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>R rating announced back in September
>no news since
This isn’t getting released, right?
Sony greenlit it, funded it, and has a good working relationship with Genndy. There's no particularly strong reason to can it before airing, since it gives them a chance to gauge whether they can leverage raunchier material in their animation catalog
But I guess only time will tell
you know things take time to make and release, right
I can't wait to stare at dog balls for over an hour. FUCKING HYPED

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>it's a fact of life
No it isn't. Stop giving money and weapons to Israel.
Same applies to Hamas for their actions against civilians.
>Hamas "adjacent"
So not the actual culprits but random innocents who just happened to occupy the same space because jews themselves forced them there. Stop justifying genocide and murder.
Yes it fucking is. That's war. You can't expect the other side to just keel over and die or ask for seconds.
Israel is not being condemned, Hamas is. Israel needs to be condemned first. Condemn Israel if you want your words to mean anything.

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it's happening
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KH1 in a vacuum, the most you'll get toward things that could be construed as convoluted is Riku being possessed for a bit and Sora turning into a heartless for a bit.

A KH1 series would work great.
12 episodes
Intro episode
Traverse town episode
Alice in Wonderland episode
Tarzan episode
Hercules episode
Aladdin episode
Nightmare Before Christmas episode
The Little Mermaid Episode
Whinny the Poo episode
Peter Pan episode

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They bring back a bad guy group with some different people and they're titled the TRUE bad guys in a sense....
I have had thoughts about how to adapt KH as a series for a while now and I basically agree with you when it comes to KH1 just have them be like 40 minutes- hour long episodes.

For CoM you do two 2 hour specials One for Sora and One for Riku with a glossing over the Disney revisits.

For KH2 you split it into two 13 episode seasons
KH2 P1
Twilight Town
Hollow Bastion 1
Land of Dragons
Beast's Castle
Timeless River
Port Royal

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>SE is Disney's Buttbuddy
>No Final Fantasy cartoon/live action
>Heartless are the Hearts, Nobodies are the Bodies
I actually think it makes sense, based on the way the creatures are formed. You lose your heart, you become a Heartless. It's very natural to see a guy lose his heart, turn into a monster and say it's a Heartless monster, even if it's incorrect in a purely technical sense. And Nobodies are just the anonymous husks left behind, which is most definitely that way just for the wordplay, but it works.

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probably the biggest comic of the year for collectors each with New Jim Lee art, I don't think anyone expects this to be in print longer than the 1st or 2nd run.

These two books collect every crossover except JLA/Avengers (lol cheap assholes) and the Wizard of Oz.
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The perspective looks off. Like they're not looking at their opponents correctly.
Everything? Like even the Spider-Man and Superman stories?
They're just following the new guidelines for eye contact.
yep they're in DC vs Marvel book, all the individual crossovers from the 70's 80's and 90's are in there. Superman Spider-Man, and Hulk Batman are probably the resized versions from the 90's reprinting tho.
Like OP said, everything except JLA/Avengers, so it should have both Spider-Man/Superman stories

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>Superman has been active for a couple of years and struggling to reconcile his human upbringing with his Kryptonian heritage. As Clark Kent, he works in the Daily Planet with Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen and Perry White.
>Most superheroes like Mister Terrific, Hawkgirl, Metamorpho, Guy Gardner and the Engineer are edgy and kill when necessary. Superman is an outcast among them for his optimism and no-kill rule, and ultimately inspires them to change their ways.
>Lex Luthor is running for President, with Ms. Teschmacher as his assistant and Otis as his enforcer. He creates a murderous clone of Superman dubbed “Ultraman” to turn public opinion against Superman.
>The heroes go after Superman, but realize Luthor has manipulated them and join forces with Superman to fight Ultraman after he goes rogue and threatens to destroy the world. Ultraman slowly deteriorates into Bizarro. Meanwhile, Lois and Jimmy work to expose Luthor.
>The movie reportedly ends with Superman revealing his secret identity to Lois, Luthor avoiding repercussions and advancing in the presidential race, the U.S. government recruiting the Engineer for the Authority and Supergirl arriving on Earth.
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I think it'll less that and more "people don't like Superman anymore"
Why are there half a dozen other superheroes in a Superman movie? I know the answer. Since people think the "goofy" stuff in the Superman mythos won't play these days Superman is just a strong guy who flies which is boring. Superman should have an arctic base with an alien zoo and dangerous artifacts, he should have robot duplicates to protect his secret identity, he should be able to use his powers in ridiculous ways that you wouldn't expect, no one should realize that he's Clark Kent even though he doesn't wear a mask etc...
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how much skin will moner's costume show? that's all i care about
Huh? Okay this just wrong.

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Was it the worst Nicktoon that premiered the 90s? It's more of a 2000s show, which is why I say premiered in the 90s
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CatDog wasn't that bad.
I mostly saw it as a harmless middle-of-the-road cartoon.
>First hint I ever had that Hawaii was an actual place people actually lived
Like, I don't get it. What did you even think Hawaii was beforehand?
I didn't, as I was a child
Rocket Power was fun. It's shame they don't make cartoons about skateboarding or sports at all.
You shut your whore mouth

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Okay boys and girls, what was your favorite thing you learned on Wonder Showzen?
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Farmers are America's dumb bone.
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Pic related was better.
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He got away with it!
True world peace is humanities destruction
You can trip out of your mind if you think hard enough
the mother nature episode made me trans

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I'm not a furry... BUT
...I'm actually a furry in denial
If you're in denial, why did you confess?
There's nothing wrong with finding female furry characters attractive, it's just that doing so gets you lumped in the fursuiters and diaper shitters.
It should be "I'm a furry and..." Not "I'm not a furry but..."

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Is Amy best girl?

Without Googling, tell me 5 things about Amity Blight.
And don't mention Luz or her relationship with her.
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Queen Witch Brawler from the Bonesborough tournament.
I figured that's what Belos does to his own, given that they're still proportioned similarly to human ears, but Hunter's appear to be much more witch-like in their shape.
But his ear is still cut just like Belos' so regardless, it's a clear sign that he did the same to Hunter.
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she is gay
she is smart
she is tomato
she looked better in green
es de river y va para la b
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the real challenge is asking any lumityfag to mention 5 things about Luz that don't involve Amity.

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Here's a pilot clip for a project in development at DTVA
I do not care

"Drop em' partner!"
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Hi tessa

Whatever happened to Primer?
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True but to be fair, you think you bout to be mob lol. Power to you though also I do hate when telekinesis is limited it's so dumb. Though I suppose like in one punch man you have to limit who it can grab less it's invincible like broken skills like people like professor xavier who can lobotomize you with a look so somehow dumb helmets keep him out your mind kek.

I feel you most capeshit tends to under utilize what telekinesis is and many other powers. Unlike anime that tends to try to think of the best showing and make the power as unique and fun as possible, it's why you have that one meme.
They should use her suit more creatively. But she would need a sidekick to hug her to push out the paint that it is filled with.
But I agree that Primer being creative with what she's put together to make a superhero outfit enough to conceal her identity is part of the fun.
>She does nerd to apply it to the skin
Freudian slip? Primer needs to apply it directly, but a paint that gives her super-intelligence should come with geek-girl looks for the duration.
Yeah that's the problem though her outfit does less to conceal her identity than before. One of the reasons I liked her og concept is it was unique so rarely do heroes use wigs especially not multiple. It's a genius idea to hide your identity, also just had a bit more style as being a rookie new hero just going for it like she ran right out the house to save the day.
she came alright

>Released 24 years ago
How has it aged anons? For better and worse.
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not necessarily in comics directly but it's definitely seeped into the marrow of a lot of other media
This fa'ghet sided against piskor
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nigga predicted webtoons.
he PREDICTED homestuck. and practically every development in digital art consumption ever

swear to god this mate is one of the modern masters of the genre and I can't comprehend why he isn't put on the same pedestal as moebius and kirby.

people are naturally conformist and dislike being challenged.

I read a webcomic about this exact topic literally an hour ago.
I saw the posts. They were pretty mild. That comes from the people he interacts with only relaying partial news and the people trying to get the accurate news to him, come off deranged.

And let's face it, few people were giving an accurate assessment of what was going on. Comics Beat tried to quietly downplay what just happened, some TCJ writer on tumblr did four posts taking shots at Piskor and then shut up about him completely when the suicide happened, a former Hooded Utilitarian writer was taking jabs at Piskor and his fans before the suicide and then did the obligatory mental health psa, a few Comicsgate people were trying to scrub/downplay their part in accusing Piskor while going after Alex De Campi's crowd
Alex De Campi was trying to throw shade at Piskor's work while shilling whatever service she uses to scrub her info to avoid doxing, and all the various people associated with her getting extra-defensive along with rando twitter (sockpuppet?) accounts and comics-reviewer tweeters trying to cover for them

So I don't entirely blame anyone for not getting all the news. That mess of clowns is tragic and hilarious.

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9 Days to episode 2! Also, beware the physics system.
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>She just stands there derped the fuck out as they all grope her and tear off her clothes
>She doesn't even protest when they start eating her body
>Cheer up Pomni! You need some tickling to be happy here at the amazing digital circus!
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they are all going to eat her at the end of the episode
I always wonder how many fetishes are possible in their digital world.
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Ragatha is for tearing apart!

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