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/vmg/ is a place to discuss all types of mobile games, including both Android and iOS, phones and tablets. Please note that Nintendo and Sony handhelds are considered consoles, and that threads pertaining to those platforms and their gaming titles should be posted elsewhere.

Does this mean discussion of mobile games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vmg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on mobile games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vmg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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Ultra Golden Frieza is here and he's MID.

/dbg/ guild: h7ygsygw

April Fool's Day soon. Anniversary is 2 months away.
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Building it up but now I have around 1k at the moment. I haven't played this game in a few months and kind of rusty playing the story mode for cc.
What type of asshole plays this type of team?
Behead all UIfags
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Got like 2k lmao. Blew a bunch of crystals trying to get lf Nappa because I foolishly want to invest in Vegeta clan knowing how much the tag gets bullied. If part 1 anni ends up being BoG I can safely skip.
This fucking stupid ass game never reads my inputs correctly, especially taps. Can't tap blast, can't quick attack, can't tackle, and can't close range tap. It just doesn't work, and I know it isn't lag because when I start to say "what the fuck? why isn't anything happening?" and I tap again, it reads that second tap perfectly fine.

Did you summon for any of this year's Fallen Heroes?
Any hopes/expectations for this year's Bridal banner?
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What if it's Fogado
My guess is still Alcryst because of not only the hair but also the collar (Fogado's collar is bigger and more feathery) but I figured I'd throw that guess out there, since he's also an archer
Flared sparrow, assassin strike,trace 4, Deadly miasma, whataver rare skills fliers can get
That’s a possibility but I’m guessing that would up to Intelligent Systems and possibly the artist they choose. I’m not sure about their process. Regardless like I said before it would be a small silver lining for an alt I’m more than likely going to dislike. Also I know I’m being very pessimistic and I don’t want to be but I would rather have my expectations low so I don’t get my hopes crushed. But I would like to be pleasantly surprised and proven wrong.
Betting the freebie for the bridal banner'll be a guy again.
yeah, that seems likely.

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Year of Gohan
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You weren't supposed to point that out
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>small dick
damn its over for nindo.
cooler on release was better than this gohan is now. CHADCHADCHADhan probably isnt even top 10 LRs in the game right now. other anon is retarded though he is definitely much better than cooler but for being a post 9th anni unit he should have been much better

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Only a few days left of the 7th anniversary. Asteria event coming soon.
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I wish Rays get a Megaman Dive Offline treatment, but this is bamco were talking about
I still thought it was fair since they did actually announce it. It's on the players' fault for spending after that.
>showed some major warning signs
>written to be ending
I didn't play Dragalia, but that's pretty much what Rays is doing, isn't it?
>2nd eMA for the MC
>main story and the after story finished
dragalia rushed and there were plotpoints skipped, especially for characters that were shown in some cutscenes that never got a chance to be in the story.
symphonia is on sale for 20 dollars.

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Thread for discussion of Blue Archive's Japanese Server
Did you enjoy the band event with the After School Sweets Club?
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Your healing will probably be too slow.
>>1 (Uno) high bond mika using her on yellow
can you show the team? Mika is on the front and it's quite hard to keep alive while healing lantern as fast as you can
Depends on your tank. With Hoshino she ran forward but Tsubaki managed to keep aggro.
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less than 2200 that has cleared torment + 2x insane right now
do you think plat is guaranteed as long as torment is cleared?
found this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OaZ3ulIO68
can't replicate with a UE40 kokona because my nyFuuka and himari is only 3*
2 spots open in the JP circle 13107 アオダマ
or "Aodama"

Join if you want to!

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Anniversary (July 27) and collab (Live A Live) anticipation thread.
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People who like jrpgs. People who prefer pixel to 3D graphics. Octopath Traveler fans. People who liked OT1 but wished it had better gameplay and/or story. Mobage fans who want a game world they can actually run around in and explore instead of just a series of menus with a hub and battle screens. Whales.
Gambling addicts and people with an infinite amount of time because doing anything takes an eternity.
Two more days until Tavern Talk…
Hopefully they will release OST Vol 2 in the west soon

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Leviathan and new FS chapter soon
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i can't because i ALSO have to login daily on mobile for those stupid ads
Eh, not defending the japs but I find it hilarious how much we have grown used to paying premiums or watching ads to 'play' games.
Expansion packs turned into dlcs, who then turned into gachas and battle passes and now you can pay extra to play the game 3 days earlier!

Having to launch an app to watch 2 ads is still annoying as fuck.
at the end it's a single 10-pull per month, aka a nothingburger
I haven't watched ads once since it launched on steam. It eats into my blue crystals, but it's worth it to me.
in my defence I just got Glenn/Matt/Lucia to 70 yesterday, and my schizo brain thought I already had Red at 70
I also don't like Barret so level cap never ever for him

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Basically just started. I want the foot girl. Be honest with me, what're my chances of pulling her before she's gone with a F2P account if I'm literally in the beginning of the game
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Push campaign, your progress there determines how much resources your outpost generates per hour.
Only level 5 units and level then evenly, fairly early on you'll unlock a feature called synchro that sets other units to the level of those 5.
Once you unlock the standard banner wishlist, set it up prioritizing getting dupes of SSRs you have, then meta picks.
Always go for core dust box rewards in events.
That's hard to do when other players don't fail them.
That crossover boss had white circles that you were supposed to avoid, so you could just shoot them and everyone got hit with an attack.
Thanks anon
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Also, if you get stuck on a stage and you think you can progress by opening boxes, only use exactly as many as you need as the moment. They give you resources based on your current oupost output, so they'll be worth more later.

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stop shouting
Not op but the game is a bad state
Who? They screwed up a lot of characters.

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Happy birthday Nanaka
She doenn't appear in the group but here you go. Lime wears the same panties in every game, but her underwear looks better in the console games. Using the words of MonoSaaaN Gaming: ''This is BLUE REFLECTION''...
Towa is dead too
Will this come to ps5?

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You did get the mediocre collab units right?
Theres only 2 days left now!
battle cats thread
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Hey uhh did they actually fix the energy glitch this time? I was gonna get back into the game after like a year but I dont think I'll bother if thats the case
High ranked bros I need help desperately. The stage called "Stars in the tumbler" (the stage directly after you get Naala) has me utterly fucked. I can't seem to time the teleport for shit. Heres two very consistent results
>teleported behind dobers, behe gets caught by Ribbo's omni range (which he doesnt fucking have, behe is getting hit from BEHIND the fucking frog.), then knocked back
>teleported behind dobers, behe gets instantly teleported back again by doggo
This is happening a lot. Please post lineups bros, this shitty puzzle stage might be the one that breaks me. I've tried every youtube lineup. I've tried bruteforcing. Non behe teams. Everything. Fucking ponos. This 'puzzle' shit is not OK. Anyone that has beat this, please post your team. I'm obviously doing something wrong. Surely it can't just be a luck based win.
Motherfucker. Turns out all I needed was 4 catellites and spamming chill at high velocity. Didn't use any other units at all. Complaining here wins again.
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Timing bahamut worked fine for me after maybe 4-5 tries on 1*.
btw Moodist Beach is the Grotesque Gallery of UL, so the other levels in this are gonna be memes too
So I've just discovered. None have them have been so bad as the first though. I was getting well and truly fucked over by that one. Just got the last stage now, I wasnt expecting that assassin bear and I'm out of energy. I'll knock it over later and put this bullshit behind me. I really really dislike these types of stages though. Imagine if there was no guides for this shit? People would turf the game in a heartbeat.

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Not sure what happened to the other thread, but at least we can update the OP with the most recent decor they've added to the game.

Speaking of new things, the missions they've recently added were an interesting change of pace, especially as someone that has exhausted his local area of all seedlings. Also, they are apparently adding new mushrooms, according to a recent datamine (presumably during Halloween, since they're orange and purple).

Regardless, how do you guys feel about the game now that we're approaching the 1-year anniversary?
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You will always get a net positive from blooming specific nectar than from mushrooms. From what I've gathered the flower type is mainly dependent on the majority flower planted. The biggest the diversity of flowers on a bloom the more random it is, so pretty much if you plant 300 carnations on a bloom it's pretty much a gaurenty that it will be a carnation. Only the basic pansys have a higher chance to be another flower type but it's still pretty low and either way the fruit bloom will always give you more than enough nectar than what you spent to bloom.
>the flower type is mainly dependent on the majority flower planted
White flowers used to be random based on the colorpool of what can be bloomed (e.g., white Lily of the Valley flowers would bloom white or red 50% of the time), however it seems like recently they've made white flowers significantly more likely to bloom white flowers, or maybe even guaranteed. Haven't experimented with it enough to make an education statement, but I know for a fact it used to be painfully tedious trying to max out white nectar for rare flowers.
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flowerposting bump
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Rejoice, we are getting closer and closer to summer.
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i don't get what makes matthew so popular with royalty but they can have her
big fat chebs and not a magic ghost like 99% of the other women in the series
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I got my wife Beni in the mail yesterday. She's pretty geat.
>Arrive in fifth lostbelt
>Vinci and Friends spend 20 minutes going back and forth about what great servants we rolled and how this lostbelt will be a breeze
I'm starting to worry that Camelot was the peak of this games writing.
everyone getting their shit kicked in at the start of Atlantis is great though

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Only 5 days (5/22/24) till release!
What are you most excited for?
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It's 15+ in CN/TW.
peak penis pumping design
Wuthering Waves Reveal Livestream airing on 2024/05/19 at 18:30 (PT)

Global stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scTGyptoxbk

Japan stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PpVm9j25uU

Everyone probably knows but just in case
Why didn't Kuro just import their PGR models over? What in the heck is this?
PGR models are garbage

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