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/cm/ is for 2D male work-safe images. Images should depict animated males and be cute in nature.

1. Check the catalog before creating a thread to avoid duplicate threads.
2. Please post 5 to 6 images to get new threads started.
3. This board is for animated content only. Do not post images depicting "real" people.
4. Images of heterosexual couples belong on >>>/c/
5. Pornographic homosexual or solo male content belongs on >>>/y/

Global rules apply as well. Provide high quality content and report infringing posts.

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Final episode next week, predictions?
Previous >>3867940
151 replies and 122 images omitted. Click here to view.
Also apparently there is a preview of the novel up? But I don't see it. I'm probably retarded.
second button
end of preview

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post obscure boys and cuties from less popular media (◍•ᴗ•◍)
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Kantarou from the Tactics manga! He's just so cute!
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Remus from Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time.
Totally not BL-coded pic of him in official art with the MC of the game. They knew exactly what they were doing.
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houdini from little houdini
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the protagonists from the Diamond in the Rough comic

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Previous thread:

CatNap = these threads
DogDay = me
286 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
yeah this is a nice replacement for that cause it's definitely done
Good news

Please tell me they won't take another month just for another update, its too good to be left to rot...
Well, the fandom has been slowing down a little bit. At this point is up to Mob to do something else with the critters in order to kickstart the brainrot back again. Here is hopping with all my heart that the critters are not a one and done type of deal for them.
He's actively trying to redeem himself and clearly regrets his actions. The one to blame the most is obviously the Prototype for taking advantage of a child like Theo who earnestly trusted in it and thought it had saved his life purely out of altruism.

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Previous thread >>3879138
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>the difference between being a first place cat and last place pup
Scara fans have some of the fastest, most crazed artists out there for sure.

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None of the amazon show, just Helluva Bros.
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The last thread reached its limit, let's continue here!
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This thread is for
fem/andro/otokonoko/crossdressing shotas.
-Characters that physically look closer to older shounen are NOT allowed. ie: Felix/Astolfo/Rosado etc
-If above are drawn as shotas, then it's fine
previous thread >>3855211
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Victory Road beta is out. Very underrated IP with plenty of cute guys.
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Sunflower Edition?
Previous: >>3868787
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Basil is for
D)Castration and low dose female hormones
basil is for marriage, love, and protection.
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Basil is for flustering and asking intimate personal questions that make him squeal!
All of the above

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The series is coming out with new stuff past the end of the manga, and in two weeks the Sand Land video game is coming out.

If you like cute demon boys and cool vehicles, you’ll like this series.
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sexy little brat...
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Versus, Relink and more. Post your favorite boys from the franchise
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Can I get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Devilman thread?
123 replies and 117 images omitted. Click here to view.
He's cute but kind of generic. I like how the manga version of him was smart enough to figure out Ryo's plan before the sabbath, but loved Ryo enough to go along with it anyway despite being such a coward. And he was able to figure out Ryo's true identity on his own, you really got a sense of how well he understands Ryo. Meanwhile Crybaby Akira seemed like he was only going along with Ryo's plans because he was too stupid/naive to know any better.
Another thing is the complete overhaul of Miki's character and her relationship with Akira. Everyone always blames Ryo for indirectly causing Miki's death, but if you read the manga you see Akira constantly abandoning her for Ryo without a second thought. This is emphasized in Shin Devilman, where each chapter ends with the death of a woman who could have been saved. This is something that none of the anime or manga spinoffs get: If manga Akira had loved and cherished Miki as much as he did in Crybaby, then he wouldn't have wasted so much time going over Ryo's words and actions in his head before suddenly remembering her existence. He would have gone to her immediately after killing those scientists and he would have protected her. In Crybaby, you get the sense that even without Miki's death he still would never have even considered siding with Satan, he was just too heroic.
Sorry, this is getting too long. I just love analyzing my boys.
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I thought it was a neat idea to have Akira's look as a human change after becoming a devilman, but I found his initial anime design and manga design more attractive than his main anime design (not a fan of the pointy cleft chin and stretched-out low-bodyfat look)
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Previous: >>3861393
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tfw no shota bf Edition

Previous: >>3878742
Trap shota: >>3878372
Kemoshota: >>3860331
Shota manga: >>3844997
Shota literature: >>3821122
Shota figs and dolls: >>3853606
200 replies and 129 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Nipple suck and rim

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