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I know most critics are retarded, but when I went on the wiki page to see who this Stefan Zweig person was who the film acredited as an inspiration, there was this whole tenuous analysis piece of the movie's wiki page on it being critical of fascism as a main aspect, which I dont see how anyone could take as a major part of the film thematically from actually watching it.

All the political aspects of the time period seem very explicitly in the background, and they were kind of just portrayed as some faceless regime change after regime change with the certain form of government being actively unimportant. I mean, the movie very well could have been about fascism, but its blatantly not with how the whole thing is executed. Its more about loyalty, personal connections, and stuff. Am I missing something? It just seemed so baffling that it was brought up in the article that I had to ask. Is this that famous media literacy I've heard about?
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It's secondary to the personal themes you mention but definitely present. the totally-not-nazis become more and more aggressive with their invasion culminating in fiennes's death. I'm pretty sure he straight up calls the soldiers fascists as they arrest him
I don't like the deadpan acting. I don't like the cartoonish physical acting. I didn't like the pace of the story or the story itself. The set and costumes were well done.
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One of the best films I've ever seen
When I was a teenager my dad and I got locked outside of our house by accident so we went to the theater and watched this movie to wait for my mum to come home.
why are people so obsessed with fascism?
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This, but unironically.

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>KIRAC 23 Honeypot - In this film, you will witness the unlikely endeavour of right-wing conservative Sid Lukkassen who chivalrously tries to win the heart of lefty student Jini. When he enters her boudoir in Zandvoort, he gets caught up in a literary, enchanting and unpredictable world, in which Jini starts to undress him, surrounded by classical music and grapes. While Sid tries his best to connect to Jini, he realises that the woman has set him up for humiliation. How will Sid save himself from this situation? Will he, despite everything, find love?

It's finally been released to the public!
censored version for those of you that don't want to be distracted by tits
Downloads for the uncensored version
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go back to discord, faggot
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Holy SHIT.
>Source: dude trust me
Hilarious you post this then post a bunch of "Source: dude trust me" nonsense.

Trannies are overwhelmingly; ALMOST exclusive; Leftists, dipshit. Everybody knows this. No amount of whining will change that.
I downloaded her onlyfans porn and it's really good. Many a jerk off sessions will be had to it.
>far right wing racist
that means a not-communist man or woman, yes?

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I want to breed Kiernan Shipka.
Thank you.

>raised in a blue collar catholic family
>joins gang as a youth and gets caught up in the street life
>judge gives him an ultimatum of jail or military service
>joins the marine corps
>becomes an elite delta force recon ranger
>operates in the hottest of warzones
>gets out
>joins pmc
>continues operating
>runs security for various cartel leaders
>briefly goes to prison and joins the aryan brotherhood (not racist)
>decides to turn his life around
>becomes a successful actor/life coach/youth counselor/podcaster
>burns local
>is a real one

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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gugliermo macaroni ya bufoon
Cool story, bro
Karl Ferdinand Braun. Marconi gets more credit because he was made a duke or something for being the first useful Italian in 300 years.
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>burn local

does that mean he has sex with white women?
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>jon bernthal is in this thread right now

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Homos hate this
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Hmm I wonder if a Netflix remake is coming…
>Hmm I wonder if two fan studios are currently releasing their work...
Keep swinging for the fences, champ.
Tiktok stained this series for me. Fuck zoomers and millennials
>2 seconds before that she starts screaming at him and trying to stab him
The characters in that show have the emotional maturity of a fucking turnip.
>Woman acts like a woman
It's realistic

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>How do you do, fellow teenagers?

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I showed this to a religious friend of mine and it fucking broke him. The realisation that someone could do something like this in real life and God wouldn't do shit, either because he doesn't care, or more likely, doesn't exist.

We spent the rest of the night watching porn to take the edge off.
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Raped pows until they got pregnant then infected them with syphilis to see the effects.
Froze limbs of living pows to study the effects of frostbite
That's just off the top of my head.
The US gave them immunity in return for the scientific data they collected in their experiments
>Shit that didn't happen
Well if they ever lose their faith in god then they also get burned forever :)
God is love btw
You're kind of messing the story up, dude.

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teenage monke orgasm
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>Can almost see titty
I just finished this show and my god was it poorly written. How is a 6-7.5 show getting an 8.4 on IMDb, with the highest rated (S01E08 9.3) episode being rather boring.

The writing is CW bad, all the characters are unlikable, and Emma D’Arcy was a terrible follow-up to Milly Alcock's performance. Oh, and the color grading is honestly the worst I've ever seen.
Sex sex sex
you don't need to spoiler tag
this is a board that prides itself on it's love for ''ebes
she wouldve definitely been nude with previous showrunners
still bums me out that we'd been robbed of what could've been the most anticipated nude scene of the 21st century

/ourgirl/ Edition
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>Ruby is 3k+ years old
So who is she?
I'm waiting for Bowlestrek's take on it. I'm sure he'll find some excuse to get pissed off.
like seriously this is the first time ncuti has really REALLY felt like the doctor to me. like for once it seems like he's the same entity as 12 and 11. Parts of 10 too, i suppose.
why the fuck are people saying Mundy looks like Susan?
are they fucking retarded?
how many half doctors are there now? (a ridiculously dumb as fuck concept btw)
>the valeyard
>i think tennant had one, something about a hand?
>war doctor
>maya angelou doctor
>david tennant again?

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He's right, and he has a better looking outfit to boot.

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>not ONE of you glue huffing retards got off the couch to wish /ourguy/ a happy birthday

The day of the oil drum approaches 4channel.
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when does he get out?
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Is life really worth living if you are serving a life sentence without a chance for parole in an american prison?
Its barely even a punishment anymore. He is likely shitposting in this thread right now
>tfw ywn be warm enough

>best film of the year
>/tv/ never even mentions it
Why is this board always so off the mark when it comes to anything that isnt overproduced slop?
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This thread is working, I will definitely hate-watch this garbage when it gets shown on Film Four in a couple of years.
is this a good horror movie?
is it suspenseful? are there decent scares?
Um excuse me? Did it just imply lefty beliefs are like an art form and not set of enumerable values and beliefs? No wonder they are all deranged, mentally ill freaks. They don't give the fundamental ideas they live by any structure or thought. Just wing it, it's an art form. Let's castrate our children and burn down the country for a literal violent drug addled convicted felon because we're fighting the good fight.
My God these people are so fucking retarded it's amazing.
Also art that reproduces existing values is completely valid and arguably more so than just winging it.
I hope Israel and Palestine both get nuked.
Friendly reminder /pol/ is canonically niggers and shitskins larping as white nationalists
The /pol/ meetups all look like caricatures of Amerimutts IRL
I feel like movies like this do more harm than good for stereotypes of trans people and whatever. Like this just strengthens that they are suicidal freaks. I feel for the “””””””normal”””””” ones, biggest quotes. I really do. They just want to live and chill and be gay. The weird ones have really ruined their image.

Watch American horror story hotel for an actual good trans character

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Post 'em.
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This is the only one I watched in its entirety.
Jorgito a shit
i enjoyed it but also my family so i have to pretend it's shit in front of them
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Vagabanda was fuckin based
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Comedic Action
Cool protagonist
Time Travel
Science Fiction
Mockery of Communism
and gratuitous Hot Bitches in tiny clothes
It's even weird to consider this a soap opera

It was just different times.

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say something nice about the women saving modern comedy, /tv/.
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trump so funny
I hope Sabrina is in a sketch
orange man bad
She likes the Residents and Ween
trump jumped the shark when he won the election

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Is Western society officially over, tv?

Even blackcels are struggling
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Now he can rise and fly.
No, but it is getting worse in some ways. Social media websites have encouraged unhealthy social dynamics in our culture that have increased isolation and the destruction of local communities. It is more complicated than that of course. If you want friends, you may have a harder time than people did in the past.
I saw an older black couple getting dinner the other night. They were sitting next to each other holding hands. I like seeing older people holding hands. Also I liked the guy's comfy looking sweater. I need to get myself a nice sweater.
non-tyrone blacks are fucked, especially if they can't get a cushy diversity job
>If you want friends, you may have a harder time than people did in the past.
pretty much, friendship is mostly dead. even zoomers aren't making long lasting friendships, so its not just a "getting old" issue
he just like me fr

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