it is somehow less.
That looks good
Jesus fucking Christ this is insane.

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