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This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

Helpful links:
Game Tech Wiki
Emulation General Wiki

>game ends
>it was all a dream
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>dream ends
>it was all a game
I haven't played the game in ages, but I thought that was the point of the Chrono Cross itself, that it was something that could change the timeline without causing a paradox like the Time Crash.
I wish this game never existed
>tfw it was all a dream but your gf is now a seagull
>TFW when you fug a seagull in dream.

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Beat MMX without leg upgrade. Frankly, it was not what I expected—I thought most difficulties would occur with platforming, but it was actually pretty easy; worst part was not being able to pick up most upgrades (until late) and avoiding bosses' attacks. I still have no idea how the hell you are supposed to fight Boomer and Octopus with no upgrades, their patterns seem almost random with no real easy way to avoid their attacks. Eagle was just stupid with no dash too, he blows you away half the time and then goes into dive attack that is barely avoidable without leg upgrade. Any tips appreciated.
Anyway, it was fresh to try this out, but I'd just prefer classic Mega Man at this point. At least it has challenging platforming and bosses have clear patterns.
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There's a password that clears Penguin and doesn't have the upgrade. That's the only way.
Octopus is such shit boss design.
Octopus just spams his missiles, then randomly jumps right at you. I haven't studied him, maybe he won't actually reach you, but still he can stand right next to you and fire missiles in a not so predictable way. As for eagle, he's not that hard, yeah, but the fact that half the fight he blows you away just sucks.
Yeah, I got game over in that stage, then I went back and got the armor upgrade and remaining heart tanks /sub tanks. I usually do fine on spider, but facing that fucker with no upgrades was eye opening. Still would be fine, if he didn't drop those small spiders that distract you and waste the charge shot.
As for the 2nd part of the level as a whole, I didn't use the chameleon weapon, just the homing rockets. They make it relatively easy.
I'm not bitching. There was simply one anon on this board who said that beating the game with no dash was something like the definitive experience. It was still interesting, but I just wouldn't say it was "definitive". A lot of bosses barely make sense with no dash. And the fact that the leg upgrade literally blocks the chill penguin stage is telling. Though you can tell a lot of pits on regular stages were placed with no leg upgrade in mind. Not on Sigma stage though.

Is it true this game is way harder if you're not playing on a CRT due to input lag, or is it just that people don't understand you're supposed to make up your own beats for points instead of just following the icons on-screen?
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I've played it on a CRT and I was just as shit as I was on an LCD. I have no fucking idea how you're meant to play it.
Can't speak to this but Gitaroo Man is unplayable on anything other than original hardware and a CRT. PCSX2 has a shitton of lag in all forms, and LCD/OLED TVs have a pretty laggy deinterlacing algorithm if you're using a real PS2.
I'm playing on a CRT, original hardware, no processing and can't get past the bathroom line stage.
This game is bad
>people don't understand you're supposed to make up your own beats for points instead of just following the icons on-screen
When have you last played this? You aren't actually rewarded for freestyling until you clear a stage the standard way first, you're effectively locked out of "rappin' cool" on your first run.

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>becomes the best game of all time in your path
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i think he's full retarded console fan.
The gameplay was more diverse than some of the sequels and many modern games have. You could go thru the door, and either lockpick, hack or blow the door or find a key etc, you could go thru a window or roof by piling boxes, you could go thru a tunnel, you could swim to some locations, you could talk to a npc to find out a password. You sometimes make choices where a character lives or dies, tho if you are playing for the first time you didn't know there were choices most of the time, which makes it if you asked someone else then your playthrus would have been different.

I wasn't necessarily a fan of the original weapon balancing and some of the weapons were bugged to the point of being unusable as the aim would not be where you want it to be ever, so I just use a mod like GMDX9.
My favorite parts are the Tanker and the bomb disposal with Raiden. Tho when I play those parts with different difficulties I still have to hold a button for 5 minutes straight just to skip all the cutscenes and codecs every single time.

I dislike all the boss fights and don't really care for the sneaking parts in the middle parts of the game and there isn't that much sneaking in the 3rd act, just cutscenes and bosses and silliness.
honestly imsims are too in-depthly autistic for me. while the reboot/prequel probably did go too far in streamlining things, it was still more enjoyable overall.

honestly i feel the same way about bioshock re: system shock a move in the right direction, just going too far.
> bioshock


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I still call her "Aeris"
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all stars is baitposting and la dx is just one guy who can't stand a minor tile change
Remakes have always been a redundant exercise in most cases. If the game is already good, then what's the point of remaking it? You've turned a good game into.........a good game. Remakes should be reserved for games that are bad, so that you can do them justice this time around.
There's that non-sequitur I was talking about, essentially telling people to shut up.

I haven't played the game before, but it looks cute and insanely charming, just like the original. Compared to the Nu Spyro trilogy, that's the kind of faithfulness I like to see in remakes, also similar to OOT3D, 1:1-wise. Even something like Trials of Mana's remake was cool. I'm fine with something going bigger with improvements and a little extra for side stuff, but not an entire dump of new twits to plot which take away from what captured why people like it all for the sake of being exciting, new and different. Just make a new game if your going to do that because this subversive shit's tiresome.
There were a few good ones in the 2000s. The first and obvious one that comes to mind is the REmake for GameCube. I don’t think it’s the concept of remakes that’s the problem, it’s the retard developers that can’t help but “push the red button”, so to speak.
she literally died for NOTHING

her death accomplished fuck all

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I miss these lil discs like you wouldn't believe
>In sleeve and not in Jewel case
You can literally just download demos now and it's better. Tbh, most people just pirate before committing now so they are obsolete.
Why would anyone believe a mentally disturbed child trying too hard to fit in? Apply yourself.
Why, what range are you shooting from?

What is the best handheld version of Tetris?
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GameBoy version, because it has this theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpzQmF_2qwo
>he posted, on the 'REMEMBER VIDYA?' board
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just say you can't t-spin
Tetris effect in VR is the objective answer but you assholes are probably too stuck in your ways to even try it not to mention apreciate it.
>competitive tetris
Absolutely not

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Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, Anbernic/Retroid official websites

>Best Brands
Retroid (Well built, powerful, but $100-200 range), Anbernic (Balanced price, power and build quality, avoid the RG Nano), Powkiddy (Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes), Miyoo (One hit wonder), TrimUI: (Good build quality, shitty software, good price).

>What do I buy
Post your preferences: Money (20$ - 300$), Shape (horizontal, vertical, clamshell, square), Pocketable or not, OS (Linux, Android, Both), Systems (Pre PSX is 8, 16, and 32-bit eras, PSX with extras, Dreamcast and N64, PSP and DS, PS2 and GC/Wii capable)

>Recommended devices

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this is unironically good advice
>emulating on your phone
The RG35XXSP would be my dream chinkheld, if it wasn't also a bomb.
When will we see a ps2 able linux based chinkheld ?
I just dont want to get a 10th android device for myself desu
You'll want it anyway because Linux lacks basic functionality on these ARM chips.

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Damn retro bros these prices are ridiculous
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They're free.99 now. LMAO.
Adjust for inflation, please.
Doom 64 would be $153 today. Keep in mind that the late 90s had a booming economy and 1% inflation.
Inflation doesn't "work" for luxury items.
Well it does, it allows us to understand the equivalent today would be putting down 150usd for an N64 game. We're not measuring the specific rate of inflation for N64 games, we can't. We use the index to give us a general view.

Why do so many zoomers view arcade as mindless quarter munchers when in reality they were the premium experience in terms of gameplay, challenge, replayability, and tech?
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>*elephant noises intensify*
>deeper game design
You would love modern games and >>>/v/
Cause they be broke af and mid on god
Because they were both of those things at the same time.
16 bit (and later 32 bit) consoles are /vr/ you moron. you should go back to >>>/readdit/.

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>find the switch
>push the boulder
>go refill your air
>fight against shitty westoid collision detection

Am I missing something? When does it get good?
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this game was literally inspired by the scientist trying to teach a dolphin to speak english and ended up jacking him off because she started thinking of him as her boyfriend
>game has a air meter
>game has a air meter FOR THE ENTIRE GAME
Dropped. It's already bad enough in the rare water level, nobody wants to deal with this constant annoyance.
yeah and her boss was swimming in a sensory deprivation tank high on ketamine, trying to telepathically connect with the dolphin
>game has a air meter FOR THE ENTIRE GAME

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>10927448

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

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Just replayed ep1 of Shadow Warrior. Dunno, I remembered it was better. Puzzles and key hunting are too annoying. And damage from monsters is way too high. Was replaying Duke ep3 just before that, and it was as good as ever. Likely to go to Duke e4 now instead of planned Wanton Destruction.
I would say that the latter half of Shadow Warrior Shareware episode is the worst outside some very choice levels from the main game so don't lose hope, I implore you.
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guys, for Tomb of Thunder the mediafire link is better, dropbox sucks dick (and also has an obsolete package whereas MF links can be updated) :


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The only 8-bit RPG worth playing.
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>"Role playing game" is a horrible label
That's the only sensible thing you've written in the entire post.
Genre indeed should be called "dungeon crawler" and JRPGs are merely a subset of it.
>In real role-play, before D&D took the term and applied it to a shallow battle simulator system
lol what exactly are you referring to? Because prior to D&D there was only war gaming, where the extent of the “RP” mostly boiled down to being as historically accurate as possible. You could say that modded Chainmail was the beginning of TTRPGs, but that only lasted a year before being turned into the first edition of D&D.
You're looking for adventure games, a genre that evolved from CYOA gamebooks.
RPGs were created by adapting wargame systems for small scale experiences. At core, it's a multiplayer tactics game where everyone (except for GM) controls one unit. Of course, it's usually an entire party for video game adaptations.
Classic JRPGs are unironically very close to the CRPG roots. Japan is the only country that produces Wizardry 1-3 clones en masse to this day too.
He refers to LARP and theater plays, obviously.
You’re trying to use a transitional period to define the genre. The period between modded Chainmail gaining popularity and it being turned into D&D was only ~1 year. There are definitely similarities between the white box set and the war games it was derived from, but it evolved extremely quickly and by the time the red box came out just a couple years later the term “RPG” was widely established.
In short, TTRPGs moved away from their combat oriented root’s extremely quickly, so I wouldn’t use that brief period of overlap to define the genre.

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Post some good point and click adventure games.

The more obscure the better.
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5 CDs (nuts)? Did they all make up one huge install, or did you have to swap them when you entered new areas?
This game is objectively terrible, horrible puzzle design with solutions that only make sense in its original language. I love it.

Disk swaps. The shortest route requires 25 of them. You can't merge the images together.
>Total Distortion is also neat if you consider it a point n click.
I mean it has puzzles so I guess I'd count it.
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One of Christopher Lloyd's lesser known roles.
So they wanted to have him play Bob Hoskins in the Toontown, instead of his original role?

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