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Fentanyl edition

Discuss anything related to the bulldog/frenchie/american bully mixes, also known as exotic/toadline bullies, and its associated culture here.
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Yum yum made from yum yums's bazooka juice
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if only you knew
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these ones are wild
they have four wings
Fuck me these sausages are useless
So SMASH and SLAMN them enough and you get low IQ dachshunds. Makes me wonder what happens if you mix one of these toads with a dachshund.

Wrasse edition

Welcome to /rstg/, the ultimate destination for reef and saltwater enthusiasts. Discuss anything related to your marine paradise here, whether it's your thriving coral colonies, vibrant fish, or aquascaping.

Saltwater Aquarium Setups:


Tank Cycling and Maintenance:


Fundamentals of Acropora care:

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best light for corals for a 2.5g? i think its more or less ready to go now, just needs a proper light and probably another week or two before i add corals but cant find a decent light that isnt going to immediately vaporize the thing because 99% of lights seem to assume youre running 40g+
At that size I think you're going to want some Chinesium blackbox thing. ReefBreeders? Nicrew? Maybe Kessil A80 on the high-high end? Never really went that small. A refugium light is probably the right coverage and power, but wrong spectrum.
What sort of aquatic plants do you recommend?
I have a Spectra Aqua Knight V3 and it's pretty good. At max setting it gives, like, 900 PAR on the corals near the top. I run mine at 20ish % strenght (it has individual channel intensity control). A better option would be an Aquaillumination prime, I guess but it would be a huge overkill.
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Always forget how tiny new fishies are.

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Could this dog survive in the wild?

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Welcome to /Plant/. Where we either keep or trade tips on Plants or ogle at them from our screens.

>NZ Endemics.

>Flora of the World

>Plants of the World Online

>Hardiness zones

>Plant ID Sites

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Don't do it nigga, you're supposed to have them in other space separately

I just bought like 300 of them like 2 months ago, they eat everything except garlic, acidic things and meat

They produce gold ass fertilizer, just watch a YouTube tutorial about vermiculture

Once they reproduce you can add some individuals to your pots
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You are correct but holy shit what a horrible, confusing graphic.

>What about broken terra cotta pots?
If the pot is broken the water will just run/seep out through the cracks so even if gravel did provide extra drainage (it doesn't) you wouldn't need it anyway. Right?

>Should I add worms to my balcony flower pots?
Worms are great in garden beds but they're the very worst thing in pots (apart from a lack of drainage holes).
Your pot plants should be in a nice, fresh, free-draining potting mix that allows water to drain and air to enter.
The roots of your plants need air to survive. If they are stuck in water they drown and rot. If they are stuck in compacted soil that air can't get into they suffocate and rot.
Plants don't have lungs and blood to distribute atmospheric oxygen from the above-ground part of the plant to every single cell in the roots. Roots (in most cases) need some access to atmospheric oxygen from air that penetrates the soil.
What worms do is eat and decompose all the organic matter in the pot so that the structure of the potting mix collapses and turns to anaerobic mud. The mud doesn't let air in or water out. It blocks the drainage holes in the pot and the pot begins to fill up like a fishtank. Bit by bit the roots drown/suffocate and die back and the plant becomes visibly weaker. When you try to compensate by watering more you only make things worse.

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your picture is likely incorrect and would fail experimental validation.

t. hydrologist
what's the best ornamental conifer?
OK. Please explain why.
I'm also interested to know why you said "likely incorrect" when you otherwise seem so sure of yourself.
But I'm most interested to know how you think that gravel magically reverses the effect of capillary action.
I use the term "magically" advisedly because any action that defies the laws of physics is by definition supernatural. Spooky, even...

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So what, if you run into one of these things and it decides to attack you, you're just fucked? You die, end of story? How is that fair?
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>They're called mountain teddies for a reason
uh weren't they called horny middleaged woman at some point
A little scratch behind the ear will tame all aggression
they usually aren't going to mess with you unless you get near their cubs
I heard the cougar population is getting out of hand so much that cougars are now starting to pack with each other.
>or at least compete with it athletically
the fuck am I gonna do, challenge it to a game of basketball?

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I think I accidently shined one of those powerful green lasers into my cat's eye and I'm scared that I actually did it and hurt her eyes
please help
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How did you “accidentally” do that
I held it above above her and she jumped up trying to paw at the visible beam and it looked like it hit her eye for a split second before I took my thumb off it and turned it off
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>visible beam
If the beam was actually visible you either had a laser too fucking powerful to play with a cat in the first place but you did anyway because you are a retard or the air was filled with so much drifting particulates that it allowed for a beam to form because you live in filth.

You reap what you sow.
bro just vapes
hey retard
don't play with "powerful" lasers. you will go fucking blind or make somebody else go blind. if the laser is over 5 milliwatts then it causes damage before you can reflexively close your eyes. if it's over 5 milliwatts you need laser goggles and you should not have your cat or any other living thing that doesn't have laser goggles anywhere near you.

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What was the Silurian landscape like?
In the past, it was assumed that it was basically dry and "dead". without a significant number of living organisms that stand out for being multicellular, eukaryotic, and that carry out photosynthesis and bla bla.
Well, today it is said that the environment was more perished with a "proto-forest" (or lawn) with high quantities of plants and even small worms living in the ground
well paleoanons, can you give me some light???
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Scorpions appeared more or less as they are in the Silurian.
Thank you guys!
And about the land? Just a ugly desert?
In your logic, there was not earthworms
There were majestic mountain ranges, highly-eroded smooth rock pillars and boulders, deep canyons and gorges. There were lakes, rivers, waterfalls, and everything in between.
The terrain would be in different places and heights and depths than modern day but the same ingredients would be there.

One thing you would notice is that the soil would be far more sterile, muddy, and grey until things developed further. Early plants and fungi would not be nearly as capable of supporting soil on slopes like they do today, so mudslides and slumps would be drastically more common in the landscape. You would see more deserts, probably anywhere in the shadow of a mountain range that would divert rainclouds.
Heavy rain areas and coastal areas would have moderate plant coverage and these would probably overlook shallow bays with raft-like bacterial mats in peaceful areas, or rocky areas that produce lots of spray and help keep the plants wet.
These plants would follow rivers and streams upstream over time and gradually bring life inland, but it wouldnt be able to protect itself from drying out very effectively for the time being.
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>There were majestic mountain ranges
bigger or smaller than today's mountain ranges?

I hate lions. Overrated motherfuckers don’t deserve their reputation as King of the Beasts or King of the Jungle. They get mogged by so many herbivorous animals and even the lesser carnivores give them tons of shit. END THE LION HYPE.
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prefer lions?
you are a disgrace
yea but does more muscle mass relate to overall strength? If so, good for the lions

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Post camouflaged animals
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How did he get the bug to agree to help him?
God it’s crazy how effective this is. Not even afraid of admitting I didn’t see it the first time I saw this. Weird how more animals don’t have lures
Agreed to split the food with it
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It's like right out of a cartoon

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ITT: Post cool animals.

Casual corydoras edition.

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, logs, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

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Hate that guy. Soiboy, and his stuff looks like shit because he uses consumer grade garbage. Dart frog guys and Chinese vicarious channels have the best Inspi. Yes am dribking
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>Trying to fishless cycle my first aquarium with a bit of food per day.
>Been adding food every day for about a week
>Every time I test it it reads as no ammonia and no nitrite/nitrates

Shouldn't there be some noticeable rise in ammonia by now?

Its a 10g with monte carlo as the only plant. The monte carlo is doing well but idk if its absorbing nutrients as they're created or if I just need to wait longer.
>Shouldn't there be some noticeable rise in ammonia by now?
No, give it more time. Most often the way this goes is you get a bacterial bloom around two or three weeks in, water goes white cloudy, a week after that you see ammonia show in your tests, then some time after that you get nitrite and nitrate. On a fishless cycle brand new filter/tank I always suggest to budget a minimum of 6 weeks before you're getting good consistent results from your tests. You can put in snails around 3 or 4 weeks even if there is ammonia. Please resist the urge to do anything different. Just keep at it, ghost feed the same amount, let it do its thing. And don't freak out about the bactierial bloom if it happens. Don't go putting in water clarifier or doing a water change. Neither are necessary and neither will stop it anyway.
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autistic af
>Its a 10g with monte carlo as the only plant.
What's your light? No CO2, right?
In optimal conditions that plant can assimilate loads of nitrates. You can tell by its explosive growth. If not, it's probably just shit fermenting in your water. You can try dosing bacteria. In my experience, seachem stability is bad but niteout+special bland is bacteria on crack.

>go on a hike
>all trees are the same kind
>no animals
>no insects
>maybe one or two songbirds and one woodpecker
>streams completely empty, no frogs, no fish, no bugs
Why are forests here (NE USA) so empty? I grew up in a thirdy world Asia and there were insects everywhere--beetles, grasshoppers, praying mantises, butterflies, dragonflies--and small animals like frogs, toads, and all kinds of birds. Every stream was filled with fish, amphibians, and sometimes crayfish.
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I've lived upstate my whole life, you're probably seeing shit at its worse since all of our ash trees got obliterated by a funny little beetle.
having lived in pittsburgh, new york and new jersey...pgh and nj have weirdass herbaceous and voracious lifeforms crawling out of every crevice and new york is boring as hell in that regard, it is just cold idk. ive seen hummingbirds in pittsburgh, great horned owls, constantly hear nightjars, turkeys all over the place even causing traffic problems (once i was on a bus that hit a flying turkey), and woodchucks up the wazoo...in the entire ny town i grew up in i found one frog once and a turkey ran through my yard once
>I grew up in a thirdy world Asia
I can tell
beyond parody
I attracted every goldfinch in the northeast to my back yard so you won't see any elsewhere.. apologies

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Blurry animals
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The late great Coppa
pocket monsters

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He must be partly run over, his rear leg is destroyed
I can't find a wildlife rehab that will take him help!
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Guys I have the means but I don't know if I have the constitution
Squrriels eat nuts, just buy mixed nuts op
i think most of these saved animals are put down, you don't hear about the 99% that get killed
You’ll probably give yourself nightmares for a while if that’s the case, it’s really your call if you feel there’s no other way
Feed it to ravens

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