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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

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With recent findings suggesting their I2 haplogroups are from GAC rather than Yamnaya-related migrations, can we consider these a EEF continuation? Tollense battle victims too had I2 from GAC most likely, and their Stepp-WHG-ANF ratios were way out of left field compared to modern populations, indicating a high-WHG GAC holdout in Europe for thousands of years.
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>richest Indo European
Z2103 btw.
Mostly Yamnaya though
They just have Nganassan instead of EEF
not necessarily.
it depends more on the climate and its availability, since we are talking about yamnaya, its main area (Ukrainian steppe) was not formed by taigas or European dark forests, this would not really be useful. Compare with their neighbors to the south, Maykop where they had more elaborate artifacts and pieces, even with their lower availability of resources than Yamnaya. Kurgans, on the other hand, are essentially the same thing as some Mississippi tombs
No they have too much northern European hunter-gatherer pussy. Too much WHG and SHG pussy.
How did Maykop have less resources, Yamnaya lived on literal steppe

Am I the only one that feels like theological debates are similar to people arguing over which Pokemon is the best or if Sonic or Shadow is the better Hedgehog? Like when discussing God as either being personal or impersonal, eternal mover or unmoved mover, can enter into time and space or not, etc. etc. You lose site of the fact that one guys is pulling preconditioned truths and sources from some dead philosopher and the other is pulling it from a book said to be the word of God because the men who wrote claimed it to be so. Like Moses saying about God "I am he" which is then used to proclaim that God is in fact personal - A fucking line in a book written by men thousands of years ago is what is shaping the discourse. Does nobody stop and think "all of this shit is kind of retarded"?
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Why do christcucks on 4chan think that atheists believe everything is a simulation?
atheists doubt reality and honest ones admit this applies to their own existence as well
Why do you think that? And how would that imply that everything is a simulation?
They frequently claim to be skeptics but a lot of them stop short of actually questioning everything (like the methods they use to reach their conclusions) and instead go "we can't know" whenever something slightly challenging comes up.
>how would that imply that everything is a simulation?
Reality not existing means either you are a computer program, brain in a jar somewhere or something to that effect. But lots of them also attribute consciousness to an illusion produced by a bunch of chemicals in the brain so it's actually even worse. They don't exist at all.
You said atheists believe everything is a simulation, now you're backpedaling to atheists believing that we can't conclusively prove everything isn't a simulation. Why are Christians such dishonest creatures?

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>Kaffir "Why do you guys allow slavery? come on then i'm all ears"
>Muslim "First of all define slavery, if you mean transatlantic slavery where everyone is kidnapped based on his race, taken from their homeland, stripped of their name and religion and culture, then no Islam doesn't sanction that, if you mean indentured servitude, captives of war, then sure we can discuss further"
>Kaffir "why do you guys allow child brides? I mean didn't your Prophet marry a young girl?"
>Muslim "What's your definition of child? Are we talking in a context of 7th century society or today's definition of a child?"
>Kaffir "Look at the Qu'ran, kill them wherever you find them? sounds pretty clear-cut to me mate"
>Muslim "and what's the context? is it on the battlefield? we need to know these things before opening our mouth and speaking out of ignorance"
>Kaffir "stoning for adultery, eh? that's barbaric if you ask me"
>Muslim "What's your definition of barbaric? If God says something it's good, right? you told me you're a Christian so if the Bible says stone for adultery and says God said it, is the Bible wrong?"
>Kaffir "What about you guys and your treatment of women? keeping her covered, yeah? oppressing her? this is a cult mate, a male chauvinist cult!"
>Muslim "Ok, so then define oppression, are you using the modern kind of liberal woke definition of oppressed? I can show you your Bible and there are many rulings pertaining to women in there that would be considered oppressive by secular liberal standards, no?"
>Kaffir "Praying separate from women, eh? no mixing of genders? that's right is it?
>Muslim "define right and wrong"

You cannot bring arbitrary examples and verses out of context when it relates to a religion as finely detailed as Islam. You cannot judge Islam as you would judge a political ideology or movement, where views and laws changed over time. Everything in Islam is fixed but knowing correct context and correct application is key.
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I judge islam by its fruits. what now, mohamedan?
>religion says to do X
>people do Y instead because of culture, personal desires, etc
hurr religion bad
>>16544326 (OP)
Tbh, Anything else about Islam aside, Dhimma is absolutely inhuman and I cannot fathom how someone would subject a conquered people to it in good conscience. How can muslims think Dhimma is a good thinng?
This is a serious question.
What is your biggest problem with it? It's not that different with what other empires did when they wanted the conquered people to maintain their own ways without clashing with the ruler
The religious and public supression mostly.
Also, no, it's very different because most other rulers of that type just established tribute and left them alone.
The Dhimmi were opressed much more. And it's clear these measures were meant to coerce people into conversion.
Take some excerpts of the pact of Ummar, for example.
>We shall not build, in our cities or in their neighborhood, new monasteries, Churches, convents, or monks' cells, nor shall we repair, by day or by night, such of them as fall in ruins or are situated in the quarters of the Muslims.

>We shall not manifest our religion publicly nor convert anyone to it.

>We shall show respect toward the Muslims, and we shall rise from our seats when they wish to sit.

>We shall always dress in the same way wherever we may be, and we shall bind the zunar round our waists

Anyone else feel this way?
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>because I/God said so
Notice, idiots, how he didnt say they were wrong. He just chooses to be Satanic and Scientifically debased.

Notice how he focuses on belief, not facts, not reality, but transient emotions, to decide what fundemental realoty is.

In no way does either attempt to be in touch with reality.

The Truth is behind suffering...thats why so few have it.
Will 4chan ever make an anti AI algorithm?
I am the Anti-AI, dunce, Im the one person on planet Earth that sees nothing but limitations in AI.

On multiple levels, ITS A WEAK SYSTEM.

Saudi Arabia gave citizenship tp that AI....that was an omen, boy.....
I saw you on /pol/. I don't remember what country you're from, but you aren't white and that's hilarious

Historically speaking, what made wypipo cuisine bad?
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>Have no idea why the meme is so prevalent.
Because they eat like they're being air raided by Hans. Greg's and the like is untenable. Traditional food there is actually great, very robust and simple and French-inspired on the higher end since Norman times. Even steakhouses come from Anglo heritage. Sunday roasts and Christmas dinner, etc. But that's not what they're famous for and I've been told this is just not how things are done typically there. What do I know?

Nandos is god tier though. Also I don't get the meat pies thing, I do not eat these items in my country. But it's like the same thing served everywhere else with slight variations. Brits get hate but it's little different from empanadas. People act like empanadas are superior to the same fucking thing in Spain and basically the same thing from Britain. It's like a bad inside joke that no one wants to admit how shitty and unfunny it is.
>Whitoids were some of the last people to develop agriculture.
What native plants had the qualities necessary to supplant hunter gatherers should Europeans have domesticated before ?
Europeans were late developing agriculture (compared to the middle east) because they didn't have anything worth growing. Most crops grown in Europe were from the middle East and there were no native plants at all capable of supplying farmers with enough calories to survive such as cereal grains.
Since Europe had no native grains and they were all imported from the middle East diffusing through Europe as well as the difficulty of growing plants native to a subtropical paradise increasing the farther North you go results in the pattern from your map.
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You have the IQ of a baked potato, and the face to match.

I have it on good authority that you live in a van as well.

You spend all day LARPing it up on /his/ of all places, desperately seeking validation.

What a sad life.


Notice the acrostic?

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>you live in a van as well.
When in the US, I drove back and forth across the US, from Baton Rouge to Anchorage.

This pic was taken on the coast of Washington state, I would wake up with a fancy home made latte, eat some oats or something while enjoying the breeze and smell. Spend the next couple hours "being comfy" with a ":3" face.

Unironically, van life was more fulfilling than touring the world.
Foreign cuisine = McDonalds

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Why do Iberians we wuz Trajan, Hadrian, Marcus Aurelius, Seneca etc. when they were Italians colonist who had nothing remotely to do with natives Iberians
It's very cringe honestly
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>Also since they lived in imperial times, their grandmothers could be east med or punic.
Colonies were founded by Roman citizens from Central Italy so the chance of that is astronimically low.
Why were there 25 emperors from the Balkans
Look up "barracks emperors"
Basically you can blame Septimius Severus for everything post-235
They just wanted it more
Do Balkan Slavs just not know that they migrated into the region centuries after these men died?
Retarded LARP map based off of no data related to Constantine

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Say, if I was a sultan, it wasn't forbidden of me to make everyone in the harem to drink lots of water and hold it for a few hours, after which I'd make them to pee on me, right?
Pic not related.

Why was it ok for people to carve naked people for their churches in the Middle Ages but it’s considered “unchristian” for Kanye to film himself fucking his wife
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lmao he's malding, seething and literally dilating
"According to Scholars, in 2017, Europe's population was 77.8% Christian (up from 74.9% 1970)"

>lmao he's malding, seething and literally dilating
Only trannies say that anon.
it's still lower than the middle ages retard, did we kill all the atheists? are you dead? that would explain
ok tranny
It's almost as if they were illiterate retards who didn't get what the New Testament actually said. Hmmmm

I'm so mad at the gatekeeping of eugenics.

What's supposed to be so evil about making sure our children are healthier and prettier?
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>Grad students and people in challenging intellectual fields like STEM and fine arts should get subsidized childcare.
The nature of grad work wouldn't make subsidized childcare offset it.
>Nearly every country on Earth outside of Africa is rapidly heading towards demographic collapse.
Not at all. Being hysterical won't make you right on either point
>evolution has worked
This statement is so wrongly phrased that it belies your lack of understanding about what evolution is.
Women arent entitled to rights, consent or amenities either.
The barrier to entry isnt about reproduction per se, but more about child rearing (successfully that is) and ensuring a (somewhat) comfy life, and it's self enforced/inflicted upon man by man, not outside factors like nature, global/natural disasters etc.
In short, you deflected/moved goalposts.

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I have nothing to say that’s bad about Orthodox Jews and only good things to say. I was invited to my Orthodox friend’s family’s Passover Seder where I was fed and warmly received as a non-Jewish guest by the entire family. They praised me for my endurance in staying up past all the others (it goes late) They said I’m welcome in their house anytime. They gifted me a meaningful kippah on the way out.

Jews are like normal people except hyper-considerate and earnest to go good.
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The whole story is fake and made up by a jew to create jew sympathy.
I’m glad that you think that my interactions with the Jewish (particularly Orthodox) people portray them in a sympathetic light, that is my experience and intention, yes, though I am not Jewish.
Your story is fake and gay.
Your life is fake and gay.
you are trying not to understand the idea of "story made up".

How is it possible for people to believe in communism?
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Because people are NOT rational. Well they believed this because of the catastrophic experience of WWI which destroyed multiple empires. God is dead and we killed Him. It was like a millenarian movement that first emerged in Germany and then erupted in that maelstrom in the Russian Empire. Check this:

It also took off in China which has very different religions. But it's not like this is the first time this has happened in history, it's just that when the end of the world doesn't happen, these movements either recalibrate or die off. It's also interesting that in Russia, Jews, Latvians (former Lutherans) and Poles (former Catholics) were overrepresented but all three nationalities will deny that today. Most converts did eventually come from the Orthodox tradition which had serious consequences for how it was practiced there especially under Stalin, but it makes more sense if you think of it as an attempted Reformation of Russia, a kind of state-building "disciplinary revolution" like what the Calvinists achieved. (That doesn't mean the attempt was Christian btw). I'm also enough of an atheist to view all religious movements as basically man-made and political, no exception here.

As far as Marxism... well, I find dialectics to be an interesting way to look at the development of things, or how one thing might destroy another thing, but it also transforms into something new that carries a little bit of the thing it destroyed within itself. Just look at, I dunno, Biden who defeated Trump but he's raising steel tariffs which is a Trumpian move. Trump was the antithesis of Hillary and Biden is the synthesis. Or two armies are fighting and one army captures equipment from the other and thus absorbs a part of that enemy into itself. Everything is always changing and flipping and turning into their opposites, seems like the same is true for communism. But I think it's best to read Marxist /lit/ as historical documents mainly.
Because people are dumb enough to trust economists.
>I also accused you first
Therefore you have to give proof first, faggot. Glass houses and throwing stones
>If you want to play statistician from your basement, then learn how the data was collected and calculated first.
Lol pathetic lazy commie, I actually have evidence, you have literally nothing
This, it's extremely easy to spot them if you around 5-10 of their phrases since they all use the same language and rethoric. Kinda like spotting redditors.
I can't give proof because I don't know who you are, ESL faggot.
>I actually have evidence
Exactly, so give it. Until then, you are a plebian parasite as evident by your posts which reek of poverty.

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>gets captured in Normandy
>escapes after like 4 tries
>somehow meets with the fucking Red Army
>fights in their side for one month
>returns to the U.S.
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Hitlers economy was unsustainable and he invaded in order to pilage the riches of other countries and push the debts and economic hardships onto others
>You aren't entitled to other people's stuff.
Said stuff was stolen from others long ago, so you also have no moral highground with which to claim that nobody else can expand and take resources in the same way
>remember Case Anton in 1942?
What, the direct response to operation Torch? Dipshit
>Not five years later it wasn't
The cold war is the biggest meme in history. The USSR and USA were never real enemies beyond dick-measuring.
>Germany and Japan declared war on the USA.
Poor widdle usa dindu nuffin dey was just mindin dey own business when dem evil JAPANAZIS attacked for no reason at all!!!
Americans call it "saving" you when they wage genocidal war against you.
Americans are apes masquerading as human beings.
>imperialism for me, not for thee!
That's also true.
Self aggrandizing, arrogant and pointless trite.

Why are so single Dads almost always better than single Moms?
Single dads only become single dads when mother dies since courts never give children to fathers during divorce. And since only children from divorces are mind broken and have complexes in the future, single dads have essentially easier job. Also single mothers ussualy fucked niggers so there's that.
I'm tired of this whole: Men want to be single dads but the court just wont let them bullshit.
I'm sure there's some but the vast majority of women become single mothers because the dad fucking dips and wants nothing to do with being a father.

If a single father is better than a single mother it's because it is UNNATURAL for most men to have a strong paternal instinct to nurture a child, even their own. If a man has a drive to do something, like childcare, he will excel at it. Most men have evolved to be relatively hands off when caring for kids though. A good man that is a good father that doesn't stick his cock in bpd but she's so hot tho will not become a single father unless she dies. End of story.

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Which is more important, phenotype or genetics? Seriously, who is whiter, a castizo like Nick Fuentes, Nordic-looking Mena or an exotic European who scores 99% European as picrelated.
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They all look Iranian.
Explained by this.
Actually even if you have quasi-mongoloid features with blond hair and blue eyes, like half of modern northern europeans, people would consider you white. Pigmentation determines whether you are white or brown by 90%.
This is not med





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