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How to roll dice: "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the email field rolls 2d6. "dice+5d42+23" rolls 5d42+23. "noko+dice+2d6" rolls 2d6 without showing the roll in the email field.

In the rules department, you can look at http://www.4chan.org/rules - all global and board specific rules are in full effect. Apart from that, only two rules are important.


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Please post all quest threads on /qst/


Quest threads that are posted on /tg/ will be removed.

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If you guys don't make the threads you're gonna keep getting titan editions edition

Previous Heresy:>>92575888

『Horus Heresy』
>Official Website
>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)

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swap axe handle, it looks like wood axe
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Wtf, no Heresy Thursday?!
Thank you for your service anon. Much appreciated.
Seriously, how many of you fuckers don't even read a single fucking word?

If you actually cared so much about the heresy thursday articles you would have fucking been reading them, and would have read in the last heresy thursday article that it's been discontinued for the forseeable future.

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Vulgar Magick Edition

>Previous Thread
>Mega I
>Mega II (also containing fanmade games)
>WoD5 Mega
>STV content folders

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never heard of it
>How would they survive to make it to America?
For the most part, they don't. The social ones would probably be able to get rescued with a few good rolls but it that would be incredibly iffy.
the one that came out when v5 was new? i think i have watched it, but it seems like i remember nothing of it
nta, but hey, just randomly got this recommended on youtube

haven't played the game, but the steam page says it's set in 1905 so the music might fit for your stuff
They just shit talked kindred the embraced so that was cool

Wildcard Edition:

Previously on /slop/: >>92598189 #

▶ Thread Task: Post whatever prompts you want. Old favorites or new hotness. Anything goes. Let's get crazy.

▶ News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

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mess up pug feng shui, gishgallop pugs, bait-and-switch pugs into losing arguments
>dude, Acupuncture totally works and is harmless, look at this *cherry-picked research paper*

Sisters of Battle edition

>Tau Empire Preorders (Buy Kroot):

>Emperor's Children Index is coming:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:


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3rd quarter 2025
don't ask me how I know
Land raiders are gonna be squatted soon.
Thank you anons for the advice I appreciate it.
Oh wait, I misread the post I replied to and thought the guy was talking about some gooner shit.
>30ppm Manz

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>Previously in the Mortal Realms:


[REDACTED], edition

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


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much appreciated
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from what I recall a bunch of them escaped shadespire by fashioning whole suits of shadeglass around them
in any case what I was thinking about was mostly just that, perhaps one of the automatons of the city and maybe a gimmicky sculpt where a guy enters a mirror in one base and emerges from another on another base

it's just that the aesthetic they had going on was neat: humans and undead bedecked in very rich looking decorations, broken flat surfaces, sharp edges, maybe even using that for axes and shields
Would make for interesting and challenging painting

The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

"Tortured Poets" Edition

Last Thread: >>92599101

>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions

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The Steiners will rise from the ashes of the ilClan era to be the next great power
Trillian will marry alaric
I don't know if the wolves' specific cluster types are defined anywhere; for what it's worth, a scorpion grenadier cluster is an assault trinary and three guard trinaries. Maybe one of the campaign books involving the wolves would have that level of detail.
Arrange a marriage between a Steiner and a Davion again. Reignite the Federated Commonwealth!

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Previously: >>92591223

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.

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cope and seethe
I mean a more interesting question is why did Ulamog and Kozilek get fused. I mean is this set even canon?
Squirrelfag giving the thread a good question
The art is soooooo fucking cute when you ignore that neck
Giraffe girls are cute

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Why do WW2 historical wargames focus so much on the Nazis?

Bolt Action has over 200 German units in it, way more than any other faction, and like 4 or 5 different sourcebooks just for Germany. There's also a weird imbalance of special rules: like the US and the Brits have pretty good special rules, way better than France or Romania or whatever, but the Nazis have the most and the best special rules too.

Are historical games just doomed to overfocus on the bad guys?
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I think it's normal for white and spiritually-white dudes to secretly "cheer" for the Nazis in movies. I think it's a combination of lingering teenage edginess, wondering how history would have been different, and aesthetics. And of course Cold War era politics when we basically turned around and put a lot of Nazis to work for us.

I do the same thing with the American Civil War. I don't really have any connection to Southern culture(I'm Catholic, from the North, etc) but I always root for the Confederates in documentaries. There's something appealing about their bravado, rebel yells, cavalry tactics, and their charismatic generals(eg in contrast to L*ncoln firing any general who cared about the lives of his men until he was left with a core of autistic butchers like Grant and Sherman).


>the Nazis have the most and the best special rules too.

I'd argue against this, actually. Promoting a squad member to a new NCO easier and getting +1 shot with machine guns is pretty meh compared to the free artillery observer for UK. Americans being able to move and shoot without penalty is good for actually doing objectives and attacking. Tiger Fear got (rightly) nerfed by an FAQ and that only came up in late war games anyways(like assault rifles and panzerfausts).
>Way better than France and Romania
>The two factions who get to take a Medium Howi for ZERO (0) points
The Romanian rule is seriously undervalued, being able to just delete something for free is absurd, especially with any force 1000 points or less.
yes but you are playing r*manians then
Lately leaning really hard on anti-Russian... ism?? I don't know whether to call it racism, but really going hard on "filthy subhuman Russian hordes" thing to a degree that goes beyond the historically-adjacent ribbing that you may get from someone playing Wehrmacht (I only play people with SS armies if they've been thoroughly vetted to behave so your mileage may vary on other kinds of Axis players). And like I'm not Russian nor particularly invested in Russia so the fact that it makes me uncomfortable when I can banter during a Zulu War game (I'm always Cesthwayo) tells you something. It's like when a warhammer Slaanesh player starts going off on one about all the graphic sex pervert shit they're gonna do to your forces and it goes too far, like you can tell there's something behind it and it's not banter. There's also the usual le drumpf sympathizer trash that some politicsbrains bring in every game, and when I lived in Mississippi I had one UK player (that I declined a match against) start grilling me on culture war shit because he thought I was sneakily bringing whatever /pol/'s latest buzzword is into the store by making communism acceptable (there were more Soviet players but I was one of maybe 3 coloreds at that local).
Can I just use my DKoK recasts in this?

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Blue Moon Edition


>Official News:
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


>Current meta, complete with deck lists

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Chippy worked for Valve for a while then retired.
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I hope mono red wins the PT somehow
SSS is the best card in the format so don't be surprised if a Rx aggro deck takes it.
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Threadly reminder that SSS is currently the best thing to be doing in Pioneer if you add up the metagame share of all decks running it.
wtf is goldfish bugged? there are no gruul aggro decks running esika's chariot and slick-shot in the same list?

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>What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here:http://theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial:http://mengtzu.github.io/exalted/sakuya.html
It’ll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on /tg/. good luck

>Resources for Third Edition
>3E Core and Splats

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That man lacks regality.
Why can't Dynasts look like this?
3e? "Realism"fags.
obviously insanely boring, so no, nothing special
I don't think any Exalted get anything equivalent to Solar Judgment Flare.
also very very boring
Mostly boring but I don't think anyone else (though I'm not particularly familiar with the new Abyssal charms) gets something akin to Bloodthirsty Sword-Dancer's Spirit, aka the Berserker line.
I am fairly certain that no one else gets to have ~40-50 successes on average. Boring, but you don't need to prop up Athletics with cool effects, being strong enough to lift castles is cool enough on its own.
FSSA is unique, surely? not a particularly good example, mind, but its there.
Unless you count Arcane Fate, being able to hide from people's memories is a fairly unique effect.
Because that isn't Exalted in the slightest. Fuck 3e and it's boring ass westernization fuckery. A proper Exalted Dynastic character looks like something out of Dynasty Warriors, not some westernized sodomite.

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Nurgle Husbandu edition

>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip

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>We Italians had to civilize the fuck out of you Anglos
The Anglos took over later, you Schmock.
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those are WHFB goblins

it was team effort
Why is there WARHAMMER in my WARHAMMER thread, bros?!
I don't think so, so far as I recall.

Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>92602183
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>punch cowboy
The fuck is this?
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little girl with a gun
Didn't you hear? It was making the rounds a couple of years ago, the lab responsible got fat stacks of grant money.
Can't find anything, link?
Cowboy Samurai... now HUSTLE

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>be me
>farmer in cormyr
>working the fields all day long
>it's hard work, but get to blow off steam in the festhall later so it's ok
>life's good
>come home one evening
>sit down to have dinner with the family
>wife drops her fork, bend down to pick it up for her since I'm a NG chad
>wait what's this
>there's an old orange someone dropped by the table leg
>grab it too
>fuck, it's got mould on it
>gotta throw it out with the trash
>it's got mould on it

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>What's the difference?
tech that can be easily used is easily controlled by the people instead of being the monopoly of the powerful

>Nope. Neutral
retard, they are killing people and sabotaging projects to keep stagnation, that is evil

>I never said the harpers were right.
but you kept making excuses for them

>Harpers don't go around killing civilians
they do when civilian make any break through that can change the status quo in any way

>though apparently they cover up elfnazi crimes
making them accomplices and guilty of further crime

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You know, thinking about it Forgotten Realms & the Harpers represent perfectly a huge gear shift that's happened in D&D over the years.
OD&D eventually had you become regional powers in and of yourselves as your party levelled up. You became lords, you became high priests, you became wizards with fancy titles.
Or, to put it another way, you gained influence and power rather than just staying rando adventurers adventuring for the sake of adventure. There was actually something along the lines of a self-interest goal involved in delving old tombs.

FR and particularly Mr Glowie seem to hold that idea in raw contempt and that's bled through into the game over the years.
You got to love elves and their marine craftmanship.
The entire point of the Sword Coast, the Dale Lands, and the Border Kingdoms was to give places for players to become barons.
Places like Cormyr and Waterdeep were to give areas where becoming nobility were an option.

Those days also said working with Harpers or killing them were both viable strategies.

Just because D&D changed is hardly the fault of some guy who WotC purposely removed from the game
Gotcha. No need for civility with you then.

>its not about tech they can't control it's about tech that's easily used!
>What's the difference
>if its easily used they can't control who uses it.
Are you huffing paint, illiterate, or incompetently ESL?

>killing people
That has yet to be cited.

>and sabotaging projects to keep stagnation.
Stupidly maintaining the status quo is LN retardation.

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