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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

Any plans for a new playthrough when the DLC drops, anon? Aside from the wet fart that is the endgame crisis, 7.0 beta is pretty good. For me, I've been wanting to do a custom Eleventh Hour start where I try to ally with the Split and form a separatist Argon faction. So I think I'll finally do that.
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I did find the suit bomb and 5 bombs in a lockbox in the starting system. I'll have to load it up again and see it that's a static change or was just random and I got lucky. Either way though there's also no reason you can't stop with the missions after you scan the station while you collect the things passively.
I don't think that is static, no. The point remains its tedium for the sake of tedium however.
The entire x series always has been "what space probably will really be like to control" to me so it makes some sense kek
The obtuse menus and controls in a lot of cases just feel "realistic" in a weird way but it sure doesn't make for good questlines.
Oh there are definitely bad questlines. My argument is just that the hatikva questline is really fast and straightforward by comparison. The only hump is the spacesuit bomb portion and after that it's all the home stretch.
Far more annoying is the boron questline or the segaris questline.
It probably didn't help it was one of the first things I tried to do because it sounded "easier". Trade? I can do that
oh ok. thanks game.
German company, it's accurate to the demographics they see in major cities.

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Is this the ultimate calling card for the "I'm terminally dosghit at rts" type of person?
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Gooks, I guess.
rtt was the term gookclicks latched onto to falsely label real rts as not rts.
Dont use it. You are basically doing the equivalent of supporting troon propaganda
>whinging that the genre is dead and nobody wants to play games with them anymore.
Eerily similar to how fightin game faggots sound, they killed their genre with sweatiness and constantly cry how no one wants to play.
Esport fags really are cancer. Treating a game like a competitive sport is aids for a game genre scene.
you trying to claim Starcraft is not "micro" intensive is just retarded. Thats the "no"
You trying to claim rts requires base building is also retarded.
You calling RTS with no basebuilding or resource gathering RTT is peak retarded.
Esports is a cancer on gaming.
Esports is how you keep alive a game for decades but it needs to be good at it like cs. It's fine if you don't like it but you shouldn't seethe about it, just play something else

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What were your thoughts on the ending?
What does the future hold in store for Valhalla?
And most importantly, which waifus will make an appearance in Banished Children?
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clowns can't hit you if they can't move
entangling roots, freeze, wind chain...
fond memories of getting my arse handed to me at the night markets clown mission trying to unga bunga
The bigger problem is that like fifty of the fuckers show up, and rush into melee .
Clowns can't kill you if you can't die.
Based Immortality abuser
The first time I saw that Immortal Spoon guy and he said, "it breaks my heart to see you here," I thought he was Albus's dad or brother or something

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What is a good and flavourful set up to use for dark elves?
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am I getting bad RNG or do base-stat spells do fuck all against anything? I just cast Fire Bolt on some spearmen and they didn't even notice.
a fully charged firebolt can kill a unit of spearmen if you are extremely lucky, if they are veteran or above its basically not gonna happen tho
fire bolt is basic spell, spells have the same rule as normal damage aka 30% hit chance (unless its something like chaos bolt) and get reduced by armor, when hitting multi figure unit its better to use something like fire ball cause it hits all units at once
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I think I see now. I used the minimum power with my spell, which rolled poorly and only would've targeted a single spear-men anyways

I guess I'll keep trying to git gud. Scourging cities from afar is cool and all, but it just doesn't soothe the soul like a combat spell would
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Chaos Rift is great, since it makes a strongly defended city ripe for conquest. Just dont forget to switch it off, after you sack it.
Full chaos run with halflings is one of my favorite strategies, but very high in micromanagment. Casting chaos channel on every slinger, then sorting out the ones with demon wings. Flying elite slingers are no joke, and it gets really mean with chaos surge and warped reality.

why is there no wh30/k total war game? or 4x or something with realism of war and of equipment or tactics.
dawn of war games feel to arcade and unrealistic. space hulk are turn based and too strict.
i want planetary scale, but I want to edit my every single marine and watch them grow with experience and battles.
i want to maintain supply lines and I want to raid and to scavenge and to ambush and to do overwhelming show of force if I want to, throwing millions of lives at the battlements, and at the same time I want to be able to influence single units, their wargear, their actions, seeing their behaviour change from battle to battle and situation through situation.

is there not a game like this, can it even be done?
does it g have to come with advancement in ai, for both making it and controlling it?

is there anything even remotely close to it?
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>the uplifting handbook is literal in universe propoganda, anon. You've been propogandized and are literally too dumb to see it.

>/tg/ wikis google
Tirtiary, lol.
Chainswords are an insanely retarded idea for a melee weapon.
Imperial Guard has cavalry units.
Sororitas have an artillery tank that fires missiles from a pipe organ.
Chapters are only 1000 marines yet for some reason still waste Astartes by having them crew vehicles.
There's nothing remotely realistic about 40k.
>Went from:
>"I've been reading warhammer books for 20 years"
>"I googled it"
i didn't go from that though, why can't I do both?
i enjoy reading the books, I also enjoy researching on wikis
chainswords make sense to chew through armour
cavalry units could be fine depending on the planet
what's wrong with organ missiles? its just decorations
chapters are doctrine reason, and crewing cause they are better than humans at it. if you want to maximise effectiveness you use astartes.

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the time has come
and so have i
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Recon battalions are so fucking fun
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>w-where is it?

Makes you wonder how many of the subhumans who claim to have spent hundreds of hours in the game even know the mechanics.
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now you have reading problems CP cap was always there you moron but you never were locked from recrewing your own vehicles when you reached the cap
So back to square one, troon
>retreat your useless shit

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what mods do I play?
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not getting paid to live beats getting paid to die
You're in the same type of shithole and in the same type of risk living in space brazil shitholes vs player colony. Hell a lot of the time we go to great lengths to make comfy colonies with high habitability and actually care about planet conditions.
>purposely attracting ludits to your colonies.
You deserve whatever happens.
What are you talking about? I'm talking about hazard pay. Also the path, pirates, and indys are the only factions with any common sense.
>fikenhild vs some hellhole about to get satbombed because the retard faggot owner installed 8 alphas to save 5k/cr per mo

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"HE OPENED THE Total War: Attila Thread,




The day of reckoning has come.
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It is just that spearmen don't really inflict any damage upon their attackers. I noticed that my Legio were doing work and that these Armigeri Defensores look to be a better Legio.
I will make sure to keep some spearmen for the flanks.
That's a difference in playstyle then my main damage source are cav, or flanking ranged in the worst case. Infantry only serve as anvil for me, something the spears fo better than melee infantry.
That does sound like a good strategy but at the moment my cavalry really sucks. Scout Equities can't 1v1 any cavalry unit and I often rely on luring enemy cavalry into my spearmen and archers.
You shouldn't be using your cav to 1v1 enemy cav.
Tactically speaking, Attila combat is almost ALWAYS decided by whoever can surround the enemy first. 1 Scout Equites is passable, but 2 scout equites can kill just about anything if they can surround it, outside of the highest-tier cav. Always 2v1 if you can help it.
Anyway with regards to infantry, WRE sword units generally come in 2 categories: really tanky anvils like Legio and more killy hammers like Armigeri. You can usually tell which is which based on whether they have the stationary or mobile testudo, respectively.
Armigeri and other units from their line are good if you want something a bit faster to wrap around and start rolling up the flank of an enemy infantry line, but they'll usually take a bit more of a beating than, say, a legio on account of their lower armor and less sturdy testudo.
I have noticed that one you begin to flank and rear charge enemies then their morale just completely shatters and it usually develops into an outright end of the battle.

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does anyone still play this game?
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what are we watching tonight?
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how much have you dono'ed to him? i think i gave slayers yugioh like $50 10 years ago so he could buy a pizza and i remember giving byun some money before he went to the military
artosis is a faggot though he doesn't need money
watchin 'stems pov of the matches 'gainst 'rty
I'm cleverstarcraftguy

>I am forgotten
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Let's sell water, that'll show the evil empire we're rebelling from.
I have fond memories of just setting up giant 4v4 skirmishes with AI as a kid, matches would go on so long that they started building turrets next to each other and then they would fire back and forth, real total annihilation vibes. Too bad pathfinding was shit, any large group of units would have a long ass command delay and then units would start making a conga line that spanned a good part of the map.

I also remember being very let down by the sequel, early 3d graphics, uninspired designs, and ironically even in the new engine the conga line thing remained. The only salvageable part was the soundtrack.
I only remember that it was a decent C&C clone I got for 8 bux at a computer fair. Review for its sequel were dismal due to devs not knowing how to pathfind in 3d
DR2 had gorgeous graphics.
yes it was considered a 10/10 revolutionary rts

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Honestly it's looking pretty good with lots of anti-gookclicking features.
Looks like us RTS fans are finally getting a real sophisticated RTS.
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you cant trust rts discussion especially on here because its infested with gookclickers that hate bomb anything thats not starcraft.

If you enjoy an rts, seek out others who enjoy it and ignore the people that can only criticise.
there was no need to be rude to me, im just reporting what I've been reading on the HW forums, subreddit, and discord. You have to remember there is a significant amount of players that are like 45+ w/ kids and are just enjoying the game
HW3 is a gookclicker
>Ignore the people that can only criticise.
You're an idiot if you think homeworld 3 gameplay is good compared to homeworld 1.
You are the idiot

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The only things this will have over Empire at War is a much better ground combat system and a more in depth building system, hell will freeze over before CA can outshine EaW's space combat.
You will all disembark onto a nearby asteroid for a land battle because they couldn't make ship combat work
They're going to do what the Empire Earth expansion did: each planetary body is an island and the space between them is... well, space instead of water. Then add "space" to every naval terminology ("space transport", "space warship", "space docks") and there you go.
>Medieval 3
I hope you're into hero shit because you will be playing as King Arthur and Jeanne d'Arc instead of England and France.
>40k total war
>ww1 total war
>star wars total war
I will fucking do worse than what that schizo did to kyoani

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looking for RTS recommendations with good single player campaigns or matches vs AI.
pic related is pretty much the first RTS I've fully dived into, beat the campaigns twice, spent some hours on skirmish mode but now I'm burned out on it. looking for something similar (other than the sequels), I liked how this game is more tactical and relies on you keeping your units alive rather than just have a massive army.
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There was an obscure game called Ancient Conquest that had a bunch of unusual QoL features for its time like a zoomed-out strategic map or ability autocast. It also had some autonomous commands that you still hardly see anywhere, like automatic harvesting in a specified zone, attacking a zone, defending a zone, or a scout command (move to a point and return if attacked).
That said, UI is not a big deal in most singleplayer RTSes as long as they let you box-select and attack-move.
Vlad and his chicken farms are from Legends
Or are you talking about a mod?
Ah fuck, I am thinking of Legends
He should play that too
Seconding this. Blitzkrieg is a ton of fun, really love it and all of the clones and spin offs. Very much a dated game, but I feel like nothing else has that right mix of jank and simplicity. Stupid difficult at times, but also can be a cakewalk after you memorize all the arty locations and counterbattery. It's worth a play on its own merits and uniqueness.

But it doesn't have much of an AI, which is kind of a plus for a singleplayer, lets you pace yourself, but you can't really skirmish and don't expect complex maneuvers.
Also in need of a space age rig lest you keep running at cooking temperatures

So, I'm playing C&C Remastered. It's practically identical game as old 1995 original, and I'm having a lot of fun. More when compared to much newer games in the series, or newer RTS games. There is some jank with unit pathfinding, some NOD missions are designed for save scumming, but everything else is holding really well. AI is smart and challenging. There's plenty of unit variety. Campaign is replayable, while story and lore are fantastic.

It got me wondering if the genre moved into the wrong direction by embracing multiplayer, or if they simply focused on the wrong design elements. Or it's the lack of production values that's missing.
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I'm a giant RTS fan, and the only reason I don't play it is because it's overly time consuming.

If the remastered version of C&C didn't lack unit promotion feature I'd play it thoroughly. There's nothing more satisfying than gaining the upper hand, dominating, seeing your units get fully promoted, and then deciding you've seen enough victory; it's time to finish this.

The fall of RTS began when Westwood Studios got bought out. I believe there was a conspiracy to memory hole the game due to its red pill story line, but I also believe it simply lost manifestation due to total lack of convenience because of the fact you need a mouse, keyboard, and a fuck ton of wrist room to play it.

Most people aren't witty enough to figure out the game. One of the funniest things to witness is a balls to the wall RTS player in a heated match. Another conspiracy may be the game increases synaptic activity to the point that it is too good for its own good of society.

My actual love is RA2 due to user capabilities. Tanks automictically engage enemy in while motion, and unit have I say again the promotion system enhancement. If you youtube command and conquer you'll find a pretty decent documentary on the game series. They document the watering down of the game quite well once it was bought out. I still play the campaign about once a year.
You haven't played many modern shooters. The turn off your brain and just play tdm type stuff is dead nowadays.
>it's overly time consuming
In what sense? Match length? Depends on the game.
Online, it takes over 30 minutes to finish a competitive match. I think my longest match was around 6 hours. That game is a life eraser. My teens were black days anyhow
RA2 is quite a game to play and the AI will make you feel like an idiot when you first get started.

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