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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

Both of these guys claimed to have a vision of hell from the Christian point of view



I was an atheist for many years and then took an interest in Hinduism, but I don't understand the concept of reincarnation. Why be plugged into a body at all if we will just reincarnate until we are liberated.

It seems to me that we have to pay for the sins of the flesh while we are still in the flesh.

Does anyone have an explanation for why a person would see demons and hellish realms other than Christianity being real and 99% of the human race going to hell when they die?

Why do some NDE's reveal we are all a part of God while others are more of a fundamentalist Christian style?
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this is just more questions, not answers
so are the people in the videos above insane? Everything has a cause even if these visions are illusions
hell is so brutal https://youtu.be/18Os663dF0U?si=geZdNML109nT-UY-
So does many Christians boys can remember his past life even they are not Buddhism
do you have any specific stories aside from the pilot one?

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Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and a discussion of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:

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No I'm the same person haha
Yeah I mean I liked the alien vs predator fan art a lot
Armenian guys are hot
Nice, nice. Good to see you're flexible with it.

Oh wait are you Armenian? Just realized that might be why you recommended them.
Yes my lord I agree those leggings do make your ass look fat
What would have happened if I hadn’t intervened with divination back when D went down?

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nothing happened.
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If you can collapse wave functions: i can revive them. Lets see who's magic is stronger and if we cooperate. Im reasonable so you have that advantage
The one who has conviction will succeed as fortune favors the bold right? https://youtu.be/NcAuu0nyvAs?si=4UBzMG0q-9-94slC

Say its true and i will utterly annihilate you
Nah, man. It's collapsed flatter than Dylan Mulvaney's chest.
: Huh? Yeah I did...
Bless your heart

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This made zoomers piss and shit their pants.
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Summer is here
They have access to the internet faggot
There's a difference between what you know you don't know, and what you don't know you don't know.

For example you know you're not a heterosexual man, but you don't know that YWNBAW.

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i remember friends and family who dont exist in this timeline. not sure whats going on. i just know im not the only one. that's it, that's the thread.
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>All trans-girls are valid
Fuck off, Chris.
Chris is kind of weird, and she might have grubby hands and be intolerable to live with but she is still valid and her sonic fan art is really cool it reminds me of my childhood.
Shut the fuck up they/them/her raped his fucking mother
>my childhood
Oh, you poor girl.
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Escape from the phantom timeline matrix

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The giant sunspot is due back on June the 1st and the Earth will be attacked once again. this time its going to be far worse than "pretty sky colors".

prepare for the end /x/. our Creator will also be our Destructor.
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Tomorrow’s Harvest
Good thing nothing is real
I heard a guy on /pol/ saying how the frequency of the activity of the Sun has only barely begun to increase since the Sun and solar system as a whole I guess is passing through a large cloud of dust as debris, causing massive amounts of material to be dumped into the Sun and majorly disrupting it. Something to do with the heliospheric current sheet. Does anyone have more information on this? Or was the guy just talking from his ass
This isn't the big one. The big one is coming a few years down the road though, and it will interact with manmade bullshit like the weather manipulation the NATO forces are doing right now. Nanomolecular salts should NOT be sprayed into the fucking sky and then super energized by electromagnetic storms.
The sky will burn.
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It's not like this thread getting posted affects the potentiality of the sun farting in our general direction, right?

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What is the wildest conspiracy you will admit to believing 100%?
No evidence needed, but bonus points for explaining your decision.
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the elites want to get rid of women, not men. we would reproduce with le science
I could actually buy this. If you consider that the super abrasive modern “feminism” is single handed creating a generation of incels that will be of voting age in 8-10 years. I wouldn’t be surprised if the cultural countering against this feminism is brutal and swift.
Loathsome misanthropes control every major corporation and government and do absolutely nothing to solve climate change because they WANT to drive Humanity to extinction.
Hanlons razor. Unfortunately, while more comforting to think this it really is just shortsightedness and incompetence. Which leads me to my pet theory. If you can’t decide something if something is being done because the actor is so stupid, or because they are evil it’s not worth debating which it is as either is equally abhorrent. Nay evil may be better since at least it has intention and direction, and therefor could be understood and accounted for.
Many conspiracy theories contradict each other.

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Which one of you did this?


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I have never seen the dot like this before
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Nevermind it's just Sauron again

A stutter AND Osaka? Is that who I think it is posting here?
How aware of everything is this guy anyway? How long are we gonna have to wait for him to figure shit out?

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Can anyone confirm for me that I'm cursed?

I can NEVER arrive consistently on time for ANYTHING

I know its a curse because Randolph bullshit gets in my way and I'm always blamed for it and have to take responsibility for it and I just do, because unfortunately im a modern adult.

Whether I'm cursed or not, I still wanna blow my brains out if shit doesn't improve or time isn't changed.

I already know this world is fake (the shrooms revealed it to me) And the nature of time is made to torture us (it's the real prison, not earth)

Are there any realsm not governed by time? I wanna kill myself and shunt my consciousness there, I'm not a doomer becuade I KNOW there are better worlds out there than this time based,human ran, shit show
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>I'm always late
>This must be a supernatural curse
Just wake.up earlier, idiot.
>Forced against your will to be somewhere
>Arrive late
This is why they say humanity is choosing to dwell in this ignorance. You see people tied up on the train tracks and blame yourself for not saving them, never asking who tied them up to begin with.

>fall out boy proposed a handy solution

Yeah, Randolph be that way sometimes.
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This has happened my whole life though either im retarded or I'm cursed

No matter the answer im willing to trade my entire world and life for another

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The new testament says people get possessed. From personal experience I know this is true but its not mentioned in the O.T.

In the o.t. a witch did a seance and summoned samuel a prophet who passed away.

A donkey talks the balaam

Egyptians do magic qnd moses does magic that beats theirs and later more amazing 'miracles'

Elijah makes a fire consume and alter after hours and hours of the priest of a false god trying to do the same unsuccessfully
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You can cherry pick the Gospels all you want, I won't argue further on it with you. Best of luck arguing that with God though.
X isn't your personal study group. Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.
I thought you were responding to me qnd then i was mistaken: you are my bitxtch
This is the kinda science u should be looking at not these idiot retards on x
Aaron shall present the goat on which the lot fell for the Lord, and offer it as a sin offering; but the goat on which the lot fell for Azazel shall be presented alive before the Lord to make atonement over it, that it may be sent away into the wilderness to Azazel.
—Leviticus 16:6–10

Spirit Love General

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>37894493
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.

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Conjurer in shambles right now.
Yeah, but a lot of the "icky" aspects get kinda "sanitized" by the fact that its not happening in the material.

Cuz if I went to some party on Earth where they squirted some girls's pussy juice into the punch, I probably wouldn't drink any (I draw the line at eating sushi off of naked girls :3

But then, if its in the astral, I'm not really sure how to even articulate the literal truth of what's happening.
Cuz what even is astral pussy juice?
The pleasure had a uniquely "open" flavor to it that was noteworthy, so maybe it had something to do with that.
>Cuz what even is astral pussy juice?
You know, I never really thought about that before... but I have reason to believe it's some transmuted kind of sexual energy.
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Shamanic philosopher summons spirit women using love songs. He made a video showing him doing that, and described his whole process.
If you think he's against having a spirit relationship, or summoning a spirit (and spirits in general), you are retarded. He literally has made videos about that lol

How am I in shambles? Can you explain exactly why that is, or no? I'm guessing no.
Again, it seems like people are claiming a certain video is "roasting this thread", and yet no one can actually explain why that is.
Probably because it's not roasting anything, and it's just a really low effort troll that falls apart on the most cursory examination. I mean the guy literally can't keep the troll going after 1 post.
I have watched many of shamanic philosopher's videos and I've never heard him disagree with stuff that this community does, nor has he ever (not once) mentioned this community specifically, or even 4chan, or x.
In fact, he interacts with spirit women and summons them using love songs. There's a video where he demonstrates how shamans use song to summon spirits. Draw your own conclusions from there.
yes because the type of spirits and methods for contacting them advocated in this thread's very name and faq and the regular users and namefags behavioral patterns are so in line with respect, tradition, wholesomeness, the natural world and shamanism, obviously, silly me
you can try to twist and bend it however you want praying to the queens is praying to demons that are rooted in evil and misdeeds and just because your clussy mommy tranny says otherwise doesn't mean it's true

First off, I want to say that my daughter put me up to this by saying that you guys apparently love this stuff. I hope you all don't mind the stock 80s skyline.

Anyhow, I'm a retired officer, served in Manhattan from 1970 to 1999. Most of my calls were usually just break-ins and the occasional domestic violence dispute. However, there was one which still lingers with me today, and it gained a little notoriety with some people who I was with on dispatch. Most are still living, and it wouldn't surprise me if they've spoken about this very same tale more than once to their kids and grandkids.

Mid March, way too early in the morning.

I'm on out patrol when I get notified that there's a man who's called in screaming about "demons haunting his home". "Typical case of schizophrenia," I replied to the lady on the other line, as I told her I'd handle it.
The line went dead just as a massive rain storm started to kick up, as if to act as some sort of stark arbiter of what was to come. At that time, I just swore to myself and kicked on the cruiser's creaky wipers, entirely oblivious to what I was about to encounter.
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I finally figured out how to reply.
If your eyes are bleeding that badly, maybe you should see a priest too.
Well, its late.
Goodnight everyone. I hope you enjoyed my report.
3/10 larp
>stark arbiter
No fucking NYPD pig has this vocabulary
>I arrive to a typical home on a typical street that had nothing out of the ordinary other than a couple of overgrown shrubs in the front yard, which no one but the HOA

Many front yards and HOAs in Manhattan?

I'm from NY and am offended by how little thought was put into this.
>ahm wah-kin heah!

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God has forsaken me, my guardian angels have left me, fate is not on my side anymore, im doomed to a lifetime of hatred and mockeries, my father and mother will condemn me, my friends will betray me, my love will commit adultery
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Believe the word, I will unlock my door and pass the cemetery gates
You can't give up.
There are so many people like you that have it so much worse. And its easy to be caught up in a web of defeat because there's so much crap out there. You can't give up because the moment you do and die, and then get sent back here it'll be the same misery for you. Your soul remembers. And if you just die and give up and try again its back to the same thing over and over again. You are your soul. And you are here to learn. And when you try again, your life won't magically bounce to an easier place. If you don't do it now, you never will. The moment you get comfortable with your life being all miserable is the day you'll live another lifetime the same miserable person. So do that thing you've always wanted to do NOW before you forget and go through the same thing over and over and over and over again. Your soul will thank you later. Your past lives will thank you later. And you will thank yourself later.
you had sex in hell?
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Every night I am molested by two beautiful women. One is blonde and the other is ginger. I am often sexually taken advantage of when I am dreaming with them riding me and moaning. I sleep at night and I feel an invisible body next to mine cuddling with me and nibbling my neck and flirting with me in a woman's voice. I tried to tell people but many of them did not believe it. They have molested me sexually and treated me like their lover for so many years now. There's nothing I can do about it.
God never left. Right there with you anon. God is with you every moment.

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