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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

which alice is your alice, anon?
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Am I imagining it or do GG and Andre have similar osts? I know their connection, I just want to make sure I'm not being crazy
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I wish there was more Banderdog appreciation here. Her 2 other friends seem to hog all the attention for some reason.
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for one simple reason...
Let it remain that way, that way you can call out someone for reading a shitty plot summary.
It's not fun nor productive to laugh at idiots too stupid to recognize it, who are on top of that, victims of the idiocy of others.
At least it explained to me what Ankle cut does?

For one, it seems to take headcanons or bullshits for reality, but one of the few I'll name

Shockingly, Mary-Sue's page seems to be perfect.

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>Parliament is about V5 politics, which are impossible to take seriously
>Night Road has the twink
>Book Of Hungry Names makes being an unstoppable killing machine lame
WoD fans are cursed
I can just imagine the tears streaming from your face when you met the black werewolf
>game pretends a black dude is not only spiritual and in control of his rage, but also a scholar.
>humans cringe
>faggots cheer
As for actual CYOA discussion, what are the promising WIPs besides the dueling chinamen and Mind Blind? I want to like the jjk ripoff but hear mixed reviews.
>I want to like the jjk ripoff
It's from the same guy that makes Shinobi's Tale, which is like the definition of the 'illiterate underage ESL slop'.
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It's not late April yet, you still have a few more days to go.

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For those of you who backed it or somehow pirated it, what do you think? I'm about to do the Mine Dungeon from the Beta.
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Moving the text box around is really fucking annoying for actually reading it.
Yeah, it's a kickstarter backer. If I remember correctly, you can talk to the painting and see the backer's actual name.
Lan is so obscenely broken, what the fuck lmao
>Within 30 mins of wandering around after getting the Hasshin mission, I can have Garr, Yusuke, Lam and Hakugin in the party
Sudden powerlevel boost
If you think this was bad you should try the new SaGa. At least they are consistently the worst games ever created.

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>RPG rewards you for clearing it the wrong way
What are more games for this feel?
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>Game "rewards" you with NTR if you beat the game without rescuing your girlfriend first.
I don't know why you retards like watching your girl getting turned into a slut. What cases this sort of mental deficiency?
The reward is being able to change her battle lines and portrait to those of a haughty evil ojou-sama with the character respec mirror.
Unicorn Cucklord does this?
What? It does that?
And I mean, she does look sexier.
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If you fight the final mission before rescuing the main girl who gets kidnapped in the very first arc of the game, you get to see her possessed by an evil ghost of some Zenoiran priestess called Norbelle. You can fight and kill her in the final mission (not save since her soul has completely vacated her body according to the ghost). Also fighting the final boss at this point of the story ensures that you get possessed by him and stuck with the bad end where you and everyone you know become hosts for Zenoiran souls. To actually stand a chance of clearing the game this early into the story you pretty much have to powerlevel in the first region since you can't leave it until you rescue the main girl.

>/vrpg/ says Fallout 4 is bad
>Is actually fun
What gives?
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there's your problem, you played an rpg as if it were a shooter.
not an RPG
>hides thread
>install game
>mod the shit out of it
>enjoy it forever
Bethesda games are god-tier.
But it's a terrible RPG
All Bethshit games past Morrowind are totally puke vomit.
Morrowind/Daggerfall/Arena weren't that good too but at least they had some semblance of an idea and vision.
Oblivion, FO3, Skyrim, FO3 and 76 are all putrid shit.
Bethesda died as a company the moment the disgusting Kike Altman became head.

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what went so wrong?
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Not much. Only thing I didn't like was how much cool shit happens near the end when they could've made the whole game like that, instead of all this meandering that feels like filler.
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Not surprising given how ugly 12 is too.
12 is beautiful also that anon is lying, they don't have the same art director

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What was his fucking problem?
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Go on...
What game?
The most RPG ever made to date, Elder Scrolls 5
The problem is he never had a father growing up. Nazeem's dad was constantly incarcerated for smoking skooma and thievery etc, as a consequence Nazeem has a subpar understanding of manners and ettiquette
Its because if they let the Alikir in, they'll be actively encouraging the Elvish Gestapo to come in and fuck their shit up moreso than they already have

Noones racist to Redguards because Nords and Redguards have historically been allies against Reachmen and Orcs, and because theres bigger fish to fry in terms of people to hate (Imperials and Elves)

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Should Obsidian be trusted with Baldur's Gate 4?
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Why do fat women even care what she looks like? They're just going to gay romance Gale anyway.
don't fatshame jim sterling
If the black hound had been made, I don’t think it should have been called bg3 either. Baldurs gate was wrapped up and finished and they should have started a new series. Didn’t a lot of its ideas get rolled into MotB?
Has Obsidian made any decent games outside of New Vegas (which is just an asset flip game of Fallout 3)
Alpha Protocol. Been all downhill since then.

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Who's hyped for another playthrough?
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This is it?Some shitty creations,most of which have better mod alternatives, a performance mode and a few bug fixes that have already been fixed by the UOP?
Lol, you retards expected bethshit to do something good??
this thread didnt fly too good.
Next Gen update a shit

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Post your work/progress on your soon-to-be RPG masterpiece!
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That was a tough week, time to get back to progress.
Oh yeah thats good attack feedback for all outcomes.
Time to review! Remember when last time I reviewed a game you took it as an attack and blocked me? Let's see if this continues to be spiritual malware.
Ok fair fucks that was fun. The writing is lunacy, but it's a decent game. 2/5
TL;DR review having just played it - Salik mass murders a game studio while abortion jokes play out, except this time his wife tells him he's muscular and has a big dick.

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What went so right with Demon's Souls in 2009?

Without Demon's Souls you wouldn't have Dark Souls, Bloodborne, or Elden Ring.
>What went so wrong with Demon's Souls
it gave birth to the shitty dodging simulator genre
Literally everything. The game is fun, the story is good, the atmosphere is top-notch. It has that mystique which makes every good fantasy story has, mixed with horror and gothic.
>What went so right with Demon's Souls in 2009?
that it was the prequel to dark souls, the game that put fromsoftware in the spotlight
It’s fundamentally quite easy while maintaining an illusion of difficulty, like with most from soft products, so it’s very popular among the pseudo hardcore gamer crowd. Same kind of people who like path of exile or for example a typical mmo “hardcore” player

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Name a better RPG pre-made party member than Kim Kitsuragi.

>Kim at the disco.mkv
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Chud incel
I always hear this game has an amazing story but i never read the reasons why its so amazing?
Its more of an rpg than j"rpgs".
You need to watch breadtube reviews of Disco Elysium.

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The perfect videogame.
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I replayed the steam version of 8 last week with a fan mod that changes major plot points like getting rid of meantions of time kompression and it also flipped the amnesia plot upside down by having characters remembering that they grew up together, this gave a new depth to the story that made a lot more sense due to how the dialogues flew more naturally and were less awkward, and it made squall more of a competent young leader by having him assert his new commander role for SeeD instead of whining like an emo git every step of the way, it was refreshing. Though rinoa is still an annoying bitch, all the rewrites in the world cannot save how forced and unorganic the romance between her and squall is in that game. Quistis should have had a more involved role instead of giving up after disc 1, hell, she should have been ultimecia instead and worked behind the scenes to sabotage SeeD. Or even better, have selphie/rinoa/quistis be a candidate to turn into the evil bad guy at the end of the game depending on character's choice and who they date, I like to believe that this feature was originally in the game but was ultimately scrapped.
>mod-troon plays troonish fanfiction and cries about it
>Or even better, have selphie/rinoa/quistis be a candidate to turn into the evil bad guy at the end of the game depending on character's choice and who they date, I like to believe that this feature was originally in the game but was ultimately scrapped.
This was in one of the original drafts but considered too bleak.
One of the inital concepts was that all sorceress are tainted by power and turn evil. The concept was that whoever Squall dates becomes the Sorceress, and he, their knight, with the story having you believe they were going to be the exception to the rule, only to have it turned around in the final act and reveal that even true love cannot save them from Hynes corruption. Squall has to destroy his love to save everyone he loves.
>Ff8 was interesting in that you could accumulate exp without actually killing anything.
Not quite. You can get *really powerful* without killing anything, but you have to kill regular enemies to get exp and level so you couldn't pacifist lvl 100.
It's a weird game because enemies and bosses scale with (and sometimes more than) you, and junctions are more powerful than leveling, so you're actually the most-powerful at the lowest level with the most magic and summon abilities (which you don't have to kill enemies to get).
The hardest way to play the game would be to constantly grind enemies and level up without doing all the magic / item mod / card stuff.
Enemies scale with the party level, but there's also a variable range.

At lower levels, enemies might be 2 levels above or below the party. But at higher levels there can be a difference of 15 levels or more.

Obviously higher levels reward more exp.

Tonberry King's lv Up & Down abilities wouldn't be viable in a pacifist run. But I've seen people level up Edea to 100 in 45 minutes by maxing enemy levels that way.

Diabolos' Mug ability might be off the table too. I mean, I think it's treated as a boss with No EXP award. And technically you don't "kill" it.
But stealing a missile would be the only way for Quistis to learn Micro Missile if you're not defeating enemies.

A pacifist run would also mean NO AP points to learn GF abilities, outside of bosses.

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What are some of the worst rpgs ever made?
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Fallout 4
Blaze and blades
Pillars of Eternity and its abysmal sequel.
Black Souls.
I'm still pissed I let you retards meme me into wasting my time on it.
I always post Lunar Dragon Song and Arcania: Gothic 4 if nobody else has.

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