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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

I'm autistic and NEET. I'm learning long division rn. Up next is fractions.
I remember using some site called Kon academy to refresh the basics.

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>consciousness is caused by brain activity, there is no afterlife
>diseases are caused by bad air, there are no microscopic organisms
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Soul is just an outdated view of consciousness, God is reality and everything in it, not a magic man, but some physical phenomena which gives rise to everything we know to exist and which everything is directly a part of
brain activity is axiomatically an appearance in consciousness thus not fundamental to consciousness.
How does consciousness produce brains?
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How do I meaningfully wrap my head around the concept of spacetime? Like I kind of get it but I also don't really understand how time and space can be the same thing nor do I really understand time in a scientific way. I feel like it I understood it better I would understand reality better
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I mean it's pretty easy, like how if something was travelling faster than the speed of light and you saw it coming right at you that image of light is actually from something in the past about to crash through you. simple stuff
just to be clear, if you saw it coming at you it would crash through the back of you.
That's assuming it's moving at a constant speed. If it accelerates beyond the speed of light, then you'll still see the image of it when it was slower
I love her. I love lain so much.
Spacetime is a mathematical model representing three dimensions of space and one linear dimension of time, space and time are related because time itself is measured as rate of change, as you shorten/lengthen space the measure of time becomes shorter/longer, because you are changing the rate of information exchange

What are people's opinions on Columbia University and how it became completely free of Jews which is something the redneck hicks who call themselves antisemitic could have done in their southern trump loving colleges but they didn't. Instead a university in Jew York pressured by liberals was the first to clear itself of Jews.
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A univeristy with no jews.
>No gaslighting
>no fake history
>no brainwashing
>no DEI

Only young people focussed on achieving gratness
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her name is renny grinshpan
Turns out you can't say anything *bad* about Israel, atleast not to the extent that actually threatens Israel (directly or indirectly) such as supporting our mortal enemies.
Maybe you should learn to know your place and live your life in peace, instead of seething about things out of your control.
Just look at Gazans, they also had the same habit of spewing vile threats, eventually they developed the delusion that they can violently destroy Israel by invading and killing us, and now 35000 (likely more) of them are dead.
We aren't some genocidal freaks who like to kill them, believe me if that were true, "palestinian people" wouldn't exist in 2024.
This isn't medieval era anymore, modern first world states like Israel can't be destroyed by anyone, let alone a bunch of 70IQ inbreds, it's high time that you guys come to terms with reality.
It's pretty clear understandable that Jews come off as extraordinarily successful to the below average gentiles.
delusional and schizophrenic response
>We aren't some genocidal freaks
Actually this is exactly what you are and 1000's of years of history show this to be true

What's the purpose of taking the supremum of the infimum here in equation A1.5? This is apparently supposed to extend arithmetic to infinite decimals.

(D is the set of finite decimals)
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Alright, we also need to cover
[math]a_n - 10^{-m} \leq \sup \{b_i | i \in \mathbb{N} \}[/math]
but that should be easy.

Then let's go back to A1.5.
We'll need to show that for any integer m there exists an integer k such that
[math]a_i = f([{\bf x}]_{-(k+i)})[/math]
[math]|a_i - a_j| < 10^{-m}[/math] for all [math]i, j \in \mathbb{N} = \{0,1,2,\ldots\}[/math].

Also, continuing to let [math]b_i = \inf_{j \geq i} a_j[/math], we need to show
[math]\sup_j \inf_{i \leq -j} f([{\bf x}]_i) = \sup \{b_i | i \in \mathbb{N} \}[/math].
[math]a_n - 10^{-m} \leq b_i \leq \sup \{b_i | i \in \mathbb{N} \}[/math].

As the function [math]f[/math] is [math]\mathbb{D}[/math]-continuous it is true that for any [math]m[/math] there exists [math]k[/math] such that if the inputs are k-close, the outputs are m-close. For all [math]i, j \in \mathbb{N}[/math] we have [math]|[{\bf x}]_{-(k+i)} - [{\bf x}]_{-(k+j)}| < 10^{-k}[/math] as they are the same number truncated at at most the digit corresponding to [math]10^{-k}[/math] so they can't be further than that apart. So by continuity, for [math]a_i = f([{\bf x}]_{-(k+i)})[/math] we have [math]|a_i - a_j| < 10^{-m}[/math].

Isn't that last statement by definition?

What caused the emergence of human races?
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Well obviously it's dispersion.
Homo Sapiens for eurasians and native americans and I propose H. Australis and H. Niger for the two other species.
where's the insult? It really is a simian, ape-like, jutting-forward jaw... Why do you take it as an insult?
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>i am the savior of the precious, precious africans
>they need me because they're too stupid to fend for themselves
baizuo baizuo baizuo baizuo baizuo baizuo
>if the head is smaller it means the pre-frontal cortex just doesn't exist
That isn't how it works.
And brain volume is not a good indicator of cognitive ability. Surface area is far more important for that.

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>take philosophy of science class
>the high IQ STEMchuds are straight up laughing at what the philosophy teacher says half the time.

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That was mathematical analysis, in which proof is possible.
>confusing the real world for mathematics
Keep digging that hole
You scientism geeks are the ones who insist the entire reality is fundamentally mathematical.
I enrolled for a specialized philosophy class for an mandatory elective. I was only STEM student in that group. I found 3/4 of the material interesting, as it was about modern philosophy (20th century at least), topics explored included foundations of logic and scientific methods (Tarski etc) . I felt too much removed from it and haven’t spoken up during the classes. However we had written assignments week by week. At the end I received an A+ with an e mail from the professor literally praising my works - stating that he was shocked by my ability to express my arguments, especially given that my main subject of study is different. What it implies I think is that humanities are not the best fit for philosophy as it gets more analytical (motivated STEM majors can do better?) OR I was just an outlier.
Higher level philosophy involves a lot of logic use, and guess what is applicable to STEM?

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the 3 limitations are uncertainty, volatility or lack of sane reward or safety for work done or asset acquired, and chaos or competition or understood and known evils and problems

there isn't a good word because the distinctions are pretty complicated between the three still pretty unique tiers of limitations

basically this is why da Jews are actually kind of based and redpilled and not just malicious because whatever for no good reason and christianity is kind of like building towers instead of studying earthquakes and stuff first

generally eastern cultures don't do stuff just because they could and there are like 3 archetypes of the dumb white guys that have no idea wtf they're doing and lots of names for people who filled those roles

basically this is post enlightenment hellenism and it should be taught alongside english grammer in like 6th grade then they let people choose to stop going to school after that

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hmmm so basically the memories series

there's like 3 kinds of people who think they're all that, but they would either climb a tower and fall off of it or they would fight each other just because they're unworthy of the responsibility and power of the stations of their own selves basically

there's like good listeners and studious types or say wise

there's people who are antisocial to keep distance to avoid troubles

there's people who kind of do both, but their issues are just complacency and sometimes really not just crushing your own inner light because it's inevitable anyway

123 and so as far as I know as a person from experience that would be ccj and pct

then it's sort of a rock paper scissors too like if you didn't know that each kind of person had actually seen and understood their "medicines" then they would feel attacked and not corrected like an assault, not a hair cut


kind of hard also to get all of that done without tehnology because the point is also getting people to stop relying on it

but those movies are all very good just that you have to spell out which one is for whom type of person and then get a person to know themselves and each other

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and also on 3 specifically the games of big numbers or just hm trying to ignore gah whatever

I know people only hurt me when it's my own medicine anyway

I just don't trust them to administer it quite
ah what I was going to think or say that the only reasonable way to make all being everywhere civil is if they have minds that grow up just knowing lots of various concepts of ethics or else they feel this incredibly un...... well this dread that just makes them feel the pain of a trillion wars whether they do anything at all or not like that theory of what happens to light yagami after he dies....

and something about crime pays if it actually stops suffering and wars which are just institutional crime? except it was actually people voluntarily hurting themselves through one another?...
Is there a way to keep contact for questions later on?

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what is a hermitian operator
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isaac newton
That's skew-Hermitians
A forklift operator immigrant from the democratic republic of Hermitia.
A Gifted, Like You Should Be and Be Doing
not the same as a self-adjoint operator

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Another beautiful day without using sin, cos or tan.
Math departments in shambles
cook story bro, now give me my big mac and fries to go
>cook story bro
You're the one who should be serving me my big mac and fries to go
>beautiful day
>not using sin cos tan

Don’t you hecking fucking schmucking love trigonometry anon?

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Why is the IQ of college students today so much lower than it was in the past?
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Simple statistics. As more people attend, it brings down the IQ average simply by numbers. Now, any asshole can attend college as long as they have money which is now guaranteed by the government. Back in the day, you could only attend college if you were smart and had money of your own. And you can't be a dumbass to obtain said money unless you're from money.
Ugh huh. yu see dis is dee opprezzun seestem dat is hollin' back deez bryt black sientist stoodentz,
deez seestem is run by whytee peepo. dey stoppin' the black comoonatee frum getttin' a long in lyf fo reelz. Huh ugh.
>The intelligence of African Americans is useful.
Yeah, those strong black backs help jews earn more.
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Safety systems aren't designed against deliberate sabotage by the entire operating staff. So lets assume: a) The staff at a modern nuclear power plant want to create a catastrophe on purpose. b) They have unlimited time, access, and the means to demolish the containment structure.

What's the worst they could realistically do?
Well that's why you use nuclear fusion instead.
You know what happens when you breach the containment? Nothing.
The worst thing the staff could ever do is dismantle the reactor.

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Yes but humans can't do anything about it
Of course it's real. But it is natural. The climate changes throughout the day because the Earth rotates on its axis. The climate changes throughout the solar year as the Earth rotates around the sun. The climate changes throughout the galactic year as the Sun orbits the Milky Way.
>Is Climate Change Real?
yes, but human CO2 emissions play only a smaller role

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Post op trannys are over 10x more like to commit suicide than pre-op trannys


>Although the overall proportion of those experiencing a psychiatric encounter was similar between the vaginoplasty and phalloplasty groups, suicide attempts were more common in the vaginoplasty group (4.4% vs. 1.7%, p=0.033). The rate of a psychiatric encounter occurring after surgery if an episode prior surgery occurred was 33.9% and 26.5% for the vaginoplasty and phalloplasty groups.
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bis du schwul oder
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szizzufrenic :D
What steps do we need to take collectively so that we sociologically ensure trann0rs are successful?
None. It's their problem, not mine.

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