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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

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Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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BTA3062 or Roguetech?
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I'd recommend at least having the first two if you want to have a fun career mode. Flashpoints are a big deal that help break up the monotony of missions and urban warfare adds another flavor of map.
I don't recall which of these options I've tried before, but around 4 skulls the missions started getting fucking silly, like you'd be jumped by three full lances at once right out of the dropship and you were clearly meant to start cheesing the shit out of the system to survive. Which of them DON'T do that?

I mostly just want an expanded map with noticeable mech differences when going from place to place, so I can derp around the galaxy being murder hoboes and trying out builds with the local flavor. Plus some kind of morale regeneration because it rustles me that building upgrades like space pools and shit are just one-time happy bonuses.
>Which of them DON'T do that?
None? It's basically unavoidable in the game. It's arguably not as crazy with mods that utilize bigger drops, like BTA and RT, because you can have more units too.
But considering AI builds are shit tier the player is always stronger.
>expanded map with noticeable mech differences when going from place to place
Don't think any aside from BEX use RATs or something similar for unit rarity and spawn rate. Any with mech engineer can have more differences but the responsible modules can be put in most mech negating the differences.
>Plus some kind of morale regeneration because it rustles me that building upgrades like space pools and shit are just one-time happy bonuses.
Never had a problem with morale desu, with the boni from events I always tend to get high enough to use abilities at the start of combat. You might have to add a moral mod to whatever you're playing.
RT with certain dif settings. Make sure not to select the extra flavour/challenge settings either like lancer killers or reinforcement/interuption lances.
Knowing how to play isnt cheeseing fyi, and playing smart against clanners is canon in and out of setting. Brute forcing clanners like a retard is an L you earned on your own.
Dif balance is extremely fair at low levels. Play dif based on company or dif universal and only play low skull
HeavyGear & CyberStorm all day everyday

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What kind of strategy game would best fit the world of Ace Combat? Pitch it
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Italians are canon as of AC7, so there may be other flat out Earth cultures running around
Geopolitical grand strategy. Every country has its own win conditions.
Belka's win conditions include start the most wars without direct involvement and survive at any cost.
There is also a hidden extra faction that enables once a player has accomplished a certain number of win conditions that seeks only to eliminate all borders.
Every military megaproject and fighter ace has a chance of going rogue.
>Belka's win conditions
>survive at any cost.
Broken. As we just need a nuclear stockpile, but don't have to research any methods for delivery.
If only the hoi4 mod was remotely complete
Generals style RTS


How will they incorporate the new lore from the Fallout TV show? Or will they ignore it? What do YOU want them to do?
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Why would any real Fallout fan ever want to make something for Bethesda's shitty fan-fiction?
They introduce the idea that the NCR was destroyed in 2277, so New Vegas couldn't have happened, and also retcon Vault-Tec and all other named corporations into dropping the nukes themselves so they could make money.
>Vault-Tec and all other named corporations into dropping the nukes themselves so they could make money
Not really a retcon, but okay.

>NCR was destroyed in 2277
Now that's a big change.
>some sort of massive "fall" in Shady Sands had occurred that no one talked about in New Vegas
>Shady Sands is nuked after its "fall" by Vault-Tec
>the NCR has seemingly been completely wiped out from their heartland, barely any remnants remain, all of their infrastructure and massive population has basically been reduced to nothing
>the Brotherhood of Steel goes from barely existing at all to being an immensely powerful force in less than two decades. Despite this, they are depicted in the show as being extremely incompetent and their culture is not faithful to the games
>Caesar's Legion is nonexistent
>New Vegas is shown to be largely/completely abandoned with destroyed securitrons and crashed vertibirds
>Vault-Tec is hinted to have started the great war by nuking America and/or China
>House was aware they might do this and was at the meeting when it was discussed
>Sinclair was also at this meeting and was representing Big MT
>Power Armor, the technology that was so successful it allowed America to push into mainland China, is shown to have a vulnerability that allows its wearer to be killed by a single shot to the front of the suit
>Vault-Tec are now a major faction
>the Brotherhood of Steel are now a major faction
>somehow, the Enclave has returned yet again
A single season of Bethesda's and Amazon's "Fallout" has undone everything that Fallout 1, Fallout 2, and Fallout New Vegas had built. The West Coast is now the East Coast wearing a cowboy hat.
>not really a retcon
yeah let's just forget the fucking sino-american war and larger resource wars that led to the nukes flying, no it was duh ebul capitulists, because the dog-eating bugman market is important (this critique of capitalism paid for by Amazon Prime)

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Ryo and Yuri. Holy shit. Lore bros, we're eating good.
He was already a pretty high level dude in Abandoned Children so he'll probably join quite late. He'll also need a new class for his second advanced class because as a spirit user he's banned from Magic Knight.
think he's mad I stole his sword during Abandonned Children?
Big post about Banished Children just went up
>Ari is an Archer, promotes into Hunter and Bard
>Hannah is a Shielder, promotes into Guardian and Highlander
>Yuri is a Mage, promoting to Black Mage and Red Mage
>Tyra is a Gunslinger and promotes into Desperado and Bodyguard
>Ryo is a Swordsman and promotes into Swordmaster and White Knight
Map seems to confirm that there will be little in the way of urban settings apart from the occasional town. I'm interested in what the Witch's Shrine up there is, looks spooky.

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Warno? or Waryes?

Also general warno, wargame, broken arrow thread.
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No. It’s just that most people literally do not understand how to play the game. Their IQ is just too low. Allies are better overall once you learn how to properly use units.

However, the game does have unhistorical nerfs used to “balance” the game for all the whiners. For example germany has way too many aircraft, while the allies dont have enough. German heavy tanks are too expensive, while allied tanks are also too expensive.
You also sound uninteresting too. Why do you want any of those scenarios without the realism? So that you can pretend you’re hitler but with magic powers? Give me a break.
A preemptive strike (ala 6 day war) on PRC's naval and air assets could have crippled their ability to invade Hong Kong. It'd still be free today if they did it.
>pretend you’re hitler but with magic powers
But that's SD2's gameplay.
AI in red dragon is really bad/ borderline non existent thus playing against it is very different than against real player.
You can check what units enemy will bring to the battle before it starts and decide what units you use. If enemy brings helicopters or bombers then start with 2-3 aa units depending on quality and price. Always sprinkle a few (3-5, fewer if helos) recon units along the frontline, recon helos are the best but anything will do.
Other than that bring as many heaviest tanks you can afford since tanks are the most efficient universal anti ground unit.
Unless your forces are overwhelmingly superior take up a defensive position and try to set up killboxes since AI doesn't know how to defend and will always attack. The only use for artillery is to counter battery. As for infantry, AI doesn't know how to use infantry so it eihter unloads right at the start of the match and leg it all the way to frontline or doesn't unload at all. I wouldn't advise using infantry but if you have to, then put them in towns or in forests, but not right at the edge since you have to hide after you shoot or you will get decimated by enemy tank train.

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>2 mo after the demo drop
>basically 0 hype
they're gonna pull the plug aren't they
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>If there's ever a point where you'll be too old to do something
disregard doomers anon, i'm 40+ and play video games every day, so does my wife and we both have regular jobs and other hobbies. just do what YOU want to do anon.
what is the point of being a person like this? just makes me sad seeing someone behave this way. you could engage with other people in a 100 different ways and you choose to be like this. it's even worse if you're actually a kid like you say you are
It's just some embittered 'revolutionary' who thinks they have conquered 4chan, which is adorable as the anonymous nature of the board means their stalking and cancellation tactics don't work. They have no power here.
>Why would they use the bait and switch gambit on Homeworld
Who even says it's a bait and switch? You can promise all kinds of shit on fig, but making it into a good game is a whole different thing and demo has shown exactly that.
The naive hope that they will somehow fix everything in the few extra months of delay is laughable, at most they will fix the dogshit camera controls and it's only one of the major problems uncovered by the demo.
I'm sorry but the dream is over, HW3 will become worst game in the series and we'll be lucky if it will be at least "ok" as a game on its own.
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Why do you keep insisting with linking the 4 workday policy with the firing of freshly-hired that were set to work on unnannouced small projects instead of seeing it as HR post-nut clarity (and the loss of government gibmedat supposedly)?
Why do you insist on Quinn Duffy's departure being a blow to the company when you can simply access his linkedin and see that when HW3 was announced he was still at relic working on AoE4 and when he joined blackbird he was only put on one of the now-cancelled projects?
Why do you omit the fact all those who got let go received a hefty severance package regardless?

Do you actually care about homeworld or strategy games at all or are you just a tourist with a vague recollection of playing them being corrupted by your present day doomer bullshit?

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Just optimize it, fix the late-game, do a bit of balancing and add more flavor to railroad it towards historical borders and wars and it will be better than Vic2.
It's like 3 patches and an HPM mod away from being good. The base mechanics are all very solid and an improvement over 2.
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Front-based warfare is way better than moving individual armies. As a concept.
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>revolution to end the monarchy and become presidential republic
>somehow it becomes a Napoleonic bowl
this fucking game
2 years since release and they're just adding spheres of influence?
Much like CK3, this will be worth playing over 2 either by 2030 or never ever.
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The new war system is heckin' realistic and valid OK?
You just want to move your toy soldiers around and game the system, so gamey and arcadey, completely unrealistic.
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nothing works in this game as it should

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Let's talk about a good fantasy simulator indirect control game.
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They are OK scouts. Usually they try fight shit way to strong for them in bear form and die when it runs out. Having a bazillion skeletons and assorted monsters running around reveals the map pretty quick.
I also like the "pretty star" when they level up as if they are semi aware they're in a game
Majesty 1: A comfy fantasy kingdom simulator.
Majesty 2: The battle of Verdun, fantasy edition.

What were they thinking? In some missions you can barely get your first heroes out before the drake swarms descent upon you.
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>Majesty 1: A comfy fantasy kingdom simulator.
>One mission out of 30
>in the more difficult expansion pack
I mean fair, but that was quite a kick in the nuts.
And there is at least couple more which can get you run for your money. Especially if you don't rely on Krom

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A toast, gentlemen! To the Empire! In this thread we discuss the game Empire At War, which was recently updated to become 64-bit. Most of us these days are playing one of the several total overhaul mods that significantly change the game like EaWX and AoTR.


>destroying rebels
>crushing rebels in trash compactors
>shooting rebels out of airlocks
>bombing rebels with TIE bombers
>annihilating rebel fleets with Imperial Star Destroyers
>shooting down rebel X-Wings with TIE Defenders
>capturing rebel planets
>sending Super Star Destroyers to fight stacks of corvettes and frigates
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I haven't played this game in years. I have really fond memories of playing against my brother when we were kids. Definitely going to pick it back up, thanks for reminding me OP
>Somehow managed to turn the worst, most universally hated storyline into an exciting lategame goal and mechanic.
How did Corey manage to redeem the Dark Empire?
The main reason Dark Empire is such a shitty storyline is because it comes out of nowhere. If it had build-up and hints throughout, it might have worked out somewhat. It was still a good enough story that Disney copied it for TROS (which did it even worse).

Thrawn's Revenge gives Dark Empire the build-up it needed, so it doesn't feel like a stupid twist out of nowhere. It also does the job of encouraging imperial infighting, which is extremely based and thematic.
Dark Empire I is kino and one of the peaks of both the Expanded Universe and comics as an art form.
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Why does the AI build fleets of hundreds of tiny corvettes +1-2 star destroyers?
Unless the enemy's bringing literally just carriers and fighters it's a horrible fleet comp.
Kind of makes me wonder, would the warlords even want to submit to a resurrected Sheev? We know Kaine did, but would Zsinj be so willing?

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It's Starcraft in a command & conquer t-shirt with most units for one faction copied straight up from Terrans up to and including a deployable siege tank.
Completely overdesigned by a literal who from Shitter that works full time on part time Polish wages because 3D realms were in cost cutting mode.
Said designer likes all the worst RTS games.
Everyone circle jerking because a unit is a ball that rolls over stuff.
Half the team got sacked.
Missions in the campaign cut from 15 to 10.
Third faction no longer going to be in the base game, cut out to be paid DLC that costs the same as the base game.
Game previously announced at $34.99 but will now cost $70 + tax + tip.
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They can throw naked themselfs into a giant meat mincer for all I care.
I think Im more tired of games trying to remake CNC 1 and Starcraft. They dont give you much depth than other games do and dont rly spin anything new or refreshing. 8 Bit armies is a good example of this, the game isn't bad but its boring to play. Gray Goo on the other hand felt fresh and while it had its own problems (cost included) it sure felt like a step in the right direction for AA/Indi RTS games.

Why so butthurt?


>Faction isn't copied
>Eh I know this to be true
>Brandon does like some turds like DOW3 and Grey Goop
>Ball Cult is cringe
>Yeah never nice when hard working people lose their jobs but the team seem passionate
>Maybe the game will benefit from a tighter campaign?
>Head Canon
>Only Americans have to tip
You know how Helldivers 2 has that galactic map mechanic where you liberate planets and have to complete major orders before the timer runs out? Just do that for a multiplayer mode. I think that'd be a cool idea for an RTS and you get the community engaging with each other.

Of course this is a different game mode separate from the regular PVP/PVE multiplayer. You would be assigned a faction you will fight for the global campaign and after something like 3-4 weeks the game finishes and then you get assigned a different faction for another session.

What the fuck has that got to do with anything?

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Ogres are the true path.
Rush ogres in all circumstances.
Let the women stay home and clean the base.

Previous thread: >>1676179
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Again you can buy seagull missiles from authorized dealers, avalanches can never be bought but you can't make them until you loot them first, question is where do you loot an avalanche missile?
Considering how bad it is I might actually have to just pay out the ass for fuso armors and hope it will last me until I can buy nekomimi equipment. A couple million bucks vs like 100 brainer turns.
you get like 20 of them from the deep ones defense bounty mission, assuming you don't somehow find a way to accidentally blow up the giant fortress you start in.
that's it thanks anon, I've been skipping that mission since I got aquamen from the underwater mission and completely forgot about avalanches
is this really the only source? I think some ninja missions had these but in this run I unlocked ninjas so late I blew out their mobile fortress out of the sky so they pretty much don't exist
>I never got stuck on avalanches before but simultaneously I can't remember where the fuck do you even get them
Same. I think there might be a random event where you just find some in a closet in your base, but I'm not sure if those are actually Avalanches or just more Seagulls.

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hopes? dream? if they pull it off it could be one of the defining features of 3
they're gonna mess it up aren't they?
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Nope, and I don't think I can until someone uploads it on skymods.
I don't have a wishlist for landless content, I'll just let how its executed be a surprise. I just want to see how they rework the boredom out of a Byzantine playthrough.
I feel like being able to just raise your entire army literally anywhere makes the game too easy. What's that? You've got a massive empire spanning the entire Mediterranean, your capital is in Rome, and you're being invaded in Britain? No worries, just spawn your entire army right where the enemy is. Maybe raise embark costs too, naval invasions should be expensive.
>Maybe raise embark costs too, naval invasions should be expensive.
i cannot get over the game not having ships.
the 4th crusade was a failure BECAUSE OF SHIPS
They should definitely at least cost more. Invading Britain with 10000 men? Just 100 gold lmao. Have cultural embark discounts (if they don't already) for the Norse but otherwise things should be expensive if you're going over water. Should take more time too. William of Normandy took almost 2 months to naval invade England because of the weather.

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Why have there been no good city builders in years?
You'd think it would be easier than ever with how fast CPUs are today.
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cucksoles and jews killed the genre.
We are never getting another Will Wright or Sid Meier ever again.
>posts a game without giving the name
>expects others to give him the names of games
It’s T Minus 30 a simple reverse image search could have saved you the trouble of posting cringe
A simple google search could have saved you days of waiting with no answer.

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>What other nations have some decent flavor?
Assuming you're playing with Invictus: Any Turdetani nation > Tartessia > Greater Iberia. You get a series of unique mission trees plus culture specific tech. Bithynia, Bactria, and Germanics also have a lot of unique content.
Thanks! I'll give these a try after my Argos run is done
That would have been a massive departure from their other games, the investors wouldn't have liked gambles like that.
Nah. CK is a perfect fit for a Rome game.
I think it's necessary (but difficult) to strike a good balance between blobbing and collapsing. I know this is about Imperator, but I was playing a CK3 Rome mod (476) and within 30 years the Visigoths, Vandals, and Ostrogoths all completely collapsed into broken counties/duchies (the Ostrogoths were left with half of Sardinia). It doesn't make the game too easy because it gives barbarians a migration cb that gives them 8k-12k troops and there's stuff like the Huns in the 395 start or the Rashidun caliphate when you get to the early 600s but it bothers me historically because everything falling apart into single counties just doesn't happen usually.

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