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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

1. If you attempt to post something unoriginal, it is not posted, and you are muted temporarily.
2. The time with which you are muted for doubles with each transgression.
3. Each mute time is 2^n in seconds where n is the number of times you have transgressed. So, your mute time doubles each time you fuck up.
4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).
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7. Your mute count slowly decreases over time.
8. You cannot post a picture without text.
9. Unicode is blocked. Sorry, too many exploits (Cyrillic letters, etc).
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/r9k/ has no topic, but unlike /b/ Global Rule #3 is in effect. In addition, advice threads and camwhoring/hookup/"rate me" threads should go on /adv/ - Advice and /soc/ - Cams & Meetups respectively. This includes Discord server threads!

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Do not post pictures of yourself on /r9k/.
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Board Game Edition

Previous thread : >>77242739

Ignore annoying moids

>What Board games did you play as a kid?
>Which were the most fun and which made someone the most upset when losing?
>Any stories about someone being angry over losing?
>If you could play board games with any 4 people who would it be? What game would it be?


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How long do you have to do the pt for?
Is he white and are you not white, nona?
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>i know and i want to live that fairy tale but i've been waiting for what... my last relationship (which was when i was a kid so does that even count?) was over 5 years ago.

how was that relationship? how did you feel about it?

i know i sound like an optimistic normie right now, but i like the quote in pic rel. i hope it makes you feel better.
Wdym anon?
Yes exactly haha how did you know? But I live in the US
>How long do you have to do the pt for?
I'm honestly not sure. We have already passed the original set amount. We've been increasing by several weeks for a little bit now. I guess until I reach a reasonable point. I'm getting better at walking but today has shown me I'm not there yet

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Once I accepted that we as a species are nothing more than a type of animal on planet earth, it recontextualized everything in a much more sensible way. Though this level of understanding has left me viewing most humans no different from house pets, or zoo animals.
Youre right, but that is sort of a distorted perspective dont you think?

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why do the people of r9k like to call themselves robots and argue who's a real robot or not? i just wanna be human
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I wasn't giving him ideas
>she has a bf now
>hitting on his girl

there are some ideas going fembot, i know you're reading the posts, and if you're not killing these ideas you're letting them live and grow. Are you still reluctant to private chat after supposed months of this? Or are you just not interested. This isn't classy lady behavior, keeping things this ambiguous for this long. This is laundry goblin behavior. Don't worry girl, I'll keep things ambiguous with you long time while you're running loads of my dirty work clothes.
That sounds very shitty. I hope you haven't been procrastinating too much on your work! Now that the year is coming to a close, are you ready to transfer?
Sometimes the same ol' usual is a blessing, life gets really fucky sometimes lol

for me we started practicing to check leg kicks, it fucking hurts lol, also started going adding solo hiking in my weekends, thinking about going camping as well, I think honestly chilling in the woods alone with music and alcohol is what I need.
>well that's just some random simp who stumbled in here
is that the first simp we've had? if so pretty surprising considering how great the other femanon is.
>trust me when i say it i found our last chat really pleasant and uplifting and i think you know that
aw thank you. making people happier is my main goal in life, so it's nice that talking to you is basically helping me fulfil what i see as my purpose.
>it's just some banter or at least i hope it is from his end
yeah that's what i intepreted it as, i was just playing along.
>good to see you too! how's school? i feel like i haven't seen you in forever
i saw OP somewhat recently, it was just us two chatting because it was, if i'm doing the time zone conversions correctly, quite early in the morning for you to be on. but yeah haven't seen you in a while, school's been testing me desu but i think i need to have more confidence in myself because somehow i always manage to pull through? ugh i hate saying that i should be more confident, feels a bit self-aggrandising.
a noble quest i hope you succeed in but not with this girl. try another one please.
checked and cute to hear :)

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how? i'm the opposite of a faggot i want you to go away
you know where you can control who talks on a channel and who can't? discord. you should talk to girlie there.

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How do I stop wasting so much time in here?
That's the stupid question. If you read a book it would probably take forever.
Install the desktop program coldturkey and block 4chan.org
Just do something for 10 mins each day that have the potential to build up over time

Like if you read 1 page of a book each day then after 300 days you will have probably read a whole book.

This works for everything and it snowballs

What ever you want to do, just start doing it for just 10 mins a day

What are your hobbies or what are those pipe dreams that you've always wanted to do? Please reply.
You can't. You're here forever.
LOL! You can just switch it back, retard. OP knows the answer to his own question.
Don't come here. Simples.

I don't even do drugs or any of that, but for some reason I have a strong urge to find an emo/goth/alt druggie gf or just friend who doesnt give a shit about anything to get fucked up with.
damn man... like... bro... i just dont give a fuck about anything... damn
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i do drugs rarely but same

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i added the anon i've been crushing on and he likes me back. i don't know where we go from here but i'm still in shock.
holy FUCK
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where do anons on this board add each other? do they just to go /soc/?
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THE VOCAROO GUY? LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO (ive been following this story the whole time)
nah it was all here, the mods just didn't care to nuke me when i reached out with my user

i can't believe people have been following this omg
i'm very happy also!! in hindsight, i have no idea why i was so worried
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I feel non-human. I only had one crush in my entire life and it was because she used to hug me a lot and be very nice to me.
have hope anon, he was in similar shoes as you prior to me adding him, the odds might have been low but crazy shit can happen

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Go to a music festival this year
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Go to a coitus festival.
Thought about going to Summerfest again but their lineup is fucking garbage this year, mostly top 40 country slop. It's not even worth going to shows anymore since most of the bands I would want to see perform are either inactive or past their prime.
Where do you find them? Is this just a German/Cali/NY thing?
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twatter and mostly by just going to the official con rave.
Oh yeah, cons. I dunno if it's really classified as a furry con outside of the name but I'll be hitting dragoncon this year at least.

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Baby Hold Your Hand Edition
Last Thread: >>77232775
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the only reason my father is religious is because of me when I was 13
that might have backfired slightly


Where is the lie? How is this not discrimination against ethnic russians on a government level?
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"I remember one time, years ago he let fly at me for robbing this house, saying "that man was too poor". How taking from him was no different than the system we was fighting against."
How is lithuania related? If you read the article it's not a blanket ban on all russians but specific permits to buy land near the eastern border being denied. It also was because of the buyers bwing connected to the russian goverment, not because just because of them being russian. Read the articles you post.
Also so it goes when you live in a terrorist nation. If you want to point fingers point them at Kreml. If Russia was a reliable and trustworthy country such bans wouldn't need to be even considered.

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post ur bmi
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Am still the skinniest here
21.4. should definitely be higher

I am OP anon
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About 20, I am 1.87

the end of an era.
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This behaviour from parents is disgusting. Preventing your children from seeking attention should be considered child abuse.
It's pathetic. I'm half-convinced it's just ewhore samefagging most of the time, but there are men pathetic enough to stand by other men like pigeons being fed crumbs. It really is like cuckoldry. "Men" degrading themselves by posting in eceleb threads gossiping like middle schoolers about what some retarded underage succubus did.
I personally don't understand control/parental overreach over someone of that age.
A lot of parents, especially moms, seem to perceive their children as their personal property rather than as human beings. My mom was like that, and I still have some trauma from it to this day.
It's probably necessary if your child is a completely underdeveloped retard

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Why do autistic women hate autistic men?
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whatever the crime normies deserve it
the only crimes autists commit that deserve the full extent of the law are autist on autist, like how family members are the ones that get molested most often
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Women are known to hate men and other women. So, everyone.
I should rewatch Split, good movie
>Too many perverts and incels these days.
why do you keep saying this? you are an incel. there's too much of (You) these days.
what coherent point did she make?

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Canada's subreddits sound like 4chan sometimes. It is too funny
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Pajeets are cucks. They are such a dysgenic because of centuries of rape and arranged marriages. And not dysgenic just because of looks because some can be handsome (rare) but dysgenic mentally. They are natural creeps.
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Nah bro Pajeets are way worse than blacks or spics
Keep coping though
Browns raised in white society can be nurtured to somewhat overcome their nature. It's why liberals keep them as pets and keep saying they're harmless. It's the difference between having a rat as a pet vs a swarm of cat-sized new york sewer rats.
>this the mindset of a sheltered canadian whose first real experience with brown people is with indians
LOL it gets SOOOOOO much worse. By the time the real shit gets to where you live it'll be way too late.
I genuinely feel so bad for Poojeetas. The fucking horror stories that I heard about what their male relatives do is insane. Brown guys would literally kill their whole family if it meant that a white woman will give them 10 seconds of attention.
>>this the mindset of a sheltered canadian whose first real experience with brown people is with Indians
My Brother in Christ i live in the Caribbean, i have never been to Canada in my life
I do agree that the leafs are screwed

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For anyone suffering from PTSD, chrysanthemum tea works wonders on your stress
Damn bro ptsd isnt real its just like in your head lmfao Damn nigga like just walk away from yo head
So it's just this. The General Course in Linguistics is just you know where it comes from

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