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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

1. If you attempt to post something unoriginal, it is not posted, and you are muted temporarily.
2. The time with which you are muted for doubles with each transgression.
3. Each mute time is 2^n in seconds where n is the number of times you have transgressed. So, your mute time doubles each time you fuck up.
4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).
6. Images are NOT included in the filter, only text.
7. Your mute count slowly decreases over time.
8. You cannot post a picture without text.
9. Unicode is blocked. Sorry, too many exploits (Cyrillic letters, etc).
10. Posts require a certain minimum amount of original content in order to be posted.
11. Post sane, real content, well thought out replies, and mutes are unlikely.
12. The original algorithm was designed by XKCD:
/r9k/ has no topic, but unlike /b/ Global Rule #3 is in effect. In addition, advice threads and camwhoring/hookup/"rate me" threads should go on /adv/ - Advice and /soc/ - Cams & Meetups respectively. This includes Discord server threads!

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Do not post pictures of yourself on /r9k/.
Do not post threads asking for pictures of other users.

All "rate me" and camwhoring threads belong on /soc/.


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>be lonely
>make rent-a-friend account
>fuck it, might as well pay a woman to hang out with me
>women still rarely ever respond
>still have to jump through hurdles and become a personal jester for the few women that do respond
>most send one or two messages and then stop responding
Why are women like this? It's been over a week and I still don't have a single potential meeting. I've tried changing my strategy, changing my photos, changing my profile, changing my opening lines, and still nothing. It's literally easy money for them. Just fucking respond, agree on a time, hang out, and get paid. But women gotta women. Fuck women.
Do any other sites like this even exist? Since the women there don't respond...

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How fat are you anon? I am 82kgs at 187cm.
Why do some of you choose to be fat?
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because i dont like my body and dont like it taking up space but its okay
I am 185 at 5 ft 8 inches


im the heaviest ive ever been rn, 170 lbs and 5'10. im gonna lose it tho and get back down to 150 or so tho. i dont eat that much its just that i never move
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>How fat are you anon?
very fat
last i measured, 88kg at 180cm
i'd lose weight by cycling around but it's been really dangerous outside in my area recently
i'm waiting for the dust to settle so i can exercise daily again

maybe i'll just pick up some weights, i dunno
gotta work up my mind to do it first

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At My Station edition.

thread questions
>your type
>Do you believe obligation is freeing?
>Do you find routine restrictive or freeing? Why?
>What is a routine or ritual you are glad you have?
>What is the difference between addiction, obligation, habit, routine, and ritual to you?
>Is there anything you do out of obligation that you enjoy?

>The reader should understand that these four criteria of types of human behavior are just four viewpoints among many others, like will power, temperament, imagination, memory, and so on. There is nothing dogmatic about them, but their basic nature recommends them as suitable criteria for a classification. They are also useful in understanding one's own prejudices.
>-C.J. Jung

Anons Guide to Typology

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As /mbti/ steadily dies, it feels so peaceful.
Why do your hands look male
Paranormal end-of-life phenomena is Jungian as fvck, wdym? The veil is thinning and you wanna clutch tight to your vendetta? I'm effortposting about the blurred lines between projection and manifestation and you're chiding me? E-society..

My grandma also fed like half of the sandwich supplies my aunt bought for Centaur and I to the dog because OCD logic went "I didn't ask for this. I didn't put this in my fridge. Must be trash. Hahaha neurochemical gratification go brrrrr. YEET" and I was gobsmacked by the Literally Me of it all. Wanna psychoanalyze that instead?

A reply that low in content just to exert your non-authority isn't just lame --and hypocritical-- for /mbti/, it's also r9kbot angering. Think of the robot, Anon.
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Entry-level reading on why Lord Shiva is relevant to Earthbound spirits

Cowabunga, Kaliyuga surfers

>Your type
>Do you believe humanity is in the worst times, the best times, or the fork in the road?
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>If I follow a routine, it is an extension of my will
not necessarily. also, couldn't obligation be considered an extension of your will? granted a rather long and flimsy extension.
>What prompted you to make that OC
nothing. neither OC nor mine. pic rel is though. forgot to take shot of type result, but i remember it said inconclusive between IS(T) and IT(S).
>We have addiction because you can not have any quantity of necessity without the possibility of exorbitance.
that sounds more like habit to me than addiction.

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What causes this discrepancy?
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The actual sex ratio is about three men to every woman. They lie about stats because they don't want any more social unrest, but this is undeniably true to anyone with their eyes open.
>men who do X are the worst!
>proceeds to date man who does X
many such cases
>i put way more words so im right and your wrong
this doesn't explain why the female singlehood doesn't skyrocket seeing that men die before women do.
It also doesn't explain why nobody in history had this problem before, especially since in the past girls marrying men twice their age was actually normal instead of a meme you keep forcing on incels.
>but money
doesn't even matter as women make as much if not more than men do
Seriously the men being better providers as they age would have been a legit argument 100 years ago, but decades ago no body had this problem when women were making way less and generally married older guys.

The real question is, who's paying you to keep spamming this. I know you and op are the same fag and you made this tread just to post that answer. But why.
I almost never works but why they act that way is all their life experiences from women is porn and video games so they don't understand how stupid/cringe they are.
An actual schizo

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Anyone else raped their lives to shreds by wasting their 20s doing nothing? My 68 year old mother drives me to university at 30 so I can finish my undergraduate degree sitting next to a bunch of children.
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what do you mean what's a "stats" class. basic undergrad statistics shit like linear regression and ANOVA, inferential stats and time series analysis and stochastics is about random processes m8
I'm 21 mind you.
no, it's not my fault the job market always been the bullshit it is today, i take care of the house, my health and my mother, i know i was supposed to have my own house, be independent and probably marry, but i can't do any of that when i can't even sustain myself, and those worthless time-wasting interviews did nothing but waste my fucking time, and i'm still gonna argue that it wasn't my fucking fault, it wasn't, i tried getting a job, but those mother fuckers won't let me
Focus on your money my nigga. There is literally nobody on earth who is more responsible for YOUR finances.. than YOU
>in good enough shape
Probably means you eat like shit and look like shit if I am being totally frank. Also your overall longevity and quality of life is not really superficial
>when I was 16
Okay so you were a baby. Try working out as an adult, try working out for longer than a year because that is basically still newb level and hardly that much time to see noticeable difference.
nah your're are good, it destroys if you let it. embrace it and dont let society tell you that you are broken. if you listen to them, then you will believe them and shit will get real bad.
additionally: you can use it to your advantage and be more creative
also remind yourself periodically to chill out, no matter what chill out and not take rhings too seriously

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Taking it easy so hard i oversleep again
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>is that the only gam ur playing?
I play Xenoblade Chronicles 3 too when I get bored of playing online
Have fun. Kill some dudes
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>You could buy an audio interface instead.
no clue what those are but i guess ill look into it
>watched any slopnime lately?
nope i cant even remember the last slop ive watched
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Basically you get something like a Scarlett Solo, plug your guitar in it and use a virtual amp to get the sounds you want.
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U should at least lurk there for a bit. I think you'd enjoy that board. It's pretty slow so threads don't die fast there
will do
I suppose that's what makes it slop...
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I went there a few times for DJT but the threads suck so I stopped visiting. I'm not really interested in what gets posted over there.

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If these things are so harmless why are humans inherently terrified of them?

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What are people going to be nostalgic about the 2010s?
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My life wasn't mostly internet until about 2012 and more so late 2013.
Still played football with friends before that and stuff.
School life was simple.
Credit cards and scammers
no I didn't mean personally
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What else could you be nostalgic for in other decades apart from your life?

good morning anon, here talk about whatever's on yuor mind and how has ur day or week been and stuff
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>They know how badly she mogs them
until she turns 18 right, pedo?
vamp is underage too lmfao you'll say anything to cope won't you
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Welcome to 4chans /r9k/ board, where grown men who live with their parents complain about how hard life is and how women won't give them attention despite their refusal to better themselves in literally any way. Everyone here is either a pedophile, a pedophile in denial, a child, a troll, a skitzo, a sociopath, a BPDemon, or a *shuters* ... woman.
Yes, that is genuinely a big part of what makes a lot of guys here like her so much.
I'll be a puka fan forever
>Hi pukfren, just wanted to say you are very pretty and I adore your long hair.
henlo :> and thank u thats bery nice:3!
>How do you maintain to keep it that long, think and healthy?
for length i just dont cut it, thats all..i mean i cut split ends and stuff but i never cut it short (i did when i was 8 it was soo short and didnt suit me)
for thick, thats just my brown genentics. tho i think having thick hair is kinda overrated desu. and it isnt really healthy just long, i think i need some hair health tips myself desu, for silky look u should go to a salon and tell them to wash ur hair and straighten it and stuff and theyll put some special products and makes ur hair real pretty but when you wash your hair it goes away so it kinda sux
hav a nice day vampy:3
>Castlevania symphony of the night, Crash bandicoot trilogy and crash racing and crash bash, capcom vs snk 1 and 2
ive only hear of the first 2
castlevainia looks so sick and vrash bandicoot looks fun, i wish i got to experience
>but unfortunately, and i mean Very Unfortunately, my ps1 stopped working and there was no fixing it, and it made me extremely sad because, despite not owning a modern console at least for now, i used to play playstation 1 with my friends like there won't be a fucking tomorrow
noooo that sucks how did it break? did it just turn off and never turn back on? because that happened to me with my 3ds before i got a new one
>before turning into the JOKE that is ps5 today, i still can't fucking believe ps5 turned as bad as it is today, at the very least series x has game and can emulate
why do you hate sony now? less exclusive games?

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the ones that aren't hoodrats seem very friendly and sweet. why haven't you given it a go?
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that is understandable.
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>the ones that aren't hoodrats
There's not that many non hoodrat black women
5 years ago I wouldn't have because I was extremely racist. Now I really wish I did
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why do racists want to date black women

not only do you have to interact with her family members but you are going to have mixed kids who are being brought into the world with a father who hates them because he wanted to nut in a black woman's vag.
I don't go out looking for a race of girl, I get crushes on people I actually know

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>Every Friday night we on 4chan is a great night
>Have to think ourselves lucky
>We got the same 4 walls to look at
>We got the same posts to make
>We got our gimmicks
>We got our images to post again
>We can samefag all night
>We can pretend to be other posters
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Why shouldn't we vote Sadiq back in?
Black men are shagging white women, right now.
where are the ugly girls (under 35) when I go out? i swear i live in some thot hotspot. I'll never find a looks match.
At home I would assume.
white men are shagging black women, right now

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my friend told me that if i lose the bet we made i must dress up girly for a week and pretend to be his girlfriend :<
don't forget to put on makeup too haha
What type of panties will he get you as a joke?
i dunno there is need for that cus i already wear panties
Does your pp get hard when you wear them or do you stay limp? I hope your friend is giving you spankings whenever you walk by

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Love edition.

Previous Thread : >>77188159

Ignore impolite moids.

>Do you believe in true love / soulmates?
>What does love mean to you? Have you experienced it?
>What is your love language?
>Do you remember your first crush?
>Do you have a celebrity crush or fictional husbando?
>If you could have a fully customizable android husbando, would you?

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I will do gay stuff if girls are watching.
I consider all moids to be my friends, and brothers too.
same. I don't know exactly what they like to see, but I would kiss a guy for the entertainment of a woman. the guy I kiss has to be cute, too, though.
So we are taking the incest route, i see. You really want to appeal to the fujos itt
i am playing fo3. i have a regular amount of interest in it.

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