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Wow...... holy shit..........
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A Star Fox Adventures is bad
A Star Fox Command is bad
I can't even remember what the WiiU one was called
I hate making Star Fox games
I will die in you're lifetime
We'll all die in our lifetimes anon
Unless you kill yourself right now
Is it really that hard to not procrastinate in game development?
Games are made by people
Sometimes you're just not feeling it on any given day

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Is it normal for siblings to be this close?
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I'm so disappointed by the new zone, I dared to hope it would be another Enkonomiya or DragonSpine, and it's just two new water areas ...
So does Arlecchino have her own Plane of Euthymia?
Yeah it's tiny, and the area that was added to Sumeru is empty. Not sure what happened with this patch, it's pretty shit all around, especially after a filler patch like 4.5
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Looks like shitden trashgun has been MOGGED
I-Is that... family members...HUGGING?! OH MY GOD I'M COOMING

>Dean Carter, the project lead on Fallout London, revealed in a short interview with the BBC that Bethesda gave their team of modders no warning before Fallout 4's next-gen update, which he says "has, for a lack of a better term, screwed us over."
>Originally, the "DLC-sized" mod that promises to transport Fallout 4 players to post-nuke London chose April 23 for its release because it was a "day that would work well for us, it would be after the series had come out, and also, it had related to when the in-game start date is as well being St George's Day," Carter explains.
>But things didn't go as planned. Fallout London was forced to push back its release date after Bethesda announced that a next-gen update for Fallout 4 would arrive on April 25.
>"I don't want to say 'suspect' because that makes it sound malicious. But if you were a big corporation and there was a fantastic [Fallout TV] series that just came out, you think you'd coalign it and have the big update ready on the same day the series comes out," Carter argues. "I don't think it's malicious, but it seems like a very arbitrary date for them to drop."
>"I do understand that there is always going to be a hesitancy about working with the community because we're not industry professionals," Carter explains.
>"But there are schemes where they do work with community members, so why isn't that being done?"
>Carter argues that the team has "out-performed some of the Fallout 76 announcements …
>You’d think that they’d have at least had a conversation to just be like, 'Look, you guys are clearly at least notable, you’re not official, but let’s make sure that we don’t ruin this for the fans.'"

Thanks Todd.
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Yeah it's crazy how they accidentally keep releasing mod tools
fucking unreal engine 5 with no content could compete its just that people are for some reason obsessed with modding a *checks* 13 year old game engine with a bunch of hardcoded bullshit there that they want to mod out or around anyway.

like how someone made a whole new fucking collision and animation engine so weapon hitboxes are EXACT, better than elden ring. for fucking skyrim rather than making a game.
You'll see. The moment they can shut this shit down they will. Investors hate this stuff.
>/v/ is now pro-corporate Bethesda
>/v/ is anti-mod and anti-community
>/v/ is lining up to suck Todd cock
OH HOHOHOHOHO you love to see it
>unreal engine 5
Hello, Sukhdeep.

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Who is the best and most attractive vidya girl of all time?
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I see
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Tifa but no the remake version, I'm talking her OG Battle Model
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The console port is out on the 25th so will you be buying his game?
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Why would anyone want a literal reddit creation like bongbong in limbus? are you stupid?
each sinner would have their own realizations and reforge bonds with their evil counterpart. Nelly's virginity getting lovingly taken by heathcliff would be the tipping point of the N squad to completly defect from hermann
Nah, Director doesn't speak English.
He literally spoke english in the tgs last year retard
>opa they keep posting pirip
>foreigner must reery rike pirip

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>having to pay AGAIN to play your games on your modern platform
>having to pay AGAIN just to play them at a higher resolution
Literally just buy this on PC and you can forever play it at whatever fucking resolution you want. How retarded are consolefags? You literally beg for fucking ports because you're at the mercy of Sony/Microsoft when it comes to your ability to even play your games. I am literally playing FFXIII RIGHT NOW, why can't you do the same?
ff13 still holds up graphically somehow
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>lightning, the louis vuitton model
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"I think of you when from the sea the shimmer
Of sunlight streams;
I think of you when on the brook the dimmer
Moon casts her beams.
I see your face when on the distant highway
Dust whirls and flakes,
In deepest night when on the mountain byway
The traveller quakes.
I hear your voice when, dully roaring, yonder
Waves rise and spill;
Listening, in silent woods I often wander
When all is still.
I walk with you, though miles from you divide me;
Yet you are near!
The sun goes down, soon stars will shine to guide me.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
I would probably buy it and not complete it lol.
But those 3 games are atleast better than XII.

Why did VR die?
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>plummeting demand
from... 3 people to 1 dude inside the company?
VR devs could learn a lot from it since they're all acting like corpos rather than listening to haliday and gamers.
>saved yourself the money.
get a job
You remove the "cancels 2025 model", paste any date and it will be still valid as news (repetitive and redundant but valid).
Never seen so many people seethe so much about something they haven't tried.

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All doas welcome
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What are you saying? You want them to show you around the island?
no anon I want to enter them
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I love Mila so much bros.
>heh, id love marie and that other loli demon to go cowgirl on me
>no, not like this
>... okay a little like this
hawt, why are flat girls so sexy?
Thank you sirs.

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What's the best build in this game and why is it storm sorcerer
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You didnt play the game.
Or they could just let you sneak attack and make the feat actually useful
>not dnd
Hyped as fuck
I did play the game, bot
I played in a group of 4 as an evocation wizard, the others were a dragon ancestry sorcerer plus a fighter and a monk
the early game was balanced, but by act 3 both me and the sorcerer were much weaker than the melee guys. we had to long rest so much we just ended up relying on low level spells most of the time while the others did all the work and saving the good stuff for big fights. my summons were more useful than both of us most of the time.
I guess if we knew what items to look for or we were willing to long rest every 15 minutes it would have worked better but it was a blind first playthrough.

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It's just one costume, but still
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they both have the white cloth in the middle.
You just took the blurriest of screenshots
They do not, we know this firstly because there is a colored outline that would be clearly visible and secondly because >>674473453
>They do not
Afraid it does
My condolences on your visual impairment
>unless you post the outfit with the same color this is fucking retarded mate
we have limited access to the game and it's assets, everything will become clear and proven after release

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will Stellar Blade be banned in Australia as a result?

(image of hardcore racist sign in the first replay … it’s pretty bad)
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Is "crimer" the new "nigger"?
no one says etard you igger
>hard r
As an ESL I don't get it.
It's basically the difference between nigga and nigger. I think it's completely obsolete now, since niggers can call each other however they want and even if you used the "Nigga" version as a non black person you'd be immediately deleted from society, so there is no reason to distinguish between a and er anymore.
Average Atlus enjoyer

maybe people play against the bugs instead of bots because bugs are ugly and people hate bugs in real life.
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The Eruptor is not a good weapon, it has been meme'd into prominence by content creators trying to shill a warbond.
It's based on the EXP you gained and a hidden progress multiplier the devs can fudge at any time. The actual number pop up at the end is basically bullshit.
That last (bot) defence mission has doubled gains, you know. So that the community gets to have it's win. How nice. Hellmire is getting it's percentages up again...
>The dogs might come back
o fuk
>takes out whole groups of small bugs in one shot at long range
Nah, it's good. It's just a problem if everyone on a team uses it.

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No Kaine = Shit game
PS5kings are trying to save gaming but there's an alliance of degeneracy seething about Stellar Blade for various reasons.
>PCfags seething because it's not on PC
>Tendies seething because it's Korean and not Japanese (and it's not on Switch)
>Xbots seething because they're irrelevant (and it's not on Xbox)
>Trannies, feminists and leftoids seething because it has attractive women in it
fug, seems to have been a shit move going snoy-excl
I'm not gonna buy a trannystation just for a game or two.
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So is the point of this subreddit to just find posts by literal whos and seethe about them?

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Am I the only one here that does not that find this remotely sexually attractive in the slightest? It just looks so soulless.
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You're trying too hard, that is very obviously an attractive woman in any conventional meaning of the word. Either that or you're a faggot.
The face is what doesn't work for me. Same with the faces of the other characters in the game that I have seen.. Otherwise, decent design. Worth a wank or two.
there are hundreds of other gay faggots out there, thousands
Seriously, why can't men just stop wanting to look at women? Do you realize how degrading and dehumanizing it is to be reduced down to sex appeal and nothing else?

It's been happening since the dawn of man and frankly, most women are tired of it, including myself.

It's even worse when virgins like yourselves find us attractive because we are disgusted by you. It's horrifying knowing you jack your little dicks to us.

So, just stop. Start supporting women and stop being attracted to them. I promise, it will go along way into turning you into a decent human being and maybe, just maybe, a woman won't run screaming from you in real life.
>hurr wrongthink detected! must be tranny! Initiate ywnabw protocol
Fucking yawn. How trite

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GOTY of the Year?
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i like how mad you marketers are getting
I'd be fairly pissed if I make a living off my good looks and someone makes me look like that in a video game.
Mad about what?
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Only incels find her ugly.

>one (1) game released in 2024 that supports it
>it's a port of a PS4 game
Why didn't fast load times take off on PC?
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I dont remember any loading time being above a few seconds for the last couple of years desu
But I ve riding the m2 train for years
>960 EVO-980 EVO-990Pro
It's not remote, it's local storage, nvme ssd on PCIe, to be more exact.
So this tech allows your GPU to read disk data into its VRAM, just as a CPU can red disk data into system RAM. The traditional way is that the GPU asks the CPU to read the disk, and then to transfer from RAM to VRAM, which is an obviously slower process that involves CPU cycles as well.
It's not a new concept. DMA was used in the past for audio to be read by sound cards without asking the cpu to transfer the data.
>games are made for consoles.
In 2024?
2014 maybe, some games
2004 yeah for sure
In 2024 no game is made for consoles except Nintendo games.
Portal RTX fully patched.
What's with the NIC in the OP pic? It's not a network interface card?

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what is the worst game (you) have ever played?
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In my 36 years of being on this planet, there was very few vidya I ever outright rejected. But DEPONIA managed to do it. I have never been this repulsed by a game's introduction before. I got it for free one day and the first thing that happens is that a bunch of nasally, disgusting sounding faggot Kraut programmers start joking at the player's expense and talking about themselves before the actual game even starts. This shit goes on for several minutes I swear to god it felt like an eternity of pure, unironic cringe. I ragequit, threw it off my harddrive and wrote the devs a long mail of them hopefully dying of cancer. I'm glad my brain erased most of it, so I can't go into detail, but I've never been this angry at an adventure game before. Also the artstyle was attrocious.
This wins, credits kino tho
Raffucus Piedron: The Ancient Hero
This game is awesome.
I fully disagree. I actually consider it a good game design lesson, it teaches you how not to do so many things.
Nice art though.

>trying to read a text log

Holy shit SHUT THE FUCK UP. I'm two minutes in and I'm about to quit.
Does anyone actually like this shit? It's in every modern game.
untreated adhd

If Undertale Yellow is so good, where's Undertale Yellow 2?
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>gendered Kris
They’re allowed to be mad/fake outraged, I just wish their lives didn’t partly center around stopping people from misgendering a fictional character
>another general thread
You guys are worse than touhouniggers.
But the people in these threads can form a coherent sentence
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Human form Ceroba?

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your opinions
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Tendies still haven't recovered.
from losing and getting raped

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