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/vmg/ is a place to discuss all types of mobile games, including both Android and iOS, phones and tablets. Please note that Nintendo and Sony handhelds are considered consoles, and that threads pertaining to those platforms and their gaming titles should be posted elsewhere.

Does this mean discussion of mobile games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vmg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on mobile games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vmg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

Lissandra is here!
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Who the fuck is Jarro
A dashing hero and beloved member of the Sentinels of Light.
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His Demacian persona to try to get closer to Lux and hangout with Lucian
Ezreal larping as a sentinel of light (special demacian military force that deals with monster threats) with a different name
Apparently he actually DID manage to get a real role there
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Is Lillia the worst champ in the game? My Lillia decks get better when I remove her from them. She's just a 3 mana 3/2 really, Sleep isn't that impactful.

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Tick tock, genkeks. Basically a month left until the new open-world gacha will take you out of the conversation.
>Superior combat
>Superior endgame
>Superior multiplayer
>Skip button that respects your time
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She is not boring at all to me so I don't know what to tell you. In fact she seems quite unique to me.
In contrast I find blonde girl incredibly boring and uninspired. Your taste seems pretty damn weird honestly.
Both are incredibly boring and dull. Nothing riske about them at all.
Nah the whole puppeteer theme yinlin has is pretty unique
She may not be a good one, but any girl with twintails, especially blonde, will already be an improvement over almost anything else.

This is not a pick for what's the best, but what's the least bad. Of course the characterization could still easily kill it.
Bootleg Nahida is bad but the yingyang girl wearing AI generated clothing flaps is the bigger disaster, they should have swapped rarities with Sanhua and Danjin

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These threads keep getting deleted for some reason

Upcoming Events:

>Qualily’s Special Quests

>Date and Time (local time)

>From Friday, January 12, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. until Thursday, January 18, 2024, at midnight.

>Descent of the Azure King

>Date and Time (local time)

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especially when it's single biome cancer shit (jyura and legiana) whose spawns get kneecapped during every event
i've been stuck at grade4 jyura weapon, chest, and arms for months and just recent upgraded weapon and chest via tracking, so yeah definitely see what you mean.

hunting with a group helps make your tracking go further because your track hunt counts for the other participants meter.
If you really want to "game the system", if you hunt with someone that has different spawns than you, you can double-hunt field spawns as well. This most easily happens when the campaign isn't finished and someone doesn't have all of the possible spawns unlocked yet. Doesn't usually occur with just rank differences, but I haven't had anyone to test if unlocking 8* monsters makes a difference or not. Doubt it.
I wish there were more maxed skillset builds available. Now I have to wait for more monsters and more armor for even the slight possibility. But then I also have to make sure I have/can make every single elemental armor piece so I can jigsaw them together.
They'll probably release decorations/melding for the one year anniversary, it was in the beta.

Are you still waiting for goblal?
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End of a era. I'm not hopeful.
I come here to ask how easy or difficult it is to obtain picrel. I want her and her large tits within my collection.
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Right now it should be hard. There isn't a single time-limited unit; even Collab units are in the Production pool. But all we can do is weight the direction towards one of the three types.
Kunoichi Enrai got both handed out during some holidays and was farmable in the Rose atop of Lotus event, which isn't going on right now.
If it's consolation, both of her less-plump daughters are farmable midway through the game. Or early on since they have nods permanent events.
Oh wait, her skin is set to be released in a few days. There is a good likelihood a following event would have a farmable node of hers somewhere to captalize on that.
Hell, when Vargr got a skin they just gifted the playerbase with a Vargr instead.
>There is a good likelihood a following event would have a farmable node of hers somewhere to captalize on that
In that case I'll keep this thread open and check in every few days to se what comes of that, thanks.

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How bout that Hypercharge Event, huh?
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He's just a nigga with a rocket launcher
Speaking of it, hey lads just a quick reminder that our 4cc team is playing in the true babby cup starting out for us this Saturday. Dates are here >>1454676 and more information at https://pastebin.com/nr9ujDMN
Thanks for your support.
Not "teaming" per se, but you need to have good judgment and not go all in on someone unless you can guarantee the kill. That person also likely won't attack you without proper opportunity. This leads to you both not attacking each other which may sound like a team but it's more like a natural truce that derives from the impossibility of you two fighting without the winner being left at low health and being vulnerable to nearby kits, edgars etc

Play safe and you should win easily
Fang is garbage. Similarly to Edgar he excels at killing noobs, but he's not doing shit against a team of experienced players even if they didn't draft to counter him.
is BallBusters any good??

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SF6 has just ended, what are your hopes and fears for the next year?
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Out of all the gacha I play it definitely takes noticeably more time daily than any of the others, so I'm torn between wanting to be free and not wanting to lose everything I've worked for in the game
They are kind of shotting themselves in the foot with no collabs, just one new unit per banner and already rerunning UEs

Yet another Kyo is probably the worst pick for a new banner, especially one that looks-wise is just Kyo XV without the bandana

Already rerunning UEs is spitting on the face of whales that now will end with a bunch of useless memories in their box when trying to get the new unit and making F2Ps hold on their rubies and wait for the rerun since it will give them more bang for their buck

Collabs were the only thing to look forward for slightly different events, monthly Tower-Rush dungeon-Aigis-random event to collect stuff got stale like two years ago
The game deffo peaked for me at wwe but some modes have always been shit.

I actually do miss the old want content worked and not this stupid OE or fake co-op bar filling shit.
The nature of current-year endgame content like plugin plant means that you need "at least" a three-star unit to participate, and the UEs and their extensive powercreep make it hard to justify running even EX characters (in my experience anyway; stuff like XV Chris or Poly Rugal, even at a 70-80 level range struggles).
So everything that isn't a UE is functionally useless and UEs themselves are functionally useless if you can't get them to A3. Thus, anyone can't score an A3 UE character is essentially gated out of that content unless they get lucky on the next banner or whale.
What I'm trying to say is that UE and O.P. were, once again, a mistake.
Even maxing the characters isn't fulfilling because they aren't actually good. They just have the number that makes them be able to run the hell dungeon reskin

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Good Morning, CRGietnam! Hope you're up bright and early for a thread full of various Cookie Run Games! You've got questions, we've got answers! Be there or be square!

>Meet Sneedball Cookie - here to crack your most precious items like Handball 17!
>Time Relic Chaos - enjoy your yearly TBD CBT!
>Tough Cookie returns! Are you the strongest?
>Doughnut Ball Technical License - Come on, it's just a little jumping!
>Splashing Festival - Do literally everything for exactly 1k Rainbow Cubes!
>Treasure Mastery - Time Weaver Scissors - Snibbidy Snab!
>New Legendary Treasure - Hourglass of Asternus Tempora - No more, please!
>Meet Marble bread Cookie soon!
>Meet Caramel Choux Cookie and Street Urchin Cookie in the Town Square!
>Visit the Cuckoo Town Square - Tons of events and a gathering place it's practically a 12 hour job!
>Caramel Choux and Street Urchin Town Square Tour to obtain rewards by completing missions in the Town Square!

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Have you ever had the pleasure of kneading flour dough?
Imagine that but with ass and tiddies of a big cookie girl. That's just hot.
Also the active artist that posts here likes cookies with big tits and asses.
Can't believe you missed this little one, guessing it's from the shift to OB's Epic rarity to CRK's Rare. She's rarely present in most non-spooky updates.
>Dark Cacao pretty bad gameplay-wise
Well, it can't be helped how Devsis nerfed him during dark mode 17-30, he's a real piece of work as a boss. Does remind me of the trope of "Strong as an enemy, but average as a team member" kinda fella. He still has his utility, mainly inflicting injury and ignoring (outright destroying) HP shields. Here, have an Onion I found earlier, heh.
>the first SB lewds
The anon below you has quite the comparison between dark cacao and creme brulee. Honestly appreciate the narrative effort in dark cacao, and creme brulee just having an slow burn atmospheric gut wrenching bone bing chilling mystically-enhanced, tactical assault keyboard. Seriously, gotta max out and give the best of toppings and beastcuits to creme brulee, goes well (and goes hard) with mint choco, or cream puff, and snapdragon.
>goes in search of Pitaya to ask for his aid
>almost loses her soul jam in the process and possibly her life in battle
Dark Cacao
>"Hello my friends, I have now secured the aid of the sky elements themselves in the upcoming battle agains Dark Enchantress cookie. All that it took was a 3-minute talk and slashing the sky with my allmighty Grape Jam Choco Blade."
the dude is really strong lore-wise, but gets denied game-wise

Have you ever played a mobile sports game before?
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btw in 8 minutes
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Well lads, it took a while but we managed to reach the proper babbies, see you in 2 weeks when we play again
I played this
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Speaking of that, here is the dates for our spring run, starting next saturday. Hope to see you there
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hey our match is happening next, so in about 45 minutes

Nikke thread.
My daughterfu finally got some love.
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It's pretty self-contained except when it casually tells that the story got no stakes, shocking.
>a part of the main story
>no (You) involvement
I disagree.
>even just SEEING a character is a massive spoiler.
Contain my balls haha
I'm balls deep on the game so I don't care but is definitely a sub par experience for our new friends, the new Marian costume is a must buy as well
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I never cared for Nikke until I saw the ads with Elegg in them. Something about her just.
So are we gonna have a crossover with Stellar Blade?
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Which way white man

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Actual good fun one that could get me hooked for several hours at least, completely focused, for when im travelling in train or waiting at the station.
I tried several gachas (Dokkan, FFBE, Last Cloudia, FFEC mainly) and i find myself just collecting the daily rewards but have no motivation to actually play the game.
I already finished Vampire Survivors on PC
I just don't like Stardew Vallew

I'm on iOS btw and Apple assholes wont let me emulate. I could but i either have to jailbreak my phone or install some shady apps and literally give them my Apple ID, and have to renew every week.

Preferably portrait mode.
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Please respond
Soul Knight Prequel
Ok I figured out how to download the cheats but I got no clue how to identify the version of the game that I'm supposed to use. How do I know if I have american or european version of the game and what "version"? And does it even work with Desmume core?
All of nu-hoyo games are faggot bait with the ocassional cute anime girl to lure in desperate normalfag coomers without any fanservice or good sexy designs. Wait for azur promilia to come out for the real waifufag game.

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new freya sexo skin is out
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>East EU server
Are you sure? people said it's just China,Brazil and Global.
I'm from eastern yurop and most the players are middle eastern and turks
Non humans are based
I thought so cause game is available to us as well kek
So now that they fucked the defence items how do I deal with high penetration heroes?
Dyrroth bros we have been eating good this patch.

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Another year with spider mech daughters!
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(each perma event comes down to ~5 rolls, give or take)
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>Nio replaced Patricia
Bring her back, who else is going to inspect my quality for me?
Another daily update. I've left my alliance and will be able to make my own tomorrow. If there are no objections, I'll name it "wewlad".

Progress on permanent operations is going smoothly. I've found this thingy when I was doing daily annihilation. What can I even do with this? Two gold stats, one of them SPD, but it's 5*, not 6* and the set is not useful. Troublesome.
I've finished my Neptune rolls. Hit 3 pity at 270 rolls total. Not one of them scored a Nep on her banner, leaving me with Rank 3 Purple Heart. I will probably be able to obtain more BonBon XXL's later down the line to cover this - which means Nepgear's gacha is next. This means that I will finally be able to 6-star Neptune with her copies too.

I estimate that I have 50-ish more rolls in Permanent Operations and around 20 in Main Story (before I get walled by other content). I can get another BonBon from the Charge button if I spend around 70 more rolls, so if I go for another 90 rolls of pity, I can get two more Neptune ranks. I think it's out of my reach now, though. After I finish up Nepgear's gacha, I'll think about blasting the rest of my AP/stash on it. If anyone can offer any advice, please do so.

I hope you exited your alliance by now, Pacific bro.
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>Dialogue mentions gear wielding a holy sword
>Her UE is a holy sword

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Temesia edition
(what team setup is good for her?)
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damn, I don't care for either of them... but I hope we get the adoptive dad sometime in the future.
I'm going to send them gay furry porn in the mail.
>skip button
>not anthro
Patiently waiting for one or both of them to be OP so f2p autists reroll on new servers and I climb up on my server

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same, that's why i don't bother rolling unless i'll hit pity.
i've got 90k saved up for bunnys that's all I care about, If i'm lucky i'll get them early enough in rolling that I can save up for swimsuits.
You will spend money on this game so Shadow-sama can spend the rest of his days larping stress-free
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>SS ticket
>it's ???
>see Sherry pop up
>"my fucking god I have 4 Ascensions on this bitch"
>this pops up
My turn on the busted unit, bitches
>do my 10 roll from free tickets right after
What the fuck leave me alone
i got pretty dress alpha

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