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>told my therapist that I often have dreams of being raped by men and that I kind of like it
>she looked completely disgusted with me
was this too malebrained of me?
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studies regarding this vary, but approximately 37%-50% of women have a consensual non consent kink
they have a nonconsent kink, thats like saying men are into porn and not women or sex because thats how they usually act on their desires
my therapist told me that was common and asked what kind of man was hottest
what does that have to do with anything? op has a consensual non consent kink, which is as common as 1 in every 2 women
you just gave birth to a new TERF OP!

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Isn't it funny how this kind of stuff that would be considered 'neckbeard' for cis males becomes charming on a twinkhon?
does it rly tho or do you just have awful taste
Show me a twinkhon in a fedora

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do your parents accept that youre a tranny
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i came out to my mom like i think a year ago but i think she's pretending like i didn't
My parents were not supportive at first, but eventually have come around enough. My dad went from not wanting anything to do with me to being my best friend. Love you pops :3
Usually dads are more accepting. My mother still doesn't thank that trannies exist tbqh
my dad was way more chill about me coming out as ftm than my mom was. she was very upset about losing her daughter. but now she is cool and my dad has always been chill so it’s whatever
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i mean they said i'm not their son anymore!!

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Why can't 'trans women' just beeeeeeee themselves as cis, non-hrt feminine men, instead of larping as women?
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dont engage with people who are too autistic to understand why society dislikes it when you call an insecure overweight woman fat
some people are transphobic, but not everyone, some people want you to be trans, and treat you better for coming out, you do it for those people
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most sane transgender people
false equivalency
>ALL social forces are against transition
most of the American traditional media is neutral if not pro-transgenderism at this point
even Fox News puts out pro-trans segments in June
>why is being black legal in most countries if everyone hates you?
its weird how they took the time to end segregation, so they acknowledge injustice is wrong, but decide, hey gays can wait another 50 years for rights

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>We were all screwed over by fate and ended up in the less than 1% of people born the wrong gender
>so desperately we desire to be real women
>but what if that is impossible?
>why does a transition have to be a failure if we don't pass?
>why should we judge others for not passing it's not really our problem?
>why should we have to be ashamed of how we were born the other gender even if we do pass?
>why does it matter if we are real women or just boys who like estrogen a lot or just our own thing?
>why do we have to be fembrained just because we like estrogen and girl clothes?

IDK I think I pass and stuff but I'm just tried of being ashamed of myself. I had so many issues when I first transitioned with not feeling inherently girly enough and such that I just repressed whole parts of my personality for years like my interest in STEM. Developed severe BDD out of passing paranoia. And a crippling shame of my past and the fact that I am a fake girl. So much effort to fit a certain box of who I thought I had to be to be a valid trans girl.

Like maybe it would have been better to of just seen things more pragmatically instead of fixating on the whole being a women thing. "I'm taking hrt because I like it's effects and don't want to finish male puberty" etc. And just been myself on estrogen with a new name instead of falling for the "real women" gaslighting in trans spaces.

Like maybe it's not so bad being a transwomen in all our different forms.
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>Like maybe it's not so bad being a transwomen
if you have to actually type that out, then yes it is that bad
what objectively is bad about it. I ended up with alright looks compared to a ciswomen but even if your hon it's not objectively worse than being and ugly cissoid except for how dumb retards think of us as subhuman but that's more a dumb retard problem than a transwomen problem.

yeah it would be helpful if I could be that good at it except with my identity as women. Like with how much we tend to have to go through to transition, its kind of hard to not accidentally throw ourselves headfirst into the box in the process.

Like the dysphoria is 100% real and hrt saved me from completely breaking. Just wish I didn't fence my self in like I did in the process.
Why does everyone have to blindly accept that ending sex segregation would automatically lead to an epidemic of sexual assault of women?
askncis people, they're the ones that will never end sex segregation
idk desu it might be less bad if everyone was mixed vs being the lone male failing boymoder in a mes bathroom

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wanted to do one of these but the only one up is the favorites one and that one is sooo tedious
so i'm polluting the board by making one
post favorite vidya and guess letters :3
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Play space funeral
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Pocky and Rocky art is ugly as sin.
REmake getting so much representation is based.
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straight mtf
bi mtf
straight mtf. omg i love LBP
mtf les
mtf les
bi ftm
bi mtf

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I just want a mommymoder gf
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hello sweetie
You killed my thread
Damn girl what that gut do
I look like this can I be your mommymoder gf OP

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QOTT: What kinda hairstyle you rocking?

Previous >>35496005
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Why would you want to fuck straight men? Surely you can go on grindr and find a DL
i dont wanna fuck straight men per say but every man i like is straight. ion wanna go on grindr or anything for a hookup because i wanna have some kind of baseline friendship or at least know who they are in person for a bit, i keep having crushes on my homies because of this
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>need to get work done
>spend all day seething about perceived and real slights instead
Being schizophrenic are we?

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so you're telling me this is a board FULL of trannies, ripe for bullying?
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if you were into mtfs who are mentally unstable incels ripe with covert contracts that carries over into their current life, then this is your board
yes hi !
Only in posts that get dubs. Fortunately this board moves pretty slowly so you should have no trouble scoring over and over again.
Tell me more about these covert contracts
it's like the mecca of trannies but they wear sweatshirts instead of burkas

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Name one single NON MOSAIC, XY human who has ever successfully given birth to their own child.
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Give me an pure XX human who fathered a child with their own sperm. (no klinefelters or Y please)
If this is OP the goalposts genuinely flying faster than the speed of light
Those “male traits” come from puberty so how would they have them when they’re completely insensitive to androgens? I mean yeah if you “notice” male traits when they aren’t there that would make you a schizo no different than a transvestigator
Reminder: you ( the tranny reading this ) do not have some snowflake 1 in 5 million genetic / chromosome disorder.

Stop trying to steal the thunder and glorify tehe struggle of actual intersex individuals
I'm kinda curious if any XX has produced sperm and that works to fertilize an egg.

>noticing trans women who don’t pass is not the same as noticing male traits in a CAIS woman.
I mean its not the same, but its the same
especially if the CAIS tries to present as female, it's the same awkward doesn't-totally-fit feeling

it would look less weird if CAIS presented male, same with trans women imho

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how would you age/gender me? do my face or body pass as a girl?
16 cis female
mogs me
HAHA WTF i cant believe how delusional you people are

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I’m a gay man and I have never been atttacted to a gay man. I have always found myself attracted to straight man. Before any dipshit says that it’s internalized homophobia, no, it’s not. I am not saying that I like every single straight guy, but every single straight guy I have found myself attracted to was straight. I just don’t like gays, no matter how masculine they try to appear. I don’t know how to explain, straight guys and gay guys are fundamentally different. It’s not simply a matter of taking it up the ass. I guess the gay face is a thing. I just feel repulsed by other gay men, even when they try to act straight. What a fucking curse. I have tried dating hundreds of gay men and never ever felt the spark. Never been attracted to gay men. The problem is that when you are attracted to men, you are attracted to men and not to gays. That’s the paradox
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>I guess the gay face is a thing
yes it is, even tho gay faces are more attractive imo
>Before any dipshit says that it’s internalized homophobia, no, it’s not
Yes, it is, copefag.
I know an older gay like this.
He moved to a town that hosts a large military base and did rather well for himself.
San Diego?
Shut up faggot, fags are uglier and more feminine

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Aimee and Pariah the Doll are AGP transgenders who have not got bottom surgery can only date other AGPs (chasers) hence the movie and don't pass.
They larp as HSTS by pretending to be flamboyant homosexuals when in reality HSTS are feminine. It's similar to how a straight man plays Cam from modern family and acts flamboyant.
We have photos of Pariah sharing her arm pitt hair on discord but I think that's too mean to share.

In the photos below you will see that "HSTS' Aimee used to be a sissy cross dresser.
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>when in reality HSTS are feminine.
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4chan's categorization of gays and trannies is fucking nuts. You morons have no idea how other people think, not even other homosexuals. It's worse than the Tumblr genders. You heard, your cringe HSTS AGP HON BBQ is worse than Tumblr demigirl transfem sapphic because you project your mental assumption on others
based actually
Based and truth pilled
Yeah, it's pretty sad and obnoxious. They spend their days mindlessly repeating the terminology of a failed typology, often not even understanding the terms they're using.

Where can I find a guy who looks like this?
t. ftm

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God I fucking hate being alive. I hate fucking breathing. I hit everything. I hate all the fucking you. I hate waking up everyday and working and going home and being poor and I hate being trans and I hate fucking lgr and his stupid old technology videos and I just wish that I was in a hole in the ground
>I hate fucking lgr
okay now youve gone too far
Fuck you, how about?!

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