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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

Off-topic and /b/-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or /b/-tier threads:

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Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

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He should get the bull's name and the queen of spades tatted on him too
Holy shit, he's even shorter than a latina gf.
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This is very clever engagement farming. The Mexican is a content creator. There's a video of him screaming during a tattoo. They know people will go look at the comments, and they're filled with OnlyFans prostituted and other content creators posting sample of their pages.
He aint doing nothing about it! just like you white cucks lol
Did he think that would make her remain faithful? Oh, I can’t cheat on him or leave him! He had my name tattooed on his back!
Fucking retards getting their bf/gf name tatted on them. Not even married too.
Fucking retard, he’ll take her back too and probably end up sitting in a chair in the corner next time watching.

>tfw you'll never enjoy prime american culture
>You'll never experience all year round sunshine
>You'll never rent cheap shack and surf and skate all day.
>You'll never be able to literally work part time and fully support yourself with a flat near the beach:(

You'll never experience the real American dream.
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good point. I forgot Oakland became a shithole in the 50s-60s
Raygun's amnesty and Judge Mariana (((Pfaelzer))) ruling that Prop 187 - California's attempt to stop the hemorrhaging of public resources to illegals - was somehow unconstitutional.
i was an 80's teen and i never enjoyed none of those things
>tfw you'll never enjoy prime american culture
i don't miss white people generally being sexist, racist assholes
>you'll never experience all year round sunshine
you're a britbong, wtf are you even on about, mate?
>you'll never rent cheap shack and surf and skate all day
the only thing i rented back then were videotapes
>you'll never be able to literally work part time and fully support yourself with a flat near the beach
nah. i chilled with my parents like a normal teenager
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cali was screwed by Reagan. I dont know why the right worships him.
>may as well been an extension of the 50s
you have no idea how good the 50s were
fuckin retarded boomer

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I'm an Chinese Immigrant living in Australia with an IT degree and I am apart of Andrew Tates team. I was paid to set up this new "university" website he will soon be advertising from pic attached check this url I am not talking shit.
I want to expose that Andrew Tate is a fucking retard and homosexual.
When he talks and says something retarded it is him who is speaking but when he says something that seems slightly intelligent it is something a copywriter has written for him. All these little red pill guys have the same copywriters working for them, They don't actually come up with theories on women etc they just pay copywriters to invent things that sound cool then say them out loud.

Andrew doesn't actually make any course content ether its just copywriters spewing out red pill theories on making money that he repeats. Even the "matrix" line was actually created by some early 20s Romanian copywriter who thought it would make Andrew seem like he had the hidden truth.

Andrew gets really angry when ever someone brings up how he said it was not gay to bang trans or when he said he pretends to be women seducing men to get money. (he pretended to be his cam whores talking to guys) sus as fuck and he gets angry even though he said it. In group chats he frequently talks about his penis, has brought up white trannies and how much more masculine he is then them etc
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keep me posted on his penis talk plz
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>I want to expose that Andrew Tate is a fucking retard and homosexual.
So you came back, whatever people say, we all know they're all degenerate, ALL of THEM but your thread are late, even if true
You should have done that kind of statements month ago
Nice LARP but i dont need a whistlenlower to tell me the obvious about a shitskin with no chin. His sucess is manufactured thats for sure, tatertot at least has the balls to bite the hand that feeds him. Which is better than most these days.
2024 is no longer part of the current year meme.
2024 is the year of rebranding for all the true deplorables. pimps and sjws
you hate this guy more than women want to fuck him
its getting incredibly gay now

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who is this (((they))) he keeps saying? isn't he part of they?
April 20th AGAIN.
What a fucking day.
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The warnings were not heeded.
>says the country "collapsed" vaguely
>won't name names, politicians that caused it, specials interests groups, corporations, religions
>nah just vaguely said we collapsed
If you think he isn't in on it too you are retarded
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>i never watched the video but i'm going to talk shit anyway: the post

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What does pol think of each Immigrant background?
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Just shuffle everything to the bottom row
We really need a new india tier because the current list doesn't accurately represent my (and many other white peoples) hate for them.
Do you really have that many Bulgarians there ?
That Rhodesian flag is missing the emblem anon, surely you didn't put Nigerian at c Tier
I'd move Mexico up to D then put all of central americas including Colombia and Venezuela in deport immediately I would put all of West Africa also in deport immediately. The rest of Subsaharan Africa gets put in execute. Eastern Europe is B the rest of Europe is A on the condition that they are white.

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Why don't Europeans call themselves "white" like Americans?
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Today I will remind them.
Because they be retarded
When you look at a dog, do you ask yourself whether it is a dog? No, you think what breed it is.
Why /pol/ hate webmrel girl?
"White" is sort of like "Latino". The term means nothing outside of America because both of these terms refer to a group of ethnicities. These ethnic groups have no reason to be in the same category outside the United States.

did we start the fire, pol?
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I don’t give a fuck about any of this, but it seems the Jews really are latching on the “much Jew girl was stabbed in the eye”. It’s similar to the 40 babies beheaded tale. Apparently it’s true but they won’t show the evidence since it’s too gruesome, but trust us bro.
jews have lost their propaganda magic
nobody believes them anymore
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>misinformational rhetoric and double-speaking
Not a hint of irony

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<India 2030
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looks good but he's not striking enough
A surprising amount of them try to return after living in the west a few years. Moving away from all your family and friends is less fun than it seems
>Steroid jeet
Yup, he paid a woman to be in the pic with him
nah but he wouldn't be with her if he wasn't famous, she cucked him and he accepted it. Fucking sad.
Probably not, even if your mid to ugly white you can JBW your way into some asian girl.

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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Hee dopje

Like the might cockroach I am invictus. whatcha doin? By god I just wanna have people not be retarded
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That always pisses me off
checked morning
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Everyone is starting to get sick of you pro palestine chuds! You scared yet /pol/? The tide is turning in favor of jews!
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Protests are supposed to be annoying. What point is this Zionist retard trying to make?

That sign might have more credibility if we weren't aware ops like this were being run
They have. Last time an American went to Israel to protest the kikes murdered her with a bulldozer. But I agree, if the kikes murder another American in 2024 it would nuke what’s left of their optics and would seal the fate of every Jew on earth

When they say "Boycott Israel", do they realize that's where their HRT comes from?

Do they realize the founders of queer theory are Jewish?
Judith Butler
Eve Kosofsky
Jack Halberstam
Gayle Rubin

Queer Theory and the Jewish Question
"Jews have always found ways to enrich, complexify, subvert, or openly resist orthodoxies and fundamentalisms: since the diaspora, and maybe before it, these strategies have been an essential component of Jewish survival"

Trans Talmud: Androgynes and Eunuchs in Rabbinic Literature

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I live in L.A. and there's massive protests at the colleges here tonight. It hasn't hit the news yet but they're going ham.

If the L.A. people wanna burn Israel down there's no coming back.

Previous: >>466100772
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

>16k banner 1
>16k banner 2

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Novomikhailovka, DNR, has been liberated by the Russian Armed Forces- https://archive.today/hRCfB
>According to "Kyiv" post, Grisha is scamming people via custom /chug/ & Chinese shells - https://archive.today/Gnz3n

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Just ask one more time, bro ;)
>invasion of raffah.webm
With how much people they kidnapped on the street, hiding and shitposting on 4chan is just pathetic if you have that much energy, that's why people here are asking if he should come to the front.
>Verification not required.
No refunds
Ia ctually disprove of this, seeing how they were refugee welcome for niggers but once mostly-white (only about 40% brownie) ukies show up they have to be deported?

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You have now been blessed with Mullah posting.
Respond with "TKD" to show your gratitude.
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>pro palestine protests in every city outside of the south
>most zionists in the country are nearly dead by old age
>redpills about the kikes and their connection to the banks, genocides, slavery, rednecks, and redneck culture being dropped on every social media platform
>the white south is being actively replaced by non-whites and transplants, depriving the kikes of their main support base
>evangelism is dead, along with the culture of the white south
>zoomers the most anti-semitic generation yet
>pissrael actively losing ground to hamas
>white people outbreeding shitskins everywhere outside of the southern US and the UK
>open calls for total kike and redneck death everywhere on social media now
>every race united in their hatred of the kikes and rednecks
>National Socialism gaining major ground in Europe and parts of the US
>tfw you will live to see TKD, TRD, and TND
I give it 1 more year before kikes are dead in the streets.
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Shall I get the popcorn and beers ready?
>most zionists in the country are nearly dead by old age
to the last boomer.
>the two of the most cowardly and selfish people
God cursed the jews long ago. That is why you monsters have been nuisance population nomads for over 2000 years.


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You know the origin of "White" is from Britain? If anything the Anlgo-Saxons are as White as it gets and I don't assume they hate themselves.
Yeah, I bet we are all kgb agents, stupid kike
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Hello "t. Elder of Zion". I am a gentile but you make good posts, I read them a lot on archive.4plebs but rarely get to see you live. I used to be antisemitic for which I apologize: I like Jews now, especially frum ones. I hope you had a happy seder. Goodnight
Drrsden was karmic retribution, just like USSR raping Warshaw. You can say it's wrong or whatever but you can't deny tge winning side its revenge.

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Previous: >>466102802

▶Day: 792 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>The aid package will include ATACMS - Zelenskyy
>USA is sending a new $1 billion military aid package to Ukraine
>Biden signed the 61 Billion $ bill on aid to Ukraine
>Drone strikes on oil bases in Smolensk and Voronezh oblasts, Russia
>Most of the US military aid is already near Ukraine in warehouses in Germany and Poland - CNN
>UK will provide an additional £500m to Kyiv: more than 1,600 missiles are being provided, 162 armoured vehicles and 78 all terrain vehicles, etc
>USA will supply ATACMS missiles to Ukraine - Zelenskyy
>Russians struck the object of TV infrastructure in Kharkiv
>Lithuania and Poland have started military exercises in the Suwałki Gap
>Norway will contribute financially to the initiative to provide Ukraine with additional AA - TV2, referencing PM

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Why do we continue to menace the peace-love Belarussian people? All he wants to do is plant and pick potatoes. Who is going to protect his smi- mustache?
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God, just why we live... It is so embarrassing.
>But by blood not a kike.
Putin's mother was Jewish. Judaism is passed down through the mother's bloodline. You are retarded
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Sleepy Joe not so sleepy

Are you a German colony?
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Other way around. Mussolini made fascism work and if that retarded Austrian deviant didn't copy paste his shtick and ruin everything by rushing a war that killed more europeans that the bubonic plague Europe would be q reborn Roman empire today. Spain, Portugal and Italy had flipped, France and the UK were close. Without Hitler ruining things fascism would have imposed itself as the most sane ideology.
Fuck your diesel ad blue satanic globohomo garbage ,go fuck Greta in the ass Spiegel. I will never buy them and fuck your global warming bullshit.
you already are you just don't know it yet
>Looks in the backyard
>2x Skoda
>1x Volkswagen
>1x Toyota
Checks out.
they actually had their own indpendend kingdom and the king was a german (as usual)


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Is she watching Crocodile Dundee or Ace Ventura?
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Terminator 3?
It was probably a movie with a white lead that every one has seen and was a B movie at best. It's obviously a comedy as well so I'm gonna say it's Ms. Doubtfire.
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We HAVE to go back.
Back to the 90s.
Author is a tranny isnt it?
Kek, I was just thinking about this exact scene today out of the blue. Haven't seen the movie in years.

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It’s over
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Probably drugs. A few years of meth staying up for days at a time can age you 5x faster.
I know a girl who is 24, everyone thinks she’s like 37. She did meth since 17.
I don't have any at 30. Bitch is a liar

She looks like Forrest Gump’s AIDS wife
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oh no nononono
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All the good looking women who would make great wives and mothers are taken in high school and college the latest. Whatever remains is taken shortly after they enter the workforce. There exist very few good looking (7 and above) women that are single and have a good heart, are modest, raised in a decent family, soft spoken and pretty. The window of opportunity when they are single is very very narrow. These are the 2% of women, the highest stock of females this wonderful creation can offer. If you don't frequent their circles or the events they attend you have no chance of meeting them. Women also don't go anywhere alone, so whatever hobbies women have or events they attend it is done with their husband or boyfriend and if they are single with their groups of friends.
Boomers and gen-x are throwing money at young pussy like never before, we are talking boat trips, exotic trips, paying their rent and bills, buying them gifts, trips to beauty salons, etc. Many of them have net worths in the millions. Just look at all those modelling agencies and realize how many pretty girls are being baited to fuck the rich and upper class.
Then there are chad millennials and chad zoomers who get their first pick at all the young pussy.
Then at the end of the line there is you anon, the average nobody with no money, no charisma, no looks, no social circle, no experiences and no toys.

tldr; there simply aren't enough single good looking young white women to go around for everybody, they are rare and exist mostly in very niche places where men without social circles (loners) can't get in to

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