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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

Discussions of government policy must be strictly limited to economic policies (fiscal and monetary). Discussions of a political nature should be posted on >>>/pol/. Global Rule 3 is also obviously in effect.

Note: /biz/ is NOT a place for ADVERTISING or SOLICITING. Do NOT use it to promote your business, ventures, or anything you may have an interest in. Anything that looks remotely like advertising or soliciting will be removed. Begging/asking (including tipping) for cryptocurrencies or asking for money/capital is also strictly forbidden.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

In an effort to address the spam, we're trialing a new system: email verification. To post on /biz/ you will need to verify your email address using this link: https://sys.4chan.org/signin

When you submit your email address, you will receive an automated email containing a verification link.
After this email has been sent, your email address will be purged from our servers. We will not retain long-term records of your email address.

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The goal of this new system isn't to eliminate spam and shilling entirely; no system is perfect and perfect is the enemy of good. The goal of this system is to reduce the ease with which bad actors can spam the board, such that the mods and janitors can deal with the remaining spam more effectively.

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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gonna short it some more you stupid hedge fund demons?
I wonder how this chart compares to when gme first bounced off $40 after the sneeze
>Enough is enough
but you haven't even started your fight against the price going to fractions
your sister AMC is already there fighting for their single digit
you're merely struggling to hold your two, there's still a much longer road ahead of you in this humiliation ritual
Lots of big gray candles on today's 5m chart
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I'm sorry but this board has been ruined. Does anyone remember Grumpy. That coin had so much enthusiasm that people were paying for each others gas fees.

Then we remember all the animal shitcoins, all the inus. Does anyone remember the kennel master?
If mods had it their way they wouldn't allow posts about Shiba during its inception.

No, now the mods want you to buy Algo, Cardano, and Link. They want you to never make it. Atleast stable coins don't bleed out.

Remember when /biz/ used to be the place where you could get in early?
No, now it's going to be like reddit or other secondary channels when you'll only hear about the coin when it's listed on a major exchange. When it's already mooned tenfold.

Just wait until it's a top 50 coin, then we'll let you post about it :)
I'm so fucking glad apu got a foothold before this happened so I could actually get in early
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NANNY STATE JANNIES want us to buy corporate scam coins that the millionaires got for pennies and they constantly dump on us.
>buy my dead shitcoins
Do you really think I'm advocating people to buy these shitcoins that were abandoned years ago? Especially Grumpy?
I'm saying this used to be a place where people had fun and posted new meme coins. A lot of coins really took off here.
Buying algo and link aint it
Right now all the action is at solana and you know it
You're sub 100 IQ if that's all you got from his post
OP I think this isn't a problem though, even though I hold none of them APU, LOBO, BANANAS and AVI all have had an active board presence recently. If you disagree post a non jeeted memecoin now and let's see if they delete the thread kek

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Linkpool CCIP dune dash shows that revenue will likely be not even half of last month, but tx are already beyond last month. Dune dashboard fucked up again or something else at play? Maybe new gas structure is keeping fees cheaper? Seems like we'll more than 2x the tx which is pretty.... neat. But if it costs nothing to transact then we have a long way to go before CCIP creates any price pressure.
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ETH/BTC flat fee is different because it changes based on usage, how much people wiling to pay/bid for the fixed resource (block space). LINK flat fee is always the same regardless of the usage. You don't have option to pay more/premium for faster inclusion.
so link is a bunch of commies eh
When that happens it's because there's congestion. With oracles there are no arbitrary calculations to be made, it's a very straightforward matter.

The simple fact is that - all things being equal (including congestion) - the fee for sending 1 BTC is the same as the fee for sending 100,000 BTC.
Yes, it is the same fee. But it is disadvantageous that there is no congestion from a fee perspective for the protocol revenue. The congestion gives more value/revenue to the protocol, and CCIP could not have congestion.

What would be the ETH fee if only 1% of people used it? It would be cheap, and ETH revenue would be low, but the CCIP fee would be the same even with low usage.

If ETH usage increases, the fee increases more than linearly, and the CCIP fees could only increase maximum linearity.
>The congestion gives more value/revenue to the protocol
Congestion mostly happens when the coin price of the protocol is dumping.
The harder it's dumping, the more congestion.

You're an idiot.

we are a bit back bros

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lower highs
>lower highs for 35 days
>higher lows for 500+ days

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Any moon fags around? I know /biz/ dropped heavy in population since the jeet culling but i thought id check.
4 days until full moon and a reversal is already forming on btc. This whole dump literally started on the 8th april which was the new moon. Are we living in a simulation?

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Do you ever sleep in your car to save money? I work 2 hour from home so i was thinking about sleeping in my car monday-friday to save gas.
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i actually slept on my car for 3 years after my parents kicked me out of my home and left me with no money, i had to build myself up from the ground but legitimately, some of my escapades included
>banging random girls i hooked up with on my car (They thought it was sexy)
>posing as a fake taxi, it actually worked (first months)
>doing oddjobs where i picked people at shady hours and left them in shady places
>running errands for rich grannies
>getting chased by the police once, the police didn't follow me and when i thought that my life was over because they obviously picked my car's numbers, they never did, for some reason they never filed my pursue
I basically lived in that car until i got back in my feet with a mix of shitcoin trading buying and selling IDOs that i found on pinksale and doing oddjobs for three years. I got my own place last year and oh boy i missed sleeping in a bed
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I actually sold my car to buy some etherorb.xyz since it's quite expensive
am I retarded bros?
i would do this if i lived 2 hours from home.
get one of those cammionettes where you can throw a matress in the back. peak comfy.
wtf how do people spend 4 HOURS a day driving to and from work, that's crazy, and here I am complaining about my 20 minute commute.

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Daily reminder that Bitcoin is an IQ test.
>> it just does the same exact thing every time.
it would be too easy. time to dump to 30k now.

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>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

>Educational sites:

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DJT is a roller coaster ride
MARA going back to 30
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djt getting short ladder ackd
i've made as much today as I have all year and I've had a pretty good year so far. Went all in DJT yesterday. Late shorts getting smoked

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What is a realistic price prediction for Kaspa?
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there is no realistic price for a scam, worry about $SUPER instead of waiting for KASPA to get out of the hole.
Literally the future of crypto if it has any.
Read this and thank me later. See you in 2033.

back to 1 cent when the bear run starts. until then myabe it will do another 2x max
honestly, the fact that it's still at ¢12 proves this whole thing was a nothingburger and ain't gonna flip nothing. not btc, not eth and not even ada

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holy fuck its unironically over, this shit is going to 0, how do i short this
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So what killed /biz/?
How did they do it? What's preventing spammers from just making more email adresses?
They're not the brightest. Post a pic of a woman's ass with a BTC QR code tattoo, get banned for "begging" lol.
I love it personally, let him cook

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How are you feeling $mosk chads

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it's face melting gigamoon time

Jimmy here. Aviators…I warned you, I asked you to listen to me. But no, you didn’t listen and now you pay the repercussions, that .002 entry is looking better than ever.
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they just havent announced it publicly but you can find it if you look. so we know it works / is real. just hold and wait for better market sentiment, it will be timed appropriately with marketing and a better market for huge price action.
Massive fud made me sell this at 5m and then it did a 10x over the next few days. I'm not gonna fall for it again.
Why are they testing it internally and keeping it private? That defeats the whole purpose of a testnet/bug bounty. From what it sounds like, the testnet has been set up for days, maybe even the last week? It’s because they are delaying a public release to try and capitalize on a greener market, so they decided to do the testing themselves in the meantime. All of this seems like such an unnecessary waste of time.
>It’s because they are delaying a public release to try and capitalize on a greener market, so they decided to do the testing themselves in the meantime
you just told me what i had already said
And my point is that it’s a retarded decision to hold off on a public testnet due to a bad market, but openly lie about it by saying that they still need a “couple of days” to get it set up. Everyone is sitting around waiting for shit to happen, so a red market is the perfect time to make it public and get people working. Why the hell would they set up a contract for bug bounties when they’re finding all the bugs themselves? Make the testnet public, get everyone involved on finding bugs, and then get the final product ready for a greener market. It’s a testnet ffs.

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Capo calls the top, this is your last chance to sell
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Lol this is unironically the last chance to buy if Capo is calling it.
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He’s literally never made a bad call
He's literally only ever made one correct call lmao what the fuck you talking about.

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It's time for a wagecuck thread. Post all of your best wagie images and stories.
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lol I think you hit the nail on the head given the absolute rant posted by >>58410283
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Fucking idiot like you, which all people have working jobs that are living fat live? Pajeet have it better with crypto. Now look into DePIN and grow with it anon.
You’re a dumb dude
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>It's time for a wagecuck thread. Post all of your best wagie images and stories.

i live in a pretty black part of the US, and most call centers are at least 30-50% black, some being 70-80+%. some of the call center training i've done has been SUPER ghetto.

i only say this because i have trained at multiple different call centers and at 3 of them i had to actually make up a rap about customer service as part of our training. it becomes like a talent show. i've seen some of the groups get REALLY into it and start doing coordinated dances, snapping, making their own music shuckin n jiving and all of that. its fun but its not really training for the job kek. also there was one where there was a juneteenth cookout.

at one call center there was also some kindergarten tier work sheets such as "What's different here? Draw a line to things that are different" and it'll be like.. one cat has whiskers, one cat has no whiskers. so you draw a line between those cuz they're different. or one dog has a triangle nose and one dog has an upside down triangle nose, that's different so draw a line. shit like that. i am not joking LMAO. the bitch just printed that out instead of doing her job and made everyone do it then collected them. its like "Doing your job theater." just pretend you're training them and collect that pay check.

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>buy some
>oh shit, it's THE DIP
>we're underwater with no money left, sir
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I'm so ready to keep slurping all the way down :).
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I slurped BTC and ORB
ORB is fucking expensive and each orb is even more expensive, glad to buy these for cheapos

Buy the dip retail niggers means we're still at the top and nowhere near a capitulation tier sell off.
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The coins that get giga pumped all have something in common, and thats that they are either funny or interesting to people on their face.
It's all about normie appeal, it's that easy. Forget fundamentals.
Shill your coin and tell me why norms will eat it up, base chain only, no stinky sol
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It's all autism isn't it bros
Being on the spectrum went hip during covid and retard normie-lized again
It all makes sense
The market is turbo retardaru

To make good $$$ just put money in NXRA when it comes to RWA, DUA, and TWT when it comes to self-custody wallets with good potential, MNW when it comes to supply chain and KREST when it comes to DePIN.
Bag AAST, anons. This is heavily utilized in Africa for crypto payments.
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