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I am honestly glad that Banana Guard is there over /co/mblr dykeshit like Marceline or PBG that became corrupted in later season

though I would've like the likes of Gunther, Ice King, Lemon Grabs and BMO all in all I ain't even mad

Regular Show was always better anyways so where are my niggas Mordecai and Rigby?
>opposing side hates eating shit

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17% of homosexuals eat and/or rub the feces of their partners on themselves (4). 12% of homosexuals give/receive enemas as part of sexual pleasure (4). In one study, the average homosexual fellated somewhere between 20 and 106 men, swallowed 50 seminal discharges, had 72 penile penetrations of the anus, and ingested feces of 23 different men EVERY YEAR (6). 43% admitted to 500 or more partners in a lifetime, 28% admitted to 1000 or more in a lifetime, and of these people, 79% said that half of those partners were total strangers, and 70% of those sexual contacts were one night stands (3). It a favorite past-time of many homosexuals to go to cruisy areas and have anonymous sex. See www.cruisingforsex.com (NOTE: this site may contain pomographic images please don't go to it if you are under age or don't want to see this type o of material. This site is referenced only for illustrative purposes). 10% of homosexuals admit to eating feces and/or drinking contaminated enema water. (8) 29% of homosexuals engage in urine sex ("golden showers"). (8) In large cities, hospitals are often called on to remove objects from the rectums of homosexuals. Sometimes, the homosexuals do so much damage that they have to wear colostomy bags for the rest of their lives (8). 50% of the calls to a hotline to report "queer bashing" involved domestic violence (ie, homosexuals beating up other homosexuals) (18). About 50% of women on death row are lesbians (12). Homosexuals prey on children. 33% of homosexuals ADMIT to minor/adult sex (7). Homosexuals commit more than 33% of all reported child molestations in the United States, which, assuming homosexuals make up 1% of the population, means that 1 in 20 homosexuals is a child molester, while 1 in 490 heterosexuals is a child molester (19).
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>truth is now bait
lol no
homosexuality is a degenerate sin
back to /pol/
/lgbt/ will live forever.
whats crazy is that the homosexuals in this thread didn't refute any of the above talking points. interesting statistics

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The Splatfest is ON!
It’s the end of the world as we know it, but do YOU feel fine? It’s all coming to the end, but when you find out what do you intend on doing? Would you keep on doing your usual thing, get out there and do everything you wanna do on your bucket list, or do something about the situation and do your best to save the day? Your days are numbered, and so is this Splatfest, so head out there and GET SPLATTING!
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your last chance to play with the pool
>big meme gets splatted by meteor before he can launch the timmy bomb
>everytime I join a room all of the non pool regulars immediately leave
So are they the ones causing all this?
>gold tricolor badges
>still attacking other attackers
lmao even
I ended up in a team with two gold aerosprays and a reef-lux deco. I had to do all the splats by myself, they weren't hitting anything. Luckily I was playing .52 gal so we won.

We're still playing.


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E.E. is cute so it doesn't matter, not a bad escort mission. It's like 8 minutes of gameplay anyway, anyone who complains is a zoomer freak with a 2 second attention span

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Protect your Dancer.
Love your Dancer.
Serve your Dancer.
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How is the dark flier class? Did you prioritize her any with stat boosters or did you make her one immediately considering her base magic growth is nonexistent?
This year has been almost nothing but banners of disliked characters, so to try and sell them IS has ramped up the powercreep fourfold. A unit from Book 8 is worth as much as four Book 7 units.
Now they're trying to shill Alcryst and Embla tonight as Bridal units.
Her relic from her paralogue is bultgang, which implies her canon class is a sword using class which includes dancer which exclusively uses swords. In all honesty I believe her original canon class was probably similar to the beast units in Fates but she became a demonic beast instead given her crest but I think that idea got scrapped
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>the holy trinity of stylish action vidya, 15 years later
feeling old yet?
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You realise one reply was me, and another was someone else?
DMC 3 is a terrible game praised by crapcum guzzling retards that played it when they were 12
Its been a while but I seem to remember you wait/bait his Royal Guard and then buster him. Its a shit boss for sure and they redeemed him for DMC5 Vergil Edition.
Nobody here shares a thought on anything, except wanting to fuck cats.
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So I'm 1/3 through Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 on Mentor difficulty; just killed the werewolf boss.
The first missions were really challenging and I died a lot but once you pick up other weapons and enlarge your health bar a bit it doesn't felt as hard anymore.
On the other hand the bosses are pretty dangerous now and now I can't just mash and spam healing items.

I'm not even a hardcore player or some shit; I'm a shitter. It just feels kind of not as hard as I expected.
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Character action!

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Your just racist just own up to it already
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William was great, there just wasn't enough of him
Most annoying thing about Nioh having a story desu, just enough story to want to care but not nearly enough to begin to
How are you not racist against japanese males?
Didn't this nigga just build boats
A plan sending them at Madagascar.
I feel like you don't understand what's going to happen if white people become ok with being racist.

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yikes a cartoon raccoon with fat hips!
>this is what constitutes as horror in 2024
I miss actual horror games like Dead Space and Amnesia.
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>cutesy opening getting weirder and more grotesque down the line
Oh boy, can't wait for the mascot to talk about scat and bbc during the future episodes
lol what
why bring this fetish shit into the discussion
Mindbroken /v/ user, hates talking about video games and mascot horror threads actually talk about video games
Because he has autism and this game makes him very upsetti spaghetti?

Who cares? Why even talk about it?
Just let it die.
I thought it was a cool game.

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The game falls off once you reach the inverted castle
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>I couldn't get max map completion. I must have missed some stuff.
Groundbreaking analysis anon
If you thought that HoD didn't "feel" wrong, you are already retarded.
Once you access the inverted castle, things really start to pick up. You figure out that you have a secret ending, do all the bonus shit to unlock it, and suddenly realize that you're only at 50% completion of the game.
Plus, you can now run around and try to curbstomp everything, just to find out that some of the shit is actually tough enough to still fight you.

It fell off if you ever tried to play the game again with a new save file, because now you realize just how much of the castle you slowly need to walk through once again but this time with your depowered ass. Once you've beaten the game a first time, only play as Richter mode from then on.
there's a few unmarked breakable walls
it sucks
fairies will tell you about them though

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This shit is gonna flop harder than artifact.
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this guy asks me for smokes at the gas station
Why do you guys keep making these mockups, they look so dumb
What? that's the actual leaked character model
There is not much info besides few leaked SS.
There is also Valorant which gets massive player numbers, while having the same slop art style, without all of the moba bullshit.

Why is everyone a salty faggot in this game?
You killed them once by accident, and they immediately throw a sissy fit
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you have 20 lives. it's not a big deal to die sometimes, it's expected
I don't care if I have 2 lives or 20 lives or 200 lives, getting pranked by the physics is something that gets old incredibly quickly.
First time using the orbital gas, fucking love it, kills everyting, recharges fast. It will replace the laser from now on for me.
But haven't tried it on bots, how good it's on there?
Better than bugs because the bots don't move as fast and stay in the gas longer.
that's funny, i don't see that guy dying in that webm
i see him being tossed around and wasting stims in a situation that should not have happened
would ironically be less annoying if those laser blasts insta-gibbed him instead of tossing him around like someones plaything
i don't know who designed that shit, but i don't like them

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No wonder they are a shit company now
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Barry won
Yoshitp lost
The devs said it was almost a 50/50 split between PC and PS5
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>Joker is a cultural icon
Unicorn Overlord is a great and rich jrpg
Final Fantasy 16 is a shit action movie

When a new IP is able to surpass the mainline installment of a old franchise, it means that it flopped hard my dude
Honkai is better than pretty much every game produced by Square Enix in the PS5 generation

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So what image original without troll and idiot?
some ESO news thing
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>he is not aware
the Elder Scrolls games are carried by the environmental artists and Jeremy Soul's music. Bethesda are good at exactly one thing and it's creating beautiful fantasy environments to stroll around in for a bit, taking in the scenery, but that's kind of it. Once the honeymoon period is over, what's left is an extremely shallow hack and slash '''''RPG'''''' where you do the same tasks for 100 hours.
They're years behind in virtually every aspect of RPG design and combat, and the writing in their games is mediocre. I'm not excited about TES VI at all Todd

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Way better than FF7 Rebirth in every single way
ff16 is a crap movie and it flopped
Best game and gameplay since Ff10
>worst final fantasy game since ff10
FF7 Rebirth was peak jewish game design, FF16 had SOUL

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Can the industry be saved?
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let's fucking hope not
drain the swamp
trim the fat
stop the gravy train
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>Overwatch 2 was my passion
How vacant is your life that OW2 was your reason to get up in the morning

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Why did this fuck some many things up on top of the already fucked shit?
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It does feel more like a VN, like, for example, you have the option to find out who the real guilty party is during the court scene, but doing so leads to a game over.

I also don't like how it seems none of the characterizations from Friendsim carries over.
Lol this is bleak
I genuinely don't understand the appeal
People make bullshit claims and threats over thumbnails and assumptions all the time, this is common practice in Youtube-related drama.

S!Z might release on October 1st.
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It's the 4th Sparking game, with the Zero referring to letting new players experience the series with a fresh outlook.
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He does

Blame Xbox
and Snoy too

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Oriental Blue - Ao no Tengai. It’s a Far East of Eden spin-off (kinda), more serious than usual and with a huge amount of freedom in how you can progress in your adventure. And there is a translation patch.
I only ever played Advance Wars
> Astro Boy
One of the best game of the platform hand down. Treasure-developed action chara game with lots and lots of cameos of characters from Tezuka’s mangas. This game is the definition of soul.
There was this one tmnt game but I forgot
Medabots AX
Naruto ninja council
DragonBall gt transformation
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Good taste.
Only game I'd consider a hidden gem on GBA, as most use the term for 'shit game I had before any objective sense of good/bad vidya developed.'

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When did you drop this franchise?
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I stopped after Revelations, then played Rogue. Rogue was probably my favorite because I never really liked the assassins much and always thought knights were cool.
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Ehhh Eivor is a woman no matter what. One of Odyssey's multitude of problems is how there's no way to know in the game itself which choice is canon, you need out of the game knowledge beforehand to know you have to choose Kassandra else your experience is "wrong" (something you won't know until you meet her in the Valhalla crossover questline even if you played 200 hours as Alexios). As far as the game is concerned, if you try to get all your info from what the actual product you bought offers you, there's:
>Alexios in the cover
>Alexios as the preorder statues
>Alexios in the official trailer
>Alexios in the ultimate post all DLCs main menu with Atlantis in the background
>Alexios in the header image on Uplay
>Alexios in crossover outfit with AC3 Remastered
Plus a story that's written as gender neutral as possible which in ancient Greece's society automatically leans towards Alexios being the outspoken warrior and Kassandra the secret Cult weapon if you're to treat the setting in any way seriously in the same historical fiction sense you did previous ACs.
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With Valhalla, the game itself makes it damn clear Eivor only makes sense if she's historically a woman no matter your choice. No man in history has ever been named Eivor it's strictly a female name, your surname is Grimsdottir no matter what, the initial Animus choice clearly paints male and female as optional choices while the one which lets the Animus chose whatever DNA sequence is stronger at any given time is put in the centre as the big "hey this is clearly the choice that makes the most sense!" option; and it's the only choice that makes narrative sense both because no matter what Eivor's skeleton has two genetic sequences which if playing as male Eivor doesn't add up because one of the two goes unexplained, and more importantly Eivor being a woman explains why Basim doesn't recognize Odin when meeting her while male Eivor is literally Odin's 1:1 face which you'd think Basim would've realized.
At the end of the day, in Odyssey you change history depending on your choice, somehow Layla's Animus making Alexios in a suit appearing in front of her in 2018 even if Kassandra was the historical older sibling and Eagle Bearer. In Valhalla Eivor is always a woman shield maiden and "male Eivor" means you're putting the Odin skin on top of real Eivor like Altaïr in AC2.
>no argument
I'll accept the concession then
around 2012 whit AC 2 when I played dark souls and realized that the combat in AC is not really fun to me

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