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Japanese people are fantastic storytellers but awful storywriters. Adapting Western works instead of shitty manga/LNs or bringing in Western writers to do the story would solve so many of anime's biggest issues.
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There are lots of good sci-fi and fantasy manga without adaptations as well. AT some point some will get it while others won't.
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Shut the fuck up.
Yeah. I always look at those as the best 2 american toons.
I'd place both ATLA and BTAS among the top 10 anime easily. They're easily better than the absolute majority of slop you retards watch here on daily basis.
What's up with that guy's face?

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What if Reze met a terrible fate off-screen?
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You're the female here while compared to me, bud.
there are no asa females fans, only trannies love this character
Holy based Yoshida

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new chapter is out https://mangadex.org/chapter/79ec2ae8-149d-4e5a-92ff-8166e05f473e
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Eh, so it goes. At least I'll have time to catch up now.
the sumo reformation angle getting dropped was weird. you'd think we'd at least get a kinryuuzan appearance post tourney, but nope.
Since Rahen's story is much more decentralized, if you will, the landwhales might make a reappearance, not unlike the resolution between Kozue and Ali. Still better to not resolve plotlines after they are no longer relevant.
>just as tall as Pickle
>100 kg heavier
I want this guy to come back
Jack is moe

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>STILL no Crescent Cutlass duet version
Why does PILI hate us
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this masterpiece deserves a bump
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Ken's spear is her property until the Tan clan is repopulated
wife material
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>literal who background character shows up with a blindfold to fight the seven blasphemous deaths
Never have I been so hyped for a jobber fight.

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RAWs for the last chapter have been released.
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Why are there no planes in One Piece?
It's not like there's any other candidate.
because they would ruin the plot, stop asking
There may have been in the Ancient Kingdom.

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Fusion are cool but they also fucking suck and defuse before actually doing anything.
The most balanced power up in Dragon Ball.
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>heterosexual fantasies
Germany lost
>heterosexual realities
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Shitgeta lost to his degenerate desires. His mind is beyond repair.
He lost.

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"Pharmacy Staff". Dumping thread.
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Don't bother.
You really should not engage him under any circumstances.
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Well, Daidai isn't invincible. One of these days, when the readers have become tired of her one-trick pony flanderization shits, the author will kill her off for good. Hopefully near the final arc, y'know, to ramp up the tension and stakes.
>Daidai isn't invincible
I don't believe you.

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how did this fatty become an anime sex icon?
Literally who.
That's not Asuka nor Rei.
She's perfect

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GoHands original anime announced for January 2025
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They were modernizing it Tokyo Babylon is a manga from 90's they probably thought the designs were too dated
The main issue is that they did this while changing the original character designs from the manga, so it hit badly with fans, imagine going like "nah, the old character design is mid, I can do better" and it's pics you took from google
You can't, but tracing is a serious crime
>they took clothes in the trailers from fashion magazines
Literally who gives a shit? That's normal and widespread.
Retards just ruined things due to not knowing anything outside of their autistic interest again.
>plagiarized clothes
That doesn't exist, stop saying stupid shit.
Top brands have lost court cases because fashion designs are not copyrightable, and thus can't be plagiarized.
Copying is the standard and there's nothing wrong with that. Just don't steal the brand logo.

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Deontay again giving us what the people want.
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This shit will on for 5 more years. Without Kodachi and the anime to fill in blanks, the plot is going to go slow like Naruto.
That armor looks so cool on Nart.
The rest of the plot has been planned out and it's going to take three years. The anime looks like it's going to become seasonal, which is, in my opinion, a huge mistake for a manga like Boruto.
will digital version be available? Tempting to buy it. (t. Bortard btw)
Also hope TL Anon sees this, I wanna see this translated.
>people still draw old style salad
Hookersisters... did we lose?

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Did someone notice this? In the Ranma episode where he goes to the public baths with Happosai and this one throws him water to turn Ranma into a chick, the people over there look at him, all them all grown up males except a kid that is grabbing a little girl's chest?

The cat will be here soon.
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Yes, Marcille is famously very bad at reading Falin's emotions, especially when it involves her brother. The whole section about Marcille first coming to the island is about that.
We don't know the details of the contract but I suspect that if he was in a scenario where he would have to hand the money back it would not be good for future prospects. Would you hire someone that decided mid-contract they did not wish to continue?
Do they still have any of Laios' reference books after the teleport?
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Totally not ooc Kabru imagined by Marcille and Chilchuck.
The poop comment is more about covering all the bases, if worse comes to worst.
Marcille will go with much more murkier odds to save Falin, and Chilchuck has the contract with Laios. What the what-if really shows, is the difference in leadership between the siblings. Falin is quiet and people don't take her seriously, but Laios just said y'all fuckoff I'm going in, so the two obviously had to follow.
It shows where a very different dynamic leads.

Chapter 49
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theyre such a cute couple. i want to be the minister at their wedding
She probably doesn't think twice about it, just like Renge and Komari didn't.
It's true, I landed in Okinawa once and the airport lady welcomed me by sucking me off.
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Now that's more like it.

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What is the worst shit you've ever seen? Hard mode: No low-hanging fruit
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That's just Gundam Seed.
Misery porn. Pulls at the heartstrings of the viewers by making a pure hearted little girl with a simple dream slowly lose her ability to chase said dream.
Thought it was just going to be me, wish I still had that image of the post going through every plot point to highlight how bad it was.
I saw it in 2014, I know it because I wrote it down as the next thing I saw right after Valvrave with /a/, that was wack.
I cant remember exactly why was it so bad, but I don't want to rewatch it to find out.
I put in a "plan to read" list, is an award winning manga that seems to have rather high ratings, how bad can it be? Did you finish reading it? Maybe it makes up for it by the end?
I don't think it's bad, I just pointed out that a reason why different people love/hate it. I am a music theory illiterate and a big part of the show/manga revolves around performing with instruments. It seemed pretty cool to me, but then again I don't know much about it.

Did Yasumi's dad really have to be dead? Why give her a dead dad? And what's with all the gyarus having a dead parent or dead parents lately anyway?
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This is why I never bother with subs in my own language despite rips being available.
My guess is that they didn't understand 百合営業 and instead of looking it up they checked how others translated it.
Have you asked your doctor if Abilify is right for you?
Even if there is, the show will only cover 3 volumes at current rate so we'll never get to it.
How is the Japanese reception to it so far?

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