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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

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What Kant was trying to do was tell philosophers
>why the fuck are you trying to run "does God exist.exe", "Total Annihilation" and "Do we have a soul.exe", at the same time on a 1998 IBM you fucking retard. It doesn't have the specs to handle it.
But some other retard had to say
>works fine on my machine
So Kant had to lay, in detail, the specs of the computer, what could be added, what came with the manufacturer, what could be inputted/ outputted, as well as all the general principles of a 1998 shitbox, so he could try to definitely say what programs could be run and what couldn't.

This analogy is useful in explaining the limitation of the human intellect, but fortunately the human brain as material correlate to the human intellect is organic and capable of growth and change in a way an inorganic electronic computer is not. To run DoesGodExist.exe on an inorganic electronic computer you would need a computer that already had those specs, if not, you'd have to get a new computer, or upgrade with after market parts; on an organic computer, you can start with one that may not be able to run it yet, but can, in time, develop and grow itself to be able to run it. And the same goes with the human body. In fact, this is what I believe the Greys to be. Imagine the intellectual capacities of beings with significantly more vast and complex neural matter correlate, even a more complex physiological matter correlate as a whole. Kant actually addresses this in the first critique as well:

>It is, moreover, not necessary that we should limit the mode of intuition in space and time to the sensuous faculty of man. It may well be that all finite thinking beings must necessarily in this respect agree with man (though as to this we cannot decide)...

>It may be true that there are intelligible existences to which our faculty of sensuous intuition has no relation

>...the categories do in some measure really extend further than sensuous intuition, inasmuch as they think objects in general, without regard to the mode (of sensibility) in which these objects are given. But they do not for this reason apply to and determine a wider sphere of objects, because we cannot assume that such can be given, without presupposing the possibility of another than the sensuous mode of intuition...

>we cannot form the most distant conception of the possibility of an understanding which should cognize an object, not discursively by means of categories, but intuitively in a non-sensuous intuition...

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i hate meta physics so much. why dont you spend all that brainpower on something practical?
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You ever heard of Karl Freiherr von Prel?
I am fascinated by this idea that Kant laid out a very skeletal foundation for a kind of Phenomenology of Higher Beings especially wrt his notion of intellectual intuition.

I NEED a Kantian interpretation of pic related.
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>What Kant was trying to do was tell philosophers
>>why the fuck are you trying to run "does God exist.exe", "Total Annihilation" and "Do we have a soul.exe", at the same time on a 1998 IBM you fucking retard. It doesn't have the specs to handle it.
>But some other retard had to say
>>works fine on my machine
Honestly, there's no way to disprove this, making it's one of the top-tier Dark Triad bluffs you can do. You're basically telling the other person that they're too intellectually deficient in some way to get the argument.

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Does anyone else have "Book-Wear Anxiety"?

When I buy a brand new paperback, I'm often times so awed by it's beauty (The crisp page edges, the smooth spine, the unblemished cover) that I get legit anxiety around handling the book and creasing the spine and knowing my thumbs will eventually stain the edges of the pages where I hold them. Sometimes it's so bad that I can't even bring myself to read the book until I've washed my hands and even then I only open the book as little as possible for me to read.

I know that a "pristine book is an unread book", but still, it bothers me and I don't know how to overcome these feelings.
I got a brand new copy of Elon Musk's biography (Isaacson) from the local library.
Hardcover. Virgin.
When I was finished with that 650 page WHORE her spine was broke. Corners bent. Coffee stains sensually adorned in random fits and starts.
The librarian glanced at the murder scene then gazed into my plebian serf tier brown eyes. She wanted a demonstration of my power.
So we sexed in the library.
Anyway moral of the story good things are supposed to be used blah blah don't let form go to waste without function.

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Do you guys ever read old school magazines?
no nigga
hell yeah nigga
mup da doo didda po mo gub bidda be dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga.

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Captain Underpants, the inspiration for Christopher Nolan’s Batman Trilogy, is considered the pinnacle of American literary excellence.

Created by Dav Pilkey, considered the “America Tolkien” is a 4 time best selling author and was awarded the presidential metal of freedom for his contribution to American Literature by Jimmy Carter in 1983.

Bloomberg called Dav “The New England Dostoevsky, A reborn Melville”.

Saint Petersburg Press “Captain Underpants, an Epic as Grand as Tolstoy, will stand the test of time, marked forever in the history books as a lighthouse for Human Creativity”.
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Why does anyone let their kids read this? It's a book about pee and poo and you're raising your children on it. Wtf Americans.
Any school with a library which stocks books that encourage solecisms is to be avoided at all costs.
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Notes from a Wimpy Kid by Jeffislav Kinnov was far better than anything Dav Pilkike ever wrote.
"never eat yellow snow"
This book had a profound influence on my life. When I was in 4th grade, our English teacher would make us read the most irrelevant books like catcher in the rye or Lolita. I would sit in the back of the class and one day I found this book laying on the floor. I picked it up and when I read it, I realized I have picked up something truly special. In one hour, I finished the book from front to back.

Afterwards, i felt a change in my brain as if this book changed my neurotransmitters and the chemical composition in my brain.

My paradigm shifted completely. The metaphysical truths, the deep rooted philosophy that can only be understood in from carefully considering and pondering on the nuances in between the words.

15 years later, I have not come across another book like this.

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You DID read something today, right Anon?
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>No, reading is for nerds and wannabe academics
I have a shit attention span. I read less than a page of a nofap PDF and stopped
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rereading dune again
Based, I'm on Children.
keep going the more semen you retain the more pages you will be able to endure

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What are the most banned books in the world right now?
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I read once that reactionary literature like De Maistre is banned in communist countries like China and Vietnam.
I was book shopping with my hyperconservative mother-in-law and she picked up a copy of 120 Days of Sodom because she liked the title. I couldn't talk her out of buying it because I couldn't admit I'd read it. I still wonder what her experience reading it was like.
Shockingly The Holy Bible is the most banned book in the world as well as it being the most popular book, even though freely available to us in some states, being banned and censored in the western-hating oriental despotisms which most people in the world live in, as well as from being informally forbidden in atheist and quasi-denominational households (depending on his translation) in a way no other book has any business. Praise the Lord since you are free to do so !!
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>to protect free speech and democracy we must ban subversive literature
>the population cannot be trusted with such ideas and stories
my ideology doesnt conflict. theirs does.

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What did I think of it?
This book was better than the entire Southern Reach trilogy, even if it is a Shardik rip off (he seems to like ripping off other books too, like ''A Roadside Picnic'' for his Southern Reach books).

What did I think about it?
Questions with possible spoilers below:

Why can Mord fly, and why was it taken away, what the fuck is The Company, who were they getting shit from from the mirror? What was Wick? Why did Rachel and her parents get sent through the mirror? Did Borne choose to use his and Mord's body to replenish the city with biotech and become a non-sentient plant to be able to stay with Rachel and Wick at the cliffs?
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I read this with little context on a penpal's recommendation for biopunk and found it alright. Pretty imaginative worldbuilding. The company throw various genes and living things together to make new concoctions, and Bourne is a really advanced one that evolves all sorts of abilities. I imagine most of your questions probably make more sense after reading more of this universe, but this was the only Vandermeer I'd read.
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hate this reddit libtard
I liked his ambergris trilogy more. It’s kind of like a light hearted take on lovecraftian horrors in a Victorian town where everyone refuses to speak of the mushroom people living alongside them.
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Get some rest anon. You look tired.

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previous: >>23316351
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I will never experience death
sick of "adhd" retards pretending they're some misunderstood geniuses that just need a tiny bit of meth to turn from functioning retard to Heisenberg. You're an unremarkable, dime a dozen copypasted low iq delusional fucking loser. And a speed junky at that.
I am wrong about literally everything. Everything I've done in response was warranted. No insight has been obtained. I have awareness of my circumstances. Insight is the enemy.
sometimes I think about these pivotal moments during all of this where if I had made a different choice I could have stopped my sanity from unraveling. there are two that I can pinpoint specifically.
but maybe it was doomed to happen regardless, and even if I had chosen differently I would’ve ended up in the same place
I've made dozens of threads over the years investigating one particular topic through books on political economy. I do not use this website for any other occasion. I have not gotten any closer to answering my concerns after all the thousands of posts I've read. I look over the notes I made back in 2019 and I have not progressed. It almost feels as if I'm the only person who recognizes this contradiction and is eager to solve it. How can it be that America, the West and liberal democracy appear to be in severe decline, meanwhile the masses of the world continue to become more liberal and America still maintains the most power and certainly the most cultural power? How can these two things coexist when they negate the other possibility? Every rebellion is warranted and still fails. Every tumultuous election cycle leads to nothing. Everything happens and yet nothing ever happens. Marx speaks, Nietzsche speaks, everyone listens, and still nothing changes.

The only possible answer that I have so far is that the Enlightenment truly won, whether we like it or not and whether the people in charge even realize it or not. Voltaire's bourgeois cosmopolitan society is here to stay. Fukuyama and Hegel have the last laugh. But I can't accept that.

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"AI hack seething" edition

Previous: >>23306393 (Cross-thread)

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ (embed)
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC (embed)

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Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

Simple guides on writing:
>[YouTube] Improve your Writing: Show, Not Tell (embed)

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Idk, I'l ask the ai.

The phrase "lamplights flickered, casting erratic shadows against the cobblestones, weaving tales of forgotten lore" uses metaphorical language to evoke a vivid and mystical image. Here, "weaving tales" isn't meant to be taken literally; instead, it suggests that the play of light and shadow creates patterns or scenes that could be imagined as stories. It's a poetic way of saying that the environment, influenced by the flickering lights and shifting shadows, seems to tell its own stories—perhaps evoking memories, hinting at hidden secrets, or suggesting the passage of many generations.

This kind of description isn't meta in the sense of being self-referential or breaking the fourth wall, but rather it's a technique to imbue the scene with a certain mood or tone, making the inanimate part of the storytelling. It's a common practice in literary styles that prioritize atmosphere and symbolism, where the environment often feels alive or charged with meaning.
Working on a horror. Here's the first 300 words. Would you read more?
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this is why I cant read you faggots bullshit all of the time. You are writing a story, not a goddamn Rorschach test. I dont give a shit about your interpretive dancing prose, JUST WRITE A FUCKING STORY FOR FUCKS SAKE WHERE ARE THE STORIES???????
Looks like an AI wrote it. Shit sentence.

wtf, nobody told me that Heidegger actually liked Plato, especially Plato's Parmenides

this is a great essay to introduce us to Heidegger's Plato: https://philarchive.org/archive/BACAOA
a handful but nonexhaustive selection of key points at the end:
>The main point of these last hypotheses is that if there is unity, if reality is one, then this unity of reality both comprises all things and is no thing.
>If there is no unity, if reality is not unified, then there is no manifold reality at all but only nothing.
>Heidegger interprets: Being itself, insofar as it unifies reality and renders beings possible, is itself no being at all, but rather intimately characterized by nothingness [Nichtigkeit].
>As we already know from Heidegger: Being is the Nothing [Nichts], the background which makes the Something possible in the first place.
>Heidegger concludes his seminar with the following words:
>Maximal truth has been attained when appearance and Non-being have been included within truth and Being. The dialogue literally leads to Nothing [Nichts]. . . . Thereby the question of Being has been transformed, everything is now otherwise. The on is both hen and polla, and it is hen, insofar as it is polla and vice versa. The One and the Many are only insofar as they are in themselves negative [nichtig].
the last sentence is a bit confusing though... dont the One and the Many stand as having definitions in their own? i don't think they need to be defined as not the other, One as not Many and the Many as not One.
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Keeping >>23320117 in mind, Magnitudes can represent any size, dimension, or extent. Algebra exists after numbers which exists after magnitudes, so any Finite Magnitudinal Arithmetic exists prior to Algebra using arbitrary finite magnitude segments in a specific way relating to the Circle.

This of course means a Geometric Constant's Magnitude can be used for Finite Magnitudinal Aritmetic Operations, There is no non-finite Geometry whatsoever to begin nor end with, it never existed, and never will exist in Calculus or otherwise as there is no Calculus without Trigonometry and Trigonometry can be fixed using a Closed Form Radical system, no "Limit Theory" is used at all. All the Calculus terms have nothing to do with the Metaphysical use of Limit and Arithmetic and such, and quite frankly, the Pythagoreans got things extremely wrong in declaring Number is prior to Geometry when Geometry gives rise to Number.

Nobody can count points without a magnitude distinguishing and separating a point from another point and there are only two primitive point distinctions as here and a negation of the distinction of the location named as a here as not-here which the path to here to not-there implies the existence of magnitude as there are two points, so to even "count" more than an idea of something requires magnitude. That's right, to even count the idea of one requires magnitude, there is no counting without magnitude and distinctions of locations in themselves aren't counting anything.

This is why "The One is not the One", it isn't the Named One that is Counted of in terms of Magnitude, it is merely an apophatic expression of that which isn't based upon Location at all. Any "Philosophic Arithmetic" is not at all Magnitudinal Arithmetic nor Numerical Arithmetic, it is merely a sort of exhaustion of dialectic discursion as ends to directly self-apprehend the Absolute.
To further nail the coffin down, as previously stated that Matter and Motion both must exist for there to be any notion of Time, all Matter have Magnitude of some size, dimension, or extent occupying a volume and is also in motion, moving from one location point to another location point. One might count one two three etc. within Time, but that counting within Time is within Space within Magnitude within Location, within the Idea that these things subsists upon before any instantiation of those Ideas outside the Noetic Realm within the Psychic Realm that the Ideas of these things are set into Motion like imperfect images, shapes, and matter of the perfect images, shapes, and matter in its Perfect Platonic Forms. To even come close to understanding the One, you must have a firmer grasp of what is not the One as ends to know that Perfect One beyond what the One Causes to Be, so that you won't conflate the One beyond Being as Non-Being from the Matter below Being as Non-Being, for there are Two "Non-Beings" that are spoken in relation to Being, yet one is Greater than the One-Being as if it was Infinite, while the complete lack of Being-ness can only be a complete Negation of Being which when posited ends up positing that it exists AS "something" whereby "something" for it to Be outside of Being must "Become" Matter. Notions as the "Instant", "Unground", must not be conflated with as strict causative paradigms of Physics, which is why I had elaborated on these things in such a manner.
going to bump this later
Parmenides nuts

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Monday Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous: >>23299375
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sounds like you didn't get to the worst part, where his new stepmom is revealed to be the female resistance leader
>its bad
>it doesnt make sense
>its bad
>it doesnt make sense
>its bad
>it doesnt make sense

Your opinion is not serious. Don't use words like logic or sense when your take is based purely on your emotional reaction to the book.
"The events could not occur as described because no-one would commit to a plan which relied on so many extreme fluke events occurring one after the other exactly as necessary" is a perfectly serious and correct criticism.
not to mention that the "plan" relies on everyone else reacting in the most irrational manner possible

It is serious, my emotional reaction is based on the plot of the book. Plot is nonsensical, it's illogical, it is frankly stupid, there is no other way to describe it.

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>Mere Christianity - C. S. Lewis
>Introduction to Christianity - Pope Benedict XVI
>The Confessions of St. Augustine
>St. Thomas Aquinas - G.K. Chesterton
>Orthodoxy - G.K. Chesterton
>The Everlasting Man - G.K. Chesterton
>A Shorter Summa The Essential Philosophical Passages of Saint Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica - Peter J. Kreeft
>Catechism of the Summa Theologi - Thomas Aquinas
>Catholic Catechism of Saint Piu - Pope St. Pius X
>Early Christian Writings The Apostolic Fathers - Andrew Louth
>History of the Christian Church (Complete Eight Volumes In One) - Philip Schaff
>Ignatius Catholic Study Bible New Testament RSV 2nd Edition
>The Faith of Our Fathers - James Cardinal Gibbons
>The Spirit of Catholicism - Karl Adam Robert A. Krieg
>The Complete Ante-Nicene & Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Collection

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Never heard of this guy but apparently the Franciscans made an active point to say they cut ties.
What exactly was he accused of?
Charlatans. Most of their youtube followers probably don't know that they're heretics and that "Vatican Catholic" is actually neither Vatican nor Catholic. They tell people to actively avoid going to literally any church on Sunday which is literally advocating for apostasy under the guise of piousness.

The funniest thing about them is they try to say that even though you shouldn't go to mass, technically Byzantine Catholicism is still ok in their eyes but you should tell the Byzantine priest to buy their DVDs and learn how the Church has been compromised kek
probably diddling
The Diamond Brothers and Michael E.Jones should collab together and combine their schizo powers
Pope Francis did not. He explicitly condemned this. Homosexuals, like all other sinners, can ask blessings from priests.

A scale of 1-blasphemy
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John Logan filmography
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John Hillcoat filmography
>Warner Bros logo
>Village productions logo
>Touchstone pictures logo
>A24 logo
>*Shot of the kid riding over a hill on horseback as the red sun sets behind him, autistically darkening*
>My name is the kid.
>My world is fire and blood
>*Disembodied voices talking: Chaos at the Church, she was raped..., they found the body!"
>*Intro riff from Black hole sun*
>Shot of a tall white skinned man wearing a large black brimmed hat from the back
>He turns and looks at the screen with one red eye
>"Its only going to get worse from here kid"
>I dont care what happens to me...

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Another cause I think these are funny
>*Judge walks in the tent*
>"Hello everyone, that man is a criminal!"
>Crowd gasps
>Man faints in a womanly fashion
>"Heh, I tend to do that"
>Kid, you cant keep running youre entire life
>"Maybe not, but my horse heres pretty fast"
>Judge loads gun during action sequence
>Kid loads flintlock during preparation montage

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Logan did pretty well on 'The Road'. He may make a good adaption.

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Books about werewolf women

Preferably a boy enraptured in a unfamiliar world that's based in his.
Already read this I'm very sad about the ending
The first and possibly greatest idea I had for a novel was about Joan of Arc if she was a werewolf
These short stories off the top of my head:

The Were-Wolf by Clemence Housman

The White Wolf of the Hartz Mountains

Boobs by Suzy McKee Charnas

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