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Why does she not have a straight boyfriend?
Do you have a straight boyfriend?
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her head is normal in photos that aren’t lens distorted so still sexo
lol just admit it you are gay
>want to have sex with a woman with huge tits and a fat ass
>this is apparently gay
no it would be gay if I was a woman but I’m a guy
>but I’m a guy
that's what makes it gay
>me having sex with a woman is gay
andrew tate is that you?

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I don't understand why a femboy wouldn't be on estrogen yet still wanna be feminine in the longrun. Why would someone intentionally allow this to happen to them?
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HRT will never fix his hair tho.
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Estrogen won't save you from aging.
age isn't her problem
What if you have a gf? Which one to prioritise? Sucks cus I can pass pretty easy but might not be the case in a few years
it will certainly save you from looking like a 24 year old while being 19 like in op's case lol

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How do chasers feel about their new found representation?
Pic related, the show is called Baby Reindeer.
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Get medicated.
No U dumbshill.

What board are you on? We're all mentally ill here.
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How am I shilling, I just liked a show
I’m actually a tripfag, I dropped trip to make this thread.
The fuck are you talking about? All I said was that he looks old as shit.
Schizo Schizo Schizo Schizo Schizo Schizo Schizo Schizo Schizo Schizo Schizo Schizo Schizo Schizo Schizo Schizo Schizo Schizo Schizo Schizo

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IM SO FUCKING hi gh my mom said i was a pretty girl and i wanna fuck my t rans friends so mfucking much

also picrew thread wahoo
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mandibul on twitter !! madea picrew https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/2338792

my mom is messy a lot i tink
Op is a Transbian twinkhon who started hrt at 19
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this shit tragic fr new padek hop out da whip new v and it automatic but on a real note bro imma pray that you get better or something because ngl u seem like a lost soul bro u seem like u need help cause this shit aint normal cuh real talk im not even mad at you i just feel sorry for u so imma just pray u get better ok? get help please
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I wnated to make one last night this one looked cute OP, but I fell asleep cuz I was so tired



Mtf, maybe girlmoder ftm

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Why do men shamelessly fart in front of their gf? That's kinda gross and disgusting. All my previous bf did it. Are transbian partners like this too?
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I will do everything in my power to never fart in front of anyone. It's one of the great mistakes of the human body
I did this as a man and as a tranny
My GF farts and then fans into my face yet whenever I fart I get slapped its not fair.
?? this is very normal i only shit at my own home
im not getting bloated for a girl. if she loves me she wont care

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asking earnestly and honestly. i have never understood the concept of trans women having periods. no uterus, no period. no fluctuations in hormones (because of consistent dosing), no period. at the very least not a “period” as it has ever been described, TO MY KNOWLEDGE!! i admit possibly being ignorant. i just have never had someone actually be real about it and the “it costs $0 to believe people” seems stupid to me!! am i an evil transphobe for that.
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let them live in their delusion, just like people let us believe we look like women
could be the equivalent of placebo or something? is there any scientific research on it
that has largely been my position for a long time, but i still can’t help the kind of kneejerk reaction i have to it. i guess i keep hoping for a more digestible explanation.
>could be the equivalent of placebo or something? is there any scientific research on it
not sure if any studies were done but im pretty sure the hormones do cause symptoms. i've heard it could be result of improper dosage but cant say for sure. menstration happens when estrogen is low, so i wouldnt be surprised if smth like that happens to them. but im ftm so i havent done any research in this area or have any experience so all of this info is anecdotal
I don't know if this is referring to that exactly but balls sometimes do hurt during hrt (I think that's the cramping it's referring to, but I am not far down in my transition yet to say for sure). It's really fucking nothing compared to real periods though and I don't see why not calling or refusing to call that "periods" is so controversial. Symptoms like bloating, headaches and mood swings are pretty common among cis and trans men on T as well so I don't see why that would be a huge factor to calling it periods.
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these people are ridiculous

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hung trans girls post in here so we can simp for you. 6.5 inches or more and we'll love you forever
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Recreating this pic is sadly almost impossible, your dick has to get really hard even with empty bottles, I've almost done it though and it's really hot (7 inches btw)
>7 inches
Truly just built better
7.5*5.5 but im babbytrans
chottoms are not very basers
you can have my babbies if you want

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your cool artstyle and malebrained choice of motif have shown me a piece of your soul and I have developed a crush on you. please draw a mech or date me if you are in northwest europe
how many hours put in? i've been trying to draw for like a week, but am only on like my 6th hour, and it's hell and i hate it
Lmao. Is this really how people who don't have creativity think of art? Hours put in? I can't imagine
could be longer and wider
1. you can't draw what you want before you have the fundamentals
2. "a month" doesn't communicate density of practice (or even the type of practice), hence the question

there is a difference between a plateauing artist feeling self-conscious about their work, vs. a new artist not being able to draw straight lines, parallel lines, circles, ovals, lines of their choosing at scale, anatomy, perspective... really, what a retarded reply. i typed this on mobile without any fancy fast typing methods, so it especially wasn't worth the effort. so way to troll me in case you claim you were only pretending to be retarded instead of being insecure and dick-measuring against someone literally at the starting line and unable to even walk yet, let alone run

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/lesgen/ is an inclusive general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis or trans, to discuss lesbian relationships and topics.

>QOTT 1: Are you a social drinker? What kind of drunk are you? Favorite alcoholic beverage?
>QOTT 2: How does your personality change around different people?
tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
old thread: >>35517572
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I used to play destiny but then I took a short break, the fomo model they're running meant I never came back. it's a shame, we literally get to kill savathun and stuff apparently.
Tfw no gf to bully me while I'm drunk
fuck i forgot to post about siscon saturday in time
It's okay, it's Siscon Sunday now! And then tomorrow will be Mommy Monday!
top tuesday

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It is their rightfully homeland.
If you disagree then I don’t believe trans-women are real women or trans-men are real men.

I don’t think you want to play this game anon.

Better just mind your own business and shut the fuck up. Jews have survived for thousands of years, you don’t want to fuck with Jews. Trust me baby.



also this is hornytalking but I actually would like to learn from the experienced

I only have ever fucked cis girls and talking the normal daily bedroom business, it turned out
-> lick her until she climax
-> mount her and pound away
-> both be happy

is a very practical and functional way of getting both partners off nicely.

you guessed it by now, my question is:
what would be the propper way doint it with a trans girl with / without SRS, say for the daily being nice to each other?
white women should be banned from dog ownership

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QOTT: How do you cope when life gets shitty without resorting to drugs or alcohol?

Last >>35561557
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Let's not do this.
I wish Jennie was real
why did this go so fucking hard
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I think that the best films leaves the viewer with more questions than before watching it. Sometimes you need to touch grass, talk to people, you know, move forward with life in order to figure out the answer for some of these questions. For me thats the best part of cinema
>I think that the best films leaves the viewer with more questions than before watching it.
>Sometimes you need to touch grass, talk to people, you know, move forward with life in order to figure out the answer for some of these questions
Calm down, dickhead, I go out plenty. Museums, parks, life. I'm not some fucking troglodyte. And yes I take insult at the insinuation.

post your art or crafts, even if it's shit. i sometimes post on /i/.
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omg it's glegle!
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Yes, i'm also the creator of Glegle
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is it possible to live a good and happy life as a tranny
cause im thinking its over
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>that's how they see you now
yes, i know, that is what i said.
>Why make assumptions about what other people are thinking about you?
because i know how ridiculous the notion of being trans seems to people who haven't spent years convincing themselves it's totally rational and that trans women are real women
>Why make assumptions about what other people are thinking about you?
why would i assume that anyone sees me as a woman?
>why would i assume that anyone sees me as a woman?
because trannies believe
woman = good
male = bad
"they assume I am female" = "they assume I am a moral/good person"

>why would I assume anyone sees me as a woman

Because you look like a woman and they judge by appearances and don't really care as much as you do?
what does it mean to be a "stealth" tranny that is clockable, but lives in a conservative area and doesn't face the same issues other trannies do? is it just lookism?
life is suffering
you just suffer differently than others do
harvest the good moments. one in each decade is doabele

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Most trannies who pretend to be autistic are just posers. Just cause you're a little bit neurodiverse doesn't mean you're autistic.
Also it seems trannies kinda glorify autism for some reason. They think it's some kind of superpower or something, a trait that is required to join the cool kids in the town. That's just really insulting to the actual autists who suffer from their debilitating autism. Autism sucks, both for those afflicted it and those who have to interact with the person afflicted with it.
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cos its the correct answer. you do seem autistic i'll give you that
Its 4chan in general desu
High funktioning autists have, on average, a higher IQ, so if you're lukky it is an advantage

I am a diagnosed autist and just kinda sounds like you're partikularly irritating to be around, or that you have a worse kase than others
With some konsious effort and awareness of one's self, some of the issues kan be at least somewhat mitigated, though some kareer paths are kinda a no go
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my friends all call my autistic and make fun of me for it but i don't think i am, just isolated and anxious like >>35563907 said
i am diagnosed adhd though

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