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Hey voyagers,
/trv/ is a slow board, so don't expect immediate responses. CHECK THE CATALOG – you might find threads already discussing topics you're interested in.

Before asking for suggestions, tell /trv/ about your:
>Level of understanding of the local language(s)
This makes it easier to give quality advice. Of course, keep your posts travel related.

For all other matters:
General culture questions >>>/int/
Politics discussion >>>/pol/
Transportation discussion >>>/n/
Outdoors-related discussion >>>/out/

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Note: Discussions of prostitution or sex tourism are not permitted on /trv/.

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>Last Thread: >>2648804

>"remember, we parked the car under rollercoaster C" edition.

>What is this thread? Why are there two generals?
/rcg/ was initially created as a way for the roller coaster enthusiasts on here to discuss all things roller coasters and theme parks. While roller coasters are the main focus of these threads (and the title of the general) there is also discussion on other theme parks, their rides, as well as the parks themselves and trip planning too. That's where /tpg/ comes in.
>Can I talk about Disney/Universal parks in this thread?
Absolutely! Disney discussion of all sorts including rides/resorts/dining/trip planning is OK.

Thread Tip Pro: When in line for a coaster with a bunch of normies, feel free to autistically infodump to them every single iota of information you know about the ride you are about to go on: opening date, manufacturer, # of inversions, stats etc.

Roller Coaster Database:

Amusement Park News Sites:

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What do you guys think about the fact that some places have a housekeeping fee and don't automatically provide the service? It really pisses me off that society has gone that downhill.
Gwanzi is supposed to be the best roller coaster in Fl...I heard Cedar Point has the best coasters in the world...
If you're going to the Fl one its a great time. Only ride didn't get was cheetah...line was an hour :/
This one is sorely missed

Any resort recommendations for Central Florida? I'm looking for a relaxing place that has spacious rooms, good housekeeping, is not overcrowded with loud families but is still family friendly, on site Waterpark is a huge plus.

Do you let others or things annoy you when travelling?
Or do you just ignore it.

If not, post examples

1. Americans asking questions in a museum (it will be a moronically stupid child level question of ignorance).
2. French/Dutch accent is heard nearby
3. Queue skipping
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>Shock and horror when people make smalltalk
I don't mind small talk. I mind boring people who feel compelled to share how they don't think about what comes out of their mouths and have no interest in listening to what comes out of mine. It's a waste of time for everyone. Ask me about the weather, make a comment about something I'm doing/wearing ANYTHING other than asking me the same damn question I've answered thousands of times before. It's the first thing people say to you now. Yesterday I got another cousin-is-from-San-Diego - no fucking shit! Why are they always from San Diego!?
They still hate gays even if you’re “one of the good ones”. You have no idea how much homophobic shit I’ve heard from people that assume I’m straight.
>Queue skipping
How quintessentially British. But yes, I hate this one.

My ones are not necessarily tour exclusive but:
1. Chatting in queues then not knowing what they are going to order / Holding up a queue deciding a food order

2. Being loud late at night in a hostel dorm

3. Pseudo-Intellectualism/Spiritualism and arrogance of 20-something travellers

4. The loud-and-slow English method of tourist communication

6. Arguing over payments when the fault is yours for either not understanding conventions or being a brokie.
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>Why do a group of people who fundamentally believe they are the chosen children of all divinity, act so entitled?

A mystery for the ages anon.
>"Wow, you speak English really well" with such a kind smile, genuine smile and then just left.
If you find this sort of patronising behaviour endearing, you have mother issues.

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I finally got bitten by those mfs at the hostel, and it was a nightmare. Thankfully, I received a full refund, and they closed the room with four beds, don't know how long they will though. Have you ever had a bed bug experience?
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What is it? A spider?
First solo international trip was to Paris. Woke up with my body covered and there being literally hundreds of them on the bed. Unfortunately I'm not exaggerating. It looked like a fucking ant swarm covering the bed. I'd always assumed these little fuckers were flea sized, but they're nearly as big as ladybugs. The nightmares lasted a few years afterwards and still I'll wake up a couple times a year and inspect every corner of my bed with a flashlight because I dreamed something bit me.
You're more likely to get bed bugs at the airport than you are at a hotel surprisingly.

Most people get bit by mites or flea's rather than bedbugs
It's exactly like the episode from Suits, season 1. Once you have it, it's basically over for you. Trash every clothes and towels and move out, seal your belongings in plastic bags, and don't open them for 15 months. I understand some anons' methods work but this is the only certain way

avoid hostels or hotels (or airbnbs) that have wooden bunks or furniture. the bugs like to hide there. look at pictures before you book. metal is good, plastic is good. wood and upholstery is not good. the more furniture, the more chances you have of bugs.

keep your luggage and belongings inside a large garbage at all times, sealed and ideally off the floor and away from cabinets and the such.

i've been to dozens of countries including many shitholes and managed to avoid bringing home any bugs by being careful.

>Have to fly home after seeing girl in a long distance relationship
>Try not to be sad while waiting at the airport
>Airport plays the saddest songs imaginable
Fuck off, holy shit

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What's your unpopular traveling related opinion?
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most of the world is a third world shithole and not worth visiting. literally the video of Mac planning a cruise is accurate.
I like touristy places because I feel less lonely and out of place there. It's a respite after trying for so long to pretend that you know where you're going and what you want.
It should actually be illegal to board children under the age of 5 on planes for non-essential travel.
Don't be so open minded that your brain falls out!
he said unpopular opinion

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>Work dead end job for 6 months, live at home being miserable as fuck but save money
>Then travel in SE Asia for next 6 months, being happy and fulfilled

This is my life now and I will never stop. I work in a warehouse and live with my mom. I suffer every day but I know that I will soon have 6 months of pure freedom, relaxation and hedonism in Asia that awaits me and where I can be whatever I want to be. Any others living a similar life or thinking of doing so?

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It can go both ways. I had a lot of fun younger and I don't dwell on the memories very often. I sometimes feel like I wasted time not taking work more seriously and feel behind in life.
>uuuhm AHKTUALLY this has been posted twice!
Why do you care? Keep scrolling retard freak
>It's simple. Scratchcards and lottery tickets.
ngl, I'm in a major rut over here. Bareback a thing with them over there? At 45, fair fucks to you.
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>The thankless, wretched existence of having 50% of your income reaped for children and an ex wife who hate you.
This. At least the whores in SEA are open in the rules of play. All women view men as utilities, every. last. one. Its the lies we tell ourselves to smooth reality's sharp edges that cut the most.

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For me its Japan. I have been there 4x and still want to go few more times.

It's been the most picture perfect country I have traveled to. Love the traditional culture and food. Also customer service/hospitality is top class.
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This fucking beaner is trying to get people killed. Ignore him or use him as an example of how trashy mexican people are. They want you to get killed, they enjoy when "gringos" get robbed and murdered.

Dont compare that cartel gang place to Italy please. You dont know what you are talking about. Go rip a heart out for some demon serpent "god" or something.

t. Italian.

Turkey is one of the best places in the world for adventure. If you like history, it is thee place to be, there are literally ancient and medieval castles just sitting out in the middle of no where, you can climb all over them, in many cases you will have them all to yourself.

Look up the Ancient city of Antioch.
inb4 those are zainichi sicilians

Why dont you go on a hike or something beaner, no go on a road trip in mexico, bring your short fat ugly family with you. You people at disgusting and untrustworthy. You are nothing like us Italians. And stop calling yourself "latino" you ugly ass beaners have nothing to do with Latin Rome.

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i am going to land in paris without phone
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youre just being autistic, #nophone isnt novel or cool bro just go on hour trip with a phone
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i am going to hang out at café
I visited Paris with no phone once. I spent the days mostly in the museums d'Orsay and Louvre. I considered spending the first night by the Quay d'Orsay but the fog coming off the water made me cold. I had no blanket or coat, it was November. I walked to the Champs du Mars and the rats made me afraid. I bought vodka from a brown man and found some thick bushes near the base of the Eiffel Tower. I slept good for a few hours. Two men laid down right next to me and started having sex by the light of the Tower. They said beautiful things to each other while they fucked. I found it pretty touching even as I swore loudly in French and lashed out at them with vicious kicks. They ignored me. It was 3am. I got up and sat under the hot air vent in an alley behind a bakery. In the morning I walked to a cafe in the 8th arrondissement and had 2 coffees and a croissant. While crossing the street I found a crocheted wool hat which may have saved my life in the freezing nights that followed. I spent the day in the Louvre. I thought about passing the next night in a park on Montmartre but instead I took a train to Orleans and spent a week walking along the river to Tours.
You're trying very hard to come off as ESL. I don't know why. But just know that I'm on to your stupid charade.
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holy shit this is inspiration

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What transferable skills do you have that allow you to travel so frequently? Allegedly this whole board has rich people working in foreign countries constantly. What jobs have you worked that let you live the dream?
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How'd you begin into sales? Do you have a degree in something relevant?
Is a degree required for your job?
Can you still make good money not working in tech jobs?
Some sales jobs still require a degree, but those are almost always the shittiest jobs. The best thing you can do is get into a shit door to door or something, gain some experience and work your way up to SaaS or something with more prestige. The good thing about sales, you can make a much money as you want. Honestly though, I've done every type of sales, I worked at Google, I've done solar, I've done B2B flipping multimillion dollar deals. Insurance is the best job I've had.

The hard part is getting good at it, especially when you see a couple guys at your company making $1,000 a day and you feel like it's not for you.

Here's my best advice: I fucking sucked at sales when I started out, I thought I was too autistic and retarded for it. But I stuck with it and now I make $800-$1,500 a day. Just keep at it and you'll get good. Find a company that doesn't screw their people over. Pest control is usually a good launching point. Or insurance if it's a smaller company.
Maybe a good idea, make roasties pay.

Just went to NYC for 3 days. Stayed at an Airbnb in williamsburg. Although I liked it for the first ~36 hours, I started to dislike a lot more as time went on.
> Vast trash-scapes pretty much everywhere.
> Food/coffee is incredibly fucking expensive, even at the "cheaper" places. Yet these places are packed.
> Went to an extremely hipster coffee shop that charged 7 dollars for an espresso. Place was also extremely packed with mostly locals.
> Servers/waitresses generally had shitty attitudes.
> All of the Williamsburg locals seemed like giant faggots. People dress like fucking clowns. The stuff I overheard these people talking about was some of the most inconsequential, out of touch shit I've ever heard.
How do these people afford to live here? Why does everyone seem like such an insufferable shithead? I've lived in cities and in the country, but with the exception of some restaurants, this place is uniquely repulsive. Are all of these people just living off of Daddy's money?
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I'm sure many people in NYC make more money than I and my family do, but I very much doubt many of them are "richer" after controlling for cost of living, safety and cleanliness of surroundings, quality of life and social capital of community, and overall life satisfaction. These cities are hemorrhaging people, after all. Those with a triple-digit IQ and the means to do so are moving away from these third world liberal shit holes en masse.
>expecting non-pretentious faggots
lol go to chinatown you fucking dork
thank you for writing this
It's kinda neat how Williamsburg has kept the outfits through the years
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>Now imagine a whole neighborhood filled with those people. That's Williamsburg. Now imagine they branch out and move to other parts of the city because "I'm never going back to XYZ town, I'd miss the hustle and bustle of the big city."
>Meanwhile, the people who grew up in new york and just want to live their lives as normal people as their parents and grandparents did are priced out.
Do NYers like this actually still exist? This is exactly how I feel as an urban commiefornian that couldn't "make the cut" and I live in the midwest now. A least it's whiter here I guess. I'm still a loner with no friends thougheverbeit so that doesn't really matter.

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Hows Mexico City? Thinking about going there for two weeks to a month

Hows the mogging scene there?
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Neat - thanks for the map!
While I got your attention, besides Chichen Itza - what other ruins in the Yucatan region are worth seeing? I have to be somewhat selective.

I have been robbed by the cops twice down there, saw a women get her car stolen at gun point with her children inside, two beaners also tried to rob me at knife point. Fuck mexico and fuck mexicans.
>Wanna go to Mexico City
Mexican here. Why?
>The mogging scene
As in getting mugged or as in getting laid?
Getting your shit stolen is very likely if you walk around flaunting. Getting laid is whatever

But in general, why would you go to CDMX? It's the closest we have to a Hive City in the world. Cyberpunk dystopian with all the shitty parts and no cool bionic upgrades. Food is expensive and shitty. Maybe if you're gonna be on the really really expensive part of the city rubbing elbows with narcos.
Mexico has cool places, beautiful people and good food

Just not in Mexico City, it's a Skaven den piece of shit and every other place detects when their people is nearby because how they speak and walk, always with double intentions. They city is unironically run by narcos, commies and jews, actual jews, and the air is toxic to any human. Not to the DFctuoso, because they already adapted to cholera and food poisoning, so air with lead won't kill them, just drop their IQ levels once again, but won't notice either.

And it's a metropolis, has everything you want from a city, yet you don't really want to go anywhere or can't. 3 hour drives is the norm. Moving through the metro is the best bet.

If you really REALLY have to go you don't walk into the police. Never do contact with them. If you get robbed maybe you could contact somebody but 90% they're not gonna help not because they are corrupt (they are) but because they're dumb asses and the worst kind of people are CDMX police officers.
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It's nice
There are hive cities all over the world, and especially in the third world, but few with a charming character like Mexico.

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Saying fuck the US, moving over to PH since I can get a SIRV visa and stay as long as I like. I've got bare minimum $600/month in passive income to live off. I like to think I have a pretty solid plan here, but feel free to tell me I'm stupid and I'll let you know if I thought of it.

Anyway, I wanted to travel around a bit off Credit cards before I get there, so I should have around $30k to work with, plus a couple grand cash for the things that won't take cards. I want to visit Japan, see Tokyo and visit some of the whisky distillers, check out some of the historical stuff. Maybe visit South Korea? Then head to Thailand for a bit for the nature, temples, etc. Then off to Philippines to figure out where I'm settling down.

Just wanted to know what /trv/ thought, if there's things I should be sure to do in those countries, if there's other countries I should check out, or anything else I should know. I like to walk/hike, have no problem going out off the beaten path, and I've got a pretty strong stomach and enjoy authentic Asian food, so no need to find McD or shit like that.

Anything I should know, resources I should check out, trolls complaining about what I'm trying to do?
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I live in Philippines. If I wasn't making at least 3.5k USD I think, I wouldn't enjoy living here. Manila is actually heaven on earth if you have an abundance of disposable income. I love it here as a successful young guy.

I'll be honest though I fucking hate bugs. If you're cheap, you're far more likely to encounter them. The bugs here are huge and disgusting. Perhaps consider some place in southern Europe.
3.5k usd is not successful dude. thats like $55k a year before taxes. which you arent paying
Oh, no. 3.5k a month isn't. I was doing that online before I was 22 on ebay. But 4600 per week is with zero income tax :-)
Clearly fake
Not that anon, but $3.5k/month remote income in SEA is successful unless you are measuring yourself against incomes in developed countries. I personally have no plans to return to my collapsing home country. I'm as likely to move to Saudi Arabia as go back to my home country, so I don't care how much Saudis earn and what they consider successful. $3-4k/month is a balling income in SEA.

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Anon, what is essential to know if you want to travel to Malta?
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If you go in the winter, particularly January, it's super fucking cheap to stay as they're just trying to fill as many hotel rooms as possible

> St Julians is trashy as fuck, think Port Royal in the 1700s, a jungle of drugs, sex and degeneracy surrounded by casinos and night clubs. Dont book a hotel there or you will regret it. If you must book a hotel stick to Sliema or Valletta.
True of Paceville but Spinola Bay is comfy
>If you go in the winter, particularly January, it's super fucking cheap to stay
But is it too cold?
Been there during christmas and the weather was perfect. Not too hot, not too cold.
But I generally dont like warm weather, so it might be too cold for you.

Kys ranjeet


Overpopulation in summer, not only you have a lot of expats, you also have a fuck ton of tourists and brit bongs flooding the place because its considered the cheap ibiza.

Spinola bay is nice but walk further and you'll find that Balluta Bay is even comfier in the evening, there's a nice bar next to the public beach and pool right on the water that stays open late. Food and drinks are affordable and you got decent lighting at night and a nice breeze from the sea to keep you cool on summer evenings. Less crowded than Spinola as well.

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I'm here right now and fail to understand the draw of this place. It has the demographics of India and some South American Venezuelan ghetto with a sprinkle of habibis on top and at night becomes a degenerate absolute hellhole dump reminiscent of a favela
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Yeah man, damn right, already 20% of the syrians that fled to Germany are now working and paying taxes to the state. And that was just over a decade ago. Just imagine the numbers we can achieve after half a century, we might be able to have 30-35% of them working for a living!
OP here. I ended up leaving Barcelona and went further down to Sitges. It has a lot of gays but they stick to their own little area and the chill level is like a trillion times higher than Barcelona. No Moroccans, pajeets or Bantus.
Wokeism is an American mind virus. it makes sense that it's in English.
I've not locked my car or house for years, even when I go away on holiday.
Imagine living in such a low trust society full of absolute deadshits and admitting it
>why would you want to spend a month there?
I dunno man. Why not? Is there not enough to do? What would you do instead? I've never travelled solo before and I want to do a month long trip somewhere.

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